// ==UserScript== // @name GM Api Test // @namespace https://github.com/WhiteSevs/TamperMonkeyScript // @version 2025.2.10 // @author WhiteSevs // @description 用于测试您的油猴脚本管理器对油猴函数的支持程度 // @license GPL-3.0-only // @icon  // @supportURL https://github.com/WhiteSevs/TamperMonkeyScript/issues // @match *://*/* // @require https://update.cn-greasyfork.org/scripts/494167/1413255/CoverUMD.js // @resource ViewerCSS https://fastly.jsdelivr.net/npm/viewerjs@1.11.7/dist/viewer.min.css // @connect * // @grant GM.addElement // @grant GM.addStyle // @grant GM.addValueChangeListener // @grant GM.cookie // @grant GM.deleteValue // @grant GM.deleteValues // @grant GM.download // @grant GM.getResourceText // @grant GM.getResourceUrl // @grant GM.getTab // @grant GM.getTabs // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM.getValues // @grant GM.info // @grant GM.listValues // @grant GM.log // @grant GM.notification // @grant GM.openInTab // @grant GM.registerMenuCommand // @grant GM.removeValueChangeListener // @grant GM.saveTab // @grant GM.setClipboard // @grant GM.setValue // @grant GM.setValues // @grant GM.unregisterMenuCommand // @grant GM.webRequest // @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest // @grant GM_addElement // @grant GM_addStyle // @grant GM_addValueChangeListener // @grant GM_cookie // @grant GM_deleteValue // @grant GM_deleteValues // @grant GM_download // @grant GM_getResourceText // @grant GM_getResourceURL // @grant GM_getTab // @grant GM_getTabs // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_getValues // @grant GM_info // @grant GM_listValues // @grant GM_log // @grant GM_notification // @grant GM_openInTab // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @grant GM_removeValueChangeListener // @grant GM_saveTab // @grant GM_setClipboard // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_setValues // @grant GM_unregisterMenuCommand // @grant GM_webRequest // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant window.close // @grant window.focus // @grant window.onurlchange // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== (function () { 'use strict'; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __typeError = (msg) => { throw TypeError(msg); }; var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value; var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => __defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value); var __accessCheck = (obj, member, msg) => member.has(obj) || __typeError("Cannot " + msg); var __privateGet = (obj, member, getter) => (__accessCheck(obj, member, "read from private field"), getter ? getter.call(obj) : member.get(obj)); var __privateAdd = (obj, member, value) => member.has(obj) ? __typeError("Cannot add the same private member more than once") : member instanceof WeakSet ? member.add(obj) : member.set(obj, value); var __privateSet = (obj, member, value, setter) => (__accessCheck(obj, member, "write to private field"), member.set(obj, value), value); var __privateWrapper = (obj, member, setter, getter) => ({ set _(value) { __privateSet(obj, member, value); }, get _() { return __privateGet(obj, member, getter); } }); var _data, _U2Ghash, _G2Uhash, _defaultDetails, _LOG_DETAILS, _dbName, _storeName, _dbVersion, _slqVersion, _indexedDB, _db, _store, _statusCode, _flag, _delayTime, _callback, _context2, _disable, _console, _logCount, _details, _msgColorDetails, _config, _ctx, _width, _height, _a; var _GM = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM != "undefined" ? GM : void 0)(); var _GM_addElement = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_addElement != "undefined" ? GM_addElement : void 0)(); var _GM_addStyle = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_addStyle != "undefined" ? GM_addStyle : void 0)(); var _GM_addValueChangeListener = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_addValueChangeListener != "undefined" ? GM_addValueChangeListener : void 0)(); var _GM_cookie = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_cookie != "undefined" ? GM_cookie : void 0)(); var _GM_deleteValue = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_deleteValue != "undefined" ? GM_deleteValue : void 0)(); var _GM_deleteValues = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_deleteValues != "undefined" ? GM_deleteValues : void 0)(); var _GM_download = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_download != "undefined" ? GM_download : void 0)(); var _GM_getResourceText = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_getResourceText != "undefined" ? GM_getResourceText : void 0)(); var _GM_getResourceURL = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_getResourceURL != "undefined" ? GM_getResourceURL : void 0)(); var _GM_getTab = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_getTab != "undefined" ? GM_getTab : void 0)(); var _GM_getTabs = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_getTabs != "undefined" ? GM_getTabs : void 0)(); var _GM_getValue = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_getValue != "undefined" ? GM_getValue : void 0)(); var _GM_getValues = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_getValues != "undefined" ? GM_getValues : void 0)(); var _GM_info = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_info != "undefined" ? GM_info : void 0)(); var _GM_listValues = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_listValues != "undefined" ? GM_listValues : void 0)(); var _GM_log = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_log != "undefined" ? GM_log : void 0)(); var _GM_notification = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_notification != "undefined" ? GM_notification : void 0)(); var _GM_openInTab = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_openInTab != "undefined" ? GM_openInTab : void 0)(); var _GM_registerMenuCommand = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_registerMenuCommand != "undefined" ? GM_registerMenuCommand : void 0)(); var _GM_removeValueChangeListener = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_removeValueChangeListener != "undefined" ? GM_removeValueChangeListener : void 0)(); var _GM_saveTab = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_saveTab != "undefined" ? GM_saveTab : void 0)(); var _GM_setClipboard = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_setClipboard != "undefined" ? GM_setClipboard : void 0)(); var _GM_setValue = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_setValue != "undefined" ? GM_setValue : void 0)(); var _GM_setValues = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_setValues != "undefined" ? GM_setValues : void 0)(); var _GM_unregisterMenuCommand = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_unregisterMenuCommand != "undefined" ? GM_unregisterMenuCommand : void 0)(); var _GM_webRequest = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_webRequest != "undefined" ? GM_webRequest : void 0)(); var _GM_xmlhttpRequest = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof GM_xmlhttpRequest != "undefined" ? GM_xmlhttpRequest : void 0)(); var _unsafeWindow = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => typeof unsafeWindow != "undefined" ? unsafeWindow : void 0)(); var _monkeyWindow = /* @__PURE__ */ (() => window)(); function CompatibleProcessing() { try { if (typeof Object.assign !== "function") { Object.assign = function(target) { target = Object(target); if (arguments.length > 1) { let sourceList = [...arguments].splice(1, arguments.length - 1); sourceList.forEach((sourceItem) => { for (var sourceKey in sourceItem) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(sourceItem, sourceKey)) { target[sourceKey] = sourceItem[sourceKey]; } } }); } return target; }; } } catch (error2) { console.warn(error2); } try { if (!("classList" in document.documentElement)) { Object.defineProperty(HTMLElement.prototype, "classList", { get: function() { var self2 = this; function update(fn) { return function(value) { var classes = self2.className.split(/\s+/g), index = classes.indexOf(value); fn(classes, index, value); self2.className = classes.join(" "); }; } return { add: update(function(classes, index, value) { if (!~index) classes.push(value); }), remove: update(function(classes, index) { if (~index) classes.splice(index, 1); }), toggle: update(function(classes, index, value) { if (~index) classes.splice(index, 1); else classes.push(value); }), contains: function(value) { return !!~self2.className.split(/\s+/g).indexOf(value); }, item: function(index) { return self2.className.split(/\s+/g)[index] || null; } }; } }); } } catch (error2) { console.warn(error2); } } const QmsgAnimation = { /** 状态 & 动画 */ $state: { opening: "MessageMoveIn", done: "", closing: "MessageMoveOut" }, $name: { startNameList: [ "animationName", "WebkitAnimationName", "MozAnimationName", "msAnimationName", "OAnimationName" ], endNameList: [ "animationend", "webkitAnimationEnd", "mozAnimationEnd", "MSAnimationEnd", "oanimationend" ] }, /** * 获取元素上的animationName属性 * @param element */ getStyleAnimationNameValue(element) { for (let index = 0; index < this.$name.startNameList.length; index++) { let animationName = this.$name.startNameList[index]; let animationNameValue = element.style[animationName]; if (animationNameValue != null) { return animationNameValue; } } }, /** * 设置元素上的animationName属性 * @param element * @param animationNameValue */ setStyleAnimationName(element, animationNameValue = "") { this.$name.startNameList.forEach((animationName) => { if (animationName in element.style) { element.style[animationName] = animationNameValue; } }); } }; const QmsgConfig = { /** 声明插件名称 */ PLUGIN_NAME: "qmsg", /** 命名空间,用于css和事件 */ NAMESPACE: "qmsg", /** 实例配置的固定的默认值 */ INS_DEFAULT: {}, /** 固定的默认值 */ DEFAULT: { animation: true, autoClose: true, content: "", html: false, isHTML: false, position: "top", showClose: false, maxNums: 5, onClose: null, showIcon: true, showMoreContent: false, showReverse: false, timeout: 2500, type: "info", zIndex: 5e4, style: "", customClass: "", isLimitWidth: false, limitWidthNum: 200, limitWidthWrap: "no-wrap", consoleLogContent: false }, /** * 是否支持动画属性 */ CAN_ANIMATION: Boolean(QmsgAnimation.getStyleAnimationNameValue(document.createElement("div")) != null) }; const QmsgHeaderCloseIcon = ''; const QmsgIcon = { info: '', warning: '', error: '', success: '', loading: '' }; const QmsgInstanceStorage = { QmsgList: [], /** * 移除实例 * @param uuid */ remove(uuid) { for (let index = 0; index < QmsgInstanceStorage.QmsgList.length; index++) { if (QmsgInstanceStorage.QmsgList[index].uuid === uuid) { QmsgInstanceStorage.QmsgList.splice(index, 1); return; } } } }; const QmsgCSS = { css: `@charset "utf-8"; .qmsg.qmsg-wrapper{position:fixed;top:16px;left:0;z-index:50000;display:flex;box-sizing:border-box;margin:0;padding:0;width:100%;color:rgba(0,0,0,.55);list-style:none;font-variant:tabular-nums;font-size:13px;line-height:1;font-feature-settings:"tnum";pointer-events:none;flex-direction:column;} .qmsg.qmsg-data-position-center,.qmsg.qmsg-data-position-left,.qmsg.qmsg-data-position-right{position:fixed;top:50%;left:50%;transform:translate(-50%,-50%);} .qmsg.qmsg-data-position-bottom,.qmsg.qmsg-data-position-bottomleft,.qmsg.qmsg-data-position-bottomright{position:fixed;top:unset;bottom:0;bottom:8px;left:50%;transform:translate(-50%,0);} .qmsg.qmsg-data-position-bottomleft .qmsg-item,.qmsg.qmsg-data-position-left .qmsg-item,.qmsg.qmsg-data-position-topleft .qmsg-item{text-align:left;} .qmsg.qmsg-data-position-bottom .qmsg-item,.qmsg.qmsg-data-position-center .qmsg-item,.qmsg.qmsg-data-position-top .qmsg-item{text-align:center;} .qmsg.qmsg-data-position-bottomright .qmsg-item,.qmsg.qmsg-data-position-right .qmsg-item,.qmsg.qmsg-data-position-topright .qmsg-item{text-align:right;} .qmsg .qmsg-item{position:relative;padding:8px;text-align:center;-webkit-animation-duration:.3s;animation-duration:.3s;} .qmsg .qmsg-item .qmsg-count{position:absolute;top:-4px;left:-4px;display:inline-block;height:16px;min-width:16px;border-radius:2px;background-color:red;color:#fff;text-align:center;font-size:12px;line-height:16px;-webkit-animation-duration:.3s;animation-duration:.3s;} .qmsg .qmsg-item:first-child{margin-top:-8px;} .qmsg .qmsg-content{position:relative;display:inline-block;padding:10px 12px;max-width:80%;min-width:40px;border-radius:4px;background:#fff;box-shadow:0 4px 12px rgba(0,0,0,.15);text-align:center;pointer-events:all;} .qmsg .qmsg-content [class^=qmsg-content-]{display:flex;align-items:center;} .qmsg .qmsg-icon{position:relative;top:1px;display:inline-block;margin-right:8px;color:inherit;vertical-align:-.125em;text-align:center;text-transform:none;font-style:normal;font-size:16px;line-height:0;text-rendering:optimizeLegibility;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale;} .qmsg .qmsg-icon svg{display:inline-block;} .qmsg .qmsg-content .qmsg-show-more-content{display:flex;align-items:center;white-space:unset;overflow:unset;text-overflow:unset;padding-right:unset} .qmsg .qmsg-content-info .qmsg-icon{color:#1890ff;} .qmsg .qmsg-icon-close{margin:0;margin-left:8px;padding:0;outline:0;border:none;background-color:transparent;color:rgba(0,0,0,.45);font-size:12px;cursor:pointer;transition:color .3s;} .qmsg .qmsg-icon-close:hover>svg path{stroke:#555;} .qmsg .qmsg-icon-close.qmsg-show-more-content{position:unset;overflow:unset;padding-left:6px;margin-right:0} .qmsg .animate-turn{animation:MessageTurn 1s linear infinite;-webkit-animation:MessageTurn 1s linear infinite;} @keyframes MessageTurn{ 0%{-webkit-transform:rotate(0);} 25%{-webkit-transform:rotate(90deg);} 50%{-webkit-transform:rotate(180deg);} 75%{-webkit-transform:rotate(270deg);} 100%{-webkit-transform:rotate(360deg);} } @-webkit-keyframes MessageTurn{ 0%{-webkit-transform:rotate(0);} 25%{-webkit-transform:rotate(90deg);} 50%{-webkit-transform:rotate(180deg);} 75%{-webkit-transform:rotate(270deg);} 100%{-webkit-transform:rotate(360deg);} } @-webkit-keyframes MessageMoveOut{ 0%{max-height:150px;opacity:1;} to{max-height:0;opacity:0;} } @keyframes MessageMoveOut{ 0%{max-height:150px;opacity:1;} to{max-height:0;opacity:0;} } @-webkit-keyframes MessageMoveIn{ 0%{opacity:0;transform:translateY(-100%);transform-origin:0 0;} to{opacity:1;transform:translateY(0);transform-origin:0 0;} } @keyframes MessageMoveIn{ 0%{opacity:0;transform:translateY(-100%);transform-origin:0 0;} to{opacity:1;transform:translateY(0);transform-origin:0 0;} } @-webkit-keyframes MessageShake{ 0%,100%{opacity:1;transform:translateX(0);} 25%,75%{opacity:.75;transform:translateX(-4px);} 50%{opacity:.25;transform:translateX(4px);} } @keyframes MessageShake{ 0%,100%{opacity:1;transform:translateX(0);} 25%,75%{opacity:.75;transform:translateX(-4px);} 50%{opacity:.25;transform:translateX(4px);} }`, /** * 获取CSS元素 */ getStyleElement() { let cssResourceNode = document.createElement("style"); cssResourceNode.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); cssResourceNode.setAttribute("data-type", QmsgConfig.PLUGIN_NAME); cssResourceNode.innerHTML = this.css; return cssResourceNode; } }; class QmsgMsg { constructor(option, uuid) { /** * setTimeout的id */ __publicField(this, "timeId"); /** * 启动时间 */ __publicField(this, "startTime"); /** * 关闭时间 */ __publicField(this, "endTime"); /** * Qmsg的配置 */ __publicField(this, "setting"); /** * uuid */ __publicField(this, "uuid"); /** * 当前动画状态 */ __publicField(this, "state"); /** * 当前相同消息的数量 */ __publicField(this, "repeatNum"); /** * 主元素 */ __publicField(this, "$Qmsg"); this.timeId = void 0; this.startTime = Date.now(); this.endTime = null; this.setting = QmsgUtils.toDynamicObject(QmsgConfig.DEFAULT, option, QmsgConfig.INS_DEFAULT); this.uuid = uuid; this.state = "opening"; this.$Qmsg = document.createElement("div"); this.repeatNum = 1; this.detectionType(); this.init(); if (this.setting.consoleLogContent) { console.log(this.setting.content); } } /** * 获取当前配置 * @returns */ getSetting() { return this.setting; } /** * 获取当前相同的数量 * @returns */ getRepeatNum() { return this.repeatNum; } /** * 设置repeatNum值 * @param num 重复的数量 */ setRepeatNum(num) { this.repeatNum = num; } /** * 设置repeatNum自增 */ setRepeatNumIncreasing() { this.repeatNum++; } /** * 初始化元素 */ init() { let QmsgContext = this; if (this.setting.customClass && typeof this.setting.customClass === "string") { this.$Qmsg.classList.add(this.setting.customClass); } let $svg = QmsgIcon[this.setting.type || "info"]; let contentClassName = QmsgUtils.getNameSpacify("content-" + this.setting.type || "info"); if (this.setting.showClose) { contentClassName += " " + QmsgUtils.getNameSpacify("content-with-close"); } let content = this.setting.content || ""; let extraCloseIconClassName = ""; let $closeSvg = QmsgHeaderCloseIcon; if (this.setting.showMoreContent) { contentClassName += "qmsg-show-more-content"; extraCloseIconClassName += "qmsg-show-more-content"; } let $closeIcon = ""; if (this.setting.showClose) { $closeIcon = `${$closeSvg}`; } let $content = document.createElement("span"); let $positionClassName = QmsgUtils.getNameSpacify("data-position", this.setting.position.toLowerCase()); if (this.setting.html || this.setting.isHTML) { $content.innerHTML = content; } else { $content.innerText = content; } if (this.setting.isLimitWidth) { let limitWidthNum = this.setting.limitWidthNum; if (typeof limitWidthNum === "string") { if (QmsgUtils.isNumber(limitWidthNum)) { limitWidthNum = limitWidthNum + "px"; } } else { limitWidthNum = limitWidthNum.toString() + "px"; } $content.style.maxWidth = limitWidthNum; $content.style.width = limitWidthNum; if (this.setting.limitWidthWrap === "no-wrap") { $content.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap"; } else if (this.setting.limitWidthWrap === "ellipsis") { $content.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap"; $content.style.overflow = "hidden"; $content.style.textOverflow = "ellipsis"; } else if (this.setting.limitWidthWrap === "wrap") { $content.style.whiteSpace = ""; } } this.$Qmsg.innerHTML = /*html*/ `
${this.setting.showIcon ? `${$svg}` : ""} ${$content.outerHTML} ${$closeIcon}
`; let $contentContainer = this.$Qmsg.querySelector(".qmsg-content"); this.$Qmsg.classList.add(QmsgUtils.getNameSpacify("item")); this.$Qmsg.setAttribute(QmsgUtils.getNameSpacify("uuid"), this.uuid); let $shadowContainer = document.querySelector(".qmsg-shadow-container"); let $shadowRoot = $shadowContainer == null ? void 0 : $shadowContainer.shadowRoot; if (!$shadowContainer) { $shadowContainer = document.createElement("div"); $shadowContainer.className = "qmsg-shadow-container"; $shadowRoot = $shadowContainer.attachShadow({ mode: "open" }); let __$wrapper__ = document.createElement("div"); __$wrapper__.classList.add(QmsgConfig.NAMESPACE, QmsgUtils.getNameSpacify("wrapper"), QmsgUtils.getNameSpacify("is-initialized")); __$wrapper__.classList.add($positionClassName); $shadowRoot.appendChild(QmsgCSS.getStyleElement()); $shadowRoot.appendChild(__$wrapper__); if (this.setting.style != null) { let __$ownStyle__ = document.createElement("style"); __$ownStyle__.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); __$ownStyle__.setAttribute("data-id", this.uuid); __$ownStyle__.innerHTML = this.setting.style; $contentContainer.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", __$ownStyle__); } document.body.appendChild($shadowContainer); } if ($shadowRoot == null) { throw new TypeError(QmsgConfig.PLUGIN_NAME + " $shadowRoot is null"); } let $wrapper = $shadowRoot.querySelector(`.${QmsgConfig.NAMESPACE}.${$positionClassName}`); if (!$wrapper) { $wrapper = document.createElement("div"); $wrapper.classList.add(QmsgConfig.NAMESPACE, QmsgUtils.getNameSpacify("wrapper"), QmsgUtils.getNameSpacify("is-initialized")); $wrapper.classList.add($positionClassName); $shadowRoot.appendChild($wrapper); } if (this.setting.showReverse) { $wrapper.style.flexDirection = "column-reverse"; } else { $wrapper.style.flexDirection = "column"; } let zIndex = this.setting.zIndex; if (typeof zIndex === "function") { zIndex = zIndex(); } if (!isNaN(zIndex)) { $wrapper.style.zIndex = zIndex.toString(); } $wrapper.appendChild(this.$Qmsg); this.setState(this.$Qmsg, "opening"); if (this.setting.showClose) { let $closeIcon2 = this.$Qmsg.querySelector(".qmsg-icon-close"); if ($closeIcon2) { $closeIcon2.addEventListener("click", function() { QmsgContext.close(); }); } } let animationendEvent = (event) => { let animationNameValue = QmsgAnimation.getStyleAnimationNameValue(QmsgContext.$Qmsg); if (animationNameValue === QmsgAnimation.$state.closing) { QmsgContext.endTime = Date.now(); QmsgContext.destroy(); } QmsgAnimation.setStyleAnimationName(QmsgContext.$Qmsg); }; QmsgAnimation.$name.endNameList.forEach(function(animationendName) { QmsgContext.$Qmsg.addEventListener(animationendName, animationendEvent); }); if (this.setting.autoClose) { this.timeId = QmsgUtils.setTimeout(() => { this.close(); }, this.setting.timeout); let enterEvent = (event) => { this.startTime = null; this.endTime = null; QmsgUtils.clearTimeout(this.timeId); this.timeId = void 0; }; let leaveEvent = (event) => { if (this.timeId != null) { console.warn("timeId is not null,mouseenter may be not first trigger"); return; } this.startTime = Date.now(); this.timeId = QmsgUtils.setTimeout(() => { this.close(); }, this.setting.timeout); }; this.$Qmsg.addEventListener("touchstart", () => { this.$Qmsg.removeEventListener("mouseenter", enterEvent); this.$Qmsg.removeEventListener("mouseout", leaveEvent); }, { capture: true, once: true }); this.$Qmsg.addEventListener("mouseenter", enterEvent); this.$Qmsg.addEventListener("mouseout", leaveEvent); } } /** * 对timeout进行检测并转换 * 当timeout为string时,转换为number * timeout必须在规定范围内 */ detectionType() { if (this.setting.timeout != null && typeof this.setting.timeout === "string") { this.setting.timeout = parseInt(this.setting.timeout); } if (isNaN(this.setting.timeout)) { this.setting.timeout = QmsgConfig.DEFAULT.timeout; } if (!(this.setting.timeout != null && parseInt(this.setting.timeout.toString()) >= 0 && parseInt(this.setting.timeout.toString()) <= Number.MAX_VALUE)) { this.setting.timeout = QmsgConfig.DEFAULT.timeout; } if (typeof this.setting.zIndex === "function") { this.setting.zIndex = this.setting.zIndex(); } if (this.setting.zIndex != null && typeof this.setting.zIndex === "string") { this.setting.zIndex = parseInt(this.setting.zIndex); } if (isNaN(this.setting.zIndex)) { this.setting.zIndex = typeof QmsgConfig.DEFAULT.zIndex === "function" ? QmsgConfig.DEFAULT.zIndex() : QmsgConfig.DEFAULT.zIndex; } } /** * 设置元素动画状态 开启/关闭 * @param QmsgMsg * @param state */ setState(element, state) { if (!state || !QmsgAnimation.$state[state]) return; this.state = state; QmsgAnimation.setStyleAnimationName(element, QmsgAnimation.$state[state]); } /** * 设置消息数量统计 */ setMsgCount() { let QmsgContext = this; let countClassName = QmsgUtils.getNameSpacify("count"); let wrapperClassName = `div.${QmsgUtils.getNameSpacify("data-position", this.setting.position.toLowerCase())} [class^="qmsg-content-"]`; let $content = this.$Qmsg.querySelector(wrapperClassName); if (!$content) { throw new TypeError("$content is null"); } let $count = $content.querySelector("." + countClassName); if (!$count) { $count = document.createElement("span"); $count.classList.add(countClassName); $content.appendChild($count); } $count.innerHTML = this.getRepeatNum().toString(); QmsgAnimation.setStyleAnimationName($count); QmsgAnimation.setStyleAnimationName($count, "MessageShake"); QmsgUtils.clearTimeout(this.timeId); if (this.setting.autoClose) { this.timeId = QmsgUtils.setTimeout(function() { QmsgContext.close(); }, this.setting.timeout); } } /** * 关闭Qmsg(会触发动画) */ close() { this.setState(this.$Qmsg, "closing"); if (QmsgConfig.CAN_ANIMATION) { QmsgInstanceStorage.remove(this.uuid); } else { this.destroy(); } let onCloseCallBack = this.setting.onClose; if (onCloseCallBack && typeof onCloseCallBack === "function") { onCloseCallBack.call(this); } } /** * 销毁Qmsg */ destroy() { this.endTime = Date.now(); this.$Qmsg.remove(); QmsgUtils.clearTimeout(this.timeId); QmsgInstanceStorage.remove(this.uuid); } /** * 设置内容文本 */ setText(text) { let $content = this.$Qmsg.querySelector("div[class^=qmsg-content-] > span"); if ($content) { $content.innerText = text; this.setting.content = text; } else { throw new TypeError("$content is null"); } } /** * 设置内容超文本 */ setHTML(text) { let $content = this.$Qmsg.querySelector("div[class^=qmsg-content-] > span"); if ($content) { $content.innerHTML = text; this.setting.content = text; } else { throw new TypeError("$content is null"); } } } const createCache = (lastNumberWeakMap) => { return (collection, nextNumber) => { lastNumberWeakMap.set(collection, nextNumber); return nextNumber; }; }; const MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER === void 0 ? 9007199254740991 : Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; const TWO_TO_THE_POWER_OF_TWENTY_NINE = 536870912; const TWO_TO_THE_POWER_OF_THIRTY = TWO_TO_THE_POWER_OF_TWENTY_NINE * 2; const createGenerateUniqueNumber = (cache2, lastNumberWeakMap) => { return (collection) => { const lastNumber = lastNumberWeakMap.get(collection); let nextNumber = lastNumber === void 0 ? collection.size : lastNumber < TWO_TO_THE_POWER_OF_THIRTY ? lastNumber + 1 : 0; if (!collection.has(nextNumber)) { return cache2(collection, nextNumber); } if (collection.size < TWO_TO_THE_POWER_OF_TWENTY_NINE) { while (collection.has(nextNumber)) { nextNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * TWO_TO_THE_POWER_OF_THIRTY); } return cache2(collection, nextNumber); } if (collection.size > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) { throw new Error("Congratulations, you created a collection of unique numbers which uses all available integers!"); } while (collection.has(nextNumber)) { nextNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * MAX_SAFE_INTEGER); } return cache2(collection, nextNumber); }; }; const LAST_NUMBER_WEAK_MAP = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); const cache = createCache(LAST_NUMBER_WEAK_MAP); const generateUniqueNumber = createGenerateUniqueNumber(cache, LAST_NUMBER_WEAK_MAP); const isCallNotification = (message) => { return message.method !== void 0 && message.method === "call"; }; const isClearResponse = (message) => { return typeof message.id === "number" && typeof message.result === "boolean"; }; const load = (url) => { const scheduledIntervalFunctions = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([[0, () => { }]]); const scheduledTimeoutFunctions = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([[0, () => { }]]); const unrespondedRequests = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const worker2 = new Worker(url); worker2.addEventListener("message", ({ data }) => { if (isCallNotification(data)) { const { params: { timerId, timerType } } = data; if (timerType === "interval") { const idOrFunc = scheduledIntervalFunctions.get(timerId); if (typeof idOrFunc === void 0) { throw new Error("The timer is in an undefined state."); } if (typeof idOrFunc === "number") { const timerIdAndTimerType = unrespondedRequests.get(idOrFunc); if (timerIdAndTimerType === void 0 || timerIdAndTimerType.timerId !== timerId || timerIdAndTimerType.timerType !== timerType) { throw new Error("The timer is in an undefined state."); } } else if (typeof idOrFunc === "function") { idOrFunc(); } } else if (timerType === "timeout") { const idOrFunc = scheduledTimeoutFunctions.get(timerId); if (typeof idOrFunc === void 0) { throw new Error("The timer is in an undefined state."); } if (typeof idOrFunc === "number") { const timerIdAndTimerType = unrespondedRequests.get(idOrFunc); if (timerIdAndTimerType === void 0 || timerIdAndTimerType.timerId !== timerId || timerIdAndTimerType.timerType !== timerType) { throw new Error("The timer is in an undefined state."); } } else if (typeof idOrFunc === "function") { idOrFunc(); scheduledTimeoutFunctions.delete(timerId); } } } else if (isClearResponse(data)) { const { id } = data; const timerIdAndTimerType = unrespondedRequests.get(id); if (timerIdAndTimerType === void 0) { throw new Error("The timer is in an undefined state."); } const { timerId, timerType } = timerIdAndTimerType; unrespondedRequests.delete(id); if (timerType === "interval") { scheduledIntervalFunctions.delete(timerId); } else { scheduledTimeoutFunctions.delete(timerId); } } else { const { error: { message } } = data; throw new Error(message); } }); const clearInterval2 = (timerId) => { if (typeof scheduledIntervalFunctions.get(timerId) === "function") { const id = generateUniqueNumber(unrespondedRequests); unrespondedRequests.set(id, { timerId, timerType: "interval" }); scheduledIntervalFunctions.set(timerId, id); worker2.postMessage({ id, method: "clear", params: { timerId, timerType: "interval" } }); } }; const clearTimeout2 = (timerId) => { if (typeof scheduledTimeoutFunctions.get(timerId) === "function") { const id = generateUniqueNumber(unrespondedRequests); unrespondedRequests.set(id, { timerId, timerType: "timeout" }); scheduledTimeoutFunctions.set(timerId, id); worker2.postMessage({ id, method: "clear", params: { timerId, timerType: "timeout" } }); } }; const setInterval2 = (func, delay = 0, ...args2) => { const timerId = generateUniqueNumber(scheduledIntervalFunctions); scheduledIntervalFunctions.set(timerId, () => { func(...args2); if (typeof scheduledIntervalFunctions.get(timerId) === "function") { worker2.postMessage({ id: null, method: "set", params: { delay, now: performance.timeOrigin + performance.now(), timerId, timerType: "interval" } }); } }); worker2.postMessage({ id: null, method: "set", params: { delay, now: performance.timeOrigin + performance.now(), timerId, timerType: "interval" } }); return timerId; }; const setTimeout2 = (func, delay = 0, ...args2) => { const timerId = generateUniqueNumber(scheduledTimeoutFunctions); scheduledTimeoutFunctions.set(timerId, () => func(...args2)); worker2.postMessage({ id: null, method: "set", params: { delay, now: performance.timeOrigin + performance.now(), timerId, timerType: "timeout" } }); return timerId; }; return { clearInterval: clearInterval2, clearTimeout: clearTimeout2, setInterval: setInterval2, setTimeout: setTimeout2 }; }; const createLoadOrReturnBroker = (loadBroker, worker2) => { let broker = null; return () => { if (broker !== null) { return broker; } const blob = new Blob([worker2], { type: "application/javascript; charset=utf-8" }); const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); broker = loadBroker(url); setTimeout(() => URL.revokeObjectURL(url)); return broker; }; }; const worker = `(()=>{"use strict";const e=new Map,t=new Map,r=t=>{const r=e.get(t);return void 0!==r&&(clearTimeout(r),e.delete(t),!0)},s=e=>{const r=t.get(e);return void 0!==r&&(clearTimeout(r),t.delete(e),!0)},o=(e,t)=>{const r=performance.now(),s=e+t-r-performance.timeOrigin;return{expected:r+s,remainingDelay:s}},i=(e,t,r,s)=>{const o=r-performance.now();o>0?e.set(t,setTimeout(i,o,e,t,r,s)):(e.delete(t),postMessage({id:null,method:"call",params:{timerId:t,timerType:s}}))};addEventListener("message",(({data:n})=>{try{if("clear"===n.method){const{id:e,params:{timerId:t,timerType:o}}=n;if("interval"===o)postMessage({id:e,result:r(t)});else{if("timeout"!==o)throw new Error('The given type "'.concat(o,'" is not supported'));postMessage({id:e,result:s(t)})}}else{if("set"!==n.method)throw new Error('The given method "'.concat(n.method,'" is not supported'));{const{params:{delay:r,now:s,timerId:a,timerType:m}}=n;if("interval"===m)((t,r,s)=>{const{expected:n,remainingDelay:a}=o(t,s);e.set(r,setTimeout(i,a,e,r,n,"interval"))})(r,a,s);else{if("timeout"!==m)throw new Error('The given type "'.concat(m,'" is not supported'));((e,r,s)=>{const{expected:n,remainingDelay:a}=o(e,s);t.set(r,setTimeout(i,a,t,r,n,"timeout"))})(r,a,s)}}}}catch(e){postMessage({error:{message:e.message},id:n.id,result:null})}}))})();`; const loadOrReturnBroker = createLoadOrReturnBroker(load, worker); const clearInterval$1 = (timerId) => loadOrReturnBroker().clearInterval(timerId); const clearTimeout$1 = (timerId) => loadOrReturnBroker().clearTimeout(timerId); const setInterval$1 = (...args2) => loadOrReturnBroker().setInterval(...args2); const setTimeout$1 = (...args2) => loadOrReturnBroker().setTimeout(...args2); const QmsgUtils = { /** * 生成带插件名的名称 * @param args */ getNameSpacify(...args2) { let result2 = QmsgConfig.NAMESPACE; for (let index = 0; index < args2.length; ++index) { result2 += "-" + args2[index]; } return result2; }, /** * 判断字符是否是数字 * @param text 需要判断的字符串 */ isNumber(text) { let isNumberPattern = /^\d+$/; return isNumberPattern.test(text); }, /** * 获取唯一性的UUID */ getUUID() { return "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, function(value) { let randValue = Math.random() * 16 | 0, newValue = value == "x" ? randValue : randValue & 3 | 8; return newValue.toString(16); }); }, /** * 合并参数为配置信息,用于创建Msg实例 * @param content 文本内容 * @param config 配置 */ mergeArgs(content = "", config) { let opts = {}; if (arguments.length === 0) { return opts; } if (config != null) { opts.content = content; if (typeof config === "object" && config != null) { return Object.assign(opts, config); } } else { if (typeof content === "object" && content != null) { return Object.assign(opts, content); } else { opts.content = content; } } return opts; }, /** * 通过配置信息 来判断是否为同一条消息,并返回消息实例 * @param option 配置项 */ judgeReMsg(option) { option = option || {}; let optionString = JSON.stringify(option); let findQmsgItemInfo = QmsgInstanceStorage.QmsgList.find((item) => { return item.config === optionString; }); let QmsgInstance = findQmsgItemInfo == null ? void 0 : findQmsgItemInfo.instance; if (QmsgInstance == null) { let uuid = QmsgUtils.getUUID(); let QmsgItemInfo = { uuid, config: optionString, instance: new QmsgMsg(option, uuid) }; QmsgInstanceStorage.QmsgList.push(QmsgItemInfo); let QmsgListLength = QmsgInstanceStorage.QmsgList.length; let maxNums = QmsgItemInfo.instance.getSetting().maxNums; if (QmsgListLength > maxNums) { for (let index = 0; index < QmsgListLength - maxNums; index++) { let item = QmsgInstanceStorage.QmsgList[index]; item && item.instance.getSetting().autoClose && item.instance.close(); } } findQmsgItemInfo = QmsgItemInfo; QmsgInstance = QmsgItemInfo.instance; } else { if (!QmsgInstance.getRepeatNum()) { QmsgInstance.setRepeatNum(2); } else { if (QmsgInstance.getRepeatNum() >= 99) ; else { QmsgInstance.setRepeatNumIncreasing(); } } QmsgInstance.setMsgCount(); } if (QmsgInstance) { QmsgInstance.$Qmsg.setAttribute("data-count", QmsgInstance == null ? void 0 : QmsgInstance.getRepeatNum().toString()); } else { throw new TypeError("QmsgInstance is null"); } return QmsgInstance; }, /** * 转换为动态对象 * @param obj 需要配置的对象 * @param other_obj 获取的其它对象 */ toDynamicObject(obj, ...other_objs) { let __obj__ = Object.assign({}, obj); Object.keys(__obj__).forEach((keyName) => { let objValue = __obj__[keyName]; Object.defineProperty(__obj__, keyName, { get() { let findIndex = other_objs.findIndex((other_obj) => { return other_obj.hasOwnProperty.call(other_obj, keyName); }); if (findIndex !== -1) { return other_objs[findIndex][keyName]; } else { return objValue; } }, set(newValue) { objValue = newValue; } }); }); return __obj__; }, /** * 自动使用 Worker 执行 setTimeout */ setTimeout(callback2, timeout) { try { return setTimeout$1(callback2, timeout); } catch (error2) { return globalThis.setTimeout(callback2, timeout); } }, /** * 配合 QmsgUtils.setTimeout 使用 */ clearTimeout(timeId) { try { if (timeId != null) { clearTimeout$1(timeId); } } catch (error2) { } finally { globalThis.clearTimeout(timeId); } }, /** * 自动使用 Worker 执行 setInterval */ setInterval(callback2, timeout) { try { return setInterval$1(callback2, timeout); } catch (error2) { return globalThis.setInterval(callback2, timeout); } }, /** * 配合 QmsgUtils.setInterval 使用 */ clearInterval(timeId) { try { if (timeId != null) { clearInterval$1(timeId); } } catch (error2) { } finally { globalThis.clearInterval(timeId); } } }; CompatibleProcessing(); const QmsgEvent = { visibilitychange: { eventConfig: { /** * 添加visibilitychange事件监听 * 当页面切换时,如果切换前的页面存在Qmsg实例且未关闭,切换后,页面活跃度会降低,导致setTimeout/setInterval失效或丢失事件 * 监听visibilitychange,判断切换回来时,如果当前时间-开始时间大于timeout,则关闭 * 如果设置了动画,使用close,否则使用destroy */ callback() { if (document.visibilityState === "visible") { for (let index = 0; index < QmsgInstanceStorage.QmsgList.length; index++) { let QmsgInstance = QmsgInstanceStorage.QmsgList[index]; if (QmsgInstance.instance.endTime == null && QmsgInstance.instance.startTime != null && Date.now() - QmsgInstance.instance.startTime >= QmsgInstance.instance.getSetting().timeout) { QmsgInstance.instance.close(); } } } }, option: { capture: true } }, addEvent() { if ("visibilityState" in document) { document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", QmsgEvent.visibilitychange.eventConfig.callback, QmsgEvent.visibilitychange.eventConfig.option); } else { console.error("visibilityState not support"); } }, removeEvent() { document.removeEventListener("visibilitychange", QmsgEvent.visibilitychange.eventConfig.callback, QmsgEvent.visibilitychange.eventConfig.option); } } }; class Qmsg { constructor() { /** 数据 */ __publicField(this, "$data"); __publicField(this, "$eventUtils"); this.$data = { version: "2024.12.6", config: QmsgConfig, icon: QmsgIcon, instanceStorage: QmsgInstanceStorage }; this.$eventUtils = QmsgEvent; this.$eventUtils.visibilitychange.addEvent(); } /** * 修改默认配置 * @param option */ config(option) { if (option == null) return; if (typeof option !== "object") return; QmsgConfig.INS_DEFAULT = null; QmsgConfig.INS_DEFAULT = option; } info(content, option) { let params = QmsgUtils.mergeArgs(content, option); params.type = "info"; return QmsgUtils.judgeReMsg.call(this, params); } warning(content, option) { let params = QmsgUtils.mergeArgs(content, option); params.type = "warning"; return QmsgUtils.judgeReMsg.call(this, params); } success(content, option) { let params = QmsgUtils.mergeArgs(content, option); params.type = "success"; return QmsgUtils.judgeReMsg.call(this, params); } error(content, option) { let params = QmsgUtils.mergeArgs(content, option); params.type = "error"; return QmsgUtils.judgeReMsg.call(this, params); } loading(content, config) { let params = QmsgUtils.mergeArgs(content, config); params.type = "loading"; params.autoClose = false; return QmsgUtils.judgeReMsg.call(this, params); } /** * 根据uuid删除Qmsg实例和元素 * @param uuid */ remove(uuid) { QmsgInstanceStorage.remove(uuid); } /** * 关闭当前Qmsg创建的所有的实例 */ closeAll() { for (let index = QmsgInstanceStorage.QmsgList.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) { let item = QmsgInstanceStorage.QmsgList[index]; item && item.instance && item.instance.close(); } } } let qmsg = new Qmsg(); let WindowApi$1 = class WindowApi2 { constructor(option) { /** 默认的配置 */ __publicField(this, "defaultApi", { document, window, globalThis, self, top }); /** 使用的配置 */ __publicField(this, "api"); if (option) { if (option.globalThis == null) { option.globalThis = option.window; } if (option.self == null) { option.self = option.window; } } if (!option) { option = Object.assign({}, this.defaultApi); } this.api = Object.assign({}, option); } get document() { return this.api.document; } get window() { return this.api.window; } get globalThis() { return this.api.globalThis; } get self() { return this.api.self; } get top() { return this.api.top; } }; const DOMUtilsCommonUtils = { windowApi: new WindowApi$1({ document, window, top }), /** * 判断元素是否已显示或已连接 * @param element */ isShow(element) { return Boolean(element.getClientRects().length); }, /** * 用于显示元素并获取它的高度宽度等其它属性 * @param element */ showElement(element) { let dupNode = element.cloneNode(true); dupNode.setAttribute("style", "visibility: hidden !important;display:block !important;"); this.windowApi.document.documentElement.appendChild(dupNode); return { /** * 恢复修改的style */ recovery() { dupNode.remove(); } }; }, /** * 获取元素上的Float格式的属性px * @param element * @param styleName style名 */ getStyleValue(element, styleName) { let view = null; let styles = null; if (element instanceof CSSStyleDeclaration) { styles = element; } else { view = element.ownerDocument.defaultView; if (!view || !view.opener) { view = window; } styles = view.getComputedStyle(element); } let value = parseFloat(styles[styleName]); if (isNaN(value)) { return 0; } else { return value; } }, /** * 判断是否是window,例如window、self、globalThis * @param target */ isWin(target) { var _a2; if (typeof target !== "object") { return false; } if (target instanceof Node) { return false; } if (target === globalThis) { return true; } if (target === window) { return true; } if (target === self) { return true; } if (target === globalThis) { return true; } if (target === window) { return true; } if (target === self) { return true; } if (typeof unsafeWindow !== "undefined" && target === unsafeWindow) { return true; } if (((_a2 = target == null ? void 0 : target.Math) == null ? void 0 : _a2.toString()) !== "[object Math]") { return false; } return true; }, /** * 删除对象上的属性 * @param target * @param propName */ delete(target, propName) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && Reflect.deleteProperty) { Reflect.deleteProperty(target, propName); } else { delete target[propName]; } } }; const DOMUtilsData = { /** .on添加在元素存储的事件 */ SymbolEvents: Symbol("events_" + ((1 + Math.random()) * 65536 | 0).toString(16).substring(1)) }; const OriginPrototype$1 = { Object: { defineProperty: Object.defineProperty } }; class DOMUtilsEvent { constructor(windowApiOption) { __publicField(this, "windowApi"); this.windowApi = new WindowApi$1(windowApiOption); } on(element, eventType, selector, callback2, option) { function getOption(args3, startIndex, option2) { let currentParam = args3[startIndex]; if (typeof currentParam === "boolean") { option2.capture = currentParam; if (typeof args3[startIndex + 1] === "boolean") { option2.once = args3[startIndex + 1]; } if (typeof args3[startIndex + 2] === "boolean") { option2.passive = args3[startIndex + 2]; } } else if (typeof currentParam === "object" && ("capture" in currentParam || "once" in currentParam || "passive" in currentParam || "isComposedPath" in currentParam)) { option2.capture = currentParam.capture; option2.once = currentParam.once; option2.passive = currentParam.passive; option2.isComposedPath = currentParam.isComposedPath; } return option2; } let DOMUtilsContext = this; let args2 = arguments; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } let elementList = []; if (element instanceof NodeList || Array.isArray(element)) { element = element; elementList = [...element]; } else { elementList.push(element); } let eventTypeList = []; if (Array.isArray(eventType)) { eventTypeList = eventTypeList.concat(eventType); } else if (typeof eventType === "string") { eventTypeList = eventTypeList.concat(eventType.split(" ")); } let selectorList = []; if (Array.isArray(selector)) { selectorList = selectorList.concat(selector); } else if (typeof selector === "string") { selectorList.push(selector); } let listenerCallBack = callback2; let listenerOption = { capture: false, once: false, passive: false, isComposedPath: false }; if (typeof selector === "function") { listenerCallBack = selector; listenerOption = getOption(args2, 3, listenerOption); } else { listenerOption = getOption(args2, 4, listenerOption); } function checkOptionOnceToRemoveEventListener() { if (listenerOption.once) { DOMUtilsContext.off(element, eventType, selector, callback2, option); } } elementList.forEach((elementItem) => { function domUtilsEventCallBack(event) { if (selectorList.length) { let eventTarget = listenerOption.isComposedPath ? event.composedPath()[0] : event.target; let totalParent = DOMUtilsCommonUtils.isWin(elementItem) ? DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.document.documentElement : elementItem; let findValue = selectorList.find((selectorItem) => { if (eventTarget.matches(selectorItem)) { return true; } let $closestMatches = eventTarget.closest(selectorItem); if ($closestMatches && totalParent.contains($closestMatches)) { eventTarget = $closestMatches; return true; } return false; }); if (findValue) { try { OriginPrototype$1.Object.defineProperty(event, "target", { get() { return eventTarget; } }); } catch (error2) { } listenerCallBack.call(eventTarget, event, eventTarget); checkOptionOnceToRemoveEventListener(); } } else { listenerCallBack.call(elementItem, event); checkOptionOnceToRemoveEventListener(); } } eventTypeList.forEach((eventName) => { elementItem.addEventListener(eventName, domUtilsEventCallBack, listenerOption); let elementEvents = elementItem[DOMUtilsData.SymbolEvents] || {}; elementEvents[eventName] = elementEvents[eventName] || []; elementEvents[eventName].push({ selector: selectorList, option: listenerOption, callback: domUtilsEventCallBack, originCallBack: listenerCallBack }); elementItem[DOMUtilsData.SymbolEvents] = elementEvents; }); }); } off(element, eventType, selector, callback2, option, filter) { function getOption(args1, startIndex, option2) { let currentParam = args1[startIndex]; if (typeof currentParam === "boolean") { option2.capture = currentParam; } else if (typeof currentParam === "object" && "capture" in currentParam) { option2.capture = currentParam.capture; } return option2; } let DOMUtilsContext = this; let args2 = arguments; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } let elementList = []; if (element instanceof NodeList || Array.isArray(element)) { element = element; elementList = [...element]; } else { elementList.push(element); } let eventTypeList = []; if (Array.isArray(eventType)) { eventTypeList = eventTypeList.concat(eventType); } else if (typeof eventType === "string") { eventTypeList = eventTypeList.concat(eventType.split(" ")); } let selectorList = []; if (Array.isArray(selector)) { selectorList = selectorList.concat(selector); } else if (typeof selector === "string") { selectorList.push(selector); } let listenerCallBack = callback2; let listenerOption = { capture: false }; if (typeof selector === "function") { listenerCallBack = selector; listenerOption = getOption(args2, 3, listenerOption); } else { listenerOption = getOption(args2, 4, listenerOption); } let isRemoveAll = false; if (args2.length === 2) { isRemoveAll = true; } else if (args2.length === 3 && typeof args2[2] === "string" || Array.isArray(args2[2])) { isRemoveAll = true; } elementList.forEach((elementItem) => { let elementEvents = elementItem[DOMUtilsData.SymbolEvents] || {}; eventTypeList.forEach((eventName) => { let handlers = elementEvents[eventName] || []; if (typeof filter === "function") { handlers = handlers.filter(filter); } for (let index = 0; index < handlers.length; index++) { let handler = handlers[index]; let flag = true; if (flag && listenerCallBack && handler.originCallBack !== listenerCallBack) { flag = false; } if (flag && selectorList.length && Array.isArray(handler.selector)) { if (JSON.stringify(handler.selector) !== JSON.stringify(selectorList)) { flag = false; } } if (flag && listenerOption.capture !== handler.option.capture) { flag = false; } if (flag || isRemoveAll) { elementItem.removeEventListener(eventName, handler.callback, handler.option); handlers.splice(index--, 1); } } if (handlers.length === 0) { DOMUtilsCommonUtils.delete(elementEvents, eventType); } }); elementItem[DOMUtilsData.SymbolEvents] = elementEvents; }); } /** * 取消绑定所有的事件 * @param element 需要取消绑定的元素|元素数组 * @param eventType (可选)需要取消监听的事件 */ offAll(element, eventType) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } let elementList = []; if (element instanceof NodeList || Array.isArray(element)) { elementList = [...element]; } else { elementList.push(element); } let eventTypeList = []; if (Array.isArray(eventType)) { eventTypeList = eventTypeList.concat(eventType); } else if (typeof eventType === "string") { eventTypeList = eventTypeList.concat(eventType.split(" ")); } elementList.forEach((elementItem) => { Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(elementItem).forEach((symbolEvents) => { if (!symbolEvents.toString().startsWith("Symbol(events_")) { return; } let elementEvents = elementItem[symbolEvents] || {}; let iterEventNameList = eventTypeList.length ? eventTypeList : Object.keys(elementEvents); iterEventNameList.forEach((eventName) => { let handlers = elementEvents[eventName]; if (!handlers) { return; } for (const handler of handlers) { elementItem.removeEventListener(eventName, handler.callback, { capture: handler["option"]["capture"] }); } DOMUtilsCommonUtils.delete(elementItem[symbolEvents], eventName); }); }); }); } /** * 等待文档加载完成后执行指定的函数 * @param callback 需要执行的函数 * @example * DOMUtils.ready(function(){ * console.log("文档加载完毕") * }) */ ready(callback2) { if (typeof callback2 !== "function") { return; } let DOMUtilsContext = this; function checkDOMReadyState() { try { if (DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.document.readyState === "complete" || DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.document.readyState !== "loading" && !DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.document.documentElement.doScroll) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (error2) { return false; } } function completed() { removeDomReadyListener(); callback2(); } let targetList = [ { target: DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.document, eventType: "DOMContentLoaded", callback: completed }, { target: DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.window, eventType: "load", callback: completed } ]; function addDomReadyListener() { for (let index = 0; index < targetList.length; index++) { let item = targetList[index]; item.target.addEventListener(item.eventType, item.callback); } } function removeDomReadyListener() { for (let index = 0; index < targetList.length; index++) { let item = targetList[index]; item.target.removeEventListener(item.eventType, item.callback); } } if (checkDOMReadyState()) { setTimeout(callback2); } else { addDomReadyListener(); } } /** * 主动触发事件 * @param element 需要触发的元素|元素数组|window * @param eventType 需要触发的事件 * @param details 赋予触发的Event的额外属性,如果是Event类型,那么将自动代替默认new的Event对象 * @param useDispatchToTriggerEvent 是否使用dispatchEvent来触发事件,默认true * @example * // 触发元素a.xx的click事件 * DOMUtils.trigger(document.querySelector("a.xx"),"click") * DOMUtils.trigger("a.xx","click") * // 触发元素a.xx的click、tap、hover事件 * DOMUtils.trigger(document.querySelector("a.xx"),"click tap hover") * DOMUtils.trigger("a.xx",["click","tap","hover"]) */ trigger(element, eventType, details, useDispatchToTriggerEvent = true) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } let elementList = []; if (element instanceof NodeList || Array.isArray(element)) { element = element; elementList = [...element]; } else { elementList = [element]; } let eventTypeList = []; if (Array.isArray(eventType)) { eventTypeList = eventType; } else if (typeof eventType === "string") { eventTypeList = eventType.split(" "); } elementList.forEach((elementItem) => { let events = elementItem[DOMUtilsData.SymbolEvents] || {}; eventTypeList.forEach((_eventType_) => { let event = null; if (details && details instanceof Event) { event = details; } else { event = new Event(_eventType_); if (details) { Object.keys(details).forEach((keyName) => { event[keyName] = details[keyName]; }); } } if (useDispatchToTriggerEvent == false && _eventType_ in events) { events[_eventType_].forEach((eventsItem) => { eventsItem.callback(event); }); } else { elementItem.dispatchEvent(event); } }); }); } /** * 绑定或触发元素的click事件 * @param element 目标元素 * @param handler (可选)事件处理函数 * @param details (可选)赋予触发的Event的额外属性 * @param useDispatchToTriggerEvent (可选)是否使用dispatchEvent来触发事件,默认true * @example * // 触发元素a.xx的click事件 * DOMUtils.click(document.querySelector("a.xx")) * DOMUtils.click("a.xx") * DOMUtils.click("a.xx",function(){ * console.log("触发click事件成功") * }) * */ click(element, handler, details, useDispatchToTriggerEvent) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (isNodeList(element)) { element.forEach(($ele) => { DOMUtilsContext.click($ele, handler, details, useDispatchToTriggerEvent); }); return; } if (handler == null) { DOMUtilsContext.trigger(element, "click", details, useDispatchToTriggerEvent); } else { DOMUtilsContext.on(element, "click", null, handler); } } /** * 绑定或触发元素的blur事件 * @param element 目标元素 * @param handler (可选)事件处理函数 * @param details (可选)赋予触发的Event的额外属性 * @param useDispatchToTriggerEvent (可选)是否使用dispatchEvent来触发事件,默认true * @example * // 触发元素a.xx的blur事件 * DOMUtils.blur(document.querySelector("a.xx")) * DOMUtils.blur("a.xx") * DOMUtils.blur("a.xx",function(){ * console.log("触发blur事件成功") * }) * */ blur(element, handler, details, useDispatchToTriggerEvent) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (isNodeList(element)) { element.forEach(($ele) => { DOMUtilsContext.focus($ele, handler, details, useDispatchToTriggerEvent); }); return; } if (handler === null) { DOMUtilsContext.trigger(element, "blur", details, useDispatchToTriggerEvent); } else { DOMUtilsContext.on(element, "blur", null, handler); } } /** * 绑定或触发元素的focus事件 * @param element 目标元素 * @param handler (可选)事件处理函数 * @param details (可选)赋予触发的Event的额外属性 * @param useDispatchToTriggerEvent (可选)是否使用dispatchEvent来触发事件,默认true * @example * // 触发元素a.xx的focus事件 * DOMUtils.focus(document.querySelector("a.xx")) * DOMUtils.focus("a.xx") * DOMUtils.focus("a.xx",function(){ * console.log("触发focus事件成功") * }) * */ focus(element, handler, details, useDispatchToTriggerEvent) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (isNodeList(element)) { element.forEach(($ele) => { DOMUtilsContext.focus($ele, handler, details, useDispatchToTriggerEvent); }); return; } if (handler == null) { DOMUtilsContext.trigger(element, "focus", details, useDispatchToTriggerEvent); } else { DOMUtilsContext.on(element, "focus", null, handler); } } /** * 当鼠标移入或移出元素时触发事件 * @param element 当前元素 * @param handler 事件处理函数 * @param option 配置 * @example * // 监听a.xx元素的移入或移出 * DOMUtils.hover(document.querySelector("a.xx"),()=>{ * console.log("移入/移除"); * }) * DOMUtils.hover("a.xx",()=>{ * console.log("移入/移除"); * }) */ hover(element, handler, option) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (isNodeList(element)) { element.forEach(($ele) => { DOMUtilsContext.hover($ele, handler, option); }); return; } DOMUtilsContext.on(element, "mouseenter", null, handler, option); DOMUtilsContext.on(element, "mouseleave", null, handler, option); } /** * 当按键松开时触发事件 * keydown - > keypress - > keyup * @param element 当前元素 * @param handler 事件处理函数 * @param option 配置 * @example * // 监听a.xx元素的按键松开 * DOMUtils.keyup(document.querySelector("a.xx"),()=>{ * console.log("按键松开"); * }) * DOMUtils.keyup("a.xx",()=>{ * console.log("按键松开"); * }) */ keyup(element, handler, option) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (element == null) { return; } if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (isNodeList(element)) { element.forEach(($ele) => { DOMUtilsContext.keyup($ele, handler, option); }); return; } DOMUtilsContext.on(element, "keyup", null, handler, option); } /** * 当按键按下时触发事件 * keydown - > keypress - > keyup * @param element 目标 * @param handler 事件处理函数 * @param option 配置 * @example * // 监听a.xx元素的按键按下 * DOMUtils.keydown(document.querySelector("a.xx"),()=>{ * console.log("按键按下"); * }) * DOMUtils.keydown("a.xx",()=>{ * console.log("按键按下"); * }) */ keydown(element, handler, option) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (element == null) { return; } if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (isNodeList(element)) { element.forEach(($ele) => { DOMUtilsContext.keydown($ele, handler, option); }); return; } DOMUtilsContext.on(element, "keydown", null, handler, option); } /** * 当按键按下时触发事件 * keydown - > keypress - > keyup * @param element 目标 * @param handler 事件处理函数 * @param option 配置 * @example * // 监听a.xx元素的按键按下 * DOMUtils.keypress(document.querySelector("a.xx"),()=>{ * console.log("按键按下"); * }) * DOMUtils.keypress("a.xx",()=>{ * console.log("按键按下"); * }) */ keypress(element, handler, option) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (element == null) { return; } if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (isNodeList(element)) { element.forEach(($ele) => { DOMUtilsContext.keypress($ele, handler, option); }); return; } DOMUtilsContext.on(element, "keypress", null, handler, option); } /** * 监听某个元素键盘按键事件或window全局按键事件 * 按下有值的键时触发,按下Ctrl\Alt\Shift\Meta是无值键。按下先触发keydown事件,再触发keypress事件。 * @param element 需要监听的对象,可以是全局Window或者某个元素 * @param eventName 事件名,默认keypress * @param callback 自己定义的回调事件,参数1为当前的key,参数2为组合按键,数组类型,包含ctrl、shift、alt和meta(win键或mac的cmd键) * @param options 监听事件的配置 * @example Utils.listenKeyboard(window,(keyName,keyValue,otherKey,event)=>{ if(keyName === "Enter"){ console.log("回车按键的值是:"+keyValue) } if(otherKey.indexOf("ctrl") && keyName === "Enter" ){ console.log("Ctrl和回车键"); } }) * @example 字母和数字键的键码值(keyCode) 按键 键码 按键 键码 按键 键码 按键 键码 A 65 J 74 S 83 1 49 B 66 K 75 T 84 2 50 C 67 L 76 U 85 3 51 D 68 M 77 V 86 4 52 E 69 N 78 W 87 5 53 F 70 O 79 X 88 6 54 G 71 P 80 Y 89 7 55 H 72 Q 81 Z 90 8 56 I 73 R 82 0 48 9 57 数字键盘上的键的键码值(keyCode) 功能键键码值(keyCode) 按键 键码 按键 键码 按键 键码 按键 键码 0 96 8 104 F1 112 F7 118 1 97 9 105 F2 113 F8 119 2 98 * 106 F3 114 F9 120 3 99 + 107 F4 115 F10 121 4 100 Enter 108 F5 116 F11 122 5 101 - 109 F6 117 F12 123 6 102 . 110 7 103 / 111 控制键键码值(keyCode) 按键 键码 按键 键码 按键 键码 按键 键码 BackSpace 8 Esc 27 → 39 -_ 189 Tab 9 Spacebar 32 ↓ 40 .> 190 Clear 12 Page Up 33 Insert 45 /? 191 Enter 13 Page Down 34 Delete 46 `~ 192 Shift 16 End 35 Num Lock 144 [{ 219 Control 17 Home 36 ;: 186 \| 220 Alt 18 ← 37 =+ 187 ]} 221 Cape Lock 20 ↑ 38 ,< 188 '" 222 多媒体键码值(keyCode) 按键 键码 音量加 175 音量减 174 停止 179 静音 173 浏览器 172 邮件 180 搜索 170 收藏 171 **/ listenKeyboard(element, eventName = "keypress", callback2, options) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } let keyboardEventCallBack = function(event) { let keyName = event.key || event.code; let keyValue = event.charCode || event.keyCode || event.which; let otherCodeList = []; if (event.ctrlKey) { otherCodeList.push("ctrl"); } if (event.altKey) { otherCodeList.push("alt"); } if (event.metaKey) { otherCodeList.push("meta"); } if (event.shiftKey) { otherCodeList.push("shift"); } if (typeof callback2 === "function") { callback2(keyName, keyValue, otherCodeList, event); } }; DOMUtilsContext.on(element, eventName, keyboardEventCallBack, options); return { removeListen: () => { DOMUtilsContext.off(element, eventName, keyboardEventCallBack, options); } }; } selector(selector) { return this.selectorAll(selector)[0]; } selectorAll(selector) { const context2 = this; selector = selector.trim(); if (selector.match(/[^\s]{1}:empty$/gi)) { selector = selector.replace(/:empty$/gi, ""); return Array.from(context2.windowApi.document.querySelectorAll(selector)).filter(($ele) => { var _a2; return ((_a2 = $ele == null ? void 0 : $ele.innerHTML) == null ? void 0 : _a2.trim()) === ""; }); } else if (selector.match(/[^\s]{1}:contains\("(.*)"\)$/i) || selector.match(/[^\s]{1}:contains\('(.*)'\)$/i)) { let textMatch = selector.match(/:contains\(("|')(.*)("|')\)$/i); let text = textMatch[2]; selector = selector.replace(/:contains\(("|')(.*)("|')\)$/gi, ""); return Array.from(context2.windowApi.document.querySelectorAll(selector)).filter(($ele) => { var _a2; return (_a2 = ($ele == null ? void 0 : $ele.textContent) || ($ele == null ? void 0 : $ele.innerText)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.includes(text); }); } else if (selector.match(/[^\s]{1}:regexp\("(.*)"\)$/i) || selector.match(/[^\s]{1}:regexp\('(.*)'\)$/i)) { let textMatch = selector.match(/:regexp\(("|')(.*)("|')\)$/i); let pattern = textMatch[2]; let flagMatch = pattern.match(/("|'),[\s]*("|')([igm]{0,3})$/i); let flags = ""; if (flagMatch) { pattern = pattern.replace(/("|'),[\s]*("|')([igm]{0,3})$/gi, ""); flags = flagMatch[3]; } let regexp = new RegExp(pattern, flags); selector = selector.replace(/:regexp\(("|')(.*)("|')\)$/gi, ""); return Array.from(context2.windowApi.document.querySelectorAll(selector)).filter(($ele) => { var _a2; return Boolean((_a2 = ($ele == null ? void 0 : $ele.textContent) || ($ele == null ? void 0 : $ele.innerText)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.match(regexp)); }); } else { return Array.from(context2.windowApi.document.querySelectorAll(selector)); } } } const isNodeList = ($ele) => { return Array.isArray($ele) || $ele instanceof NodeList; }; class DOMUtils extends DOMUtilsEvent { constructor(option) { super(option); /** 版本号 */ __publicField(this, "version", "2024.12.4"); } attr(element, attrName, attrValue) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (isNodeList(element)) { if (attrValue == null) { return DOMUtilsContext.attr(element[0], attrName, attrValue); } else { element.forEach(($ele) => { DOMUtilsContext.attr($ele, attrName, attrValue); }); return; } } if (attrValue == null) { return element.getAttribute(attrName); } else { element.setAttribute(attrName, attrValue); } } /** * 创建元素 * @param tagName 标签名 * @param property 属性 * @param attributes 元素上的自定义属性 * @example * // 创建一个DIV元素,且属性class为xxx * DOMUtils.createElement("div",undefined,{ class:"xxx" }); * >
* @example * // 创建一个DIV元素 * DOMUtils.createElement("div"); * >
* @example * // 创建一个DIV元素 * DOMUtils.createElement("div","测试"); * >
*/ createElement(tagName, property, attributes) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; let tempElement = DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.document.createElement(tagName); if (typeof property === "string") { tempElement.innerHTML = property; return tempElement; } if (property == null) { property = {}; } if (attributes == null) { attributes = {}; } Object.keys(property).forEach((key) => { let value = property[key]; tempElement[key] = value; }); Object.keys(attributes).forEach((key) => { let value = attributes[key]; if (typeof value === "object") { value = JSON.stringify(value); } else if (typeof value === "function") { value = value.toString(); } tempElement.setAttribute(key, value); }); return tempElement; } css(element, property, value) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; function handlePixe(propertyName, propertyValue) { let allowAddPixe = [ "width", "height", "top", "left", "right", "bottom", "font-size" ]; if (typeof propertyValue === "number") { propertyValue = propertyValue.toString(); } if (typeof propertyValue === "string" && allowAddPixe.includes(propertyName) && propertyValue.match(/[0-9]$/gi)) { propertyValue = propertyValue + "px"; } return propertyValue; } if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (isNodeList(element)) { if (typeof property === "string") { if (value == null) { return DOMUtilsContext.css(element[0], property); } else { element.forEach(($ele) => { DOMUtilsContext.css($ele, property); }); return; } } else if (typeof property === "object") { element.forEach(($ele) => { DOMUtilsContext.css($ele, property); }); return; } else ; return; } if (typeof property === "string") { if (value == null) { return DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.globalThis.getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue(property); } else { if (value === "string" && value.includes("!important")) { element.style.setProperty(property, value, "important"); } else { value = handlePixe(property, value); element.style.setProperty(property, value); } } } else if (typeof property === "object") { for (let prop in property) { if (typeof property[prop] === "string" && property[prop].includes("!important")) { element.style.setProperty(prop, property[prop], "important"); } else { property[prop] = handlePixe(prop, property[prop]); element.style.setProperty(prop, property[prop]); } } } else ; } text(element, text) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (isNodeList(element)) { if (text == null) { return DOMUtilsContext.text(element[0]); } else { element.forEach(($ele) => { DOMUtilsContext.text($ele, text); }); } return; } if (text == null) { return element.textContent || element.innerText; } else { if (text instanceof Node) { text = text.textContent || text.innerText; } if ("textContent" in element) { element.textContent = text; } else if ("innerText" in element) { element.innerText = text; } } } html(element, html) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (isNodeList(element)) { if (html == null) { return DOMUtilsContext.html(element[0]); } else { element.forEach(($ele) => { DOMUtilsContext.html($ele, html); }); } return; } if (html == null) { return element.innerHTML; } else { if (html instanceof Element) { html = html.innerHTML; } if ("innerHTML" in element) { element.innerHTML = html; } } } /** * 获取移动元素的transform偏移 */ getTransform(element, isShow = false) { var _a2; let DOMUtilsContext = this; let transform_left = 0; let transform_top = 0; if (!(isShow || !isShow && DOMUtilsCommonUtils.isShow(element))) { let { recovery } = DOMUtilsCommonUtils.showElement(element); let transformInfo = DOMUtilsContext.getTransform(element, true); recovery(); return transformInfo; } let elementTransform = DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.globalThis.getComputedStyle(element).transform; if (elementTransform != null && elementTransform !== "none" && elementTransform !== "") { let elementTransformSplit = (_a2 = elementTransform.match(/\((.+)\)/)) == null ? void 0 : _a2[1].split(","); if (elementTransformSplit) { transform_left = Math.abs(parseInt(elementTransformSplit[4])); transform_top = Math.abs(parseInt(elementTransformSplit[5])); } else { transform_left = 0; transform_top = 0; } } return { transformLeft: transform_left, transformTop: transform_top }; } val(element, value) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (isNodeList(element)) { if (value == null) { return DOMUtilsContext.val(element[0]); } else { element.forEach(($ele) => { DOMUtilsContext.val($ele, value); }); } return; } if (value == null) { if (element.localName === "input" && (element.type === "checkbox" || element.type === "radio")) { return element.checked; } else { return element.value; } } else { if (element.localName === "input" && (element.type === "checkbox" || element.type === "radio")) { element.checked = !!value; } else { element.value = value; } } } prop(element, propName, propValue) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (isNodeList(element)) { if (propValue == null) { return DOMUtilsContext.prop(element[0], propName); } else { element.forEach(($ele) => { DOMUtilsContext.prop($ele, propName, propValue); }); } return; } if (propValue == null) { return Reflect.get(element, propName); } else { Reflect.set(element, propName, propValue); } } /** * 移除元素的属性 * @param element 目标元素 * @param attrName 属性名 * @example * // 移除元素a.xx的属性data-value * DOMUtils.removeAttr(document.querySelector("a.xx"),"data-value") * DOMUtils.removeAttr("a.xx","data-value") * */ removeAttr(element, attrName) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (isNodeList(element)) { element.forEach(($ele) => { DOMUtilsContext.removeAttr($ele, attrName); }); return; } element.removeAttribute(attrName); } /** * 移除元素class名 * @param element 目标元素 * @param className 类名 * @example * // 移除元素a.xx的className为xx * DOMUtils.removeClass(document.querySelector("a.xx"),"xx") * DOMUtils.removeClass("a.xx","xx") */ removeClass(element, className) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (isNodeList(element)) { element.forEach(($ele) => { DOMUtilsContext.removeClass($ele, className); }); return; } if (className == null) { element.className = ""; } else { if (!Array.isArray(className)) { className = className.split(" "); } className.forEach((itemClassName) => { element.classList.remove(itemClassName); }); } } /** * 移除元素的属性 * @param element 目标元素 * @param propName 属性名 * @example * // 移除元素a.xx的href属性 * DOMUtils.removeProp(document.querySelector("a.xx"),"href") * DOMUtils.removeProp("a.xx","href") * */ removeProp(element, propName) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (isNodeList(element)) { element.forEach(($ele) => { DOMUtilsContext.removeProp($ele, propName); }); return; } DOMUtilsCommonUtils.delete(element, propName); } /** * 将一个元素替换为另一个元素 * @param element 目标元素 * @param newElement 新元素 * @example * // 替换元素a.xx为b.xx * DOMUtils.replaceWith(document.querySelector("a.xx"),document.querySelector("b.xx")) * DOMUtils.replaceWith("a.xx",'') */ replaceWith(element, newElement) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (isNodeList(element)) { element.forEach(($ele) => { DOMUtilsContext.replaceWith($ele, newElement); }); return; } if (typeof newElement === "string") { newElement = DOMUtilsContext.parseHTML(newElement, false, false); } element.parentElement.replaceChild(newElement, element); } /** * 给元素添加class * @param element 目标元素 * @param className class名 * @example * // 元素a.xx的className添加_vue_ * DOMUtils.addClass(document.querySelector("a.xx"),"_vue_") * DOMUtils.addClass("a.xx","_vue_") * */ addClass(element, className) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (isNodeList(element)) { element.forEach(($ele) => { DOMUtilsContext.addClass($ele, className); }); return; } if (!Array.isArray(className)) { className = className.split(" "); } className.forEach((itemClassName) => { if (itemClassName.trim() == "") { return; } element.classList.add(itemClassName); }); } /** * 判断元素是否存在className * @param element * @param className */ hasClass(element, className) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return false; } if (isNodeList(element)) { let flag = true; for (let index = 0; index < element.length; index++) { const $ele = element[index]; flag = flag && DOMUtilsContext.hasClass($ele, className); } return flag; } if (!(element == null ? void 0 : element.classList)) { return false; } if (!Array.isArray(className)) { className = className.split(" "); } for (let index = 0; index < className.length; index++) { const item = className[index].trim(); if (!element.classList.contains(item)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * 函数在元素内部末尾添加子元素或HTML字符串 * @param element 目标元素 * @param content 子元素或HTML字符串 * @example * // 元素a.xx的内部末尾添加一个元素 * DOMUtils.append(document.querySelector("a.xx"),document.querySelector("b.xx")) * DOMUtils.append("a.xx","'") * */ append(element, content) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (isNodeList(element)) { element.forEach(($ele) => { DOMUtilsContext.append($ele, content); }); return; } function elementAppendChild(ele, text) { if (typeof content === "string") { ele.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", text); } else { ele.appendChild(text); } } if (Array.isArray(content) || content instanceof NodeList) { let fragment = DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.document.createDocumentFragment(); content.forEach((ele) => { if (typeof ele === "string") { ele = DOMUtilsContext.parseHTML(ele, true, false); } fragment.appendChild(ele); }); element.appendChild(fragment); } else { elementAppendChild(element, content); } } /** * 函数 在元素内部开头添加子元素或HTML字符串 * @param element 目标元素 * @param content 子元素或HTML字符串 * @example * // 元素a.xx内部开头添加一个元素 * DOMUtils.prepend(document.querySelector("a.xx"),document.querySelector("b.xx")) * DOMUtils.prepend("a.xx","'") * */ prepend(element, content) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (isNodeList(element)) { element.forEach(($ele) => { DOMUtilsContext.prepend($ele, content); }); return; } if (typeof content === "string") { element.insertAdjacentHTML("afterbegin", content); } else { let $firstChild = element.firstChild; if ($firstChild == null) { element.prepend(content); } else { element.insertBefore(content, element.firstChild); } } } /** * 在元素后面添加兄弟元素或HTML字符串 * @param element 目标元素 * @param content 兄弟元素或HTML字符串 * @example * // 元素a.xx后面添加一个元素 * DOMUtils.after(document.querySelector("a.xx"),document.querySelector("b.xx")) * DOMUtils.after("a.xx","'") * */ after(element, content) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (isNodeList(element)) { element.forEach(($ele) => { DOMUtilsContext.after($ele, content); }); return; } if (typeof content === "string") { element.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", content); } else { let $parent = element.parentElement; let $nextSlibling = element.nextSibling; if (!$parent || $nextSlibling) { element.after(content); } else { element.parentElement.insertBefore(content, element.nextSibling); } } } /** * 在元素前面添加兄弟元素或HTML字符串 * @param element 目标元素 * @param content 兄弟元素或HTML字符串 * @example * // 元素a.xx前面添加一个元素 * DOMUtils.before(document.querySelector("a.xx"),document.querySelector("b.xx")) * DOMUtils.before("a.xx","'") * */ before(element, content) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (isNodeList(element)) { element.forEach(($ele) => { DOMUtilsContext.before($ele, content); }); return; } if (typeof content === "string") { element.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", content); } else { let $parent = element.parentElement; if (!$parent) { element.before(content); } else { $parent.insertBefore(content, element); } } } /** * 移除元素 * @param element 目标元素 * @example * // 元素a.xx前面添加一个元素 * DOMUtils.remove(document.querySelector("a.xx")) * DOMUtils.remove(document.querySelectorAll("a.xx")) * DOMUtils.remove("a.xx") * */ remove(element) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (isNodeList(element)) { element.forEach(($ele) => { DOMUtilsContext.remove($ele); }); return; } element.remove(); } /** * 移除元素的所有子元素 * @param element 目标元素 * @example * // 移除元素a.xx元素的所有子元素 * DOMUtils.empty(document.querySelector("a.xx")) * DOMUtils.empty("a.xx") * */ empty(element) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (isNodeList(element)) { element.forEach(($ele) => { DOMUtilsContext.empty($ele); }); return; } element.innerHTML = ""; } /** * 获取元素相对于文档的偏移坐标(加上文档的滚动条) * @param element 目标元素 * @example * // 获取元素a.xx的对于文档的偏移坐标 * DOMUtils.offset(document.querySelector("a.xx")) * DOMUtils.offset("a.xx") * > 0 */ offset(element) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selector(element); } if (element == null) { return; } let rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); return { /** y轴偏移 */ top: rect.top + DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.globalThis.scrollY, /** x轴偏移 */ left: rect.left + DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.globalThis.scrollX }; } width(element, isShow = false) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selector(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (DOMUtilsCommonUtils.isWin(element)) { return DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.window.document.documentElement.clientWidth; } if (element.nodeType === 9) { element = element; return Math.max(element.body.scrollWidth, element.documentElement.scrollWidth, element.body.offsetWidth, element.documentElement.offsetWidth, element.documentElement.clientWidth); } if (isShow || !isShow && DOMUtilsCommonUtils.isShow(element)) { element = element; if (parseFloat(DOMUtilsCommonUtils.getStyleValue(element, "width").toString()) > 0) { return parseFloat(DOMUtilsCommonUtils.getStyleValue(element, "width").toString()); } if (element.offsetWidth > 0) { let borderLeftWidth = DOMUtilsCommonUtils.getStyleValue(element, "borderLeftWidth"); let borderRightWidth = DOMUtilsCommonUtils.getStyleValue(element, "borderRightWidth"); let paddingLeft = DOMUtilsCommonUtils.getStyleValue(element, "paddingLeft"); let paddingRight = DOMUtilsCommonUtils.getStyleValue(element, "paddingRight"); let backHeight = parseFloat(element.offsetWidth.toString()) - parseFloat(borderLeftWidth.toString()) - parseFloat(borderRightWidth.toString()) - parseFloat(paddingLeft.toString()) - parseFloat(paddingRight.toString()); return parseFloat(backHeight.toString()); } return 0; } else { element = element; let { recovery } = DOMUtilsCommonUtils.showElement(element); let width = DOMUtilsContext.width(element, true); recovery(); return width; } } height(element, isShow = false) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (DOMUtilsCommonUtils.isWin(element)) { return DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.window.document.documentElement.clientHeight; } if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selector(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (element.nodeType === 9) { element = element; return Math.max(element.body.scrollHeight, element.documentElement.scrollHeight, element.body.offsetHeight, element.documentElement.offsetHeight, element.documentElement.clientHeight); } if (isShow || !isShow && DOMUtilsCommonUtils.isShow(element)) { element = element; if (parseFloat(DOMUtilsCommonUtils.getStyleValue(element, "height").toString()) > 0) { return parseFloat(DOMUtilsCommonUtils.getStyleValue(element, "height").toString()); } if (element.offsetHeight > 0) { let borderTopWidth = DOMUtilsCommonUtils.getStyleValue(element, "borderTopWidth"); let borderBottomWidth = DOMUtilsCommonUtils.getStyleValue(element, "borderBottomWidth"); let paddingTop = DOMUtilsCommonUtils.getStyleValue(element, "paddingTop"); let paddingBottom = DOMUtilsCommonUtils.getStyleValue(element, "paddingBottom"); let backHeight = parseFloat(element.offsetHeight.toString()) - parseFloat(borderTopWidth.toString()) - parseFloat(borderBottomWidth.toString()) - parseFloat(paddingTop.toString()) - parseFloat(paddingBottom.toString()); return parseFloat(backHeight.toString()); } return 0; } else { element = element; let { recovery } = DOMUtilsCommonUtils.showElement(element); let height = DOMUtilsContext.height(element, true); recovery(); return height; } } outerWidth(element, isShow = false) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (DOMUtilsCommonUtils.isWin(element)) { return DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.window.innerWidth; } if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selector(element); } if (element == null) { return; } element = element; if (isShow || !isShow && DOMUtilsCommonUtils.isShow(element)) { let style = DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.globalThis.getComputedStyle(element, null); let marginLeft = DOMUtilsCommonUtils.getStyleValue(style, "marginLeft"); let marginRight = DOMUtilsCommonUtils.getStyleValue(style, "marginRight"); return element.offsetWidth + marginLeft + marginRight; } else { let { recovery } = DOMUtilsCommonUtils.showElement(element); let outerWidth = DOMUtilsContext.outerWidth(element, true); recovery(); return outerWidth; } } outerHeight(element, isShow = false) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (DOMUtilsCommonUtils.isWin(element)) { return DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.window.innerHeight; } if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selector(element); } if (element == null) { return; } element = element; if (isShow || !isShow && DOMUtilsCommonUtils.isShow(element)) { let style = DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.globalThis.getComputedStyle(element, null); let marginTop = DOMUtilsCommonUtils.getStyleValue(style, "marginTop"); let marginBottom = DOMUtilsCommonUtils.getStyleValue(style, "marginBottom"); return element.offsetHeight + marginTop + marginBottom; } else { let { recovery } = DOMUtilsCommonUtils.showElement(element); let outerHeight = DOMUtilsContext.outerHeight(element, true); recovery(); return outerHeight; } } /** * 在一定时间内改变元素的样式属性,实现动画效果 * @param element 需要进行动画的元素 * @param styles 动画结束时元素的样式属性 * @param duration 动画持续时间,单位为毫秒 * @param callback 动画结束后执行的函数 * @example * // 监听元素a.xx的从显示变为隐藏 * DOMUtils.animate(document.querySelector("a.xx"),{ top:100},1000,function(){ * console.log("已往上位移100px") * }) */ animate(element, styles, duration = 1e3, callback2 = null) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (isNodeList(element)) { element.forEach(($ele) => { DOMUtilsContext.animate($ele, styles, duration, callback2); }); return; } if (typeof duration !== "number" || duration <= 0) { throw new TypeError("duration must be a positive number"); } if (typeof callback2 !== "function" && callback2 !== void 0) { throw new TypeError("callback must be a function or null"); } if (typeof styles !== "object" || styles === void 0) { throw new TypeError("styles must be an object"); } if (Object.keys(styles).length === 0) { throw new Error("styles must contain at least one property"); } let start = performance.now(); let from = {}; let to = {}; for (let prop in styles) { from[prop] = element.style[prop] || DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.globalThis.getComputedStyle(element)[prop]; to[prop] = styles[prop]; } let timer = setInterval(function() { let timePassed = performance.now() - start; let progress = timePassed / duration; if (progress > 1) { progress = 1; } for (let prop in styles) { element.style[prop] = from[prop] + (to[prop] - from[prop]) * progress + "px"; } if (progress === 1) { clearInterval(timer); if (callback2) { callback2(); } } }, 10); } /** * 将一个元素包裹在指定的HTML元素中 * @param element 要包裹的元素 * @param wrapperHTML 要包裹的HTML元素的字符串表示形式 * @example * // 将a.xx元素外面包裹一层div * DOMUtils.wrap(document.querySelector("a.xx"),"
") */ wrap(element, wrapperHTML) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (isNodeList(element)) { element.forEach(($ele) => { DOMUtilsContext.wrap($ele, wrapperHTML); }); return; } element = element; let wrapper = DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.document.createElement("div"); wrapper.innerHTML = wrapperHTML; let wrapperFirstChild = wrapper.firstChild; let parentElement = element.parentElement; parentElement.insertBefore(wrapperFirstChild, element); wrapperFirstChild.appendChild(element); } prev(element) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selector(element); } if (element == null) { return; } return element.previousElementSibling; } next(element) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selector(element); } if (element == null) { return; } return element.nextElementSibling; } /** * 取消挂载在window下的DOMUtils并返回DOMUtils * @example * let DOMUtils = window.DOMUtils.noConflict() */ noConflict() { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.window.DOMUtils) { DOMUtilsCommonUtils.delete(window, "DOMUtils"); } DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.window.DOMUtils = this; return this; } siblings(element) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selector(element); } if (element == null) { return; } return Array.from(element.parentElement.children).filter((child) => child !== element); } /** * 获取当前元素的父元素 * @param element 当前元素 * @returns 父元素 * @example * // 获取a.xx元素的父元素 * DOMUtils.parent(document.querySelector("a.xx")) * DOMUtils.parent("a.xx") * >
*/ parent(element) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selector(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (isNodeList(element)) { let resultArray = []; element.forEach(($ele) => { resultArray.push(DOMUtilsContext.parent($ele)); }); return resultArray; } else { return element.parentElement; } } parseHTML(html, useParser = false, isComplete = false) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; html = html.trim(); function parseHTMLByDOMParser() { let parser = new DOMParser(); if (isComplete) { return parser.parseFromString(html, "text/html"); } else { return parser.parseFromString(html, "text/html").body.firstChild; } } function parseHTMLByCreateDom() { let tempDIV = DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.document.createElement("div"); tempDIV.innerHTML = html; if (isComplete) { return tempDIV; } else { return tempDIV.firstChild; } } if (useParser) { return parseHTMLByDOMParser(); } else { return parseHTMLByCreateDom(); } } /** * 序列化表单元素 * @param $form 表单元素 * @example * DOMUtils.serialize(document.querySelector("form")) * > xxx=xxx&aaa= */ serialize($form) { const elements = $form.elements; let serializedArray = []; for (let i2 = 0; i2 < elements.length; i2++) { const element = elements[i2]; if (element.name && !element.disabled && (element.checked || [ "text", "hidden", "password", "textarea", "select-one", "select-multiple" ].includes(element.type))) { if (element.type === "select-multiple") { for (let j2 = 0; j2 < element.options.length; j2++) { if (element.options[j2].selected) { serializedArray.push({ name: element.name, value: element.options[j2].value }); } } } else { serializedArray.push({ name: element.name, value: element.value }); } } } return serializedArray.map((item) => `${encodeURIComponent(item.name)}=${encodeURIComponent(item.value)}`).join("&"); } /** * 显示元素 * @param target 当前元素 * @param checkVisiblie 是否检测元素是否显示 * + true (默认)如果检测到还未显示,则强制使用display: unset !important; * + false 不检测,直接设置display属性为空 * @example * // 显示a.xx元素 * DOMUtils.show(document.querySelector("a.xx")) * DOMUtils.show(document.querySelectorAll("a.xx")) * DOMUtils.show("a.xx") */ show(target, checkVisiblie = true) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (target == null) { return; } if (typeof target === "string") { target = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(target); } if (target instanceof NodeList || target instanceof Array) { target = target; for (const element of target) { DOMUtilsContext.show(element, checkVisiblie); } } else { target = target; target.style.display = ""; if (checkVisiblie) { if (!DOMUtilsCommonUtils.isShow(target)) { target.style.setProperty("display", "unset", "important"); } } } } /** * 隐藏元素 * @param target 当前元素 * @param checkVisiblie 是否检测元素是否显示 * + true (默认)如果检测到显示,则强制使用display: none !important; * + false 不检测,直接设置display属性为none * @example * // 隐藏a.xx元素 * DOMUtils.hide(document.querySelector("a.xx")) * DOMUtils.hide(document.querySelectorAll("a.xx")) * DOMUtils.hide("a.xx") */ hide(target, checkVisiblie = true) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (target == null) { return; } if (typeof target === "string") { target = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(target); } if (target instanceof NodeList || target instanceof Array) { target = target; for (const element of target) { DOMUtilsContext.hide(element, checkVisiblie); } } else { target = target; target.style.display = "none"; if (checkVisiblie) { if (DOMUtilsCommonUtils.isShow(target)) { target.style.setProperty("display", "none", "important"); } } } } /** * 淡入元素 * @param element 当前元素 * @param duration 动画持续时间(毫秒),默认400毫秒 * @param callback 动画结束的回调 * @example * // 元素a.xx淡入 * DOMUtils.fadeIn(document.querySelector("a.xx"),2500,()=>{ * console.log("淡入完毕"); * }) * DOMUtils.fadeIn("a.xx",undefined,()=>{ * console.log("淡入完毕"); * }) */ fadeIn(element, duration = 400, callback2) { if (element == null) { return; } let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (isNodeList(element)) { element.forEach(($ele) => { DOMUtilsContext.fadeIn($ele, duration, callback2); }); return; } element.style.opacity = "0"; element.style.display = ""; let start = null; let timer = null; function step(timestamp) { if (!start) start = timestamp; let progress = timestamp - start; element = element; element.style.opacity = Math.min(progress / duration, 1).toString(); if (progress < duration) { DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.window.requestAnimationFrame(step); } else { if (callback2 && typeof callback2 === "function") { callback2(); } DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.window.cancelAnimationFrame(timer); } } timer = DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.window.requestAnimationFrame(step); } /** * 淡出元素 * @param element 当前元素 * @param duration 动画持续时间(毫秒),默认400毫秒 * @param callback 动画结束的回调 * @example * // 元素a.xx淡出 * DOMUtils.fadeOut(document.querySelector("a.xx"),2500,()=>{ * console.log("淡出完毕"); * }) * DOMUtils.fadeOut("a.xx",undefined,()=>{ * console.log("淡出完毕"); * }) */ fadeOut(element, duration = 400, callback2) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (element == null) { return; } if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (isNodeList(element)) { element.forEach(($ele) => { DOMUtilsContext.fadeOut($ele, duration, callback2); }); return; } element.style.opacity = "1"; let start = null; let timer = null; function step(timestamp) { if (!start) start = timestamp; let progress = timestamp - start; element = element; element.style.opacity = Math.max(1 - progress / duration, 0).toString(); if (progress < duration) { DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.window.requestAnimationFrame(step); } else { element.style.display = "none"; if (typeof callback2 === "function") { callback2(); } DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.window.cancelAnimationFrame(timer); } } timer = DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.window.requestAnimationFrame(step); } /** * 切换元素的显示和隐藏状态 * @param element 当前元素 * @param checkVisiblie 是否检测元素是否显示 * @example * // 如果元素a.xx当前是隐藏,则显示,如果是显示,则隐藏 * DOMUtils.toggle(document.querySelector("a.xx")) * DOMUtils.toggle("a.xx") */ toggle(element, checkVisiblie) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = DOMUtilsContext.selectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (isNodeList(element)) { element.forEach(($ele) => { DOMUtilsContext.toggle($ele); }); return; } if (DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.globalThis.getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue("display") === "none") { DOMUtilsContext.show(element, checkVisiblie); } else { DOMUtilsContext.hide(element, checkVisiblie); } } /** * 创建一个新的DOMUtils实例 * @param option * @returns */ createDOMUtils(option) { return new DOMUtils(option); } /** * 获取文字的位置信息 * @param $input 输入框 * @param selectionStart 起始位置 * @param selectionEnd 结束位置 * @example * DOMUtils.getTextBoundingRect(document.querySelector("input")); */ getTextBoundingRect($input, selectionStart, selectionEnd) { var _a2; let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (!$input || !("value" in $input)) return $input; if (selectionStart == null) { selectionStart = $input.selectionStart || 0; } if (selectionEnd == null) { selectionEnd = $input.selectionEnd || 0; } if (typeof selectionStart == "string") selectionStart = parseFloat(selectionStart); if (typeof selectionStart != "number" || isNaN(selectionStart)) { selectionStart = 0; } if (selectionStart < 0) selectionStart = 0; else selectionStart = Math.min($input.value.length, selectionStart); if (typeof selectionEnd == "string") selectionEnd = parseFloat(selectionEnd); if (typeof selectionEnd != "number" || isNaN(selectionEnd) || selectionEnd < selectionStart) { selectionEnd = selectionStart; } if (selectionEnd < 0) selectionEnd = 0; else selectionEnd = Math.min($input.value.length, selectionEnd); if (typeof $input.createTextRange == "function") { let range = $input.createTextRange(); range.collapse(true); range.moveStart("character", selectionStart); range.moveEnd("character", selectionEnd - selectionStart); return range.getBoundingClientRect(); } let offset = getInputOffset(), topPos = offset.top, leftPos = offset.left, width = getInputCSS("width", true), height = getInputCSS("height", true); let cssDefaultStyles = "white-space:pre;padding:0;margin:0;", listOfModifiers = [ "direction", "font-family", "font-size", "font-size-adjust", "font-variant", "font-weight", "font-style", "letter-spacing", "line-height", "text-align", "text-indent", "text-transform", "word-wrap", "word-spacing" ]; topPos += getInputCSS("padding-top", true); topPos += getInputCSS("border-top-width", true); leftPos += getInputCSS("padding-left", true); leftPos += getInputCSS("border-left-width", true); leftPos += 1; for (let index = 0; index < listOfModifiers.length; index++) { let property = listOfModifiers[index]; cssDefaultStyles += property + ":" + getInputCSS(property) + ";"; } let text = $input.value || "G", textLen = text.length, fakeClone = DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.document.createElement("div"); if (selectionStart > 0) appendPart(0, selectionStart); var fakeRange = appendPart(selectionStart, selectionEnd); if (textLen > selectionEnd) appendPart(selectionEnd, textLen); fakeClone.style.cssText = cssDefaultStyles; fakeClone.style.position = "absolute"; fakeClone.style.top = topPos + "px"; fakeClone.style.left = leftPos + "px"; fakeClone.style.width = width + "px"; fakeClone.style.height = height + "px"; DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.document.body.appendChild(fakeClone); var returnValue = fakeRange.getBoundingClientRect(); (_a2 = fakeClone == null ? void 0 : fakeClone.parentNode) == null ? void 0 : _a2.removeChild(fakeClone); return returnValue; function appendPart(start, end) { var span = DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.document.createElement("span"); span.style.cssText = cssDefaultStyles; span.textContent = text.substring(start, end); fakeClone.appendChild(span); return span; } function getInputOffset() { let body = DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.document.body, win = DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.document.defaultView, docElem = DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.document.documentElement, $box = DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.document.createElement("div"); $box.style.paddingLeft = $box.style.width = "1px"; body.appendChild($box); var isBoxModel = $box.offsetWidth == 2; body.removeChild($box); let $boxRect = $input.getBoundingClientRect(); var clientTop = docElem.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0, clientLeft = docElem.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0, scrollTop = win.pageYOffset || isBoxModel && docElem.scrollTop || body.scrollTop, scrollLeft = win.pageXOffset || isBoxModel && docElem.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft; return { top: $boxRect.top + scrollTop - clientTop, left: $boxRect.left + scrollLeft - clientLeft }; } function getInputCSS(prop, isNumber) { var val = DOMUtilsContext.windowApi.document.defaultView.getComputedStyle($input, null).getPropertyValue(prop); return isNumber ? parseFloat(val) : val; } } } let domUtils$1 = new DOMUtils(); class ColorConversion { /** * 判断是否是16进制颜色 * @param str */ isHex(str) { if (typeof str !== "string") { return false; } if (!str.match(/^(\#|)[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$/)) { return false; } return true; } /** * 16进制颜色转rgba * * #ff0000 转 rgba(123,123,123, 0.4) * @param hex * @param opacity */ hexToRgba(hex, opacity) { if (!this.isHex(hex)) { throw new TypeError("输入错误的hex", hex); } return hex && hex.replace(/\s+/g, "").length === 7 ? "rgba(" + parseInt("0x" + hex.slice(1, 3)) + "," + parseInt("0x" + hex.slice(3, 5)) + "," + parseInt("0x" + hex.slice(5, 7)) + "," + opacity + ")" : ""; } /** * hex转rgb * @param str * @returns */ hexToRgb(str) { if (!this.isHex(str)) { throw new TypeError("输入错误的hex", str); } str = str.replace("#", ""); let hxs = str.match(/../g); for (let index = 0; index < 3; index++) { hxs[index] = parseInt(hxs[index], 16); } return hxs; } /** * rgb转hex * @param redValue * @param greenValue * @param blueValue * @returns */ rgbToHex(redValue, greenValue, blueValue) { let validPattern = /^\d{1,3}$/; if (!validPattern.test(redValue.toString()) || !validPattern.test(greenValue.toString()) || !validPattern.test(blueValue.toString())) throw new TypeError("输入错误的rgb颜色值"); let hexs = [ redValue.toString(16), greenValue.toString(16), blueValue.toString(16) ]; for (let index = 0; index < 3; index++) if (hexs[index].length == 1) hexs[index] = "0" + hexs[index]; return "#" + hexs.join(""); } /** * 获取颜色变暗或亮 * @param color 颜色 * @param level 0~1.0 * @returns */ getDarkColor(color, level) { if (!this.isHex(color)) { throw new TypeError("输入错误的hex", color); } let rgbc = this.hexToRgb(color); for (let index = 0; index < 3; index++) { rgbc[index] = Math.floor(rgbc[index] * (1 - level)); } return this.rgbToHex(rgbc[0], rgbc[1], rgbc[2]); } /** * 获取颜色变亮 * @param color 颜色 * @param level 0~1.0 * @returns */ getLightColor(color, level) { if (!this.isHex(color)) { throw new TypeError("输入错误的hex", color); } let rgbc = this.hexToRgb(color); for (let index = 0; index < 3; index++) { rgbc[index] = Math.floor((255 - rgbc[index]) * level + rgbc[index]); } return this.rgbToHex(rgbc[0], rgbc[1], rgbc[2]); } } class GBKEncoder { constructor() { __privateAdd(this, _data, []); __privateAdd(this, _U2Ghash, {}); __privateAdd(this, _G2Uhash, {}); let dataText = 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let index = 0; __privateSet(this, _data, dataText.match(/..../g)); for (let i2 = 129; i2 <= 254; i2++) { for (let j2 = 64; j2 <= 254; j2++) { __privateGet(this, _U2Ghash)[__privateGet(this, _data)[index++]] = ("%" + i2.toString(16) + "%" + j2.toString(16)).toUpperCase(); } } for (let key in __privateGet(this, _U2Ghash)) { __privateGet(this, _G2Uhash)[__privateGet(this, _U2Ghash)[key]] = key; } } handleText(text) { text = text.replace(/#(\d+)\$/g, function(a2, b2) { return Array(+b2 + 3).join("#"); }).replace(/#/g, "####").replace(/(\w\w):([\w#]+)(?:,|$)/g, function(a2, hd, dt) { return dt.replace(/../g, function(a3) { if (a3 != "##") { return hd + a3; } else { return a3; } }); }); return text; } isAscii(unicode) { return unicode <= 127 && unicode >= 0; } /** * 编码 * @param str */ encode(str) { let that = this; return [...str].reduce((result2, val, i2) => { return result2 + toGBK(val); }, ""); function toGBK(val) { var _a2; let result2 = ""; for (let i2 = 0; i2 < val.length; i2++) { const codePoint = val.codePointAt(i2); const code = String.fromCodePoint(codePoint); let key = codePoint.toString(16); key.length != 4 && (key = (_a2 = ("000" + key).match(/....$/)) == null ? void 0 : _a2[0]); i2 += code.length - 1; if (that.isAscii(codePoint)) { result2 += encodeURIComponent(code); continue; } if (__privateGet(that, _U2Ghash)[key]) { result2 += __privateGet(that, _U2Ghash)[key]; continue; } result2 += toGBK(`&#${codePoint};`); } return result2; } } /** * 解码 * @param str */ decode(str) { var GBKMatcher = /%[0-9A-F]{2}%[0-9A-F]{2}/; var UTFMatcher = /%[0-9A-F]{2}/; var utf = true; let that = this; while (utf) { let gbkMatch = str.match(GBKMatcher); let utfMatch = str.match(UTFMatcher); utf = Boolean(utfMatch); if (gbkMatch && gbkMatch in __privateGet(that, _G2Uhash)) { str = str.replace(gbkMatch, String.fromCharCode("0x" + __privateGet(that, _G2Uhash)[gbkMatch])); } else { str = str.replace(utfMatch, decodeURIComponent(utfMatch)); } } return str; } } _data = new WeakMap(); _U2Ghash = new WeakMap(); _G2Uhash = new WeakMap(); class UtilsGMCookie { constructor(windowApiOption) { __publicField(this, "windowApi", { window, document }); if (windowApiOption) { this.windowApi = Object.assign({}, windowApiOption); } } /** * 获取单个cookie * @param cookieName cookie名 */ get(cookieName) { if (typeof cookieName !== "string") { throw new TypeError("Utils.GMCookie.get 参数cookieName 必须为字符串"); } let cookies = this.windowApi.document.cookie.split(";"); let findValue = void 0; for (const cookieItem of cookies) { let item = cookieItem.trim(); let itemSplit = item.split("="); let itemName = itemSplit[0]; itemSplit.splice(0, 1); let itemValue = decodeURIComponent(itemSplit.join("")); if (itemName === cookieName) { findValue = { domain: this.windowApi.window.location.hostname, expirationDate: null, hostOnly: true, httpOnly: false, name: cookieName, path: "/", sameSite: "unspecified", secure: true, session: false, value: itemValue }; break; } } return findValue; } /** * 获取多组Cookie * @param option 配置 * @param callback 获取操作后的回调 * + cookies object[] * + error string|undefined **/ list(option, callback2) { if (option == null) { throw new Error("Utils.GMCookie.list 参数不能为空"); } let resultData = []; try { let defaultOption = { url: this.windowApi.window.location.href, domain: this.windowApi.window.location.hostname, name: "", path: "/" }; defaultOption = utils$1.assign(defaultOption, option); let cookies = this.windowApi.document.cookie.split(";"); cookies.forEach((item) => { item = item.trim(); let itemSplit = item.split("="); let itemName = itemSplit[0]; itemSplit.splice(0, 1); let itemValue = decodeURIComponent(itemSplit.join("")); let nameRegexp = defaultOption.name instanceof RegExp ? defaultOption.name : new RegExp("^" + defaultOption.name, "g"); if (itemName.match(nameRegexp)) { resultData.push({ domain: this.windowApi.window.location.hostname, expirationDate: null, hostOnly: true, httpOnly: false, name: itemName, path: "/", sameSite: "unspecified", secure: true, session: false, value: itemValue }); } }); if (typeof callback2 === "function") { callback2(resultData); } } catch (error2) { if (typeof callback2 === "function") { callback2(resultData, error2); } } } /** * 获取多组Cookie * @param option 配置 **/ getList(option) { if (option == null) { throw new Error("Utils.GMCookie.list 参数不能为空"); } let resultData = []; let defaultOption = { url: this.windowApi.window.location.href, domain: this.windowApi.window.location.hostname, name: "", path: "/" }; defaultOption = utils$1.assign(defaultOption, option); let cookies = this.windowApi.document.cookie.split(";"); cookies.forEach((item) => { item = item.trim(); let itemSplit = item.split("="); let itemName = itemSplit[0]; itemSplit.splice(0, 1); let itemValue = decodeURIComponent(itemSplit.join("")); let nameRegexp = defaultOption.name instanceof RegExp ? defaultOption.name : new RegExp("^" + defaultOption.name, "g"); if (itemName.match(nameRegexp)) { resultData.push({ domain: this.windowApi.window.location.hostname, expirationDate: null, hostOnly: true, httpOnly: false, name: itemName, path: "/", sameSite: "unspecified", secure: true, session: false, value: itemValue }); } }); return resultData; } /** * 设置Cookie * @param option 配置 * @param callback 设置操作后的回调(成功/失败) */ set(option, callback2) { let errorInfo; try { let defaultOption = { url: this.windowApi.window.location.href, name: "", value: "", domain: this.windowApi.window.location.hostname, path: "/", secure: true, httpOnly: false, /** * Expires in 30 days */ expirationDate: Math.floor(Date.now()) + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 }; defaultOption = utils$1.assign(defaultOption, option); let life = defaultOption.expirationDate ? defaultOption.expirationDate : Math.floor(Date.now()) + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30; let cookieStr = defaultOption.name + "=" + decodeURIComponent(defaultOption.value) + ";expires=" + new Date(life).toGMTString() + "; path=/"; this.windowApi.document.cookie = cookieStr; } catch (error2) { errorInfo = error2; } finally { if (typeof callback2 === "function") { callback2(errorInfo); } } } /** * 删除Cookie * @param option 配置 * @param callback 删除操作后的回调(成功/失败) */ delete(option, callback2) { let errorInfo; try { let defaultOption = { url: this.windowApi.window.location.href, name: "", path: "/", firstPartyDomain: this.windowApi.window.location.hostname }; defaultOption = utils$1.assign(defaultOption, option); let cookieStr = `${defaultOption.name}=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC; path=${defaultOption.path}; domain=${defaultOption.firstPartyDomain};`; this.windowApi.document.cookie = cookieStr; } catch (error2) { errorInfo = error2; } finally { if (typeof callback2 === "function") { callback2(errorInfo); } } } /** * 解析cookie字符串 * 例如:document.cookie * @param cookieStr */ parseCookie(cookieStr) { let cookies = cookieStr.split(";"); let result2 = []; for (const cookieItem of cookies) { let item = cookieItem.trim(); let itemSplit = item.split("="); let itemName = itemSplit[0]; itemSplit.splice(0, 1); let itemValue = decodeURIComponent(itemSplit.join("")); result2.push({ key: itemName, value: itemValue }); } return result2; } } const AjaxHooker = function() { return function() { const version = "1.4.4"; const hookInst = { hookFns: [], filters: [] }; const win = window.unsafeWindow || document.defaultView || window; let winAh = win.__ajaxHooker; const resProto = win.Response.prototype; const xhrResponses = ["response", "responseText", "responseXML"]; const fetchResponses = ["arrayBuffer", "blob", "formData", "json", "text"]; const fetchInitProps = [ "method", "headers", "body", "mode", "credentials", "cache", "redirect", "referrer", "referrerPolicy", "integrity", "keepalive", "signal", "priority" ]; const xhrAsyncEvents = ["readystatechange", "load", "loadend"]; const getType = {}.toString.call.bind({}.toString); const getDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor.bind(Object); const emptyFn = () => { }; const errorFn = (e2) => console.error(e2); function isThenable(obj) { return obj && ["object", "function"].includes(typeof obj) && typeof obj.then === "function"; } function catchError(fn, ...args2) { try { const result2 = fn(...args2); if (isThenable(result2)) return result2.then(null, errorFn); return result2; } catch (err) { console.error(err); } } function defineProp(obj, prop, getter, setter) { Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: getter, set: setter }); } function readonly(obj, prop, value = obj[prop]) { defineProp(obj, prop, () => value, emptyFn); } function writable(obj, prop, value = obj[prop]) { Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value }); } function parseHeaders(obj) { const headers = {}; switch (getType(obj)) { case "[object String]": for (const line of obj.trim().split(/[\r\n]+/)) { const [header, value] = line.split(/\s*:\s*/); if (!header) break; const lheader = header.toLowerCase(); headers[lheader] = lheader in headers ? `${headers[lheader]}, ${value}` : value; } break; case "[object Headers]": for (const [key, val] of obj) { headers[key] = val; } break; case "[object Object]": return { ...obj }; } return headers; } function stopImmediatePropagation() { this.ajaxHooker_isStopped = true; } class SyncThenable { then(fn) { fn && fn(); return new SyncThenable(); } } class AHRequest { constructor(request) { this.request = request; this.requestClone = { ...this.request }; } shouldFilter(filters) { const { type, url, method, async } = this.request; return filters.length && !filters.find((obj) => { switch (true) { case (obj.type && obj.type !== type): case (getType(obj.url) === "[object String]" && !url.includes(obj.url)): case (getType(obj.url) === "[object RegExp]" && !obj.url.test(url)): case (obj.method && obj.method.toUpperCase() !== method.toUpperCase()): case ("async" in obj && obj.async !== async): return false; } return true; }); } waitForRequestKeys() { const requestKeys = ["url", "method", "abort", "headers", "data"]; if (!this.request.async) { win.__ajaxHooker.hookInsts.forEach(({ hookFns, filters }) => { if (this.shouldFilter(filters)) return; hookFns.forEach((fn) => { if (getType(fn) === "[object Function]") catchError(fn, this.request); }); requestKeys.forEach((key) => { if (isThenable(this.request[key])) this.request[key] = this.requestClone[key]; }); }); return new SyncThenable(); } const promises = []; win.__ajaxHooker.hookInsts.forEach(({ hookFns, filters }) => { if (this.shouldFilter(filters)) return; promises.push( Promise.all(hookFns.map((fn) => catchError(fn, this.request))).then( () => Promise.all( requestKeys.map( (key) => Promise.resolve(this.request[key]).then( (val) => this.request[key] = val, () => this.request[key] = this.requestClone[key] ) ) ) ) ); }); return Promise.all(promises); } waitForResponseKeys(response) { const responseKeys = this.request.type === "xhr" ? xhrResponses : fetchResponses; if (!this.request.async) { if (getType(this.request.response) === "[object Function]") { catchError(this.request.response, response); responseKeys.forEach((key) => { if ("get" in getDescriptor(response, key) || isThenable(response[key])) { delete response[key]; } }); } return new SyncThenable(); } return Promise.resolve( catchError(this.request.response, response) ).then( () => Promise.all( responseKeys.map((key) => { const descriptor = getDescriptor(response, key); if (descriptor && "value" in descriptor) { return Promise.resolve(descriptor.value).then( (val) => response[key] = val, () => delete response[key] ); } else { delete response[key]; } }) ) ); } } const proxyHandler = { get(target, prop) { const descriptor = getDescriptor(target, prop); if (descriptor && !descriptor.configurable && !descriptor.writable && !descriptor.get) return target[prop]; const ah = target.__ajaxHooker; if (ah && ah.proxyProps) { if (prop in ah.proxyProps) { const pDescriptor = ah.proxyProps[prop]; if ("get" in pDescriptor) return pDescriptor.get(); if (typeof pDescriptor.value === "function") return pDescriptor.value.bind(ah); return pDescriptor.value; } if (typeof target[prop] === "function") return target[prop].bind(target); } return target[prop]; }, set(target, prop, value) { const descriptor = getDescriptor(target, prop); if (descriptor && !descriptor.configurable && !descriptor.writable && !descriptor.set) return true; const ah = target.__ajaxHooker; if (ah && ah.proxyProps && prop in ah.proxyProps) { const pDescriptor = ah.proxyProps[prop]; pDescriptor.set ? pDescriptor.set(value) : pDescriptor.value = value; } else { target[prop] = value; } return true; } }; class XhrHooker { constructor(xhr) { const ah = this; Object.assign(ah, { originalXhr: xhr, proxyXhr: new Proxy(xhr, proxyHandler), resThenable: new SyncThenable(), proxyProps: {}, proxyEvents: {} }); xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", (e2) => { if (ah.proxyXhr.readyState === 4 && ah.request && typeof ah.request.response === "function") { const response = { finalUrl: ah.proxyXhr.responseURL, status: ah.proxyXhr.status, responseHeaders: parseHeaders( ah.proxyXhr.getAllResponseHeaders() ) }; const tempValues = {}; for (const key of xhrResponses) { try { tempValues[key] = ah.originalXhr[key]; } catch (err) { } defineProp( response, key, () => { return response[key] = tempValues[key]; }, (val) => { delete response[key]; response[key] = val; } ); } ah.resThenable = new AHRequest(ah.request).waitForResponseKeys(response).then(() => { for (const key of xhrResponses) { ah.proxyProps[key] = { get: () => { if (!(key in response)) response[key] = tempValues[key]; return response[key]; } }; } }); } ah.dispatchEvent(e2); }); xhr.addEventListener("load", (e2) => ah.dispatchEvent(e2)); xhr.addEventListener("loadend", (e2) => ah.dispatchEvent(e2)); for (const evt of xhrAsyncEvents) { const onEvt = "on" + evt; ah.proxyProps[onEvt] = { get: () => ah.proxyEvents[onEvt] || null, set: (val) => ah.addEvent(onEvt, val) }; } for (const method of [ "setRequestHeader", "addEventListener", "removeEventListener", "open", "send" ]) { ah.proxyProps[method] = { value: ah[method] }; } } toJSON() { } // Converting circular structure to JSON addEvent(type, event) { if (type.startsWith("on")) { this.proxyEvents[type] = typeof event === "function" ? event : null; } else { if (typeof event === "object" && event !== null) event = event.handleEvent; if (typeof event !== "function") return; this.proxyEvents[type] = this.proxyEvents[type] || /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); this.proxyEvents[type].add(event); } } removeEvent(type, event) { if (type.startsWith("on")) { this.proxyEvents[type] = null; } else { if (typeof event === "object" && event !== null) event = event.handleEvent; this.proxyEvents[type] && this.proxyEvents[type].delete(event); } } dispatchEvent(e2) { e2.stopImmediatePropagation = stopImmediatePropagation; defineProp(e2, "target", () => this.proxyXhr); defineProp(e2, "currentTarget", () => this.proxyXhr); this.proxyEvents[e2.type] && this.proxyEvents[e2.type].forEach((fn) => { this.resThenable.then( () => !e2.ajaxHooker_isStopped && fn.call(this.proxyXhr, e2) ); }); if (e2.ajaxHooker_isStopped) return; const onEvent = this.proxyEvents["on" + e2.type]; onEvent && this.resThenable.then(onEvent.bind(this.proxyXhr, e2)); } setRequestHeader(header, value) { this.originalXhr.setRequestHeader(header, value); if (!this.request) return; const headers = this.request.headers; headers[header] = header in headers ? `${headers[header]}, ${value}` : value; } addEventListener(...args2) { if (xhrAsyncEvents.includes(args2[0])) { this.addEvent(args2[0], args2[1]); } else { this.originalXhr.addEventListener(...args2); } } removeEventListener(...args2) { if (xhrAsyncEvents.includes(args2[0])) { this.removeEvent(args2[0], args2[1]); } else { this.originalXhr.removeEventListener(...args2); } } open(method, url, async = true, ...args2) { this.request = { type: "xhr", url: url.toString(), method: method.toUpperCase(), abort: false, headers: {}, data: null, response: null, async: !!async }; this.openArgs = args2; this.resThenable = new SyncThenable(); [ "responseURL", "readyState", "status", "statusText", ...xhrResponses ].forEach((key) => { delete this.proxyProps[key]; }); return this.originalXhr.open(method, url, async, ...args2); } send(data) { const ah = this; const xhr = ah.originalXhr; const request = ah.request; if (!request) return xhr.send(data); request.data = data; new AHRequest(request).waitForRequestKeys().then(() => { if (request.abort) { if (typeof request.response === "function") { Object.assign(ah.proxyProps, { responseURL: { value: request.url }, readyState: { value: 4 }, status: { value: 200 }, statusText: { value: "OK" } }); xhrAsyncEvents.forEach( (evt) => xhr.dispatchEvent(new Event(evt)) ); } } else { xhr.open( request.method, request.url, request.async, ...ah.openArgs ); for (const header in request.headers) { xhr.setRequestHeader(header, request.headers[header]); } xhr.send(request.data); } }); } } function fakeXHR() { const xhr = new winAh.realXHR(); if ("__ajaxHooker" in xhr) console.warn("检测到不同版本的ajaxHooker,可能发生冲突!"); xhr.__ajaxHooker = new XhrHooker(xhr); return xhr.__ajaxHooker.proxyXhr; } fakeXHR.prototype = win.XMLHttpRequest.prototype; Object.keys(win.XMLHttpRequest).forEach( (key) => fakeXHR[key] = win.XMLHttpRequest[key] ); function fakeFetch(url, options = {}) { if (!url) return winAh.realFetch.call(win, url, options); return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { const init = {}; if (getType(url) === "[object Request]") { for (const prop of fetchInitProps) init[prop] = url[prop]; if (url.body) init.body = await url.arrayBuffer(); url = url.url; } url = url.toString(); Object.assign(init, options); init.method = init.method || "GET"; init.headers = init.headers || {}; const request = { type: "fetch", url, method: init.method.toUpperCase(), abort: false, headers: parseHeaders(init.headers), data: init.body, response: null, async: true }; const req = new AHRequest(request); await req.waitForRequestKeys(); if (request.abort) { if (typeof request.response === "function") { const response = { finalUrl: request.url, status: 200, responseHeaders: {} }; await req.waitForResponseKeys(response); const key = fetchResponses.find((k) => k in response); let val = response[key]; if (key === "json" && typeof val === "object") { val = catchError(JSON.stringify.bind(JSON), val); } const res = new Response(val, { status: 200, statusText: "OK" }); defineProp(res, "type", () => "basic"); defineProp(res, "url", () => request.url); resolve(res); } else { reject(new DOMException("aborted", "AbortError")); } return; } init.method = request.method; init.headers = request.headers; init.body = request.data; winAh.realFetch.call(win, request.url, init).then((res) => { if (typeof request.response === "function") { const response = { finalUrl: res.url, status: res.status, responseHeaders: parseHeaders(res.headers) }; fetchResponses.forEach( (key) => res[key] = function() { if (key in response) return Promise.resolve(response[key]); return resProto[key].call(this).then((val) => { response[key] = val; return req.waitForResponseKeys(response).then(() => key in response ? response[key] : val); }); } ); } resolve(res); }, reject); }); } function fakeFetchClone() { const descriptors = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(this); const res = winAh.realFetchClone.call(this); Object.defineProperties(res, descriptors); return res; } winAh = win.__ajaxHooker = winAh || { version, fakeXHR, fakeFetch, fakeFetchClone, realXHR: win.XMLHttpRequest, realFetch: win.fetch, realFetchClone: resProto.clone, hookInsts: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set() }; if (winAh.version !== version) console.warn("检测到不同版本的ajaxHooker,可能发生冲突!"); win.XMLHttpRequest = winAh.fakeXHR; win.fetch = winAh.fakeFetch; resProto.clone = winAh.fakeFetchClone; winAh.hookInsts.add(hookInst); class AHFunction { call(thisArg, ...args2) { if (thisArg && thisArg.__ajaxHooker && thisArg.__ajaxHooker.proxyXhr === thisArg) { thisArg = thisArg.__ajaxHooker.originalXhr; } return Reflect.apply(this, thisArg, args2); } apply(thisArg, args2) { if (thisArg && thisArg.__ajaxHooker && thisArg.__ajaxHooker.proxyXhr === thisArg) { thisArg = thisArg.__ajaxHooker.originalXhr; } return Reflect.apply(this, thisArg, args2 || []); } } function hookSecsdk(csrf) { Object.setPrototypeOf( csrf.nativeXMLHttpRequestSetRequestHeader, AHFunction.prototype ); Object.setPrototypeOf( csrf.nativeXMLHttpRequestOpen, AHFunction.prototype ); Object.setPrototypeOf( csrf.nativeXMLHttpRequestSend, AHFunction.prototype ); } if (win.secsdk) { if (win.secsdk.csrf && win.secsdk.csrf.nativeXMLHttpRequestOpen) hookSecsdk(win.secsdk.csrf); } else { defineProp(win, "secsdk", emptyFn, (secsdk) => { delete win.secsdk; win.secsdk = secsdk; defineProp(secsdk, "csrf", emptyFn, (csrf) => { delete secsdk.csrf; secsdk.csrf = csrf; if (csrf.nativeXMLHttpRequestOpen) hookSecsdk(csrf); }); }); } return { hook: (fn) => hookInst.hookFns.push(fn), filter: (arr) => { if (Array.isArray(arr)) hookInst.filters = arr; }, protect: () => { readonly(win, "XMLHttpRequest", winAh.fakeXHR); readonly(win, "fetch", winAh.fakeFetch); readonly(resProto, "clone", winAh.fakeFetchClone); }, unhook: () => { winAh.hookInsts.delete(hookInst); if (!winAh.hookInsts.size) { writable(win, "XMLHttpRequest", winAh.realXHR); writable(win, "fetch", winAh.realFetch); writable(resProto, "clone", winAh.realFetchClone); delete win.__ajaxHooker; } } }; }(); }; const AjaxHooker1_2_4 = function() { return function() { const win = window.unsafeWindow || document.defaultView || window; const hookFns = []; const realXhr = win.XMLHttpRequest; const resProto = win.Response.prototype; const toString = Object.prototype.toString; const realFetch = win.fetch; const xhrResponses = ["response", "responseText", "responseXML"]; const fetchResponses = ["arrayBuffer", "blob", "formData", "json", "text"]; const xhrAsyncEvents = ["readystatechange", "load", "loadend"]; let filter; function emptyFn() { } function errorFn(err) { console.error(err); } function defineProp(obj, prop, getter, setter) { Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: getter, set: setter }); } function readonly(obj, prop, value = obj[prop]) { defineProp(obj, prop, () => value, emptyFn); } function writable(obj, prop, value = obj[prop]) { Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value }); } function toFilterObj(obj) { return { type: obj.type, url: obj.url, method: obj.method && obj.method.toUpperCase() }; } function shouldFilter(type, url, method) { return filter && !filter.find( (obj) => (!obj.type || obj.type === type) && (!obj.url || (toString.call(obj.url) === "[object String]" ? url.includes(obj.url) : obj.url.test(url))) && (!obj.method || obj.method === method.toUpperCase()) ); } function lookupGetter(obj, prop) { let getter; let proto = obj; while (proto) { const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(proto, prop); getter = descriptor && descriptor.get; if (getter) break; proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(proto); } return getter ? getter.bind(obj) : emptyFn; } function waitForHookFns(request) { return Promise.all( hookFns.map((fn) => Promise.resolve(fn(request)).then(emptyFn, errorFn)) ); } function waitForRequestKeys(request, requestClone) { return Promise.all( ["url", "method", "abort", "headers", "data"].map((key) => { return Promise.resolve(request[key]).then( (val) => request[key] = val, () => request[key] = requestClone[key] ); }) ); } function fakeEventSIP() { this.ajaxHooker_stopped = true; } function xhrDelegateEvent(e2) { const xhr = e2.target; e2.stopImmediatePropagation = fakeEventSIP; xhr.__ajaxHooker.hookedEvents[e2.type].forEach( (fn) => !e2.ajaxHooker_stopped && fn.call(xhr, e2) ); const onEvent = xhr.__ajaxHooker.hookedEvents["on" + e2.type]; typeof onEvent === "function" && onEvent.call(xhr, e2); } function xhrReadyStateChange(e2) { if (e2.target.readyState === 4) { e2.target.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("ajaxHooker_responseReady", { detail: e2 }) ); } else { e2.target.__ajaxHooker.delegateEvent(e2); } } function xhrLoadAndLoadend(e2) { e2.target.__ajaxHooker.delegateEvent(e2); } function fakeXhrOpen(method, url, ...args2) { const ah = this.__ajaxHooker; ah.url = url.toString(); ah.method = method.toUpperCase(); ah.openArgs = args2; ah.headers = {}; return ah.originalMethods.open(method, url, ...args2); } function fakeXhr() { const xhr = new realXhr(); let ah = xhr.__ajaxHooker; if (!ah) { ah = xhr.__ajaxHooker = { headers: {}, hookedEvents: { readystatechange: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), load: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), loadend: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set() }, delegateEvent: xhrDelegateEvent, originalGetters: {}, originalMethods: {} }; xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", xhrReadyStateChange); xhr.addEventListener("load", xhrLoadAndLoadend); xhr.addEventListener("loadend", xhrLoadAndLoadend); for (const key of xhrResponses) { ah.originalGetters[key] = lookupGetter(xhr, key); } for (const method of [ "open", "setRequestHeader", "addEventListener", "removeEventListener" ]) { ah.originalMethods[method] = xhr[method].bind(xhr); } xhr.open = fakeXhrOpen; xhr.setRequestHeader = (header, value) => { ah.originalMethods.setRequestHeader(header, value); if (xhr.readyState === 1) { if (ah.headers[header]) { ah.headers[header] += ", " + value; } else { ah.headers[header] = value; } } }; xhr.addEventListener = function(...args2) { if (xhrAsyncEvents.includes(args2[0])) { ah.hookedEvents[args2[0]].add(args2[1]); } else { ah.originalMethods.addEventListener(...args2); } }; xhr.removeEventListener = function(...args2) { if (xhrAsyncEvents.includes(args2[0])) { ah.hookedEvents[args2[0]].delete(args2[1]); } else { ah.originalMethods.removeEventListener(...args2); } }; xhrAsyncEvents.forEach((evt) => { const onEvt = "on" + evt; defineProp( xhr, onEvt, () => { return ah.hookedEvents[onEvt] || null; }, (val) => { ah.hookedEvents[onEvt] = typeof val === "function" ? val : null; } ); }); } const realSend = xhr.send.bind(xhr); xhr.send = function(data) { if (xhr.readyState !== 1) return realSend(data); ah.delegateEvent = xhrDelegateEvent; xhrResponses.forEach((prop) => { delete xhr[prop]; }); if (shouldFilter("xhr", ah.url, ah.method)) { xhr.addEventListener("ajaxHooker_responseReady", (e2) => { ah.delegateEvent(e2.detail); }); return realSend(data); } try { const request = { type: "xhr", url: ah.url, method: ah.method, abort: false, headers: ah.headers, data, response: null }; const requestClone = { ...request }; waitForHookFns(request).then(() => { waitForRequestKeys(request, requestClone).then(() => { if (request.abort) return; ah.originalMethods.open( request.method, request.url, ...ah.openArgs ); for (const header in request.headers) { ah.originalMethods.setRequestHeader( header, request.headers[header] ); } data = request.data; xhr.addEventListener("ajaxHooker_responseReady", (e2) => { try { if (typeof request.response === "function") { const arg = { finalUrl: xhr.responseURL, status: xhr.status, responseHeaders: {} }; for (const line of xhr.getAllResponseHeaders().trim().split(/[\r\n]+/)) { const parts = line.split(/:\s*/); if (parts.length === 2) { const lheader = parts[0].toLowerCase(); if (arg.responseHeaders[lheader]) { arg.responseHeaders[lheader] += ", " + parts[1]; } else { arg.responseHeaders[lheader] = parts[1]; } } } xhrResponses.forEach((prop) => { defineProp( arg, prop, () => { return arg[prop] = ah.originalGetters[prop](); }, (val) => { delete arg[prop]; arg[prop] = val; } ); defineProp(xhr, prop, () => { const val = ah.originalGetters[prop](); xhr.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("ajaxHooker_readResponse", { detail: { prop, val } }) ); return val; }); }); xhr.addEventListener("ajaxHooker_readResponse", (e3) => { arg[e3.detail.prop] = e3.detail.val; }); const resPromise = Promise.resolve( request.response(arg) ).then(() => { const task = []; xhrResponses.forEach((prop) => { const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( arg, prop ); if (descriptor && "value" in descriptor) { task.push( Promise.resolve(descriptor.value).then((val) => { arg[prop] = val; defineProp(xhr, prop, () => { xhr.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("ajaxHooker_readResponse", { detail: { prop, val } }) ); return val; }); }, emptyFn) ); } }); return Promise.all(task); }, errorFn); const eventsClone = {}; xhrAsyncEvents.forEach((type) => { eventsClone[type] = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([...ah.hookedEvents[type]]); eventsClone["on" + type] = ah.hookedEvents["on" + type]; }); ah.delegateEvent = (event) => resPromise.then(() => { event.stopImmediatePropagation = fakeEventSIP; eventsClone[event.type].forEach( (fn) => !event.ajaxHooker_stopped && fn.call(xhr, event) ); const onEvent = eventsClone["on" + event.type]; typeof onEvent === "function" && onEvent.call(xhr, event); }); } } catch (err) { console.error(err); } ah.delegateEvent(e2.detail); }); realSend(data); }); }); } catch (err) { console.error(err); realSend(data); } }; return xhr; } function hookFetchResponse(response, arg, callback2) { fetchResponses.forEach((prop) => { response[prop] = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resProto[prop].call(response).then((res) => { if (prop in arg) { resolve(arg[prop]); } else { try { arg[prop] = res; Promise.resolve(callback2(arg)).then(() => { if (prop in arg) { Promise.resolve(arg[prop]).then( (val) => resolve(arg[prop] = val), () => resolve(res) ); } else { resolve(res); } }, errorFn); } catch (err) { console.error(err); resolve(res); } } }, reject); }); }); } function fakeFetch(url, init) { if (url && typeof url.toString === "function") { url = url.toString(); init = init || {}; init.method = init.method || "GET"; init.headers = init.headers || {}; if (shouldFilter("fetch", url, init.method)) return realFetch.call(win, url, init); const request = { type: "fetch", url, method: init.method.toUpperCase(), abort: false, headers: {}, data: init.body, response: null }; if (toString.call(init.headers) === "[object Headers]") { for (const [key, val] of init.headers) { request.headers[key] = val; } } else { request.headers = { ...init.headers }; } const requestClone = { ...request }; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { waitForHookFns(request).then(() => { waitForRequestKeys(request, requestClone).then(() => { if (request.abort) return reject("aborted"); url = request.url; init.method = request.method; init.headers = request.headers; init.body = request.data; realFetch.call(win, url, init).then((response) => { if (typeof request.response === "function") { const arg = { finalUrl: response.url, status: response.status, responseHeaders: {} }; for (const [key, val] of response.headers) { arg.responseHeaders[key] = val; } hookFetchResponse(response, arg, request.response); response.clone = () => { const resClone = resProto.clone.call(response); hookFetchResponse(resClone, arg, request.response); return resClone; }; } resolve(response); }, reject); }); }); } catch (err) { console.error(err); return realFetch.call(win, url, init); } }); } else { return realFetch.call(win, url, init); } } win.XMLHttpRequest = fakeXhr; Object.keys(realXhr).forEach((key) => fakeXhr[key] = realXhr[key]); fakeXhr.prototype = realXhr.prototype; win.fetch = fakeFetch; return { hook: (fn) => hookFns.push(fn), filter: (arr) => { filter = Array.isArray(arr) && arr.map(toFilterObj); }, protect: () => { readonly(win, "XMLHttpRequest", fakeXhr); readonly(win, "fetch", fakeFetch); }, unhook: () => { writable(win, "XMLHttpRequest", realXhr); writable(win, "fetch", realFetch); } }; }(); }; class GMMenu { constructor(details) { __publicField(this, "GM_Api", { /** * 获取存储的数据 */ getValue: null, /** * 设置数据到存储 */ setValue: null, /** * 注册菜单 */ registerMenuCommand: null, /** * 卸载菜单 */ unregisterMenuCommand: null }); __publicField(this, "MenuHandle", { context: this, $data: { /** * 菜单数据 */ data: [], /** * 本地存储的键名 */ key: "GM_Menu_Local_Map" }, $default: { /** 自动刷新网页,默认为true */ autoReload: true, /** * 菜单isStoreValue的默认值 */ isStoreValue: true }, $emoji: { /** * 菜单enable为true的emoji */ success: "✅", /** * 菜单enable为false的emoji */ error: "❌" }, /** * 初始化数据 */ init() { for (let index = 0; index < this.$data.data.length; index++) { let menuOption = this.$data.data[index]["data"]; menuOption.enable = Boolean(this.getLocalMenuData(menuOption.key, menuOption.enable)); if (typeof menuOption.showText !== "function") { menuOption.showText = (menuText, menuEnable) => { if (menuEnable) { return this.$emoji.success + " " + menuText; } else { return this.$emoji.error + " " + menuText; } }; } } }, /** * 注册油猴菜单 * @param menuOptions 如果存在,使用它 */ register(menuOptions) { let that = this; if (menuOptions == null) { throw new TypeError("register菜单数据不能为空"); } if (!Array.isArray(menuOptions)) { menuOptions = [menuOptions]; } for (let index = 0; index < menuOptions.length; index++) { let cloneMenuOptionData = utils$1.deepClone(menuOptions[index].data); const { showText, clickCallBack } = this.handleMenuData(cloneMenuOptionData); let menuId = that.context.GM_Api.registerMenuCommand(showText, clickCallBack); menuOptions[index].id = menuId; cloneMenuOptionData.deleteMenu = function() { that.context.GM_Api.unregisterMenuCommand(menuId); }; Reflect.deleteProperty(menuOptions[index], "handleData"); menuOptions[index].handleData = cloneMenuOptionData; } }, /** * 获取本地存储菜单键值 * @param {string} key 键 */ getLocalMenuData(key, defaultValue) { let localData = this.context.GM_Api.getValue(this.$data.key, {}); if (key in localData) { return localData[key]; } else { return defaultValue; } }, /** * 设置本地存储菜单键值 * @param key 键 * @param value 值 */ setLocalMenuData(key, value) { let localData = this.context.GM_Api.getValue(this.$data.key, {}); localData[key] = value; this.context.GM_Api.setValue(this.$data.key, localData); }, /** * 处理初始化配置 * @param menuOption */ handleInitDetail(menuOption) { menuOption.enable = Boolean(this.getLocalMenuData(menuOption.key, menuOption.enable)); if (typeof menuOption.showText !== "function") { menuOption.showText = (menuText, menuEnable) => { if (menuEnable) { return this.$emoji.success + " " + menuText; } else { return this.$emoji.error + " " + menuText; } }; } return menuOption; }, /** * 对菜单数据进行处理 * @param menuOption */ handleMenuData(menuOption) { let that = this; let menuLocalDataItemKey = menuOption.key; let defaultEnable = Boolean(this.getLocalMenuData(menuLocalDataItemKey, menuOption.enable)); let showText = menuOption.showText(menuOption.text, defaultEnable); ({ /** * 菜单的id */ id: menuOption.id, /** * 点击菜单项后是否应关闭弹出菜单 */ autoClose: menuOption.autoClose, /** * 菜单项的可选访问键 */ accessKey: menuOption.accessKey, /** * 菜单项的鼠标悬浮上的工具提示 */ title: menuOption.title }); menuOption.autoReload = typeof menuOption.autoReload !== "boolean" ? this.$default.autoReload : menuOption.autoReload; menuOption.isStoreValue = typeof menuOption.isStoreValue !== "boolean" ? this.$default.isStoreValue : menuOption.isStoreValue; function clickCallBack(event) { let localEnable = Boolean(that.getLocalMenuData(menuLocalDataItemKey, defaultEnable)); if (menuOption.isStoreValue) { that.setLocalMenuData(menuLocalDataItemKey, !localEnable); } if (typeof menuOption.callback === "function") { menuOption.callback({ key: menuLocalDataItemKey, enable: !localEnable, oldEnable: localEnable, event, storeValue(value) { that.setLocalMenuData(menuLocalDataItemKey, value); } }); } if (menuOption.autoReload) { window.location.reload(); } else { that.context.update(); } } return { showText, clickCallBack }; }, /** * 获取目标菜单配置数据 * @param menuKey 菜单-键key */ getMenuData(menuKey) { return this.$data.data.find((item) => item.data.key === menuKey); }, /** * 获取目标菜单配置 * @param menuKey 菜单-键key */ getMenuOption(menuKey) { var _a2; return (_a2 = this.$data.data.find((item) => item.data.key === menuKey)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.data; }, /** * 获取目标菜单处理后的配置 * @param menuKey 菜单-键key */ getMenuHandledOption(menuKey) { var _a2; return (_a2 = this.$data.data.find((item) => item.handleData.key === menuKey)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.handleData; } }); this.GM_Api.getValue = details.GM_getValue; this.GM_Api.setValue = details.GM_setValue; this.GM_Api.registerMenuCommand = details.GM_registerMenuCommand; this.GM_Api.unregisterMenuCommand = details.GM_unregisterMenuCommand; this.MenuHandle.$default.autoReload = typeof details.autoReload === "boolean" ? details.autoReload : true; for (const keyName of Object.keys(this.GM_Api)) { if (typeof this.GM_Api[keyName] !== "function") { throw new Error(`Utils.GM_Menu 请在脚本开头加上 @grant ${keyName},且传入该对象`); } } this.add((details == null ? void 0 : details.data) || []); } /** * 新增菜单数据 * @param menuOption */ __add(menuOption) { if (Array.isArray(menuOption)) { for (let index = 0; index < menuOption.length; index++) { const option = menuOption[index]; this.MenuHandle.$data.data.push({ data: option, id: void 0 }); } } else { this.MenuHandle.$data.data.push({ data: menuOption, id: void 0 }); } } /** * 新增菜单数据 * * 自动调用.update() * @param menuOption */ add(menuOption) { this.__add(menuOption); this.update(); } /** * 更新菜单数据 * * 实现方式:先取消注册所有已注册的菜单、再依次注册所有菜单项 * * 如果菜单不存在,新增菜单项 * * 如果菜单已存在,新菜单项覆盖旧的菜单项 * @param options 数据 */ update(options) { let menuOptionList = []; if (Array.isArray(options)) { menuOptionList = [...menuOptionList, ...options]; } else if (options != null) { menuOptionList = [...menuOptionList, options]; } menuOptionList.forEach((menuOption) => { let oldMenuOption = this.MenuHandle.getMenuOption(menuOption.key); if (oldMenuOption) { Object.assign(oldMenuOption, menuOption); } else { this.__add(menuOption); } }); this.MenuHandle.$data.data.forEach((value) => { if (value.handleData) { value.handleData.deleteMenu(); } }); this.MenuHandle.init(); this.MenuHandle.register(this.MenuHandle.$data.data); } /** * 卸载菜单 * @param menuId 已注册的菜单id */ delete(menuId) { this.GM_Api.unregisterMenuCommand(menuId); } /** * 根据键值获取enable值 * @param menuKey 菜单-键key * @deprecated */ get(menuKey) { return this.getEnable(menuKey); } /** * 根据键值获取enable值 * @param menuKey 菜单-键key */ getEnable(menuKey) { return this.MenuHandle.getMenuHandledOption(menuKey).enable; } /** * 根据键值获取text值 * @param menuKey 菜单-键key */ getText(menuKey) { return this.MenuHandle.getMenuHandledOption(menuKey).text; } /** * 根据键值获取showText函数的值 * @param menuKey 菜单-键key */ getShowTextValue(menuKey) { return this.MenuHandle.getMenuHandledOption(menuKey).showText(this.getText(menuKey), this.getEnable(menuKey)); } /** * 获取当前已注册菜单的id * @param menuKey */ getMenuId(menuKey) { let result2 = null; for (let index = 0; index < this.MenuHandle.$data.data.length; index++) { const optionData = this.MenuHandle.$data.data[index]; if (optionData.handleData.key === menuKey) { result2 = optionData.id; break; } } return result2; } /** * 根据键值获取accessKey值 * @param menuKey 菜单-键key */ getAccessKey(menuKey) { var _a2; return (_a2 = this.MenuHandle.getMenuHandledOption(menuKey)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.accessKey; } /** * 根据键值获取autoClose值 * @param menuKey 菜单-键key */ getAutoClose(menuKey) { var _a2; return (_a2 = this.MenuHandle.getMenuHandledOption(menuKey)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.autoClose; } /** * 根据键值获取autoReload值 * @param menuKey 菜单-键key */ getAutoReload(menuKey) { var _a2; return (_a2 = this.MenuHandle.getMenuHandledOption(menuKey)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.autoReload; } /** * 根据键值获取callback函数 * @param menuKey 菜单-键key */ getCallBack(menuKey) { var _a2; return (_a2 = this.MenuHandle.getMenuHandledOption(menuKey)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.callback; } /** * 获取当enable为true时默认显示在菜单中前面的emoji图标 */ getEnableTrueEmoji() { return this.MenuHandle.$emoji.success; } /** * 获取当enable为false时默认显示在菜单中前面的emoji图标 */ getEnableFalseEmoji() { return this.MenuHandle.$emoji.error; } /** * 获取本地存储的菜单外部的键名 * @param keyName */ getLocalStorageKeyName() { return this.MenuHandle.$data.key; } /** * 设置菜单的值 * @param menuKey 菜单-键key * @param value 需要设置的值 */ setValue(menuKey, value) { this.MenuHandle.setLocalMenuData(menuKey, value); } /** * 设置菜单的值 * @param menuKey 菜单-键key * @param value 需要设置的值 */ setEnable(menuKey, value) { this.setValue(menuKey, Boolean(value)); } /** * 设置当enable为true时默认显示在菜单中前面的emoji图标 * @param emojiString */ setEnableTrueEmoji(emojiString) { if (typeof emojiString !== "string") { throw new Error("参数emojiString必须是string类型"); } this.MenuHandle.$emoji.success = emojiString; } /** * 设置当enable为false时默认显示在菜单中前面的emoji图标 * @param emojiString */ setEnableFalseEmoji(emojiString) { if (typeof emojiString !== "string") { throw new Error("参数emojiString必须是string类型"); } this.MenuHandle.$emoji.error = emojiString; } /** * 设置本地存储的菜单外部的键名 * @param keyName */ setLocalStorageKeyName(keyName) { if (typeof keyName !== "string") { throw new Error("参数keyName必须是string类型"); } this.MenuHandle.$data.key = keyName; } } class Hooks { /** * 在Function原型上添加自定义方法.hook和.unhook */ initEnv() { Function.prototype.hook = function(realFunc, hookFunc, context) { let _context = null; let _funcName = null; _context = context || window; _funcName = getFuncName(this); _context["realFunc_" + _funcName] = this; if (_context[_funcName].prototype && _context[_funcName].prototype.isHooked) { console.log("Already has been hooked,unhook first"); return false; } function getFuncName(fn) { let strFunc = fn.toString(); let _regex = /function\s+(\w+)\s*\(/; let patten = strFunc.match(_regex); if (patten) { return patten[1]; } return ""; } try { eval("_context[_funcName] = function " + _funcName + "(){\nlet args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,0);\nlet obj = this;\nhookFunc.apply(obj,args);\nreturn _context['realFunc_" + _funcName + "'].apply(obj,args);\n};"); _context[_funcName].prototype.isHooked = true; return true; } catch (e2) { console.log("Hook failed,check the params."); return false; } }; Function.prototype.unhook = function(realFunc2, funcName, context2) { let _context3 = null; let _funcName2 = null; _context3 = context2 || window; _funcName2 = funcName; if (!_context3[_funcName2].prototype.isHooked) { console.log("No function is hooked on"); return false; } _context3[_funcName2] = _context3["realFunc" + _funcName2]; Reflect.deleteProperty(_context3, "realFunc_" + _funcName2); return true; }; } /** * 删除在Function原型上添加的自定义方法.hook和.unhook */ cleanEnv() { if (Function.prototype.hasOwnProperty("hook")) { Reflect.deleteProperty(Function.prototype, "hook"); } if (Function.prototype.hasOwnProperty("unhook")) { Reflect.deleteProperty(Function.prototype, "unhook"); } return true; } } const GenerateUUID = function() { var _a2; if (typeof ((_a2 = window == null ? void 0 : window.crypto) == null ? void 0 : _a2.randomUUID) === "function") { return window.crypto.randomUUID(); } else { return "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, function(charStr) { var randomValue = Math.random() * 16 | 0, randomCharValue = charStr === "x" ? randomValue : randomValue & 3 | 8; return randomCharValue.toString(16); }); } }; class Httpx { /** * 实例化,可传入GM_xmlhttpRequest,未传入则使用window.fetch * @param xmlHttpRequest */ constructor(xmlHttpRequest) { __publicField(this, "GM_Api", { xmlHttpRequest: null }); __publicField(this, "HttpxRequestHook", { /** * @private */ $config: { configList: [] }, /** * 发送请求前的回调 * 如果返回false则阻止本次返回 * @param details 当前的请求配置 * @private */ async beforeRequestCallBack(details) { if (typeof details.allowInterceptConfig === "boolean") { if (!details.allowInterceptConfig) { return details; } } else { if (details.allowInterceptConfig != null) { if (typeof details.allowInterceptConfig.beforeRequest === "boolean" && !details.allowInterceptConfig.beforeRequest) { return details; } } } for (let index = 0; index < this.$config.configList.length; index++) { let item = this.$config.configList[index]; if (typeof item.fn === "function") { let result2 = await item.fn(details); if (result2 == null) { return; } } } return details; }, /** * 添加请求前的回调处理配置 */ add(fn) { if (typeof fn === "function") { let uuid = GenerateUUID(); this.$config.configList.push({ id: uuid, fn }); return uuid; } else { console.warn("[Httpx-HttpxRequestHook.addBeforeRequestCallBack] fn is not a function"); } }, /** * 删除请求前的回调处理配置 * @param id */ delete(id) { if (typeof id === "string") { let findIndex = this.$config.configList.findIndex((item) => item.id === id); if (findIndex !== -1) { this.$config.configList.splice(findIndex, 1); return true; } } return false; }, /** * 清空设置的请求前的回调处理配置 */ clearAll() { this.$config.configList = []; } }); __publicField(this, "HttpxResponseHook", { /** * @private */ $config: { configList: [] }, /** * 成功的回调 * @param response 响应 * @param details 请求的配置 */ async successResponseCallBack(response, details) { if (typeof details.allowInterceptConfig === "boolean") { if (!details.allowInterceptConfig) { return details; } } else { if (details.allowInterceptConfig != null) { if (typeof details.allowInterceptConfig.afterResponseSuccess === "boolean" && !details.allowInterceptConfig.afterResponseSuccess) { return details; } } } for (let index = 0; index < this.$config.configList.length; index++) { let item = this.$config.configList[index]; if (typeof item.successFn === "function") { let result2 = await item.successFn(response, details); if (result2 == null) { return; } } } return response; }, /** * 失败的回调 * @param data 配置 * @returns * 返回null|undefined就是拦截掉了 */ async errorResponseCallBack(data) { if (typeof data.details.allowInterceptConfig === "boolean") { if (!data.details.allowInterceptConfig) { return data; } } else { if (data.details.allowInterceptConfig != null) { if (typeof data.details.allowInterceptConfig.afterResponseError === "boolean" && !data.details.allowInterceptConfig.afterResponseError) { return data; } } } for (let index = 0; index < this.$config.configList.length; index++) { let item = this.$config.configList[index]; if (typeof item.errorFn === "function") { let result2 = await item.errorFn(data); if (result2 == null) { return; } } } return data; }, /** * 添加请求前的回调处理配置 */ add(successFn, errorFn) { let id = GenerateUUID(); this.$config.configList.push({ id, successFn, errorFn }); return id; }, /** * 删除请求前的回调处理配置 * @param id */ delete(id) { if (typeof id === "string") { let findIndex = this.$config.configList.findIndex((item) => item.id === id); if (findIndex !== -1) { this.$config.configList.splice(findIndex, 1); return true; } } return false; }, /** * 清空设置的请求前的回调处理配置 */ clearAll() { this.$config.configList = []; } }); __publicField(this, "HttpxRequestOption", { context: this, /** * 根据传入的参数处理获取details配置 */ handleBeforeRequestOption(...args2) { let option = {}; if (typeof args2[0] === "string") { let url = args2[0]; option.url = url; if (typeof args2[1] === "object") { let details = args2[1]; option = details; option.url = url; } } else { option = args2[0]; } return option; }, /** * 获取请求配置 * @param method 当前请求方法,默认get * @param userRequestOption 用户的请求配置 * @param resolve promise回调 * @param reject 抛出错误回调 */ getRequestOption(method, userRequestOption, resolve, reject) { let that = this; let requestOption = { url: userRequestOption.url || __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails).url, method: (method || "GET").toString().toUpperCase().trim(), timeout: userRequestOption.timeout || __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails).timeout, responseType: userRequestOption.responseType || __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails).responseType, /* 对象使用深拷贝 */ headers: utils$1.deepClone(__privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails).headers), data: userRequestOption.data || __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails).data, redirect: userRequestOption.redirect || __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails).redirect, cookie: userRequestOption.cookie || __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails).cookie, cookiePartition: userRequestOption.cookiePartition || __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails).cookiePartition, binary: userRequestOption.binary || __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails).binary, nocache: userRequestOption.nocache || __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails).nocache, revalidate: userRequestOption.revalidate || __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails).revalidate, /* 对象使用深拷贝 */ context: utils$1.deepClone(userRequestOption.context || __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails).context), overrideMimeType: userRequestOption.overrideMimeType || __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails).overrideMimeType, anonymous: userRequestOption.anonymous || __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails).anonymous, fetch: userRequestOption.fetch || __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails).fetch, /* 对象使用深拷贝 */ fetchInit: utils$1.deepClone(__privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails).fetchInit), allowInterceptConfig: { beforeRequest: __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails).allowInterceptConfig.beforeRequest, afterResponseSuccess: __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails).allowInterceptConfig.afterResponseSuccess, afterResponseError: __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails).allowInterceptConfig.afterResponseError }, user: userRequestOption.user || __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails).user, password: userRequestOption.password || __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails).password, onabort(...args2) { that.context.HttpxCallBack.onAbort(userRequestOption, resolve, reject, args2); }, onerror(...args2) { that.context.HttpxCallBack.onError(userRequestOption, resolve, reject, args2); }, onloadstart(...args2) { that.context.HttpxCallBack.onLoadStart(userRequestOption, args2); }, onprogress(...args2) { that.context.HttpxCallBack.onProgress(userRequestOption, args2); }, onreadystatechange(...args2) { that.context.HttpxCallBack.onReadyStateChange(userRequestOption, args2); }, ontimeout(...args2) { that.context.HttpxCallBack.onTimeout(userRequestOption, resolve, reject, args2); }, onload(...args2) { that.context.HttpxCallBack.onLoad(userRequestOption, resolve, reject, args2); } }; if (typeof userRequestOption.allowInterceptConfig === "boolean") { Object.keys(requestOption.allowInterceptConfig).forEach((keyName) => { Reflect.set(requestOption.allowInterceptConfig, keyName, userRequestOption.allowInterceptConfig); }); } else { if (typeof userRequestOption.allowInterceptConfig === "object" && userRequestOption.allowInterceptConfig != null) { Object.keys(userRequestOption.allowInterceptConfig).forEach((keyName) => { let value = Reflect.get(userRequestOption.allowInterceptConfig, keyName); if (typeof value === "boolean" && Reflect.has(requestOption.allowInterceptConfig, keyName)) { Reflect.set(requestOption.allowInterceptConfig, keyName, value); } }); } } if (typeof this.context.GM_Api.xmlHttpRequest !== "function") { requestOption.fetch = true; } if (typeof requestOption.headers === "object") { if (typeof userRequestOption.headers === "object") { Object.keys(userRequestOption.headers).forEach((keyName, index) => { var _a2, _b; if (keyName in requestOption.headers && ((_a2 = userRequestOption.headers) == null ? void 0 : _a2[keyName]) == null) { Reflect.deleteProperty(requestOption.headers, keyName); } else { requestOption.headers[keyName] = (_b = userRequestOption == null ? void 0 : userRequestOption.headers) == null ? void 0 : _b[keyName]; } }); } } else { Reflect.set(requestOption, "headers", userRequestOption.headers); } if (typeof requestOption.fetchInit === "object") { if (typeof userRequestOption.fetchInit === "object") { Object.keys(userRequestOption.fetchInit).forEach((keyName, index) => { if (keyName in requestOption.fetchInit && userRequestOption.fetchInit[keyName] == null) { Reflect.deleteProperty(requestOption.fetchInit, keyName); } else { Reflect.set(requestOption.fetchInit, keyName, Reflect.get(userRequestOption.fetchInit, keyName)); } }); } } else { Reflect.set(requestOption, "fetchInit", userRequestOption.fetchInit); } if (typeof requestOption.cookiePartition === "object" && requestOption.cookiePartition != null) { if (Reflect.has(requestOption.cookiePartition, "topLevelSite") && typeof requestOption.cookiePartition.topLevelSite !== "string") { Reflect.deleteProperty(requestOption.cookiePartition, "topLevelSite"); } } try { new URL(requestOption.url); } catch (error2) { if (requestOption.url.startsWith("//")) { requestOption.url = globalThis.location.protocol + requestOption.url; } else if (requestOption.url.startsWith("/")) { requestOption.url = globalThis.location.origin + requestOption.url; } else { requestOption.url = globalThis.location.origin + "/" + requestOption.url; } } if (requestOption.fetchInit && !requestOption.fetch) { Reflect.deleteProperty(requestOption, "fetchInit"); } try { let processData = userRequestOption.processData ?? true; if (requestOption.data != null && processData) { let method2 = requestOption.method; if (method2 === "GET" || method2 === "HEAD") { let urlObj = new URL(requestOption.url); let urlSearch = ""; let isHandler = false; if (typeof requestOption.data === "string") { isHandler = true; urlSearch = requestOption.data; } else if (typeof requestOption.data === "object") { isHandler = true; let searchParams = new URLSearchParams(requestOption.data); urlSearch = searchParams.toString(); } if (isHandler) { Reflect.deleteProperty(requestOption, "data"); } if (urlSearch != "") { if (urlObj.search === "") { urlObj.search = urlSearch; } else { if (urlObj.search.endsWith("&")) { urlObj.search = urlObj.search + urlSearch; } else { urlObj.search = urlObj.search + "&" + urlSearch; } } } requestOption.url = urlObj.toString(); } else if (method2 === "POST" && requestOption.headers != null) { let headersKeyList = Object.keys(requestOption.headers); let ContentTypeIndex = headersKeyList.findIndex((headerKey) => { return headerKey.trim().toLowerCase() === "content-type" && typeof requestOption.headers[headerKey] === "string"; }); if (ContentTypeIndex !== -1) { let ContentTypeKey = headersKeyList[ContentTypeIndex]; let ContentType = requestOption.headers[ContentTypeKey]; if (ContentType.includes("application/json")) { if (requestOption.data instanceof FormData) { const entries = {}; requestOption.data.forEach((value, key) => { entries[key] = value; }); requestOption.data = JSON.stringify(entries); } else if (typeof requestOption.data === "object") { requestOption.data = JSON.stringify(requestOption.data); } } else if (ContentType.includes("application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) { if (typeof requestOption.data === "object") { requestOption.data = new URLSearchParams( // @ts-ignore requestOption.data ).toString(); } } else if (ContentType.includes("multipart/form-data")) { if (requestOption.data instanceof FormData) { Reflect.deleteProperty(requestOption.headers, ContentTypeKey); } } } } } } catch (error2) { console.warn("Httpx ==> 转换data参数错误", error2); } return requestOption; }, /** * 处理发送请求的配置,去除值为undefined、空function的值 * @param option */ removeRequestNullOption(option) { Object.keys(option).forEach((keyName) => { if (option[keyName] == null || option[keyName] instanceof Function && utils$1.isNull(option[keyName])) { Reflect.deleteProperty(option, keyName); return; } }); if (utils$1.isNull(option.url)) { throw new TypeError(`Utils.Httpx 参数 url不符合要求: ${option.url}`); } return option; }, /** * 处理fetch的配置 * @param option */ handleFetchOption(option) { let fetchRequestOption = {}; if ((option.method === "GET" || option.method === "HEAD") && option.data != null) { Reflect.deleteProperty(option, "data"); } let abortController = new AbortController(); let signal = abortController.signal; signal.onabort = () => { option.onabort({ isFetch: true, responseText: "", response: null, readyState: 4, responseHeaders: "", status: 0, statusText: "", error: "aborted" }); }; fetchRequestOption.method = option.method ?? "GET"; fetchRequestOption.headers = option.headers; fetchRequestOption.body = option.data; fetchRequestOption.mode = "cors"; fetchRequestOption.credentials = "include"; fetchRequestOption.cache = "no-cache"; fetchRequestOption.redirect = "follow"; fetchRequestOption.referrerPolicy = "origin-when-cross-origin"; fetchRequestOption.signal = signal; Object.assign(fetchRequestOption, option.fetchInit || {}); return { fetchOption: option, fetchRequestOption, abortController }; } }); __publicField(this, "HttpxCallBack", { context: this, /** * onabort请求被取消-触发 * @param details 配置 * @param resolve 回调 * @param reject 抛出错误 * @param argsResult 返回的参数列表 */ async onAbort(details, resolve, reject, argsResult) { if ("onabort" in details) { details.onabort.apply(this, argsResult); } else if ("onabort" in __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails)) { __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails).onabort.apply(this, argsResult); } let response = argsResult; if (response.length) { response = response[0]; } if (await this.context.HttpxResponseHook.errorResponseCallBack({ type: "onabort", error: new TypeError("request canceled"), response: null, details }) == null) { return; } resolve({ data: response, details, msg: "请求被取消", status: false, statusCode: -1, type: "onabort" }); }, /** * onerror请求异常-触发 * @param details 配置 * @param resolve 回调 * @param reject 抛出错误 * @param argsResult 返回的参数列表 */ async onError(details, resolve, reject, argsResult) { if ("onerror" in details) { details.onerror.apply(this, argsResult); } else if ("onerror" in __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails)) { __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails).onerror.apply(this, argsResult); } let response = argsResult; if (response.length) { response = response[0]; } if (await this.context.HttpxResponseHook.errorResponseCallBack({ type: "onerror", error: new TypeError("request error"), response, details }) == null) { return; } resolve({ data: response, details, msg: "请求异常", status: false, statusCode: response["status"], type: "onerror" }); }, /** * ontimeout请求超时-触发 * @param details 配置 * @param resolve 回调 * @param reject 抛出错误 * @param argsResult 返回的参数列表 */ async onTimeout(details, resolve, reject, argsResult) { if ("ontimeout" in details) { details.ontimeout.apply(this, argsResult); } else if ("ontimeout" in __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails)) { __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails).ontimeout.apply(this, argsResult); } let response = argsResult; if (response.length) { response = response[0]; } if (await this.context.HttpxResponseHook.errorResponseCallBack({ type: "ontimeout", error: new TypeError("request timeout"), response: (argsResult || [null])[0], details }) == null) { return; } resolve({ data: response, details, msg: "请求超时", status: false, statusCode: 0, type: "ontimeout" }); }, /** * onloadstart请求开始-触发 * @param details 配置 * @param argsResult 返回的参数列表 */ onLoadStart(details, argsResult) { if ("onloadstart" in details) { details.onloadstart.apply(this, argsResult); } else if ("onloadstart" in __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails)) { __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails).onloadstart.apply(this, argsResult); } }, /** * onload加载完毕-触发 * @param details 请求的配置 * @param resolve 回调 * @param reject 抛出错误 * @param argsResult 返回的参数列表 */ async onLoad(details, resolve, reject, argsResult) { let originResponse = argsResult[0]; if (utils$1.isNull(originResponse["responseText"]) && utils$1.isNotNull(originResponse["response"])) { if (typeof originResponse["response"] === "object") { utils$1.tryCatch().run(() => { originResponse["responseText"] = JSON.stringify(originResponse["response"]); }); } else { originResponse["responseText"] = originResponse["response"]; } } if (originResponse["response"] == null && typeof originResponse["responseText"] === "string" && originResponse["responseText"].trim() !== "") { let httpxResponseText = originResponse.responseText; let httpxResponse = httpxResponseText; if (details.responseType === "json") { httpxResponse = utils$1.toJSON(httpxResponseText); } else if (details.responseType === "document") { let parser = new DOMParser(); httpxResponse = parser.parseFromString(httpxResponseText, "text/html"); } else if (details.responseType === "arraybuffer") { let encoder = new TextEncoder(); let arrayBuffer = encoder.encode(httpxResponseText); httpxResponse = arrayBuffer; } else if (details.responseType === "blob") { let encoder = new TextEncoder(); let arrayBuffer = encoder.encode(httpxResponseText); httpxResponse = new Blob([arrayBuffer]); } try { let setStatus = Reflect.set(originResponse, "response", httpxResponse); if (!setStatus) { console.warn("[Httpx-HttpxCallBack.oonLoad] 覆盖原始 response 失败,尝试添加新的httpxResponse"); try { Reflect.set(originResponse, "httpxResponse", httpxResponse); } catch (error2) { console.warn("[Httpx-HttpxCallBack.oonLoad] httpxResponse 无法被覆盖"); } } } catch (error2) { console.warn("[Httpx-HttpxCallBack.oonLoad] 原始 response 无法被覆盖,尝试添加新的httpxResponse"); try { Reflect.set(originResponse, "httpxResponse", httpxResponse); } catch (error3) { console.warn("[Httpx-HttpxCallBack.oonLoad] httpxResponse 无法被覆盖"); } } } let originResponseURL = Reflect.get(originResponse, "responseURL"); if (originResponse["finalUrl"] == null && originResponseURL != null) { Reflect.set(originResponse, "finalUrl", originResponseURL); } if (Math.floor(originResponse.status / 100) === 2) { if (await this.context.HttpxResponseHook.successResponseCallBack(originResponse, details) == null) { return; } resolve({ data: originResponse, details, msg: "请求成功", status: true, statusCode: originResponse.status, type: "onload" }); } else { this.context.HttpxCallBack.onError(details, resolve, reject, argsResult); } }, /** * onprogress上传进度-触发 * @param details 配置 * @param argsResult 返回的参数列表 */ onProgress(details, argsResult) { if ("onprogress" in details) { details.onprogress.apply(this, argsResult); } else if ("onprogress" in __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails)) { __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails).onprogress.apply(this, argsResult); } }, /** * onreadystatechange准备状态改变-触发 * @param details 配置 * @param argsResult 返回的参数列表 */ onReadyStateChange(details, argsResult) { if ("onreadystatechange" in details) { details.onreadystatechange.apply(this, argsResult); } else if ("onreadystatechange" in __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails)) { __privateGet(this.context, _defaultDetails).onreadystatechange.apply(this, argsResult); } } }); __publicField(this, "HttpxRequest", { context: this, /** * 发送请求 * @param details */ async request(details) { if (__privateGet(this.context, _LOG_DETAILS)) { console.log("[Httpx-HttpxRequest.request] 请求前的配置👇", details); } if (typeof this.context.HttpxRequestHook.beforeRequestCallBack === "function") { let hookResult = await this.context.HttpxRequestHook.beforeRequestCallBack(details); if (hookResult == null) { return; } } if (details.fetch) { const { fetchOption, fetchRequestOption, abortController } = this.context.HttpxRequestOption.handleFetchOption(details); return this.fetch(fetchOption, fetchRequestOption, abortController); } else { return this.xmlHttpRequest(details); } }, /** * 使用油猴函数GM_xmlhttpRequest发送请求 * @param details */ xmlHttpRequest(details) { return this.context.GM_Api.xmlHttpRequest(details); }, /** * 使用fetch发送请求 * @param option * @param fetchRequestOption * @param abortController */ fetch(option, fetchRequestOption, abortController) { fetch(option.url, fetchRequestOption).then(async (fetchResponse) => { var _a2; let httpxResponse = { isFetch: true, finalUrl: fetchResponse.url, readyState: 4, // @ts-ignore status: fetchResponse.status, statusText: fetchResponse.statusText, // @ts-ignore response: void 0, responseFetchHeaders: fetchResponse.headers, responseHeaders: "", // @ts-ignore responseText: void 0, responseType: option.responseType, responseXML: void 0 }; Object.assign(httpxResponse, option.context || {}); for (const [key, value] of fetchResponse.headers.entries()) { httpxResponse.responseHeaders += `${key}: ${value} `; } const fetchResponseType = fetchResponse.headers.get("Content-Type"); if (option.responseType === "stream" || fetchResponse.headers.has("Content-Type") && fetchResponse.headers.get("Content-Type").includes("text/event-stream")) { Reflect.set(httpxResponse, "isStream", true); Reflect.set(httpxResponse, "response", fetchResponse.body); Reflect.deleteProperty(httpxResponse, "responseText"); Reflect.deleteProperty(httpxResponse, "responseXML"); option.onload(httpxResponse); return; } let response = ""; let responseText = ""; let responseXML = ""; let arrayBuffer = await fetchResponse.arrayBuffer(); let encoding = "utf-8"; if (fetchResponse.headers.has("Content-Type")) { let charsetMatched = (_a2 = fetchResponse.headers.get("Content-Type")) == null ? void 0 : _a2.match(/charset=(.+)/); if (charsetMatched) { encoding = charsetMatched[1]; encoding = encoding.toLowerCase(); } } encoding = encoding.replace(/('|")/gi, ""); let textDecoder = new TextDecoder(encoding); responseText = textDecoder.decode(arrayBuffer); response = responseText; if (option.responseType === "arraybuffer") { response = arrayBuffer; } else if (option.responseType === "blob") { response = new Blob([arrayBuffer]); } else if (option.responseType === "json" || typeof fetchResponseType === "string" && fetchResponseType.includes("application/json")) { response = utils$1.toJSON(responseText); } else if (option.responseType === "document" || option.responseType == null) { let parser2 = new DOMParser(); response = parser2.parseFromString(responseText, "text/html"); } let parser = new DOMParser(); responseXML = parser.parseFromString(responseText, "text/xml"); Reflect.set(httpxResponse, "response", response); Reflect.set(httpxResponse, "responseText", responseText); Reflect.set(httpxResponse, "responseXML", responseXML); option.onload(httpxResponse); }).catch((error2) => { if (error2.name === "AbortError") { return; } option.onerror({ isFetch: true, finalUrl: option.url, readyState: 4, status: 0, statusText: "", responseHeaders: "", responseText: "", error: error2 }); }); option.onloadstart({ isFetch: true, finalUrl: option.url, readyState: 1, responseHeaders: "", responseText: "", status: 0, statusText: "" }); return { abort() { abortController.abort(); } }; } }); /** * 默认配置 */ __privateAdd(this, _defaultDetails, { url: void 0, timeout: 5e3, async: false, responseType: void 0, headers: void 0, data: void 0, redirect: void 0, cookie: void 0, cookiePartition: void 0, binary: void 0, nocache: void 0, revalidate: void 0, context: void 0, overrideMimeType: void 0, anonymous: void 0, fetch: void 0, fetchInit: void 0, allowInterceptConfig: { beforeRequest: true, afterResponseSuccess: true, afterResponseError: true }, user: void 0, password: void 0, onabort() { }, onerror() { }, ontimeout() { }, onloadstart() { }, onreadystatechange() { }, onprogress() { } }); /** * 当前使用请求时,输出请求的配置 */ __privateAdd(this, _LOG_DETAILS, false); /** * 拦截器 */ __publicField(this, "interceptors", { /** * 请求拦截器 */ request: { context: null, /** * 添加拦截器 * @param fn 设置的请求前回调函数,如果返回配置,则使用返回的配置,如果返回null|undefined,则阻止请求 */ use(fn) { if (typeof fn !== "function") { console.warn("[Httpx-interceptors-request] 请传入拦截器函数"); return; } return this.context.HttpxRequestHook.add(fn); }, /** * 移除拦截器 * @param id 通过use返回的id */ eject(id) { return this.context.HttpxRequestHook.delete(id); }, /** * 移除所有拦截器 */ ejectAll() { this.context.HttpxRequestHook.clearAll(); } }, /** * 响应拦截器 */ response: { context: null, /** * 添加拦截器 * @param successFn 设置的响应后回调函数,如果返回响应,则使用返回的响应,如果返回null|undefined,则阻止响应 * + 2xx 范围内的状态码都会触发该函数 * @param errorFn 设置的响应后回调函数,如果返回响应,则使用返回的响应,如果返回null|undefined,则阻止响应 * + 超出 2xx 范围的状态码都会触发该函数 */ use(successFn, errorFn) { if (typeof successFn !== "function" && typeof errorFn !== "function") { console.warn("[Httpx-interceptors-response] 必须传入一个拦截器函数"); return; } return this.context.HttpxResponseHook.add(successFn, errorFn); }, /** * 移除拦截器 * @param id 通过use返回的id */ eject(id) { return this.context.HttpxResponseHook.delete(id); }, /** * 移除所有拦截器 */ ejectAll() { this.context.HttpxResponseHook.clearAll(); } } }); if (typeof xmlHttpRequest !== "function") { console.warn("[Httpx-constructor] 未传入GM_xmlhttpRequest函数或传入的GM_xmlhttpRequest不是Function,将默认使用window.fetch"); } this.interceptors.request.context = this; this.interceptors.response.context = this; this.GM_Api.xmlHttpRequest = xmlHttpRequest; } /** * 覆盖当前配置 * @param details */ config(details = {}) { if ("logDetails" in details && typeof details["logDetails"] === "boolean") { __privateSet(this, _LOG_DETAILS, details["logDetails"]); } __privateSet(this, _defaultDetails, utils$1.assign(__privateGet(this, _defaultDetails), details)); } /** * 修改xmlHttpRequest * @param httpRequest 网络请求函数 */ setXMLHttpRequest(httpRequest) { this.GM_Api.xmlHttpRequest = httpRequest; } /** * GET 请求 * @param url 网址 * @param details 配置 */ get(...args2) { let userRequestOption = this.HttpxRequestOption.handleBeforeRequestOption(...args2); let abortFn = null; let promise = new globalThis.Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { let requestOption = this.HttpxRequestOption.getRequestOption("GET", userRequestOption, resolve, reject); Reflect.deleteProperty(requestOption, "onprogress"); this.HttpxRequestOption.removeRequestNullOption(requestOption); const requestResult = await this.HttpxRequest.request(requestOption); if (requestResult != null && typeof requestResult.abort === "function") { abortFn = requestResult.abort; } }); promise.abort = () => { if (typeof abortFn === "function") { abortFn(); } }; return promise; } /** * POST 请求 */ post(...args2) { let userRequestOption = this.HttpxRequestOption.handleBeforeRequestOption(...args2); let abortFn = null; let promise = new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { let requestOption = this.HttpxRequestOption.getRequestOption("POST", userRequestOption, resolve, reject); requestOption = this.HttpxRequestOption.removeRequestNullOption(requestOption); const requestResult = await this.HttpxRequest.request(requestOption); if (requestResult != null && typeof requestResult.abort === "function") { abortFn = requestResult.abort; } }); promise.abort = () => { if (typeof abortFn === "function") { abortFn(); } }; return promise; } /** * HEAD 请求 */ head(...args2) { let userRequestOption = this.HttpxRequestOption.handleBeforeRequestOption(...args2); let abortFn = null; let promise = new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { let requestOption = this.HttpxRequestOption.getRequestOption("HEAD", userRequestOption, resolve, reject); Reflect.deleteProperty(requestOption, "onprogress"); requestOption = this.HttpxRequestOption.removeRequestNullOption(requestOption); const requestResult = await this.HttpxRequest.request(requestOption); if (requestResult != null && typeof requestResult.abort === "function") { abortFn = requestResult.abort; } }); promise.abort = () => { if (typeof abortFn === "function") { abortFn(); } }; return promise; } /** * OPTIONS 请求 */ options(...args2) { let userRequestOption = this.HttpxRequestOption.handleBeforeRequestOption(...args2); let abortFn = null; let promise = new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { let requestOption = this.HttpxRequestOption.getRequestOption("OPTIONS", userRequestOption, resolve, reject); Reflect.deleteProperty(requestOption, "onprogress"); requestOption = this.HttpxRequestOption.removeRequestNullOption(requestOption); const requestResult = await this.HttpxRequest.request(requestOption); if (requestResult != null && typeof requestResult.abort === "function") { abortFn = requestResult.abort; } }); promise.abort = () => { if (typeof abortFn === "function") { abortFn(); } }; return promise; } /** * DELETE 请求 */ delete(...args2) { let userRequestOption = this.HttpxRequestOption.handleBeforeRequestOption(...args2); let abortFn = null; let promise = new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { let requestOption = this.HttpxRequestOption.getRequestOption("DELETE", userRequestOption, resolve, reject); Reflect.deleteProperty(requestOption, "onprogress"); requestOption = this.HttpxRequestOption.removeRequestNullOption(requestOption); const requestResult = await this.HttpxRequest.request(requestOption); if (requestResult != null && typeof requestResult.abort === "function") { abortFn = requestResult.abort; } }); promise.abort = () => { if (typeof abortFn === "function") { abortFn(); } }; return promise; } /** * PUT 请求 */ put(...args2) { let userRequestOption = this.HttpxRequestOption.handleBeforeRequestOption(...args2); let abortFn = null; let promise = new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { let requestOption = this.HttpxRequestOption.getRequestOption("PUT", userRequestOption, resolve, reject); requestOption = this.HttpxRequestOption.removeRequestNullOption(requestOption); const requestResult = await this.HttpxRequest.request(requestOption); if (requestResult != null && typeof requestResult.abort === "function") { abortFn = requestResult.abort; } }); promise.abort = () => { if (typeof abortFn === "function") { abortFn(); } }; return promise; } } _defaultDetails = new WeakMap(); _LOG_DETAILS = new WeakMap(); class indexedDB { /** * @param dbName 数据存储名,默认为:default_db * @param storeName 表名,默认为:default_form * @param dbVersion indexDB的版本号,默认为:1 */ constructor(dbName = "default_db", storeName = "default_form", dbVersion = 1) { __privateAdd(this, _dbName); __privateAdd(this, _storeName); __privateAdd(this, _dbVersion); /* websql的版本号,由于ios的问题,版本号的写法不一样 */ // @ts-ignore __privateAdd(this, _slqVersion, "1"); /* 监听IndexDB */ __privateAdd(this, _indexedDB, window.indexedDB || window.mozIndexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB || window.msIndexedDB); /* 缓存数据库,避免同一个页面重复创建和销毁 */ __privateAdd(this, _db, {}); // @ts-ignore __privateAdd(this, _store, null); /** 状态码 */ __privateAdd(this, _statusCode, { operationSuccess: { code: 200, msg: "操作成功" }, operationFailed: { code: 401, msg: "操作失败" }, empty: { code: 201, msg: "操作成功,但是没有数据" }, openFailed: { code: 91001, msg: "打开数据库失败" }, saveFailed: { code: 91002, msg: "保存数据失败" }, getFailed: { code: 91003, msg: "获取数据失败" }, deleteFailed: { code: 91004, msg: "删除数据失败" }, deleteAllFailed: { code: 91005, msg: "清空数据库失败" }, regexpGetFailed: { code: 91006, msg: "正则获取数据失败" } }); __privateSet(this, _dbName, dbName); __privateSet(this, _storeName, storeName); __privateSet(this, _dbVersion, dbVersion); if (!__privateGet(this, _indexedDB)) { alert("很抱歉,您的浏览器不支持indexedDB"); throw new TypeError("很抱歉,您的浏览器不支持indexedDB"); } } /** * 创建 “表” * @param dbName 表名 */ createStore(dbName) { let txn, store; txn = __privateGet(this, _db)[dbName].transaction(__privateGet(this, _storeName), "readwrite"); store = txn.objectStore(__privateGet(this, _storeName)); __privateSet(this, _store, store); return store; } /** * 打开数据库 * @param callback 回调 * @param dbName 数据库名 */ open(callback2, dbName) { let that = this; if (!__privateGet(that, _db)[dbName]) { let request = __privateGet(that, _indexedDB).open(dbName, __privateGet(that, _dbVersion)); request.onerror = function(event) { callback2(null, { code: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).openFailed.code, msg: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).openFailed.msg, event }); }; request.onsuccess = function(event) { if (!__privateGet(that, _db)[dbName]) { let target = event.target; __privateGet(that, _db)[dbName] = target.result; } let store = that.createStore(dbName); callback2(store); }; request.onupgradeneeded = function(event) { let target = event.target; __privateGet(that, _db)[dbName] = target.result; let store = __privateGet(that, _db)[dbName].createObjectStore(__privateGet(that, _storeName), { keyPath: "key" }); store.transaction.oncomplete = function(event2) { callback2(store); }; }; } else { let store = this.createStore(dbName); callback2(store); } } /** * 保存数据到数据库 * @param key 数据key * @param value 数据值 */ async save(key, value) { let that = this; return new Promise((resolve) => { let dbName = __privateGet(this, _dbName); let inData = { key, value }; this.open(function(idbStore) { if (idbStore == null) { resolve({ success: false, code: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).saveFailed.code, msg: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).saveFailed.msg }); } else { let request = idbStore.put(inData); request.onsuccess = function(event) { resolve({ success: true, code: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).operationSuccess.code, msg: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).operationSuccess.msg, event }); }; request.onerror = function(event) { resolve({ success: false, code: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).saveFailed.code, msg: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).saveFailed.msg, event }); }; } }, dbName); }); } /** * 判断是否存在该数据 * @param key 数据key */ async has(key) { let that = this; return new Promise((resolve) => { let dbName = __privateGet(this, _dbName); this.open(function(idbStore) { if (idbStore == null) { resolve({ success: false, code: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).getFailed.code, msg: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).getFailed.msg }); } else { let request = idbStore.get(key); request.onsuccess = function(event) { resolve({ success: true, code: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).operationSuccess.code, msg: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).operationSuccess.msg, event }); }; request.onerror = function(event) { resolve({ success: false, code: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).getFailed.code, msg: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).getFailed.msg, event }); }; } }, dbName); }); } /** * 根据key获取值 * @param key 数据key */ async get(key) { let that = this; return new Promise((resolve) => { let dbName = __privateGet(this, _dbName); this.open(function(idbStore) { if (idbStore == null) { resolve({ success: false, code: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).getFailed.code, msg: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).getFailed.msg, data: void 0 }); } else { let request = idbStore.get(key); request.onsuccess = function(event) { let target = event.target; let result2 = target.result; let data = result2 ? result2.value : void 0; if (data == null) { resolve({ success: true, code: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).empty.code, msg: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).empty.msg, data, event, result: result2 }); } else { resolve({ success: true, code: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).operationSuccess.code, msg: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).operationSuccess.msg, data, event, result: result2 }); } }; request.onerror = function(event) { resolve({ success: false, code: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).getFailed.code, msg: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).getFailed.msg, data: void 0, event }); }; } }, dbName); }); } /** * 正则获取数据 * @param key 数据key,可以是正则 */ async regexpGet(key) { let list = []; let that = this; return new Promise((resolve) => { let dbName = __privateGet(that, _dbName); this.open(function(idbStore) { if (idbStore == null) { resolve({ success: false, code: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).regexpGetFailed.code, msg: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).regexpGetFailed.msg, data: [] }); } else { let request = idbStore.getAll(); request.onsuccess = function(event) { let target = event.target; let result2 = target.result; if (result2.length !== 0) { result2.forEach((dataItem, index) => { let __key = dataItem["key"]; let __value = dataItem["value"]; if (__key.match(key)) { list = list.concat(__value); } }); } resolve({ success: true, code: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).operationSuccess.code, msg: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).operationSuccess.msg, data: list, event }); }; request.onerror = function(event) { resolve({ success: false, code: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).getFailed.code, msg: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).getFailed.msg, data: [], event }); }; } }, dbName); }); } /** * 删除数据 * @param key 数据key */ async delete(key) { let that = this; return new Promise((resolve) => { let dbName = __privateGet(that, _dbName); this.open(function(idbStore) { if (idbStore == null) { resolve({ success: false, code: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).deleteFailed.code, msg: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).deleteFailed.msg }); } else { let request = idbStore.delete(key); request.onsuccess = function(event) { resolve({ success: true, code: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).operationSuccess.code, msg: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).operationSuccess.msg, event }); }; request.onerror = function(event) { resolve({ success: false, code: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).deleteFailed.code, msg: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).deleteFailed.msg, event }); }; } }, dbName); }); } /** * 删除所有数据 */ async deleteAll() { let that = this; return new Promise((resolve) => { let dbName = __privateGet(that, _dbName); this.open(function(idbStore) { if (idbStore == null) { resolve({ success: false, code: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).deleteAllFailed.code, msg: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).deleteAllFailed.msg }); } else { let operateResult = idbStore.clear(); operateResult.onsuccess = function(event) { resolve({ success: true, code: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).operationSuccess.code, msg: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).operationSuccess.msg, event }); }; operateResult.onerror = function(event) { resolve({ success: false, code: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).deleteAllFailed.code, msg: __privateGet(that, _statusCode).deleteAllFailed.msg, event }); }; } }, dbName); }); } } _dbName = new WeakMap(); _storeName = new WeakMap(); _dbVersion = new WeakMap(); _slqVersion = new WeakMap(); _indexedDB = new WeakMap(); _db = new WeakMap(); _store = new WeakMap(); _statusCode = new WeakMap(); class LockFunction { constructor(callback2, context2, delayTime) { __privateAdd(this, _flag, false); __privateAdd(this, _delayTime, 0); __privateAdd(this, _callback); __privateAdd(this, _context2); __publicField(this, "lock"); __publicField(this, "unlock"); __publicField(this, "run"); __publicField(this, "isLock"); let that = this; __privateSet(this, _callback, callback2); if (typeof context2 === "number") { __privateSet(this, _delayTime, context2); __privateSet(this, _context2, utils$1); } else { __privateSet(this, _delayTime, delayTime); __privateSet(this, _context2, context2); } this.lock = function() { __privateSet(that, _flag, true); }; this.unlock = function() { setTimeout(() => { __privateSet(that, _flag, false); }, __privateGet(that, _delayTime)); }; this.isLock = function() { return __privateGet(that, _flag); }; this.run = async function(...args2) { if (that.isLock()) { return; } that.lock(); await __privateGet(that, _callback).apply(__privateGet(that, _context2), args2); that.unlock(); }; } } _flag = new WeakMap(); _delayTime = new WeakMap(); _callback = new WeakMap(); _context2 = new WeakMap(); class Log { /** * @param __GM_info 油猴管理器的API GM_info,或者是一个对象,如{"script":{name:"Utils.Log"}},或者直接是一个字符串,用作tag名 * @param console 可指定console对象为unsafeWindow下的console或者是油猴window下的console */ constructor(__GM_info, console2 = window.console) { /** 是否禁用输出的flag */ __privateAdd(this, _disable, false); /** 前面的TAG标志 */ __publicField(this, "tag", "Utils.Log"); /* 使用的console函数 */ __privateAdd(this, _console, null); /* 当前输出的数量 */ __privateAdd(this, _logCount, 0); /* 配置 */ __privateAdd(this, _details, { tag: true, successColor: "#0000FF", errorColor: "#FF0000", infoColor: "0", warnColor: "0", debug: false, autoClearConsole: false, logMaxCount: 999 }); /** * 颜色配置 */ __privateAdd(this, _msgColorDetails, [ "font-weight: bold; color: cornflowerblue", "font-weight: bold; color: cornflowerblue", "font-weight: bold; color: darkorange", "font-weight: bold; color: cornflowerblue" ]); var _a2; if (typeof __GM_info === "string") { this.tag = __GM_info; } else if (typeof __GM_info === "object" && typeof ((_a2 = __GM_info == null ? void 0 : __GM_info.script) == null ? void 0 : _a2.name) === "string") { this.tag = __GM_info.script.name; } __privateSet(this, _console, console2); } /** * 解析Error的堆栈获取实际调用者的函数名及函数所在的位置 * @param stack */ parseErrorStack(stack) { let result2 = { name: "", position: "" }; for (let stackString of stack) { stackString = stackString.trim(); let stackFunctionNameMatch = stackString.match(/^at[\s]+(.+?)[\s]+/i); let stackFunctionNamePositionMatch = stackString.match(/^at[\s]+.+[\s]+\((.+?)\)/i); if (stackFunctionNameMatch == null) { continue; } if (stackFunctionNamePositionMatch == null) { continue; } let stackFunctionName = stackFunctionNameMatch[stackFunctionNameMatch.length - 1]; let stackFunctionNamePosition = stackFunctionNamePositionMatch[stackFunctionNamePositionMatch.length - 1]; if (stackFunctionName === "" || stackFunctionName.match(/^(Utils\.|)Log(\.|)|.$|^Function.each|^NodeList.forEach|^k.fn.init.each/g)) { continue; } else { result2.name = stackFunctionName; result2.position = stackFunctionNamePosition; break; } } if (result2.position === "") { let lastStackString = stack[stack.length - 1].trim(); if (lastStackString.startsWith("at chrome-extension://")) { let lastStackMatch = lastStackString.match(/^at[\s]+(.+)/); if (lastStackMatch) { result2.position = lastStackMatch[lastStackMatch.length - 1]; } } } if (result2.position === "") { result2.position = stack[stack.length - 1].trim().replace(/^at[\s]*/g, ""); } return result2; } /** * 检测清理控制台 */ checkClearConsole() { __privateWrapper(this, _logCount)._++; if (__privateGet(this, _details).autoClearConsole && __privateGet(this, _logCount) > __privateGet(this, _details).logMaxCount) { __privateGet(this, _console).clear(); __privateSet(this, _logCount, 0); } } /** * 输出内容 * @param msg 需要输出的内容 * @param color 颜色 * @param otherStyle 其它CSS */ printContent(msg, color, otherStyle) { this.checkClearConsole(); otherStyle = otherStyle || ""; let stackSplit = new Error().stack.split("\n"); stackSplit.splice(0, 2); let { name: callerName, position: callerPosition } = this.parseErrorStack(stackSplit); let tagName = this.tag; let that = this; let tagNameHTML = `%c[${tagName}%c`; let callerNameHTML = `%c${callerName}%c]%c`; callerName.trim() !== "" && (callerNameHTML = "-" + callerNameHTML); function consoleMsg(message) { if (typeof message === "string") { __privateGet(that, _console).log(`${tagNameHTML}${callerNameHTML} %s`, ...__privateGet(that, _msgColorDetails), `color: ${color};${otherStyle}`, message); } else if (typeof message === "number") { __privateGet(that, _console).log(`${tagNameHTML}${callerNameHTML} %d`, ...__privateGet(that, _msgColorDetails), `color: ${color};${otherStyle}`, message); } else if (typeof message === "object") { __privateGet(that, _console).log(`${tagNameHTML}${callerNameHTML} %o`, ...__privateGet(that, _msgColorDetails), `color: ${color};${otherStyle}`, message); } else { __privateGet(that, _console).log(message); } } if (Array.isArray(msg)) { for (let index = 0; index < msg.length; index++) { consoleMsg(msg[index]); } } else { consoleMsg(msg); } if (__privateGet(this, _details).debug) { __privateGet(this, _console).log(callerPosition); } } /** * 控制台-普通输出 * @param args 需要输出的内容 * @example * log.info("输出信息","输出信息2","输出信息3","输出") */ info(...args2) { if (__privateGet(this, _disable)) return; this.printContent(args2, __privateGet(this, _details).infoColor); } /** * 控制台-警告输出 * @param args 需要输出的内容 * @example * log.warn("输出警告","输出警告2","输出警告3","输出警告4") */ warn(...args2) { if (__privateGet(this, _disable)) return; this.printContent(args2, __privateGet(this, _details).warnColor, "background: #FEF6D5;padding: 4px 6px 4px 0px;"); } /** * 控制台-错误输出 * @param args 需要输出的内容 * @example * log.error("输出错误","输出错误2","输出错误3","输出错误4") */ error(...args2) { if (__privateGet(this, _disable)) return; this.printContent(args2, __privateGet(this, _details).errorColor); } /** * 控制台-成功输出 * @param args 需要输出的内容 * @example * log.success("输出成功") */ success(...args2) { if (__privateGet(this, _disable)) return; this.printContent(args2, __privateGet(this, _details).successColor); } /** * 控制台-输出表格 * @param msg 需要输出的内容 * @example * log.table([{"名字":"example","值":"123"},{"名字":"example2","值":"345"}]) */ table(msg) { if (__privateGet(this, _disable)) return; this.checkClearConsole(); let stack = new Error().stack.split("\n"); stack.splice(0, 1); let errorStackParse = this.parseErrorStack(stack); let stackFunctionName = errorStackParse.name; let stackFunctionNamePosition = errorStackParse.position; let callerName = stackFunctionName; __privateGet(this, _console).log(`%c[${this.tag}%c-%c${callerName}%c]%c`, ...__privateGet(this, _msgColorDetails), `color: ${__privateGet(this, _details).infoColor};`); __privateGet(this, _console).table(msg); if (__privateGet(this, _details).debug) { __privateGet(this, _console).log(stackFunctionNamePosition); } } /** * 配置Log对象的颜色 * @param paramDetails 配置信息 */ config(paramDetails) { __privateSet(this, _details, Object.assign(__privateGet(this, _details), paramDetails)); } /** 禁用输出 */ disable() { __privateSet(this, _disable, true); } /** 恢复输出 */ recovery() { __privateSet(this, _disable, false); } } _disable = new WeakMap(); _console = new WeakMap(); _logCount = new WeakMap(); _details = new WeakMap(); _msgColorDetails = new WeakMap(); class Progress { /** * * @param paramConfig 配置信息 */ constructor(paramConfig) { __privateAdd(this, _config, { /** * canvas元素节点 */ canvasNode: null, /** * 绘制角度 */ deg: 95, /** * 进度 */ progress: 0, /** * 绘制的线宽度 */ lineWidth: 10, /** * 绘制的背景颜色 */ lineBgColor: "#1e637c", /** * 绘制的线的颜色 */ lineColor: "#25deff", /** * 绘制的字体颜色 */ textColor: "#000000", /** * 绘制的字体大小(px) */ fontSize: 22, /** * 绘制的圆的半径 */ circleRadius: 50 }); __privateAdd(this, _ctx, null); __privateAdd(this, _width, null); __privateAdd(this, _height, null); __privateSet(this, _config, utils$1.assign(__privateGet(this, _config), paramConfig)); if (!(__privateGet(this, _config).canvasNode instanceof HTMLCanvasElement)) { throw new Error("Utils.Progress 参数 canvasNode 必须是 HTMLCanvasElement"); } this.init(); } /** * 初始化 */ init() { let ctx = __privateGet(this, _config).canvasNode.getContext("2d"); if (ctx == null) { throw new Error("Utils.Progress 获取画笔失败"); } __privateSet(this, _ctx, ctx); __privateSet(this, _width, __privateGet(this, _config).canvasNode.width); __privateSet(this, _height, __privateGet(this, _config).canvasNode.height); if (window.devicePixelRatio) { __privateGet(this, _config).canvasNode.style.width = __privateGet(this, _width) + "px"; __privateGet(this, _config).canvasNode.style.height = __privateGet(this, _height) + "px"; __privateGet(this, _config).canvasNode.height = __privateGet(this, _height) * window.devicePixelRatio; __privateGet(this, _config).canvasNode.width = __privateGet(this, _width) * window.devicePixelRatio; __privateGet(this, _ctx).scale(window.devicePixelRatio, window.devicePixelRatio); } __privateGet(this, _ctx).lineWidth = __privateGet(this, _config).lineWidth; } /** * 绘制 */ draw() { let degActive = __privateGet(this, _config).progress * 360 / 100; __privateGet(this, _ctx).clearRect(0, 0, __privateGet(this, _width), __privateGet(this, _height)); __privateGet(this, _ctx).beginPath(); __privateGet(this, _ctx).arc(__privateGet(this, _width) / 2, __privateGet(this, _height) / 2, __privateGet(this, _config).circleRadius, 1, 8); __privateGet(this, _ctx).strokeStyle = __privateGet(this, _config).lineBgColor; __privateGet(this, _ctx).stroke(); __privateGet(this, _ctx).beginPath(); __privateGet(this, _ctx).arc(__privateGet(this, _width) / 2, __privateGet(this, _height) / 2, __privateGet(this, _config).circleRadius, -Math.PI / 2, degActive * Math.PI / 180 - Math.PI / 2); __privateGet(this, _ctx).strokeStyle = __privateGet(this, _config).lineColor; __privateGet(this, _ctx).stroke(); let txt = parseInt(__privateGet(this, _config).progress.toString()) + "%"; __privateGet(this, _ctx).font = __privateGet(this, _config).fontSize + "px SimHei"; let w = __privateGet(this, _ctx).measureText(txt).width; let h2 = __privateGet(this, _config).fontSize / 2; __privateGet(this, _ctx).fillStyle = __privateGet(this, _config).textColor; __privateGet(this, _ctx).fillText(txt, __privateGet(this, _width) / 2 - w / 2, __privateGet(this, _height) / 2 + h2 / 2); } } _config = new WeakMap(); _ctx = new WeakMap(); _width = new WeakMap(); _height = new WeakMap(); const TryCatch = function(...args) { let callbackFunction = null; let context = null; let handleError = (error2) => { }; let defaultDetails = { log: true }; const TryCatchCore = { /** * * @param paramDetails 配置 * @returns */ config(paramDetails) { defaultDetails = utils$1.assign(defaultDetails, paramDetails); return TryCatchCore; }, /** * 处理错误 * @param handler */ error(handler) { handleError = handler; return TryCatchCore; }, /** * 执行传入的函数并捕获其可能抛出的错误,并通过传入的错误处理函数进行处理。 * @param callback 待执行函数,可以是 function 或者 string 类型。如果是 string 类型,则会被当做代码进行执行。 * @param __context__ 待执行函数的作用域,用于apply指定 * @returns 如果函数有返回值,则返回该返回值;否则返回 tryCatchObj 函数以支持链式调用。 * @throws {Error} 如果传入参数不符合要求,则会抛出相应类型的错误。 */ run(callback2, __context__) { callbackFunction = callback2; context = __context__ || this; let result2 = executeTryCatch(callbackFunction, handleError, context); return result2 !== void 0 ? result2 : TryCatchCore; } }; function executeTryCatch(callback, handleErrorFunc, funcThis) { let result = void 0; try { if (typeof callback === "string") { (function() { eval(callback); }).apply(funcThis, args); } else { result = callback.apply(funcThis, args); } } catch (error) { if (defaultDetails.log) { callback = callback; console.log(`%c ${(callback == null ? void 0 : callback.name) ? callback == null ? void 0 : callback.name : callback + "出现错误"} `, "color: #f20000"); console.log(`%c 错误原因:${error}`, "color: #f20000"); console.trace(callback); } if (handleErrorFunc) { if (typeof handleErrorFunc === "string") { result = (function() { return eval(handleErrorFunc); }).apply(funcThis, [...args, error]); } else { result = handleErrorFunc.apply(funcThis, [...args, error]); } } } return result; } return TryCatchCore; }; class UtilsDictionary { constructor(key, value) { __publicField(this, "items", {}); if (key != null) { this.set(key, value); } } /** * 检查是否有某一个键 * @param key 键 */ has(key) { return Reflect.has(this.items, key); } /** * 检查已有的键中是否以xx开头 * @param key 需要匹配的键 */ startsWith(key) { let allKeys = this.keys(); for (const keyName of allKeys) { if (String(keyName).startsWith(String(key))) { return true; } } return false; } /** * 获取以xx开头的键的值 * @param key 需要匹配的键 */ getStartsWith(key) { let allKeys = this.keys(); let result2 = void 0; for (const keyName of allKeys) { if (String(keyName).startsWith(String(key))) { result2 = this.get(keyName); break; } } return result2; } /** * 为字典添加某一个值 * @param key 键 * @param val 值,默认为"" */ set(key, val) { if (key === void 0) { throw new Error("Utils.Dictionary().set 参数 key 不能为空"); } Reflect.set(this.items, key, val); } /** * 删除某一个键 * @param key 键 */ delete(key) { if (this.has(key)) { return Reflect.deleteProperty(this.items, key); } return false; } /** * 获取某个键的值 * https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/9619 * 微软到现在都没有修复has和get的联动 * @param key 键 */ get(key) { return Reflect.get(this.items, key); } /** * 返回字典中的所有值 */ values() { let resultList = []; for (let prop in this.getItems()) { if (this.has(prop)) { resultList.push(this.get(prop)); } } return resultList; } /** * 清空字典 */ clear() { this.items = null; this.items = {}; } /** * 获取字典的长度 */ size() { return Object.keys(this.getItems()).length; } /** * 获取字典所有的键 */ keys() { return Reflect.ownKeys(this.items); } /** * 返回字典本身 */ getItems() { return this.items; } /** * 合并另一个字典 * @param data 需要合并的字典 */ concat(data) { this.items = utils$1.assign(this.items, data.getItems()); } forEach(callbackfn) { for (const key in this.getItems()) { callbackfn(this.get(key), key, this.getItems()); } } /** * 获取字典的长度,同this.size */ get length() { return this.size(); } /** * 迭代器 */ get entries() { let that = this; return function* () { let itemKeys = Object.keys(that.getItems()); for (const keyName of itemKeys) { yield [keyName, that.get(keyName)]; } }; } /** * 是否可遍历 */ get [Symbol.iterator]() { let that = this; return function() { return that.entries(); }; } } class WindowApi { constructor(option) { /** 默认的配置 */ __publicField(this, "defaultApi", { document, window, globalThis, self, top }); /** 使用的配置 */ __publicField(this, "api"); if (option) { if (option.globalThis == null) { option.globalThis = option.window; } if (option.self == null) { option.self = option.window; } } if (!option) { option = Object.assign({}, this.defaultApi); } this.api = Object.assign({}, option); } get document() { return this.api.document; } get window() { return this.api.window; } get globalThis() { return this.api.globalThis; } get self() { return this.api.self; } get top() { return this.api.top; } } const VueUtils = { /** 标签 */ ReactiveFlags: { IS_REACTIVE: Symbol("isReactive") }, /** * 判断是否是对象 * @param value */ isObject(value) { return typeof value === "object" && value !== null; }, /** * 判断是否是函数 * @param val */ isFunction(val) { return typeof val === "function"; }, /** * 处理对象再次代理,可以直接返回 * @param value */ isReactive(value) { return !!(value && value[VueUtils.ReactiveFlags.IS_REACTIVE]); }, /** * 判断是否是数组 * @param value */ isArray(value) { return Array.isArray(value); } }; class ReactiveEffect { constructor(fn, scheduler) { __publicField(this, "deps", []); __publicField(this, "active", true); __publicField(this, "fn"); // @ts-ignore __publicField(this, "scheduler"); this.fn = fn; this.scheduler = scheduler; } run(cb) { if (!this.active) { this.fn(); } try { if (typeof cb === "function") { cb(this); } return this.fn(); } finally { if (typeof cb === "function") { cb(void 0); } } } } class RefImpl { constructor(vueIns, rawValue) { __publicField(this, "_value"); __publicField(this, "_isRef", true); __publicField(this, "_rawValue"); __publicField(this, "_vue"); this._vue = vueIns; this._rawValue = rawValue; this._value = this._vue.toReactive(rawValue); } get value() { return this._value; } set value(newValue) { if (newValue !== this._rawValue) { this._value = this._vue.toReactive(newValue); this._rawValue = newValue; } } } class ObjectRefImpl { constructor(object, key) { __publicField(this, "object"); __publicField(this, "key"); this.object = object; this.key = key; } get value() { return this.object[this.key]; } set value(newValue) { this.object[this.key] = newValue; } } class Vue { constructor() { __publicField(this, "reactMap", /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap()); __publicField(this, "targetMap", /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap()); __publicField(this, "activeEffect"); } /** * 生成一个被代理的对象 * @param target 需要代理的对象 */ reactive(target) { const that = this; if (!(typeof target === "object" && target !== null)) { return; } if (VueUtils.isReactive(target)) { return target; } let exisProxy = this.reactMap.get(target); if (exisProxy) { return exisProxy; } const proxy = new Proxy(target, { get(target2, key, receiver) { if (key === VueUtils.ReactiveFlags.IS_REACTIVE) { return true; } that.track(target2, "get", key); return Reflect.get(target2, key, receiver); }, set(target2, key, value, receiver) { let oldValue = target2[key]; let result2 = Reflect.set(target2, key, value, receiver); if (oldValue !== value) { that.trigger(target2, "set", key, oldValue, value); } return result2; } }); that.reactMap.set(target, proxy); return proxy; } /** * 观察被reactive的对象值改变 * @param source 被观察的对象,这里采用函数返回对象 * @param changeCallBack 值改变的回调 */ watch(source, changeCallBack) { let getter; if (VueUtils.isReactive(source)) { getter = () => this.traversal(source); } else if (VueUtils.isFunction(source)) { getter = source; } else { return; } let oldValue; const job = () => { const newValue = effect.run((activeEffect) => { this.activeEffect = activeEffect; }); changeCallBack(newValue, oldValue); oldValue = newValue; }; const effect = new ReactiveEffect(getter, job); oldValue = effect.run((activeEffect) => { this.activeEffect = activeEffect; }); } toReactive(value) { return VueUtils.isObject(value) ? this.reactive(value) : value; } ref(value) { return new RefImpl(this, value); } toRef(object, key) { return new ObjectRefImpl(object, key); } toRefs(object) { const result2 = VueUtils.isArray(object) ? new Array(object.length) : {}; for (let key in object) { result2[key] = this.toRef(object, key); } return result2; } trigger(target, type, key, oldValue, value) { const depsMap = this.targetMap.get(target); if (!depsMap) return; const effects = depsMap.get(key); this.triggerEffect(effects, "effects"); } triggerEffect(effects, name) { effects && effects.forEach((effect) => { if (effect.scheduler) { effect.scheduler(); } else { effect.run(); } }); } track(target, type, key) { if (!this.activeEffect) return; let depsMap = this.targetMap.get(target); if (!depsMap) { this.targetMap.set(target, depsMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); } let dep = depsMap.get(key); if (!dep) { depsMap.set(key, dep = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); } this.trackEffect(dep); } trackEffect(dep) { if (this.activeEffect) { let shouldTrack = !dep.has(this.activeEffect); if (shouldTrack) { dep.add(this.activeEffect); this.activeEffect.deps.push(dep); } } } traversal(value, set = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()) { if (!VueUtils.isObject(value)) return value; if (set.has(value)) { return value; } set.add(value); for (let key in value) { this.traversal(value[key], set); } return value; } } // @license MIT class ModuleRaid { /** * moduleRaid constructor * * @example * Constructing an instance without any arguments: * ```ts * const mR = new ModuleRaid() * ``` * * Constructing an instance with the optional `opts` object: * ```ts * const mR = new ModuleRaid({ entrypoint: 'webpackChunk_custom_name' }) * ``` * * @param opts a object containing options to initialize moduleRaid with * - **opts:** * - _target_: the window object being searched for * - _entrypoint_: the Webpack entrypoint present on the global window object * - _debug_: whether debug mode is enabled or not * - _strict_: whether strict mode is enabled or not */ constructor(opts) { this.moduleID = Math.random().toString(36).substring(7); this.functionArguments = [ [ [0], [ (_e, _t, i2) => { this.modules = i2.c; this.constructors = i2.m; this.get = i2; } ] ], [ [1e3], { [this.moduleID]: (_e, _t, i2) => { this.modules = i2.c; this.constructors = i2.m; this.get = i2; } }, [[this.moduleID]] ] ]; this.arrayArguments = [ [ [this.moduleID], {}, (e2) => { const mCac = e2.m; Object.keys(mCac).forEach((mod) => { try { this.modules[mod] = e2(mod); } catch (err) { this.log(`[arrayArguments/1] Failed to require(${mod}) with error: ${err} ${err.stack}`); } }); this.get = e2; } ], this.functionArguments[1] ]; this.modules = {}; this.constructors = []; let options = { target: window, entrypoint: "webpackJsonp", debug: false, strict: false }; if (typeof opts === "object") { options = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, options), opts); } this.target = options.target; this.entrypoint = options.entrypoint; this.debug = options.debug; this.strict = options.strict; this.detectEntrypoint(); this.fillModules(); this.replaceGet(); this.setupPushEvent(); } /** * Debug logging method, outputs to the console when {@link ModuleRaid.debug} is true * * @param {*} message The message to be logged * @internal */ log(message) { if (this.debug) { console.warn(`[moduleRaid] ${message}`); } } /** * Method to set an alternative getter if we weren't able to extract __webpack_require__ * from Webpack * @internal */ replaceGet() { if (this.get === null) { this.get = (key) => this.modules[key]; } } /** * Method that will try to inject a module into Webpack or get modules * depending on it's success it might be more or less brute about it * @internal */ fillModules() { if (typeof this.target[this.entrypoint] === "function") { this.functionArguments.forEach((argument, index) => { try { if (this.modules && Object.keys(this.modules).length > 0) return; this.target[this.entrypoint](...argument); } catch (err) { this.log(`moduleRaid.functionArguments[${index}] failed: ${err} ${err.stack}`); } }); } else { this.arrayArguments.forEach((argument, index) => { try { if (this.modules && Object.keys(this.modules).length > 0) return; this.target[this.entrypoint].push(argument); } catch (err) { this.log(`Pushing moduleRaid.arrayArguments[${index}] into ${this.entrypoint} failed: ${err} ${err.stack}`); } }); } if (this.modules && Object.keys(this.modules).length == 0) { let moduleEnd = false; let moduleIterator = 0; if (typeof this.target[this.entrypoint] != "function" || !this.target[this.entrypoint]([], [], [moduleIterator])) { throw Error("Unknown Webpack structure"); } while (!moduleEnd) { try { this.modules[moduleIterator] = this.target[this.entrypoint]([], [], [moduleIterator]); moduleIterator++; } catch (err) { moduleEnd = true; } } } } /** * Method to hook into `window[this.entrypoint].push` adding a listener for new * chunks being pushed into Webpack * * @example * You can listen for newly pushed packages using the `moduleraid:webpack-push` event * on `document` * * ```ts * document.addEventListener('moduleraid:webpack-push', (e) => { * // e.detail contains the arguments push() was called with * console.log(e.detail) * }) * ``` * @internal */ setupPushEvent() { const originalPush = this.target[this.entrypoint].push; this.target[this.entrypoint].push = (...args2) => { const result2 = Reflect.apply(originalPush, this.target[this.entrypoint], args2); document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("moduleraid:webpack-push", { detail: args2 })); return result2; }; } /** * Method to try autodetecting a Webpack JSONP entrypoint based on common naming * * If the default entrypoint, or the entrypoint that's passed to the moduleRaid constructor * already matches, the method exits early * * If `options.strict` has been set in the constructor and the initial entrypoint cannot * be found, this method will error, demanding a strictly set entrypoint * @internal */ detectEntrypoint() { if (this.target[this.entrypoint] != void 0) { return; } if (this.strict) { throw Error(`Strict mode is enabled and entrypoint at window.${this.entrypoint} couldn't be found. Please specify the correct one!`); } let windowObjects = Object.keys(this.target); windowObjects = windowObjects.filter((object) => object.toLowerCase().includes("chunk") || object.toLowerCase().includes("webpack")).filter((object) => typeof this.target[object] === "function" || Array.isArray(this.target[object])); if (windowObjects.length > 1) { throw Error(`Multiple possible endpoints have been detected, please create a new moduleRaid instance with a specific one: ${windowObjects.join(", ")}`); } if (windowObjects.length === 0) { throw Error("No Webpack JSONP entrypoints could be detected"); } this.log(`Entrypoint has been detected at window.${windowObjects[0]} and set for injection`); this.entrypoint = windowObjects[0]; } /** * Recursive object-search function for modules * * @param object the object to search through * @param query the query the object keys/values are searched for * @returns boolean state of `object` containing `query` somewhere in it * @internal */ searchObject(object, query) { for (const key in object) { const value = object[key]; const lowerCaseQuery = query.toLowerCase(); if (typeof value != "object") { const lowerCaseKey = key.toString().toLowerCase(); if (lowerCaseKey.includes(lowerCaseQuery)) return true; if (typeof value != "object") { const lowerCaseValue = value.toString().toLowerCase(); if (lowerCaseValue.includes(lowerCaseQuery)) return true; } else { if (this.searchObject(value, query)) return true; } } } return false; } /** * Method to search through the module object, searching for the fitting content * if a string is supplied * * If query is supplied as a function, everything that returns true when passed * to the query function will be returned * * @example * With a string as query argument: * ```ts * const results = mR.findModule('feature') * // => Array of module results * ``` * * With a function as query argument: * ```ts * const results = mR.findModule((module) => { typeof module === 'function' }) * // => Array of module results * ``` * * @param query query to search the module list for * @return a list of modules fitting the query */ findModule(query) { const results = []; const modules = Object.keys(this.modules); if (modules.length === 0) { throw new Error("There are no modules to search through!"); } modules.forEach((key) => { const module = this.modules[key.toString()]; if (module === void 0) return; try { if (typeof query === "string") { query = query.toLowerCase(); switch (typeof module) { case "string": if (module.toLowerCase().includes(query)) results.push(module); break; case "function": if (module.toString().toLowerCase().includes(query)) results.push(module); break; case "object": if (this.searchObject(module, query)) results.push(module); break; } } else if (typeof query === "function") { if (query(module)) results.push(module); } else { throw new TypeError(`findModule can only find via string and function, ${typeof query} was passed`); } } catch (err) { this.log(`There was an error while searching through module '${key}': ${err} ${err.stack}`); } }); return results; } /** * Method to search through the constructor array, searching for the fitting content * if a string is supplied * * If query is supplied as a function, everything that returns true when passed * to the query function will be returned * * @example * With a string as query argument: * ```ts * const results = mR.findConstructor('feature') * // => Array of constructor/module tuples * ``` * * With a function as query argument: * ```ts * const results = mR.findConstructor((constructor) => { constructor.prototype.value !== undefined }) * // => Array of constructor/module tuples * ``` * * Accessing the resulting data: * ```ts * // With array destructuring (ES6) * const [constructor, module] = results[0] * * // ...or... * * // regular access * const constructor = results[0][0] * const module = results[0][1] * ``` * * @param query query to search the constructor list for * @returns a list of constructor/module tuples fitting the query */ findConstructor(query) { const results = []; const constructors = Object.keys(this.constructors); if (constructors.length === 0) { throw new Error("There are no constructors to search through!"); } constructors.forEach((key) => { const constructor = this.constructors[key]; try { if (typeof query === "string") { query = query.toLowerCase(); if (constructor.toString().toLowerCase().includes(query)) results.push([this.constructors[key], this.modules[key]]); } else if (typeof query === "function") { if (query(constructor)) results.push([this.constructors[key], this.modules[key]]); } } catch (err) { this.log(`There was an error while searching through constructor '${key}': ${err} ${err.stack}`); } }); return results; } } class Utils { constructor(option) { __publicField(this, "windowApi"); /** 版本号 */ __publicField(this, "version", "2025.2.8"); /** * ajax劫持库,支持xhr和fetch劫持。 * + 来源:https://bbs.tampermonkey.net.cn/thread-3284-1-1.html * + 作者:cxxjackie * + 版本:1.4.4 * + 旧版本:1.2.4 * + 文档:https://scriptcat.org/zh-CN/script-show-page/637/ * @param useOldVersion 是否使用旧版本,默认false */ __publicField(this, "ajaxHooker", (useOldVersion = false) => { if (useOldVersion) { return AjaxHooker1_2_4(); } else { return AjaxHooker(); } }); /** * 颜色转换 * @returns */ __publicField(this, "ColorConversion", ColorConversion); /** * 字典 * @example * let dictionary = new Utils.Dictionary(); * let dictionary2 = new Utils.Dictionary(); * dictionary.set("test","111"); * dictionary.get("test"); * > '111' * dictionary.has("test"); * > true * dictionary.concat(dictionary2); **/ __publicField(this, "Dictionary", UtilsDictionary); /** * gbk格式的url编码,来自https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/427726-gbk-url-js * @example * let gbkEncoder = new Utils.GBKEncoder(); * gbkEncoder.encode("测试"); * > '%B2%E2%CA%D4' * gbkEncoder.decode("%B2%E2%CA%D4"); * > 测试 */ __publicField(this, "GBKEncoder", GBKEncoder); /** * 对于GM_cookie的兼容写法,当无法使用GM_cookie时可以使用这个,但是并不完全兼容,有些写不出来且限制了httponly是无法访问的 * @example let GM_cookie = new Utils.GM_Cookie(); GM_cookie.list({name:"xxx_cookie_xxx"},function(cookies,error){ if (!error) { console.log(cookies); console.log(cookies.value); } else { console.error(error); } }); GM_cookie.set({name:"xxx_cookie_test_xxx",value:"这是Cookie测试值"},function(error){ if (error) { console.error(error); } else { console.log('Cookie set successfully.'); } }) GM_cookie.delete({name:"xxx_cookie_test_xxx"},function(error){ if (error) { console.error(error); } else { console.log('Cookie set successfully.'); } }) **/ __publicField(this, "GM_Cookie", UtilsGMCookie); /** * 注册油猴菜单,要求本地存储的键名不能存在其它键名`GM_Menu_Local_Map`会冲突/覆盖 * @example let GM_Menu = new Utils.GM_Menu({ data: [ { menu_key: "menu_key", text: "测试按钮", enable: true, accessKey: "a", autoClose: false, showText(text, enable) { return "[" + (enable ? "√" : "×") + "]" + text; }, callback(data) { console.log("点击菜单,值修改为", data.enable); }, }, ], autoReload: false, GM_getValue, GM_setValue, GM_registerMenuCommand, GM_unregisterMenuCommand, }); // 获取某个菜单项的值 GM_Menu.get("menu_key"); > true // 获取某个菜单项的开启/关闭后显示的文本 GM_Menu.getShowTextValue("menu_key"); > √测试按钮 // 添加键为menu_key2的菜单项 GM_Menu.add({ key:"menu_key2", text: "测试按钮2", enable: false, showText(text,enable){ return "[" + (enable ? "√" : "×") + "]" + text; }, callback(data){ console.log("点击菜单,值修改为",data.enable); } }); // 使用数组的方式添加多个菜单,如menu_key3、menu_key4 GM_Menu.add([ { key:"menu_key3", text: "测试按钮3", enable: false, showText(text,enable){ return "[" + (enable ? "√" : "×") + "]" + text; }, callback(data){ console.log("点击菜单,值修改为",data.enable); } }, { key:"menu_key4", text: "测试按钮4", enable: false, showText(text,enable){ return "[" + (enable ? "√" : "×") + "]" + text; }, callback(data){ console.log("点击菜单,值修改为",data.enable); } } ]); // 更新键为menu_key的显示文字和点击回调 GM_Menu.update({ menu_key:{ text: "更新后的测试按钮", enable: true, showText(text,enable){ return "[" + (enable ? "√" : "×") + "]" + text; }, callback(data){ console.log("点击菜单更新后的测试按钮,新值修改为",data.enable); } } }); // 删除键为menu_key的菜单 GM_Menu.delete("menu_key"); **/ __publicField(this, "GM_Menu", GMMenu); /** * 基于Function prototype,能够勾住和释放任何函数 * * .hook * + realFunc {string} 用于保存原始函数的函数名称,用于unHook * + hookFunc {string} 替换的hook函数 * + context {object} 目标函数所在对象,用于hook非window对象下的函数,如String.protype.slice,carInstance1 * + methodName {string} 匿名函数需显式传入目标函数名eg:this.Begin = function(){....};} * * .unhook * + realFunc {string} 用于保存原始函数的函数名称,用于unHook * + funcName {string} 被Hook的函数名称 * + context {object} 目标函数所在对象,用于hook非window对象下的函数,如String.protype.slice,carInstance1 * @example let hook = new Utils.Hooks(); hook.initEnv(); function myFunction(){ console.log("我自己需要执行的函数"); } function testFunction(){ console.log("正常执行的函数"); } testFunction.hook(testFunction,myFunction,window); **/ __publicField(this, "Hooks", Hooks); /** * 为减少代码量和回调,把GM_xmlhttpRequest封装 * 文档地址: https://www.tampermonkey.net/documentation.php?ext=iikm * 其中onloadstart、onprogress、onreadystatechange是回调形式,onabort、ontimeout、onerror可以设置全局回调函数 * @param _GM_xmlHttpRequest_ 油猴中的GM_xmlhttpRequest * @example let httpx = new Utils.Httpx(GM_xmlhttpRequest); let postResp = await httpx.post({ url:url, data:JSON.stringify({ test:1 }), timeout: 5000 }); console.log(postResp); > { status: true, data: {responseText: "...", response: xxx,...}, msg: "请求完毕", type: "onload", } if(postResp === "onload" && postResp.status){ // onload }else if(postResp === "ontimeout"){ // ontimeout } * @example // 也可以先配置全局参数 let httpx = new Utils.Httpx(GM_xmlhttpRequest); httpx.config({ timeout: 5000, async: false, responseType: "html", redirect: "follow", }) // 优先级为 默认details < 全局details < 单独的details */ __publicField(this, "Httpx", Httpx); /** * 浏览器端的indexedDB操作封装 * @example let db = new Utils.indexedDB('web_DB', 'nav_text') let data = {name:'管理员', roleId: 1, type: 1}; db.save('list',data).then((resolve)=>{ console.log(resolve,'存储成功') }) db.get('list').then((resolve)=>{ console.log(resolve,'查询成功') }) db.getPaging('list',20,10).then((resolve)=>{ console.log(resolve,'查询分页偏移第20,一共10行成功'); }) db.delete('list').then(resolve=>{ console.log(resolve,'删除成功---->>>>>>name') }) db.deleteAll().then(resolve=>{ console.log(resolve,'清除数据库---->>>>>>name') }) **/ __publicField(this, "indexedDB", indexedDB); /** * 自动锁对象,用于循环判断运行的函数,在循环外new后使用,注意,如果函数内部存在异步操作,需要使用await * @example let lock = new Utils.LockFunction(()=>{console.log(1)})) lock.run(); > 1 * @example let lock = new Utils.LockFunction(()=>{console.log(1)}),true) -- 异步操作 await lock.run(); > 1 **/ __publicField(this, "LockFunction", LockFunction); /** * 日志对象 * @param _GM_info_ 油猴管理器的API GM_info,或者是一个对象,如{"script":{name:"Utils.Log"}} * @example let log = new Utils.Log(GM_info); log.info("普通输出"); > 普通输出 log.success("成功输出"); > 成功输出 log.error("错误输出"); > 错误输出 log.warn("警告输出"); > 警告输出 log.tag = "自定义tag信息"; log.info("自定义info的颜色","#e0e0e0"); > 自定义info的颜色 log.config({ successColor: "#31dc02", errorColor: "#e02d2d", infoColor: "black", }) log.success("颜色为#31dc02"); > 颜色为#31dc02 */ __publicField(this, "Log", Log); /** * 在canvas元素节点上绘制进度圆圈 * @example let progress = new Utils.Process({canvasNode:document.querySelector("canvas")}); progress.draw(); * **/ __publicField(this, "Progress", Progress); /** * 提供一个封装了 try-catch 的函数,可以执行传入的函数并捕获其可能抛出的错误,并通过传入的错误处理函数进行处理。 * @example * Utils.tryCatch().error().run(()=>{console.log(1)}); * > 1 * @example * Utils.tryCatch().config({log:true}).error((error)=>{console.log(error)}).run(()=>{throw new Error('测试错误')}); * > ()=>{throw new Error('测试错误')}出现错误 */ __publicField(this, "tryCatch", TryCatch); /** * 生成uuid * @example * Utils.generateUUID() */ __publicField(this, "generateUUID", GenerateUUID); /** * 自定义的动态响应对象 * @example * let vue = new Utils.Vue(); * let reactive = new vue.reactive({}); * vue.watch(()=>reactive["name"], (newValue, oldValue)=>{ * console.log("newValue ==> " + newValue); * console.log("oldValue ==> " + oldValue); * }) * vue["name"] = "测试"; * > "测试" */ __publicField(this, "Vue", Vue); __publicField(this, "ModuleRaid", ModuleRaid); this.windowApi = new WindowApi(option); } addStyle(cssText) { if (typeof cssText !== "string") { throw new Error("Utils.addStyle 参数cssText 必须为String类型"); } let cssNode = this.windowApi.document.createElement("style"); cssNode.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); cssNode.innerHTML = cssText; if (this.windowApi.document.head) { this.windowApi.document.head.appendChild(cssNode); } else if (this.windowApi.document.body) { this.windowApi.document.body.appendChild(cssNode); } else if (this.windowApi.document.documentElement.childNodes.length === 0) { this.windowApi.document.documentElement.appendChild(cssNode); } else { this.windowApi.document.documentElement.insertBefore(cssNode, this.windowApi.document.documentElement.childNodes[0]); } return cssNode; } assign(target = {}, source = {}, isAdd = false) { let UtilsContext = this; if (Array.isArray(source)) { let canTraverse = source.filter((item) => { return typeof item === "object"; }); if (!canTraverse.length) { return source; } } if (source == null) { return target; } if (target == null) { target = {}; } if (isAdd) { for (const sourceKeyName in source) { const targetKeyName = sourceKeyName; let targetValue = target[targetKeyName]; let sourceValue = source[sourceKeyName]; if (typeof sourceValue === "object" && sourceValue != null && sourceKeyName in target && !UtilsContext.isDOM(sourceValue)) { target[sourceKeyName] = UtilsContext.assign(targetValue, sourceValue, isAdd); continue; } target[sourceKeyName] = sourceValue; } } else { for (const targetKeyName in target) { if (targetKeyName in source) { let targetValue = target[targetKeyName]; let sourceValue = source[targetKeyName]; if (typeof sourceValue === "object" && sourceValue != null && !UtilsContext.isDOM(sourceValue) && Object.keys(sourceValue).length) { target[targetKeyName] = UtilsContext.assign(targetValue, sourceValue, isAdd); continue; } target[targetKeyName] = sourceValue; } } } return target; } async asyncReplaceAll(string, pattern, asyncFn) { let UtilsContext = this; if (typeof string !== "string") { throw new TypeError("string必须是字符串"); } if (typeof asyncFn !== "function") { throw new TypeError("asyncFn必须是函数"); } let reg; if (typeof pattern === "string") { reg = new RegExp(UtilsContext.parseStringToRegExpString(pattern), "g"); } else if (pattern instanceof RegExp) { if (!pattern.global) { throw new TypeError("pattern必须是全局匹配"); } reg = new RegExp(pattern); } else { throw new TypeError("pattern必须是正则对象"); } let result2 = []; let match; let lastIndex = 0; while ((match = reg.exec(string)) !== null) { const item = asyncFn(match[0]); const prefix = string.slice(lastIndex, match.index); lastIndex = match.index + match[0].length; result2.push(item); result2.push(prefix); } result2.push(string.slice(lastIndex)); result2 = await Promise.all(result2); return result2.join(""); } canvasClickByPosition(canvasElement, clientX = 0, clientY = 0, view = globalThis) { if (!(canvasElement instanceof HTMLCanvasElement)) { throw new Error("Utils.canvasClickByPosition 参数canvasElement必须是canvas元素"); } clientX = parseInt(clientX.toString()); clientY = parseInt(clientY.toString()); const eventInit = { cancelBubble: true, cancelable: true, clientX, clientY, // @ts-ignore view, detail: 1 }; canvasElement.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mousedown", eventInit)); canvasElement.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent("mouseup", eventInit)); } checkUserClickInNode(element) { var _a2; let UtilsContext = this; if (!UtilsContext.isDOM(element)) { throw new Error("Utils.checkUserClickInNode 参数 targetNode 必须为 Element|Node 类型"); } let clickEvent = UtilsContext.windowApi.window.event; let touchEvent = UtilsContext.windowApi.window.event; let $click = (_a2 = clickEvent == null ? void 0 : clickEvent.composedPath()) == null ? void 0 : _a2[0]; let clickPosX = (clickEvent == null ? void 0 : clickEvent.clientX) != null ? clickEvent.clientX : touchEvent.touches[0].clientX; let clickPosY = (clickEvent == null ? void 0 : clickEvent.clientY) != null ? clickEvent.clientY : touchEvent.touches[0].clientY; let { /* 要检测的元素的相对屏幕的横坐标最左边 */ left: elementPosXLeft, /* 要检测的元素的相对屏幕的横坐标最右边 */ right: elementPosXRight, /* 要检测的元素的相对屏幕的纵坐标最上边 */ top: elementPosYTop, /* 要检测的元素的相对屏幕的纵坐标最下边 */ bottom: elementPosYBottom } = element.getBoundingClientRect(); if (clickPosX >= elementPosXLeft && clickPosX <= elementPosXRight && clickPosY >= elementPosYTop && clickPosY <= elementPosYBottom) { return true; } else if ($click && element.contains($click) || $click == element) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * 复制formData数据 * @param formData 需要clone的数据 */ cloneFormData(formData, filterFn) { let clonedFormData = new FormData(); for (let [key, value] of formData.entries()) { let isFilter = typeof filterFn === "function" ? filterFn(key, value) : false; if (typeof isFilter === "boolean" && isFilter) { continue; } clonedFormData.append(key, value); } return clonedFormData; } createOverload() { let fnMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); function overload(...args2) { let key = args2.map((it) => typeof it).join(","); let fn = fnMap.get(key); if (!fn) { throw new TypeError("没有找到对应的实现"); } return fn.apply(this, args2); } overload.addImpl = function(...args2) { let fn = args2.pop(); if (typeof fn !== "function") { throw new TypeError("最后一个参数必须是函数"); } let key = args2.join(","); fnMap.set(key, fn); }; return overload; } deepClone(obj) { let UtilsContext = this; if (obj === void 0) return void 0; if (obj === null) return null; let clone = obj instanceof Array ? [] : {}; for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(obj)) { clone[key] = typeof value === "object" ? UtilsContext.deepClone(value) : value; } return clone; } debounce(fn, delay = 0) { let timer = null; const context2 = this; return function(...args2) { clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(function() { fn.apply(context2, args2); }, delay); }; } deleteParentNode(element, targetSelector) { let UtilsContext = this; if (element == null) { return; } if (!UtilsContext.isDOM(element)) { throw new Error("Utils.deleteParentNode 参数 target 必须为 Node|HTMLElement 类型"); } if (typeof targetSelector !== "string") { throw new Error("Utils.deleteParentNode 参数 targetSelector 必须为 string 类型"); } let result2 = false; let needRemoveDOM = element.closest(targetSelector); if (needRemoveDOM) { needRemoveDOM.remove(); result2 = true; } return result2; } dispatchEvent(element, eventName, details) { let eventNameList = []; if (typeof eventName === "string") { eventNameList = [eventName]; } if (Array.isArray(eventName)) { eventNameList = [...eventName]; } eventNameList.forEach((_eventName_) => { let event = new Event(_eventName_); if (details) { Object.assign(event, details); } element.dispatchEvent(event); }); } downloadBase64(base64Data, fileName, isIFrame = false) { if (typeof base64Data !== "string") { throw new Error("Utils.downloadBase64 参数 base64Data 必须为 string 类型"); } if (typeof fileName !== "string") { throw new Error("Utils.downloadBase64 参数 fileName 必须为 string 类型"); } if (isIFrame) { const iframeElement = this.windowApi.document.createElement("iframe"); iframeElement.style.display = "none"; iframeElement.src = base64Data; this.windowApi.document.body.appendChild(iframeElement); setTimeout(() => { iframeElement.contentWindow.document.execCommand("SaveAs", true, fileName); this.windowApi.document.body.removeChild(iframeElement); }, 100); } else { const linkElement = this.windowApi.document.createElement("a"); linkElement.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); linkElement.download = fileName; linkElement.href = base64Data; linkElement.click(); } } findWebPageVisibleText(str = "", caseSensitive = false) { let TRange = null; let strFound; if (this.windowApi.globalThis.find) { let windowFind = this.windowApi.self.find; strFound = windowFind(str, caseSensitive, true, true, false); if (strFound && this.windowApi.self.getSelection && !this.windowApi.self.getSelection().anchorNode) { strFound = windowFind(str, caseSensitive, true, true, false); } if (!strFound) { strFound = windowFind(str, 0, 1); while (windowFind(str, 0, 1)) continue; } } else if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1) { if (TRange != null) { TRange = TRange; TRange.collapse(false); strFound = TRange.findText(str); if (strFound) TRange.select(); } if (TRange == null || strFound == 0) { TRange = this.windowApi.self.document.body.createTextRange(); strFound = TRange.findText(str); if (strFound) TRange.select(); } } else if (navigator.appName == "Opera") { alert("Opera browsers not supported, sorry..."); return; } return strFound ? true : false; } *findElementsWithText(element, text, filter) { let that = this; if (element.outerHTML.includes(text)) { if (element.children.length === 0) { let filterResult = typeof filter === "function" ? filter(element) : false; if (!filterResult) { yield element; } } else { let textElement = Array.from(element.childNodes).filter((ele) => ele.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE); for (let ele of textElement) { if (ele.textContent.includes(text)) { let filterResult = typeof filter === "function" ? filter(element) : false; if (!filterResult) { yield ele; } } } } } for (let index = 0; index < element.children.length; index++) { let childElement = element.children[index]; yield* that.findElementsWithText(childElement, text, filter); } } /** * 判断该元素是否可见,如果不可见,向上找它的父元素直至找到可见的元素 * @param element * @example * let visibleElement = Utils.findVisibleElement(document.querySelector("a.xx")); * > */ findVisibleElement(element) { let currentElement = element; while (currentElement) { let elementRect = currentElement.getBoundingClientRect(); if (Boolean(elementRect.length)) { return currentElement; } currentElement = currentElement.parentElement; } return null; } formatByteToSize(byteSize, addType = true) { byteSize = parseInt(byteSize.toString()); if (isNaN(byteSize)) { throw new Error("Utils.formatByteToSize 参数 byteSize 格式不正确"); } let result2 = 0; let resultType = "KB"; let sizeData = {}; sizeData.B = 1; sizeData.KB = 1024; sizeData.MB = sizeData.KB * sizeData.KB; sizeData.GB = sizeData.MB * sizeData.KB; sizeData.TB = sizeData.GB * sizeData.KB; sizeData.PB = sizeData.TB * sizeData.KB; sizeData.EB = sizeData.PB * sizeData.KB; sizeData.ZB = sizeData.EB * sizeData.KB; sizeData.YB = sizeData.ZB * sizeData.KB; sizeData.BB = sizeData.YB * sizeData.KB; sizeData.NB = sizeData.BB * sizeData.KB; sizeData.DB = sizeData.NB * sizeData.KB; for (let key in sizeData) { result2 = byteSize / sizeData[key]; resultType = key; if (sizeData.KB >= result2) { break; } } result2 = result2.toFixed(2); result2 = addType ? result2 + resultType.toString() : parseFloat(result2.toString()); return result2; } getNodeListValue(...args2) { let resultArray = []; for (let arg of args2) { let value = arg; if (typeof arg === "function") { value = arg(); } if (value.length !== 0) { resultArray = [...value]; break; } } return resultArray; } getNonNullValue(...args2) { let resultValue = args2[args2.length - 1]; let UtilsContext = this; for (const argValue of args2) { if (UtilsContext.isNotNull(argValue)) { resultValue = argValue; break; } } return resultValue; } formatTime(text = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), formatType = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") { let time = text == null ? /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() : new Date(text); function checkTime(timeNum) { if (timeNum < 10) return "0" + timeNum; return timeNum; } function timeSystemChange(hourNum) { return hourNum > 12 ? hourNum - 12 : hourNum; } let timeRegexp = { yyyy: time.getFullYear(), /* 年 */ MM: checkTime(time.getMonth() + 1), /* 月 */ dd: checkTime(time.getDate()), /* 日 */ HH: checkTime(time.getHours()), /* 时 (24小时制) */ hh: checkTime(timeSystemChange(time.getHours())), /* 时 (12小时制) */ mm: checkTime(time.getMinutes()), /* 分 */ ss: checkTime(time.getSeconds()) /* 秒 */ }; Object.keys(timeRegexp).forEach(function(key) { let replaecRegexp = new RegExp(key, "g"); formatType = formatType.replace(replaecRegexp, timeRegexp[key]); }); return formatType; } formatToTimeStamp(text) { if (typeof text !== "string") { throw new Error("Utils.formatToTimeStamp 参数 text 必须为 string 类型"); } if (text.length === 8) { let today = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(); text = today.getFullYear() + "-" + (today.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + today.getDate() + " " + text; } text = text.substring(0, 19); text = text.replace(/-/g, "/"); let timestamp = new Date(text).getTime(); return timestamp; } /** * 获取 transitionend 的在各个浏览器的兼容名 */ getTransitionEndNameList() { return [ "webkitTransitionEnd", "mozTransitionEnd", "MSTransitionEnd", "otransitionend", "transitionend" ]; } /** * 获取 animationend 的在各个浏览器的兼容名 */ getAnimationEndNameList() { return [ "webkitAnimationEnd", "mozAnimationEnd", "MSAnimationEnd", "oanimationend", "animationend" ]; } getArrayLastValue(targetObj) { return targetObj[targetObj.length - 1]; } getArrayRealValue(...args2) { let result2 = null; for (let arg of args2) { if (typeof arg === "function") { arg = arg(); } if (arg != null) { result2 = arg; break; } } return result2; } getDaysDifference(timestamp1 = Date.now(), timestamp2 = Date.now(), type = "天") { type = type.trim(); if (timestamp1.toString().length === 10) { timestamp1 = timestamp1 * 1e3; } if (timestamp2.toString().length === 10) { timestamp2 = timestamp2 * 1e3; } let smallTimeStamp = timestamp1 > timestamp2 ? timestamp2 : timestamp1; let bigTimeStamp = timestamp1 > timestamp2 ? timestamp1 : timestamp2; let oneSecond = 1e3; let oneMinute = 60 * oneSecond; let oneHour = 60 * oneMinute; let oneDay = 24 * oneHour; let oneMonth = 30 * oneDay; let oneYear = 12 * oneMonth; let bigDate = new Date(bigTimeStamp); let smallDate = new Date(smallTimeStamp); let remainderValue = 1; if (type === "年") { remainderValue = oneYear; } else if (type === "月") { remainderValue = oneMonth; } else if (type === "天") { remainderValue = oneDay; } else if (type === "时") { remainderValue = oneHour; } else if (type === "分") { remainderValue = oneMinute; } else if (type === "秒") { remainderValue = oneSecond; } let diffValue = Math.round(Math.abs((bigDate - smallDate) / remainderValue)); if (type === "auto") { let timeDifference = bigTimeStamp - smallTimeStamp; diffValue = Math.floor(timeDifference / (24 * 3600 * 1e3)); if (diffValue > 0) { diffValue = diffValue + "天"; } else { let leave1 = timeDifference % (24 * 3600 * 1e3); let hours = Math.floor(leave1 / (3600 * 1e3)); if (hours > 0) { diffValue = hours + "小时"; } else { let leave2 = leave1 % (3600 * 1e3); let minutes = Math.floor(leave2 / (60 * 1e3)); if (minutes > 0) { diffValue = minutes + "分钟"; } else { let leave3 = leave2 % (60 * 1e3); let seconds = Math.round(leave3 / 1e3); diffValue = seconds + "秒"; } } } } return diffValue; } getElementSelector(element) { let UtilsContext = this; if (!element) return; if (!element.parentElement) return; if (element.id) return "#" + element.id; let selector = UtilsContext.getElementSelector(element.parentElement); if (!selector) { return element.tagName.toLowerCase(); } if (element.parentElement.querySelectorAll(element.tagName).length > 1) { let index = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(element.parentElement.children, element) + 1; selector += " > " + element.tagName.toLowerCase() + ":nth-child(" + index + ")"; } else { selector += " > " + element.tagName.toLowerCase(); } return selector; } /** * 获取最大值 * @example * Utils.getMaxValue([{1:123},{2:345},{3:456}],(index,value)=>{return parseInt(index)}) * > 2 */ getMaxValue(...args2) { let result2 = [...args2]; let newResult = []; if (result2.length === 0) { return; } if (result2.length > 1) { if (result2.length === 2 && typeof result2[0] === "object" && typeof result2[1] === "function") { let data = result2[0]; let handleDataFunc = result2[1]; Object.keys(data).forEach((keyName) => { newResult = [...newResult, handleDataFunc(keyName, data[keyName])]; }); } else { result2.forEach((item) => { if (!isNaN(parseFloat(item))) { newResult = [...newResult, parseFloat(item)]; } }); } return Math.max(...newResult); } else { result2[0].forEach((item) => { if (!isNaN(parseFloat(item))) { newResult = [...newResult, parseFloat(item)]; } }); return Math.max(...newResult); } } getMaxZIndexNodeInfo(deviation = 1, target = this.windowApi.document, ignoreCallBack) { deviation = Number.isNaN(deviation) ? 1 : deviation; const UtilsContext = this; const maxZIndexCompare = 2 * Math.pow(10, 9); let zIndex = 0; let maxZIndexNode = null; function isVisibleNode($css) { return $css.position !== "static" && $css.display !== "none"; } function queryMaxZIndex($ele) { if (typeof ignoreCallBack === "function") { let ignoreResult = ignoreCallBack($ele); if (typeof ignoreResult === "boolean" && !ignoreResult) { return; } } const nodeStyle = UtilsContext.windowApi.window.getComputedStyle($ele); if (isVisibleNode(nodeStyle)) { let nodeZIndex = parseInt(nodeStyle.zIndex); if (!isNaN(nodeZIndex)) { if (nodeZIndex > zIndex) { zIndex = nodeZIndex; maxZIndexNode = $ele; } } if ($ele.shadowRoot != null && $ele instanceof ShadowRoot) { $ele.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll("*").forEach(($shadowEle) => { queryMaxZIndex($shadowEle); }); } } } target.querySelectorAll("*").forEach(($ele, index) => { queryMaxZIndex($ele); }); zIndex += deviation; if (zIndex >= maxZIndexCompare) { zIndex = maxZIndexCompare; } return { node: maxZIndexNode, zIndex }; } getMaxZIndex(deviation = 1, target = this.windowApi.document, ignoreCallBack) { return this.getMaxZIndexNodeInfo(deviation, target, ignoreCallBack).zIndex; } getMinValue(...args2) { let result2 = [...args2]; let newResult = []; if (result2.length === 0) { return; } if (result2.length > 1) { if (result2.length === 2 && typeof result2[0] === "object" && typeof result2[1] === "function") { let data = result2[0]; let handleDataFunc = result2[1]; Object.keys(data).forEach((keyName) => { newResult = [...newResult, handleDataFunc(keyName, data[keyName])]; }); } else { result2.forEach((item) => { if (!isNaN(parseFloat(item))) { newResult = [...newResult, parseFloat(item)]; } }); } return Math.min(...newResult); } else { result2[0].forEach((item) => { if (!isNaN(parseFloat(item))) { newResult = [...newResult, parseFloat(item)]; } }); return Math.min(...newResult); } } /** * 获取随机的安卓手机User-Agent * @example * Utils.getRandomAndroidUA(); * > 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; MI 13 Build/OPR1.170623.027; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.3490.40 Mobile Safari/537.36' **/ getRandomAndroidUA() { let UtilsContext = this; let mobileNameList = [ "LDN-LX3", "RNE-L03", "ASUS_X00ID Build/NMF26F", "WAS-LX3", "PRA-LX3", "MYA-L03", "Moto G Play", "Moto C Build/NRD90M.063", "Redmi Note 4 Build/NRD90M", "HUAWEI VNS-L21 Build/HUAWEIVNS-L21", "VTR-L09", "TRT-LX3", "M2003J15SC Build/RP1A.200720.011; wv", "MI 13 Build/OPR1.170623.027; wv" ]; let androidVersion = UtilsContext.getRandomValue(12, 14); let randomMobile = UtilsContext.getRandomValue(mobileNameList); let chromeVersion1 = UtilsContext.getRandomValue(120, 132); let chromeVersion2 = UtilsContext.getRandomValue(0, 0); let chromeVersion3 = UtilsContext.getRandomValue(2272, 6099); let chromeVersion4 = UtilsContext.getRandomValue(1, 218); return `Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android ${androidVersion}; ${randomMobile}) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/${chromeVersion1}.${chromeVersion2}.${chromeVersion3}.${chromeVersion4} Mobile Safari/537.36`; } /** * 获取随机的电脑端User-Agent * + Mozilla/5.0:以前用于Netscape浏览器,目前大多数浏览器UA都会带有 * + Windows NT 13:代表Window11系统 * + Windows NT 10.0:代表Window10系统 * + Windows NT 6.1:代表windows7系统 * + WOW64:Windows-on-Windows 64-bit,32位的应用程序运行于此64位处理器上 * + Win64:64位 * + AppleWebKit/537.36:浏览器内核 * + KHTML:HTML排版引擎 * + like Gecko:这不是Geckeo 浏览器,但是运行起来像Geckeo浏览器 * + Chrome/106.0.5068.19:Chrome版本号 * + Safari/537.36:宣称自己是Safari? * @returns 返回随机字符串 * @example * Utils.getRandomPCUA(); * > 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/106.0.5068.19 Safari/537.36' **/ getRandomPCUA() { let UtilsContext = this; let chromeVersion1 = UtilsContext.getRandomValue(120, 132); let chromeVersion2 = UtilsContext.getRandomValue(0, 0); let chromeVersion3 = UtilsContext.getRandomValue(2272, 6099); let chromeVersion4 = UtilsContext.getRandomValue(1, 218); return `Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/${chromeVersion1}.${chromeVersion2}.${chromeVersion3}.${chromeVersion4} Safari/537.36`; } getRandomValue(...args2) { let result2 = [...args2]; if (result2.length > 1) { if (result2.length === 2 && typeof result2[0] === "number" && typeof result2[1] === "number") { let leftNumber = result2[0] > result2[1] ? result2[1] : result2[0]; let rightNumber = result2[0] > result2[1] ? result2[0] : result2[1]; return Math.round(Math.random() * (rightNumber - leftNumber)) + leftNumber; } else { return result2[Math.floor(Math.random() * result2.length)]; } } else if (result2.length === 1) { let paramData = result2[0]; if (Array.isArray(paramData)) { return paramData[Math.floor(Math.random() * paramData.length)]; } else if (typeof paramData === "object" && Object.keys(paramData).length > 0) { let paramObjDataKey = Object.keys(paramData)[Math.floor(Math.random() * Object.keys(paramData).length)]; return paramData[paramObjDataKey]; } else { return paramData; } } } /** * 获取元素上的使用React框架的实例属性,目前包括reactFiber、reactProps、reactEvents、reactEventHandlers、reactInternalInstance * @param element 需要获取的目标元素 * @returns * @example * Utils.getReactObj(document.querySelector("input"))?.reactProps?.onChange({target:{value:"123"}}); */ getReactObj(element) { let result2 = {}; Object.keys(element).forEach((domPropsName) => { if (domPropsName.startsWith("__react")) { let propsName = domPropsName.replace(/__(.+)\$.+/i, "$1"); if (propsName in result2) ; else { result2[propsName] = element[domPropsName]; } } }); return result2; } /** * 获取对象上的Symbol属性,如果没设置keyName,那么返回一个对象,对象是所有遍历到的Symbol对象 * @param target 目标对象 * @param keyName (可选)Symbol名或者Symbol对象 */ getSymbol(target, keyName) { if (typeof target !== "object") { throw new TypeError("target不是一个对象"); } let objectsSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(target); if (typeof keyName === "string") { let findSymbol = objectsSymbols.find((key) => { return key.toString() === keyName; }); if (findSymbol) { return target[findSymbol]; } } else if (typeof keyName === "symbol") { let findSymbol = objectsSymbols.find((key) => { return key === keyName; }); if (findSymbol) { return target[findSymbol]; } } else { let result2 = {}; objectsSymbols.forEach((item) => { result2[item] = target[item]; }); return result2; } } /** * 获取文本的字符长度 * @param text * @example * Utils.getTextLength("测试文本") * > 12 */ getTextLength(text) { let encoder = new TextEncoder(); let bytes = encoder.encode(text); return bytes.length; } getTextStorageSize(text, addType = true) { let UtilsContext = this; return UtilsContext.formatByteToSize(UtilsContext.getTextLength(text), addType); } getThunderUrl(url) { if (url == null) { throw new TypeError("url不能为空"); } if (typeof url !== "string") { throw new TypeError("url必须是string类型"); } if (url.trim() === "") { throw new TypeError("url不能为空字符串或纯空格"); } return `thunder://${this.windowApi.globalThis.btoa("AA" + url + "ZZ")}`; } isNativeFunc(target) { return Boolean(target.toString().match(/^function .*\(\) { \[native code\] }$/)); } isNearBottom(...args2) { let nearBottomHeight = 50; let checkWindow = () => { let scrollTop = this.windowApi.window.pageYOffset || this.windowApi.document.documentElement.scrollTop; let viewportHeight = this.windowApi.window.innerHeight || this.windowApi.document.documentElement.clientHeight; let maxScrollHeight = this.windowApi.document.documentElement.scrollHeight - nearBottomHeight; return scrollTop + viewportHeight >= maxScrollHeight; }; let checkNode = ($ele) => { let scrollTop = $ele.scrollTop; let viewportHeight = $ele.clientHeight; let maxScrollHeight = $ele.scrollHeight - viewportHeight - nearBottomHeight; return scrollTop >= maxScrollHeight; }; let firstArg = args2[0]; if (args2.length === 0 || typeof args2[0] === "number") { return checkWindow(); } else if (typeof args2[0] === "object" && args2[0] instanceof HTMLElement) { if (typeof args2[1] === "number" && !Number.isNaN(args2[1])) { nearBottomHeight = args2[1]; } return checkNode(args2[0]); } else { throw new TypeError("参数1类型错误" + typeof firstArg); } } isDOM(target) { return target instanceof Node; } isFullscreenEnabled() { return !!(this.windowApi.document.fullscreenEnabled || this.windowApi.document.webkitFullScreenEnabled || this.windowApi.document.mozFullScreenEnabled || this.windowApi.document.msFullScreenEnabled); } isJQuery(target) { let result2 = false; if (typeof jQuery === "object" && target instanceof jQuery) { result2 = true; } if (target == null) { return false; } if (typeof target === "object") { let jQueryProps = [ "add", "addBack", "addClass", "after", "ajaxComplete", "ajaxError", "ajaxSend", "ajaxStart", "ajaxStop", "ajaxSuccess", "animate", "append", "appendTo", "attr", "before", "bind", "blur", "change", "children", "clearQueue", "click", "clone", "closest", "constructor", "contents", "contextmenu", "css", "data", "dblclick", "delay", "delegate", "dequeue", "each", "empty", "end", "eq", "extend", "fadeIn", "fadeOut", "fadeTo", "fadeToggle", "filter", "find", "first", "focus", "focusin", "focusout", "get", "has", "hasClass", "height", "hide", "hover", "html", "index", "init", "innerHeight", "innerWidth", "insertAfter", "insertBefore", "is", "jquery", "keydown", "keypress", "keyup", "last", "load", "map", "mousedown", "mouseenter", "mouseleave", "mousemove", "mouseout", "mouseover", "mouseup", "next", "nextAll", "not", "off", "offset", "offsetParent", "on", "one", "outerHeight", "outerWidth", "parent", "parents", "position", "prepend", "prependTo", "prev", "prevAll", "prevUntil", "promise", "prop", "pushStack", "queue", "ready", "remove", "removeAttr", "removeClass", "removeData", "removeProp", "replaceAll", "replaceWith", "resize", "scroll", "scrollLeft", "scrollTop", "select", "show", "siblings", "slice", "slideDown", "slideToggle", "slideUp", "sort", "splice", "text", "toArray", "toggle", "toggleClass", "trigger", "triggerHandler", "unbind", "width", "wrap" ]; for (const jQueryPropsName of jQueryProps) { if (!(jQueryPropsName in target)) { result2 = false; break; } else { result2 = true; } } } return result2; } isPhone(userAgent = navigator.userAgent) { return Boolean(/(iPhone|iPad|iPod|iOS|Android|Mobile)/i.test(userAgent)); } isSameChars(targetStr, coefficient = 1) { if (typeof targetStr !== "string") { throw new TypeError("参数 str 必须是 string 类型"); } if (targetStr.length < 2) { return false; } targetStr = targetStr.toLowerCase(); const targetCharMap = {}; let targetStrLength = 0; for (const char of targetStr) { if (Reflect.has(targetCharMap, char)) { targetCharMap[char]++; } else { targetCharMap[char] = 1; } targetStrLength++; } let result2 = false; for (const char in targetCharMap) { if (targetCharMap[char] / targetStrLength >= coefficient) { result2 = true; break; } } return result2; } isNotNull(...args2) { let UtilsContext = this; return !UtilsContext.isNull.apply(this, args2); } isNull(...args2) { let result2 = true; let checkList = [...args2]; for (const objItem of checkList) { let itemResult = false; if (objItem === null || objItem === void 0) { itemResult = true; } else { switch (typeof objItem) { case "object": if (typeof objItem[Symbol.iterator] === "function") { itemResult = objItem.length === 0; } else { itemResult = Object.keys(objItem).length === 0; } break; case "number": itemResult = objItem === 0; break; case "string": itemResult = objItem.trim() === "" || objItem === "null" || objItem === "undefined"; break; case "boolean": itemResult = !objItem; break; case "function": let funcStr = objItem.toString().replace(/\s/g, ""); itemResult = Boolean(funcStr.match(/^\(.*?\)=>\{\}$|^function.*?\(.*?\)\{\}$/)); break; } } result2 = result2 && itemResult; } return result2; } isThemeDark() { return this.windowApi.globalThis.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)").matches; } /** * 判断元素是否在页面中可见 * @param element 需要检查的元素,可以是普通元素|数组形式的元素|通过querySelectorAll获取的元素数组 * @param inView * + true 在窗口可视区域 * + false 不在窗口可视区域 * @returns * + true 可见 * + false 不可见 * @example * Utils.isVisible(document.documentElement) * > true */ isVisible(element, inView = false) { let needCheckDomList = []; if (element instanceof Array || element instanceof NodeList) { element = element; needCheckDomList = [...element]; } else { needCheckDomList = [element]; } let result2 = true; for (const domItem of needCheckDomList) { let domDisplay = this.windowApi.window.getComputedStyle(domItem); if (domDisplay.display === "none") { result2 = false; } else { let domClientRect = domItem.getBoundingClientRect(); if (inView) { let viewportWidth = this.windowApi.window.innerWidth || this.windowApi.document.documentElement.clientWidth; let viewportHeight = this.windowApi.window.innerHeight || this.windowApi.document.documentElement.clientHeight; result2 = !(domClientRect.right < 0 || domClientRect.left > viewportWidth || domClientRect.bottom < 0 || domClientRect.top > viewportHeight); } else { result2 = Boolean(domItem.getClientRects().length); } } if (!result2) { break; } } return result2; } isWebView_Via() { let result2 = true; let UtilsContext = this; if (typeof this.windowApi.top.window.via === "object") { for (const key in Object.values(this.windowApi.top.window.via)) { if (Reflect.has(this.windowApi.top.window.via, key)) { let objValueFunc = this.windowApi.top.window.via[key]; if (typeof objValueFunc === "function" && UtilsContext.isNativeFunc(objValueFunc)) { result2 = true; } else { result2 = false; break; } } } } else { result2 = false; } return result2; } isWebView_X() { let result2 = true; let UtilsContext = this; if (typeof this.windowApi.top.window.mbrowser === "object") { for (const key in Object.values(this.windowApi.top.window.mbrowser)) { if (Reflect.has(this.windowApi.top.window.mbrowser, key)) { let objValueFunc = this.windowApi.top.window.mbrowser[key]; if (typeof objValueFunc === "function" && UtilsContext.isNativeFunc(objValueFunc)) { result2 = true; } else { result2 = false; break; } } } } else { result2 = false; } return result2; } parseObjectToArray(target) { if (typeof target !== "object") { throw new Error("Utils.parseObjectToArray 参数 target 必须为 object 类型"); } let result2 = []; Object.keys(target).forEach(function(keyName) { result2 = result2.concat(target[keyName]); }); return result2; } mergeArrayToString(data, handleFunc) { if (!(data instanceof Array)) { throw new Error("Utils.mergeArrayToString 参数 data 必须为 Array 类型"); } let content = ""; if (typeof handleFunc === "function") { data.forEach((item) => { content += handleFunc(item); }); } else if (typeof handleFunc === "string") { data.forEach((item) => { content += item[handleFunc]; }); } else { data.forEach((item) => { Object.values(item).filter((item2) => typeof item2 === "string").forEach((item3) => { content += item3; }); }); } return content; } mutationObserver(target, observer_config) { let UtilsContext = this; let default_obverser_config = { /* 监听到元素有反馈,需执行的函数 */ callback: () => { }, config: { /** * + true 监听以 target 为根节点的整个子树。包括子树中所有节点的属性,而不仅仅是针对 target * + false (默认) 不生效 */ subtree: void 0, /** * + true 监听 target 节点中发生的节点的新增与删除(同时,如果 subtree 为 true,会针对整个子树生效) * + false (默认) 不生效 */ childList: void 0, /** * + true 观察所有监听的节点属性值的变化。默认值为 true,当声明了 attributeFilter 或 attributeOldValue * + false (默认) 不生效 */ attributes: void 0, /** * 一个用于声明哪些属性名会被监听的数组。如果不声明该属性,所有属性的变化都将触发通知 */ attributeFilter: void 0, /** * + true 记录上一次被监听的节点的属性变化;可查阅 MutationObserver 中的 Monitoring attribute values 了解关于观察属性变化和属性值记录的详情 * + false (默认) 不生效 */ attributeOldValue: void 0, /** * + true 监听声明的 target 节点上所有字符的变化。默认值为 true,如果声明了 characterDataOldValue * + false (默认) 不生效 */ characterData: void 0, /** * + true 记录前一个被监听的节点中发生的文本变化 * + false (默认) 不生效 */ characterDataOldValue: void 0 }, immediate: false }; observer_config = UtilsContext.assign(default_obverser_config, observer_config); let windowMutationObserver = this.windowApi.window.MutationObserver || this.windowApi.window.webkitMutationObserver || this.windowApi.window.MozMutationObserver; let mutationObserver = new windowMutationObserver(function(mutations, observer) { if (typeof observer_config.callback === "function") { observer_config.callback(mutations, observer); } }); if (Array.isArray(target) || target instanceof NodeList) { target.forEach((item) => { mutationObserver.observe(item, observer_config.config); }); } else if (UtilsContext.isJQuery(target)) { target.each((index, item) => { mutationObserver.observe(item, observer_config.config); }); } else { mutationObserver.observe(target, observer_config.config); } if (observer_config.immediate) { if (typeof observer_config.callback === "function") { observer_config.callback([], mutationObserver); } } return mutationObserver; } /** * 使用观察器观察元素出现在视图内,出现的话触发回调 * @param target 目标元素 * @param callback 触发的回调 * @param options 观察器配置 * @example * Utils.mutationVisible(document.querySelector("div.xxxx"),(entries,observer)=>{ * console.log("该元素出现在视图内"); * })) */ mutationVisible(target, callback2, options) { if (typeof IntersectionObserver === "undefined") { throw new TypeError("IntersectionObserver is not defined"); } if (target == null) { throw new TypeError("mutatuinVisible target is null"); } let defaultOptions = { root: null, rootMargin: "0px 0px 0px 0px", threshold: [0.01, 0.99] }; defaultOptions = this.assign(defaultOptions, options || {}); let intersectionObserver = new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => { if (entries[0].isIntersecting) { if (typeof callback2 === "function") { callback2(entries, observer); } } }, defaultOptions); if (Array.isArray(target)) { target.forEach((item) => { intersectionObserver.observe(item); }); } else { intersectionObserver.observe(target); } } /** * 去除全局window下的Utils,返回控制权 * @example * let utils = Utils.noConflict(); * > ... */ noConflict() { if (this.windowApi.window.Utils) { Reflect.deleteProperty(this.windowApi.window, "Utils"); } this.windowApi.window.Utils = utils$1; return utils$1; } noConflictFunc(needReleaseObject, needReleaseName, functionNameList = [], release = true) { let UtilsContext = this; if (typeof needReleaseObject !== "object") { throw new Error("Utils.noConflictFunc 参数 needReleaseObject 必须为 object 类型"); } if (typeof needReleaseName !== "string") { throw new Error("Utils.noConflictFunc 参数 needReleaseName 必须为 string 类型"); } if (!Array.isArray(functionNameList)) { throw new Error("Utils.noConflictFunc 参数 functionNameList 必须为 Array 类型"); } let needReleaseKey = "__" + needReleaseName; function releaseAll() { if (typeof UtilsContext.windowApi.window[needReleaseKey] !== "undefined") { return; } UtilsContext.windowApi.window[needReleaseKey] = UtilsContext.deepClone(needReleaseObject); Object.values(needReleaseObject).forEach((value) => { if (typeof value === "function") { needReleaseObject[value.name] = () => { }; } }); } function releaseOne() { Array.from(functionNameList).forEach((item) => { Object.values(needReleaseObject).forEach((value) => { if (typeof value === "function") { if (typeof UtilsContext.windowApi.window[needReleaseKey] === "undefined") { UtilsContext.windowApi.window[needReleaseKey] = {}; } if (item === value.name) { UtilsContext.windowApi.window[needReleaseKey][value.name] = needReleaseObject[value.name]; needReleaseObject[value.name] = () => { }; } } }); }); } function recoveryAll() { if (typeof UtilsContext.windowApi.window[needReleaseKey] === "undefined") { return; } Object.assign(needReleaseObject, UtilsContext.windowApi.window[needReleaseKey]); Reflect.deleteProperty(UtilsContext.windowApi.window, "needReleaseKey"); } function recoveryOne() { if (typeof UtilsContext.windowApi.window[needReleaseKey] === "undefined") { return; } Array.from(functionNameList).forEach((item) => { if (UtilsContext.windowApi.window[needReleaseKey][item]) { needReleaseObject[item] = UtilsContext.windowApi.window[needReleaseKey][item]; Reflect.deleteProperty(UtilsContext.windowApi.window[needReleaseKey], item); if (Object.keys(UtilsContext.windowApi.window[needReleaseKey]).length === 0) { Reflect.deleteProperty(window, needReleaseKey); } } }); } if (release) { if (functionNameList.length === 0) { releaseAll(); } else { releaseOne(); } } else { if (functionNameList.length === 0) { recoveryAll(); } else { recoveryOne(); } } } parseBase64ToBlob(dataUri) { if (typeof dataUri !== "string") { throw new Error("Utils.parseBase64ToBlob 参数 dataUri 必须为 string 类型"); } let dataUriSplit = dataUri.split(","), dataUriMime = dataUriSplit[0].match(/:(.*?);/)[1], dataUriBase64Str = atob(dataUriSplit[1]), dataUriLength = dataUriBase64Str.length, u8arr = new Uint8Array(dataUriLength); while (dataUriLength--) { u8arr[dataUriLength] = dataUriBase64Str.charCodeAt(dataUriLength); } return new Blob([u8arr], { type: dataUriMime }); } parseBase64ToFile(dataUri, fileName = "example") { if (typeof dataUri !== "string") { throw new Error("Utils.parseBase64ToFile 参数 dataUri 必须为 string 类型"); } if (typeof fileName !== "string") { throw new Error("Utils.parseBase64ToFile 参数 fileName 必须为 string 类型"); } let dataUriSplit = dataUri.split(","), dataUriMime = dataUriSplit[0].match(/:(.*?);/)[1], dataUriBase64Str = atob(dataUriSplit[1]), dataUriLength = dataUriBase64Str.length, u8arr = new Uint8Array(dataUriLength); while (dataUriLength--) { u8arr[dataUriLength] = dataUriBase64Str.charCodeAt(dataUriLength); } return new File([u8arr], fileName, { type: dataUriMime }); } parseInt(matchList = [], defaultValue = 0) { if (matchList == null) { return parseInt(defaultValue.toString()); } let parseValue = parseInt(matchList[matchList.length - 1]); if (isNaN(parseValue)) { parseValue = parseInt(defaultValue.toString()); } return parseValue; } async parseBlobToFile(blobUrl, fileName = "example") { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fetch(blobUrl).then((response) => response.blob()).then((blob) => { const file = new File([blob], fileName, { type: blob.type }); resolve(file); }).catch((error2) => { console.error("Error:", error2); reject(error2); }); }); } parseCDATA(text = "") { let result2 = ""; let cdataRegexp = /<\!\[CDATA\[([\s\S]*)\]\]>/; let cdataMatch = cdataRegexp.exec(text.trim()); if (cdataMatch && cdataMatch.length > 1) { result2 = cdataMatch[cdataMatch.length - 1]; } return result2; } async parseFileToBase64(fileObj) { let reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsDataURL(fileObj); return new Promise((resolve) => { reader.onload = function(event) { resolve(event.target.result); }; }); } parseFromString(text, mimeType = "text/html") { let parser = new DOMParser(); return parser.parseFromString(text, mimeType); } parseStringToRegExpString(text) { if (typeof text !== "string") { throw new TypeError("string必须是字符串"); } let regString = text.replace(/[.*+\-?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&"); return regString; } preventEvent(element, eventNameList = [], capture) { function stopEvent(event) { event == null ? void 0 : event.preventDefault(); event == null ? void 0 : event.stopPropagation(); event == null ? void 0 : event.stopImmediatePropagation(); return false; } if (arguments.length === 1) { return stopEvent(arguments[0]); } else { if (typeof eventNameList === "string") { eventNameList = [eventNameList]; } eventNameList.forEach((eventName) => { element.addEventListener(eventName, stopEvent, { capture: Boolean(capture) }); }); } } registerTrustClickEvent(isTrustValue = true, filter) { function trustEvent(event) { return new Proxy(event, { get: function(target, property) { if (property === "isTrusted") { return isTrustValue; } else { return Reflect.get(target, property); } } }); } if (filter == null) { filter = function(typeName) { return typeName === "click"; }; } const originalListener = EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener; EventTarget.prototype.addEventListener = function(...args2) { let type = args2[0]; let callback2 = args2[1]; args2[2]; if (filter(type)) { if (typeof callback2 === "function") { args2[1] = function(event) { callback2.call(this, trustEvent(event)); }; } else if (typeof callback2 === "object" && "handleEvent" in callback2) { let oldHandleEvent = callback2["handleEvent"]; args2[1]["handleEvent"] = function(event) { if (event == null) { return; } try { event instanceof Proxy; oldHandleEvent.call(this, trustEvent(event)); } catch (error2) { event["isTrusted"] = isTrustValue; } }; } } return originalListener.apply(this, args2); }; } reverseNumber(num) { let reversedNum = 0; let isNegative = false; if (num < 0) { isNegative = true; num = Math.abs(num); } while (num > 0) { reversedNum = reversedNum * 10 + num % 10; num = Math.floor(num / 10); } return isNegative ? -reversedNum : reversedNum; } selectElementText(element, childTextNode, startIndex, endIndex) { let range = this.windowApi.document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(element); if (childTextNode) { if (childTextNode.nodeType !== Node.TEXT_NODE) { throw new TypeError("childTextNode必须是#text元素"); } if (startIndex != null && endIndex != null) { range.setStart(childTextNode, startIndex); range.setEnd(childTextNode, endIndex); } } let selection = this.windowApi.globalThis.getSelection(); if (selection) { selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } } setClip(data, info = { type: "text", mimetype: "text/plain" }) { var _resolve, _copyData, _copyDataType; if (typeof data === "object") { if (data instanceof Element) { data = data.outerHTML; } else { data = JSON.stringify(data); } } else if (typeof data !== "string") { data = data.toString(); } let textType = typeof info === "object" ? info.type : info; if (textType.includes("html")) { textType = "text/html"; } else { textType = "text/plain"; } let UtilsContext = this; class UtilsClipboard { constructor(resolve, copyData, copyDataType) { __privateAdd(this, _resolve); __privateAdd(this, _copyData); __privateAdd(this, _copyDataType); __privateSet(this, _resolve, resolve); __privateSet(this, _copyData, copyData); __privateSet(this, _copyDataType, copyDataType); } async init() { let copyStatus = false; await this.requestClipboardPermission(); if (this.hasClipboard() && (this.hasClipboardWrite() || this.hasClipboardWriteText())) { try { copyStatus = await this.copyDataByClipboard(); } catch (error2) { console.error("复制失败,使用第二种方式,error👉", error2); copyStatus = this.copyTextByTextArea(); } } else { copyStatus = this.copyTextByTextArea(); } __privateGet(this, _resolve).call(this, copyStatus); this.destroy(); } destroy() { __privateSet(this, _resolve, null); __privateSet(this, _copyData, null); __privateSet(this, _copyDataType, null); } isText() { return __privateGet(this, _copyDataType).includes("text"); } hasClipboard() { return (navigator == null ? void 0 : navigator.clipboard) != null; } hasClipboardWrite() { var _a2; return ((_a2 = navigator == null ? void 0 : navigator.clipboard) == null ? void 0 : _a2.write) != null; } hasClipboardWriteText() { var _a2; return ((_a2 = navigator == null ? void 0 : navigator.clipboard) == null ? void 0 : _a2.writeText) != null; } /** * 使用textarea和document.execCommand("copy")来复制文字 */ copyTextByTextArea() { try { let copyElement = UtilsContext.windowApi.document.createElement("textarea"); copyElement.value = __privateGet(this, _copyData); copyElement.setAttribute("type", "text"); copyElement.setAttribute("style", "opacity:0;position:absolute;"); copyElement.setAttribute("readonly", "readonly"); UtilsContext.windowApi.document.body.appendChild(copyElement); copyElement.select(); UtilsContext.windowApi.document.execCommand("copy"); UtilsContext.windowApi.document.body.removeChild(copyElement); return true; } catch (error2) { console.error("复制失败,error👉", error2); return false; } } /** * 申请剪贴板权限 */ requestClipboardPermission() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (navigator.permissions && navigator.permissions.query) { navigator.permissions.query({ // @ts-ignore name: "clipboard-write" }).then((permissionStatus) => { resolve(true); }).catch((error2) => { console.error([ "申请剪贴板权限失败,尝试直接写入👉", error2.message ?? error2.name ?? error2.stack ]); resolve(false); }); } else { resolve(false); } }); } /** * 使用clipboard直接写入数据到剪贴板 */ copyDataByClipboard() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (this.isText()) { navigator.clipboard.writeText(__privateGet(this, _copyData)).then(() => { resolve(true); }).catch((error2) => { reject(error2); }); } else { let textBlob = new Blob([__privateGet(this, _copyData)], { type: __privateGet(this, _copyDataType) }); navigator.clipboard.write([ new ClipboardItem({ [__privateGet(this, _copyDataType)]: textBlob }) ]).then(() => { resolve(true); }).catch((error2) => { reject(error2); }); } }); } } _resolve = new WeakMap(); _copyData = new WeakMap(); _copyDataType = new WeakMap(); return new Promise((resolve) => { const utilsClipboard = new UtilsClipboard(resolve, data, textType); if (UtilsContext.windowApi.document.hasFocus()) { utilsClipboard.init(); } else { UtilsContext.windowApi.window.addEventListener("focus", () => { utilsClipboard.init(); }, { once: true }); } }); } setTimeout(callback2, delayTime = 0) { let UtilsContext = this; if (typeof callback2 !== "function" && typeof callback2 !== "string") { throw new TypeError("Utils.setTimeout 参数 callback 必须为 function|string 类型"); } if (typeof delayTime !== "number") { throw new TypeError("Utils.setTimeout 参数 delayTime 必须为 number 类型"); } return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve(UtilsContext.tryCatch().run(callback2)); }, delayTime); }); } sleep(delayTime = 0) { if (typeof delayTime !== "number") { throw new Error("Utils.sleep 参数 delayTime 必须为 number 类型"); } return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve(void 0); }, delayTime); }); } dragSlider(selector, offsetX = this.windowApi.window.innerWidth) { let UtilsContext = this; function initMouseEvent(eventName, offSetX, offSetY) { let win = typeof unsafeWindow === "undefined" ? globalThis : unsafeWindow; let mouseEvent = UtilsContext.windowApi.document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); mouseEvent.initMouseEvent(eventName, true, true, win, 0, offSetX, offSetY, offSetX, offSetY, false, false, false, false, 0, null); return mouseEvent; } let sliderElement = typeof selector === "string" ? this.windowApi.document.querySelector(selector) : selector; if (!(sliderElement instanceof Node) || !(sliderElement instanceof Element)) { throw new Error("Utils.dragSlider 参数selector 必须为Node/Element类型"); } let rect = sliderElement.getBoundingClientRect(), x0 = rect.x || rect.left, y0 = rect.y || rect.top, x1 = x0 + offsetX, y1 = y0; sliderElement.dispatchEvent(initMouseEvent("mousedown", x0, y0)); sliderElement.dispatchEvent(initMouseEvent("mousemove", x1, y1)); sliderElement.dispatchEvent(initMouseEvent("mouseleave", x1, y1)); sliderElement.dispatchEvent(initMouseEvent("mouseout", x1, y1)); } enterFullScreen(element = this.windowApi.document.documentElement, options) { try { if (element.requestFullscreen) { element.requestFullscreen(options); } else if (element.webkitRequestFullScreen) { element.webkitRequestFullScreen(); } else if (element.mozRequestFullScreen) { element.mozRequestFullScreen(); } else if (element.msRequestFullscreen) { element.msRequestFullscreen(); } else { throw new TypeError("该浏览器不支持全屏API"); } } catch (err) { console.error(err); } } exitFullScreen(element = this.windowApi.document.documentElement) { if (this.windowApi.document.exitFullscreen) { return this.windowApi.document.exitFullscreen(); } else if (this.windowApi.document.msExitFullscreen) { return this.windowApi.document.msExitFullscreen(); } else if (this.windowApi.document.mozCancelFullScreen) { return this.windowApi.document.mozCancelFullScreen(); } else if (this.windowApi.document.webkitCancelFullScreen) { return this.windowApi.document.webkitCancelFullScreen(); } else { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { reject(new TypeError("该浏览器不支持全屏API")); }); } } sortListByProperty(data, getPropertyValueFunc, sortByDesc = true) { let UtilsContext = this; if (typeof getPropertyValueFunc !== "function" && typeof getPropertyValueFunc !== "string") { throw new Error("Utils.sortListByProperty 参数 getPropertyValueFunc 必须为 function|string 类型"); } if (typeof sortByDesc !== "boolean") { throw new Error("Utils.sortListByProperty 参数 sortByDesc 必须为 boolean 类型"); } let getObjValue = function(obj) { return typeof getPropertyValueFunc === "string" ? obj[getPropertyValueFunc] : getPropertyValueFunc(obj); }; let sortFunc = function(after_obj, before_obj) { let beforeValue = getObjValue(before_obj); let afterValue = getObjValue(after_obj); if (sortByDesc) { if (afterValue > beforeValue) { return -1; } else if (afterValue < beforeValue) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } else { if (afterValue < beforeValue) { return -1; } else if (afterValue > beforeValue) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } }; let sortNodeFunc = function(nodeList, getNodeListFunc) { let nodeListLength = nodeList.length; for (let i2 = 0; i2 < nodeListLength - 1; i2++) { for (let j2 = 0; j2 < nodeListLength - 1 - i2; j2++) { let beforeNode = nodeList[j2]; let afterNode = nodeList[j2 + 1]; let beforeValue = getObjValue(beforeNode); let afterValue = getObjValue(afterNode); if (sortByDesc == true && beforeValue < afterValue || sortByDesc == false && beforeValue > afterValue) { let temp = beforeNode.nextElementSibling; afterNode.after(beforeNode); if (temp == null) { temp.parentNode.appendChild(afterNode); } else { temp.before(afterNode); } nodeList = getNodeListFunc(); } } } }; let result2 = data; let getDataFunc = null; if (data instanceof Function) { getDataFunc = data; data = data(); } if (Array.isArray(data)) { data.sort(sortFunc); } else if (data instanceof NodeList || UtilsContext.isJQuery(data)) { sortNodeFunc(data, getDataFunc); result2 = getDataFunc(); } else { throw new Error("Utils.sortListByProperty 参数 data 必须为 Array|NodeList|jQuery 类型"); } return result2; } stringToRegular(targetString, flags = "ig") { let reg; flags = flags.toLowerCase(); if (typeof targetString === "string") { reg = new RegExp(targetString.replace(/[.*+\-?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&"), flags); } else if (targetString instanceof RegExp) { reg = targetString; } else { throw new Error("Utils.stringToRegular 参数targetString必须是string|Regexp类型"); } return reg; } stringTitleToUpperCase(targetString, otherStrToLowerCase = false) { let newTargetString = targetString.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase(); if (otherStrToLowerCase) { newTargetString = newTargetString + targetString.slice(1).toLowerCase(); } else { newTargetString = newTargetString + targetString.slice(1); } return newTargetString; } startsWith(target, searchString, position = 0) { let UtilsContext = this; if (position > target.length) { return false; } if (position !== 0) { target = target.slice(position, target.length); } let searchStringRegexp = searchString; if (typeof searchString === "string") { searchStringRegexp = new RegExp(`^${searchString}`); } else if (Array.isArray(searchString)) { let flag = false; for (const searcStr of searchString) { if (!UtilsContext.startsWith(target, searcStr, position)) { flag = true; break; } } return flag; } return Boolean(target.match(searchStringRegexp)); } stringTitleToLowerCase(targetString, otherStrToUpperCase = false) { let newTargetString = targetString.slice(0, 1).toLowerCase(); if (otherStrToUpperCase) { newTargetString = newTargetString + targetString.slice(1).toUpperCase(); } else { newTargetString = newTargetString + targetString.slice(1); } return newTargetString; } toJSON(data, errorCallBack) { let UtilsContext = this; let result2 = {}; if (typeof data === "object") { return data; } UtilsContext.tryCatch().config({ log: false }).error((error2) => { UtilsContext.tryCatch().error(() => { try { result2 = UtilsContext.windowApi.window.eval("(" + data + ")"); } catch (error22) { if (typeof errorCallBack === "function") { errorCallBack(error22); } } }).run(() => { if (data && /^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(data.replace(/\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g, "@").replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, "]").replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ""))) { result2 = new Function("return " + data)(); } else { if (typeof errorCallBack === "function") { errorCallBack(new Error("target is not a JSON")); } } }); }).run(() => { data = data.trim(); result2 = JSON.parse(data); }); return result2; } toSearchParamsStr(obj, addPrefix) { let UtilsContext = this; let searhParamsStr = ""; if (Array.isArray(obj)) { obj.forEach((item) => { if (searhParamsStr === "") { searhParamsStr += UtilsContext.toSearchParamsStr(item); } else { searhParamsStr += "&" + UtilsContext.toSearchParamsStr(item); } }); } else { searhParamsStr = new URLSearchParams(Object.entries(obj)).toString(); } if (addPrefix && !searhParamsStr.startsWith("?")) { searhParamsStr = "?" + searhParamsStr; } return searhParamsStr; } /** * 将UrlSearchParams格式的字符串转为对象 */ searchParamStrToObj(searhParamsStr) { if (typeof searhParamsStr !== "string") { return {}; } return Object.fromEntries(new URLSearchParams(searhParamsStr)); } uniqueArray(uniqueArrayData = [], compareArrayData, compareFun = (item, item2) => { return item === item2; }) { if (typeof compareArrayData === "function") { const compareFn = compareArrayData; const seen = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const result2 = []; for (const item of uniqueArrayData) { const identfier = compareFn(item); if (!seen.has(identfier)) { seen.add(identfier); result2.push(item); } } return result2; } else { return Array.from(uniqueArrayData).filter((item) => !Array.from(compareArrayData).some(function(item2) { return compareFun(item, item2); })); } } waitArrayLoopToEnd(data, handleFunc) { let UtilsContext = this; if (typeof handleFunc !== "function" && typeof handleFunc !== "string") { throw new Error("Utils.waitArrayLoopToEnd 参数 handleDataFunction 必须为 function|string 类型"); } return Promise.all(Array.from(data).map(async (item, index) => { await UtilsContext.tryCatch(index, item).run(handleFunc); })); } wait(checkFn, timeout, parent) { const UtilsContext = this; let __timeout__ = typeof timeout === "number" ? timeout : 0; return new Promise((resolve) => { let observer = UtilsContext.mutationObserver(parent || UtilsContext.windowApi.document, { config: { subtree: true, childList: true, attributes: true }, immediate: true, callback(mutations, __observer__) { let result2 = checkFn(); if (result2.success) { if (typeof (__observer__ == null ? void 0 : __observer__.disconnect) === "function") { __observer__.disconnect(); } resolve(result2.data); } } }); if (__timeout__ > 0) { setTimeout(() => { if (typeof (observer == null ? void 0 : observer.disconnect) === "function") { observer.disconnect(); } resolve(null); }, __timeout__); } }); } waitNode(...args2) { args2 = args2.filter((arg) => arg !== void 0); let UtilsContext = this; let selector = args2[0]; let parent = UtilsContext.windowApi.document; let timeout = 0; if (typeof args2[0] !== "string" && !Array.isArray(args2[0]) && typeof args2[0] !== "function") { throw new TypeError("Utils.waitNode 第一个参数必须是string|string[]|Function"); } if (args2.length === 1) ; else if (args2.length === 2) { let secondParam = args2[1]; if (typeof secondParam === "number") { timeout = secondParam; } else if (typeof secondParam === "object" && secondParam instanceof Node) { parent = secondParam; } else { throw new TypeError("Utils.waitNode 第二个参数必须是number|Node"); } } else if (args2.length === 3) { let secondParam = args2[1]; let thirdParam = args2[2]; if (typeof secondParam === "object" && secondParam instanceof Node) { parent = secondParam; if (typeof thirdParam === "number") { timeout = thirdParam; } else { throw new TypeError("Utils.waitNode 第三个参数必须是number"); } } else { throw new TypeError("Utils.waitNode 第二个参数必须是Node"); } } else { throw new TypeError("Utils.waitNode 参数个数错误"); } function getNode() { if (Array.isArray(selector)) { let result2 = []; for (let index = 0; index < selector.length; index++) { let node = parent.querySelector(selector[index]); if (node) { result2.push(node); } } if (result2.length === selector.length) { return result2; } } else if (typeof selector === "function") { return selector(); } else { return parent.querySelector(selector); } } return UtilsContext.wait(() => { let node = getNode(); if (node) { return { success: true, data: node }; } else { return { success: false, data: node }; } }, timeout, parent); } waitAnyNode(...args2) { args2 = args2.filter((arg) => arg !== void 0); let UtilsContext = this; let selectorList = args2[0]; let parent = UtilsContext.windowApi.document; let timeout = 0; if (typeof args2[0] !== "object" && !Array.isArray(args2[0])) { throw new TypeError("Utils.waitAnyNode 第一个参数必须是string[]"); } if (args2.length === 1) ; else if (args2.length === 2) { let secondParam = args2[1]; if (typeof secondParam === "number") { timeout = secondParam; } else if (typeof secondParam === "object" && secondParam instanceof Node) { parent = secondParam; } else { throw new TypeError("Utils.waitAnyNode 第二个参数必须是number|Node"); } } else if (args2.length === 3) { let secondParam = args2[1]; let thirdParam = args2[2]; if (typeof secondParam === "object" && secondParam instanceof Node) { parent = secondParam; if (typeof thirdParam === "number") { timeout = thirdParam; } else { throw new TypeError("Utils.waitAnyNode 第三个参数必须是number"); } } else { throw new TypeError("Utils.waitAnyNode 第二个参数必须是Node"); } } else { throw new TypeError("Utils.waitAnyNode 参数个数错误"); } let promiseList = selectorList.map((selector) => { return UtilsContext.waitNode(selector, parent, timeout); }); return Promise.any(promiseList); } waitNodeList(...args2) { args2 = args2.filter((arg) => arg !== void 0); let UtilsContext = this; let selector = args2[0]; let parent = UtilsContext.windowApi.document; let timeout = 0; if (typeof args2[0] !== "string" && !Array.isArray(args2[0])) { throw new TypeError("Utils.waitNodeList 第一个参数必须是string|string[]"); } if (args2.length === 1) ; else if (args2.length === 2) { let secondParam = args2[1]; if (typeof secondParam === "number") { timeout = secondParam; } else if (typeof secondParam === "object" && secondParam instanceof Node) { parent = secondParam; } else { throw new TypeError("Utils.waitNodeList 第二个参数必须是number|Node"); } } else if (args2.length === 3) { let secondParam = args2[1]; let thirdParam = args2[2]; if (typeof secondParam === "object" && secondParam instanceof Node) { parent = secondParam; if (typeof thirdParam === "number") { timeout = thirdParam; } else { throw new TypeError("Utils.waitNodeList 第三个参数必须是number"); } } else { throw new TypeError("Utils.waitNodeList 第二个参数必须是Node"); } } else { throw new TypeError("Utils.waitNodeList 参数个数错误"); } function getNodeList() { if (Array.isArray(selector)) { let result2 = []; for (let index = 0; index < selector.length; index++) { let nodeList = parent.querySelectorAll(selector[index]); if (nodeList.length) { result2.push(nodeList); } } if (result2.length === selector.length) { return result2; } } else { let nodeList = parent.querySelectorAll(selector); if (nodeList.length) { return nodeList; } } } return UtilsContext.wait(() => { let node = getNodeList(); if (node) { return { success: true, data: node }; } else { return { success: false, data: node }; } }, timeout, parent); } waitAnyNodeList(...args2) { args2 = args2.filter((arg) => arg !== void 0); let UtilsContext = this; let selectorList = args2[0]; let parent = UtilsContext.windowApi.document; let timeout = 0; if (!Array.isArray(args2[0])) { throw new TypeError("Utils.waitAnyNodeList 第一个参数必须是string[]"); } if (args2.length === 1) ; else if (args2.length === 2) { let secondParam = args2[1]; if (typeof secondParam === "number") { timeout = secondParam; } else if (typeof secondParam === "object" && secondParam instanceof Node) { parent = secondParam; } else { throw new TypeError("Utils.waitAnyNodeList 第二个参数必须是number|Node"); } } else if (args2.length === 3) { let secondParam = args2[1]; let thirdParam = args2[2]; if (typeof secondParam === "object" && secondParam instanceof Node) { parent = secondParam; if (typeof thirdParam === "number") { timeout = thirdParam; } else { throw new TypeError("Utils.waitAnyNodeList 第三个参数必须是number"); } } else { throw new TypeError("Utils.waitAnyNodeList 第二个参数必须是Node"); } } else { throw new TypeError("Utils.waitAnyNodeList 参数个数错误"); } let promiseList = selectorList.map((selector) => { return UtilsContext.waitNodeList(selector, parent, timeout); }); return Promise.any(promiseList); } waitProperty(checkObj, checkPropertyName) { return new Promise((resolve) => { let obj = checkObj; if (typeof checkObj === "function") { obj = checkObj(); } if (Reflect.has(obj, checkPropertyName)) { resolve(obj[checkPropertyName]); } else { Object.defineProperty(obj, checkPropertyName, { set: function(value) { try { resolve(value); } catch (error2) { console.error("Error setting property:", error2); } } }); } }); } waitPropertyByInterval(checkObj, checkPropertyName, intervalTimer = 250, maxTime = -1) { if (checkObj == null) { throw new TypeError("checkObj 不能为空对象 "); } let isResolve = false; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let interval = setInterval(() => { let obj = checkObj; if (typeof checkObj === "function") { obj = checkObj(); } if (typeof obj !== "object") { return; } if (obj == null) { return; } if (typeof checkPropertyName === "function" && checkPropertyName(obj) || Reflect.has(obj, checkPropertyName)) { isResolve = true; clearInterval(interval); resolve(obj[checkPropertyName]); } }, intervalTimer); if (maxTime !== -1) { setTimeout(() => { if (!isResolve) { clearInterval(interval); reject(); } }, maxTime); } }); } async waitVueByInterval(element, propertyName, timer = 250, maxTime = -1, vueName = "__vue__") { if (element == null) { throw new Error("Utils.waitVueByInterval 参数element 不能为空"); } let flag = false; let UtilsContext = this; try { await UtilsContext.waitPropertyByInterval(element, function(targetElement) { if (targetElement == null) { return false; } if (!(vueName in targetElement)) { return false; } if (propertyName == null) { return true; } let vueObject = targetElement[vueName]; if (typeof propertyName === "string") { if (propertyName in vueObject) { flag = true; return true; } } else { if (propertyName(vueObject)) { flag = true; return true; } } return false; }, timer, maxTime); } catch (error2) { return flag; } return flag; } watchObject(target, propertyName, getCallBack, setCallBack) { if (typeof getCallBack !== "function" && typeof setCallBack !== "function") { return; } if (typeof getCallBack === "function") { Object.defineProperty(target, propertyName, { get() { if (typeof getCallBack === "function") { return getCallBack(target[propertyName]); } else { return target[propertyName]; } } }); } else if (typeof setCallBack === "function") { Object.defineProperty(target, propertyName, { set(value) { if (typeof setCallBack === "function") { setCallBack(value); } } }); } else { Object.defineProperty(target, propertyName, { get() { if (typeof getCallBack === "function") { return getCallBack(target[propertyName]); } else { return target[propertyName]; } }, set(value) { if (typeof setCallBack === "function") { setCallBack(value); } } }); } } /** * 深度获取对象属性 * @param target 待获取的对象 * @param handler 获取属性的回调 */ queryProperty(target, handler) { if (target == null) { return; } let handleResult = handler(target); if (handleResult && typeof handleResult.isFind === "boolean" && handleResult.isFind) { return handleResult.data; } return this.queryProperty(handleResult.data, handler); } /** * 创建一个新的Utils实例 * @param option * @returns */ createUtils(option) { return new Utils(option); } /** * 将对象转换为FormData * @param data 待转换的对象 * @param isEncode 是否对值为string进行编码转换(encodeURIComponent),默认false * @param valueAutoParseToStr 是否对值强制使用JSON.stringify()转换,默认false * @example * Utils.toFormData({ * test: "1", * 666: 666, * }) */ toFormData(data, isEncode = false, valueAutoParseToStr = false) { const formData = new FormData(); Object.keys(data).forEach((key) => { let value = data[key]; if (valueAutoParseToStr) { value = JSON.stringify(value); } if (typeof value === "number") { value = value.toString(); } if (isEncode && typeof value === "string") { value = encodeURIComponent(value); } if (value instanceof File) { formData.append(key, value, value.name); } else { formData.append(key, value); } }); return formData; } /** * 将链接转为URL对象,自动补充URL的protocol或者origin * @param text 需要转换的链接字符串 * @example * Utils.toUrl("//www.baidu.com/s?word=666"); * Utils.toUrl("/s?word=666"); */ toUrl(text) { if (typeof text !== "string") { throw new TypeError("toUrl: text must be string"); } text = text.trim(); if (text === "") { throw new TypeError("toUrl: text must not be empty"); } if (text.startsWith("//")) { text = this.windowApi.globalThis.location.protocol + text; } else if (text.startsWith("/")) { text = this.windowApi.globalThis.location.origin + text; } return new URL(text); } } let utils$1 = new Utils(); const SymbolEvents = Symbol("events_" + ((1 + Math.random()) * 65536 | 0).toString(16).substring(1)); const PopsCoreEnv = { document, window, globalThis, self }; const PopsCore = { get document() { return PopsCoreEnv.document; }, get window() { return PopsCoreEnv.window; }, get globalThis() { return PopsCoreEnv.globalThis; }, get self() { return PopsCoreEnv.self; } }; const OriginPrototype = { Object: { defineProperty: Object.defineProperty } }; let t$1 = class t2 { constructor() { this.__map = {}; } beforeEach(t3) { this.__interceptor = t3; } on(t3, i2) { const s2 = Array.isArray(t3) ? t3 : [t3]; for (const t4 of s2) { this.__map[t4] = this.__map[t4] || []; const s3 = this.__map[t4]; s3 && s3.push(i2); } return this; } emit(t3, i2, s2) { void 0 !== this.__interceptor ? this.__interceptor(t3, () => { this.__emit(t3, i2), s2 && s2(); }) : (this.__emit(t3, i2), s2 && s2()); } __emit(t3, i2) { const s2 = this.__map[t3]; if (Array.isArray(s2) && (null == s2 ? void 0 : s2.length)) for (const _ of s2) _(i2, t3); this.event = i2; } off(t3, i2) { const s2 = this.__map[t3]; if (void 0 !== s2) if (void 0 === i2) delete this.__map[t3]; else { const t4 = s2.findIndex((t5) => t5 === i2); s2.splice(t4, 1); } } destroy() { this.__map = {}; } }; const n$1 = "clientX", e$2 = "clientY", t = 16, c$3 = "start", o$1 = "move", s$1 = "cancel", u$3 = "end", a$2 = "left", i$3 = "right", r$4 = "up", d$1 = "down", m$2 = { 4: "start", 5: "move", 1: "end", 3: "cancel" }; function v$1(n2) { return m$2[n2]; } function b(n2, e2, t3) { const c2 = { 1: { 0: { move: 4 }, 4: { move: 5, end: 1, cancel: 3 }, 5: { move: 5, end: 1, cancel: 3 } }, 0: { 4: { move: 2, end: 1, cancel: 3 }, 5: { start: 2, move: 2, end: 1, cancel: 3 } } }[Number(n2)][e2]; return void 0 !== c2 && c2[t3] || 0; } function g$1(n2) { [1, 3, 2].includes(n2.state) && (n2.state = 0); } function h$3(n2) { return [5, 1, 3].includes(n2); } function j(n2) { if (n2.disabled) return n2.state = 0, true; } function O(n2, e2) { return Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, n2), e2), { state: 0, disabled: false }); } function p$3(n2) { return Math.round(100 * n2) / 100; } function r$3() { let t3, o2, i2, r2, a2 = 0; return function(u2) { if (t3 = o2, void 0 !== u2) { a2 = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER > a2 ? ++a2 : 1; const h2 = function(t4, o3) { const { phase: i3, points: r3, changedPoints: a3, nativeEvent: u3 } = t4, h3 = r3.length, p3 = c$3 === i3, g3 = u$3 === i3 && 0 === h3 || s$1 === i3, l3 = Date.now(), { x: d2, y: m2 } = c$2(r3) || c$2(a3), { currentTarget: v2 } = u3; return Object.assign(t4, { id: o3, x: d2, y: m2, timestamp: l3, isStart: p3, isEnd: g3, pointLength: h3, currentTarget: v2, getOffset(t5 = v2) { const e2 = t5.getBoundingClientRect(); return { x: d2 - Math.round(e2.left), y: m2 - Math.round(e2.top) }; } }); }(u2, a2); o2 = h2; const { isStart: p2, pointLength: g2 } = h2; return p2 && (i2 = h2, t3 = void 0, r2 = 1 < g2 ? h2 : void 0), Object.assign(Object.assign({}, h2), { prevInput: t3, startMultiInput: r2, startInput: i2 }); } }; } function c$2(t3) { const { length: e2 } = t3; if (0 < e2) { if (1 === e2) { const { clientX: e3, clientY: n3 } = t3[0]; return { x: Math.round(e3), y: Math.round(n3) }; } const n2 = t3.reduce((t4, e3) => (t4.x += e3[n$1], t4.y += e3[e$2], t4), { x: 0, y: 0 }); return { x: Math.round(n2.x / e2), y: Math.round(n2.y / e2) }; } } function a$1(t3, e2, n2, s2) { const o2 = {}; for (const t4 in n2) ["target", "currentTarget", "type"].includes(t4) || (o2[t4] = n2[t4]); let i2; return document.createEvent ? (i2 = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents"), i2.initEvent(t3, null == s2 ? void 0 : s2.bubbles, null == s2 ? void 0 : s2.cancelable)) : i2 = new Event(t3, s2), Object.assign(i2, o2, { match: () => n2.targets && 0 < n2.targets.length && n2.targets.every((t4) => i2.currentTarget.contains(t4)) }), e2.dispatchEvent(i2); } function u$2(t3, e2) { const { preventDefault: n2 } = e2; return s2 = n2, "[object Function]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(s2) ? n2(t3) : !!n2; var s2; } const h$2 = ["touchstart", "touchmove", "touchend", "touchcancel", "mousedown"], p$2 = ["mousemove", "mouseup"]; const g = { domEvents: { bubbles: true, cancelable: true }, preventDefault: (t3) => { if (t3.target && "tagName" in t3.target) { const { tagName: e2 } = t3.target; return !/^(?:INPUT|TEXTAREA|BUTTON|SELECT)$/.test(e2); } return false; } }; let l$1 = class l2 extends t$1 { constructor(t3, e2) { super(), this.v = "2.1.3", this.__computeFunctionList = [], this.__computeFunctionCreatorList = [], this.__pluginContexts = [], this.__isIgnoreMouse = false, this.el = t3, this.c = {}, this.__options = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, g), e2); const n2 = function(t4) { const e3 = r$3(); return function(n3) { const s3 = [], o2 = []; Array.from(n3.touches).forEach(({ clientX: e4, clientY: n4, target: i3 }) => { (null == t4 ? void 0 : t4.contains(i3)) && (s3.push(i3), o2.push({ clientX: e4, clientY: n4, target: i3 })); }); const i2 = Array.from(n3.changedTouches).map(({ clientX: t5, clientY: e4, target: n4 }) => ({ clientX: t5, clientY: e4, target: n4 })); return e3({ phase: n3.type.replace("touch", ""), changedPoints: i2, points: o2, nativeEvent: n3, target: n3.target, targets: s3 }); }; }(this.el), s2 = function() { let t4, e3 = false, n3 = null; const s3 = r$3(); return function(o2) { const { clientX: i2, clientY: r2, type: c2, button: a2, target: u2 } = o2; let h2, p2 = [{ clientX: i2, clientY: r2, target: u2 }]; if ("mousedown" === c2 && 0 === a2) n3 = u2, e3 = true, h2 = "start"; else { if (!e3) return; "mousemove" === c2 ? h2 = "move" : "mouseup" === c2 && (p2 = [], h2 = "end", e3 = false); } const g2 = t4 || [{ clientX: i2, clientY: r2, target: u2 }]; if (t4 = [{ clientX: i2, clientY: r2, target: u2 }], void 0 !== h2) return s3({ phase: h2, changedPoints: g2, points: p2, target: n3, targets: [n3], nativeEvent: o2 }); }; }(); if (this.__inputCreatorMap = { touchstart: n2, touchmove: n2, touchend: n2, touchcancel: n2, mousedown: s2, mousemove: s2, mouseup: s2 }, this.on("at:after", (t4) => { const { target: e3, __type: n3 } = t4, { domEvents: s3 } = this.__options; s3 && void 0 !== this.el && e3 && (a$1(n3, e3, t4, s3), a$1("at:after", e3, t4, s3)); }), void 0 !== t3) { t3.style.webkitTapHighlightColor = "rgba(0,0,0,0)"; let e3 = false; try { const t4 = {}; Object.defineProperty(t4, "passive", { get() { e3 = true; } }), window.addEventListener("_", () => { }, t4); } catch (t4) { } this.on("u", function(t4, e4, n3) { return h$2.forEach((s3) => { t4.addEventListener(s3, e4, n3); }), p$2.forEach((t5) => { window.addEventListener(t5, e4, n3); }), () => { h$2.forEach((n4) => { t4.removeEventListener(n4, e4); }), p$2.forEach((t5) => { window.removeEventListener(t5, e4); }); }; }(t3, this.catchEvent.bind(this), false === this.__options.preventDefault && e3 ? { passive: true } : { passive: false })); } } use(t3, e2) { this.__pluginContexts.push(t3(this, e2)); } catchEvent(t3) { const e2 = this.__inputCreatorMap[t3.type](t3); if (void 0 !== e2) { const n2 = () => t3.stopPropagation(), s2 = () => t3.stopImmediatePropagation(), o2 = () => t3.preventDefault(); if (u$2(t3, this.__options)) o2(); else if ("touchstart" === t3.type ? this.__isIgnoreMouse = true : "touchmove" === t3.type && (this.__isIgnoreMouse = false), this.__isIgnoreMouse && t3.type.startsWith("mouse")) return void ("mouseup" === t3.type && (this.__isIgnoreMouse = false)); this.emit("input", e2), this.emit2(`at:${e2.phase}`, e2, {}); const i2 = {}; this.__computeFunctionList.forEach((t4) => { const n3 = t4(e2, i2); if (void 0 !== n3) for (const t5 in n3) i2[t5] = n3[t5]; }), this.emit("computed", Object.assign(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, e2), i2), { stopPropagation: n2, stopImmediatePropagation: s2, preventDefault: o2 })); } } compute(t3, e2) { for (const e3 of t3) this.__computeFunctionCreatorList.includes(e3) || (this.__computeFunctionCreatorList.push(e3), this.__computeFunctionList.push(e3())); this.on("computed", e2); } beforeEach(t3) { super.beforeEach((e2, n2) => { var s2; (null === (s2 = this.c) || void 0 === s2 ? void 0 : s2.name) ? t3(e2, n2) : n2(); }); } get(t3) { return this.__pluginContexts.find((e2) => t3 === e2.name); } set(t3) { this.__options = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, this.__options), t3); } emit2(t3, e2, n2) { this.c = n2, this.emit(t3, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, e2), { type: t3 }), () => { this.emit("at:after", Object.assign(Object.assign({}, e2), { name: t3, __type: t3 })); }); } destroy() { this.emit("u"), super.destroy(); } }; var x = (r2) => Math.sqrt(r2.x * r2.x + r2.y * r2.y), y = (r2, a2) => r2.x * a2.x + r2.y * a2.y, e$1 = (r2, a2) => { var t3 = x(r2) * x(a2); if (0 === t3) return 0; var h2 = y(r2, a2) / t3; return h2 > 1 && (h2 = 1), Math.acos(h2); }, n = (r2, a2) => r2.x * a2.y - a2.x * r2.y, o = (r2) => r2 / Math.PI * 180, s = (r2, a2) => { var t3 = e$1(r2, a2); return n(r2, a2) > 0 && (t3 *= -1), o(t3); }, u$1 = (x2, y2) => { if (0 !== x2 || 0 !== y2) return Math.abs(x2) >= Math.abs(y2) ? 0 < x2 ? i$3 : a$2 : 0 < y2 ? d$1 : r$4; }; function p$1() { let n2 = 0, e2 = 0; return function(o2, r2) { const { prevVecotr: i2, startVecotr: a2, activeVecotr: c2 } = r2; return c2 && (e2 = Math.round(s(c2, i2)), n2 = Math.round(s(c2, a2))), { angle: n2, deltaAngle: e2 }; }; } function d() { return function(t3) { const { prevInput: e2 } = t3; let o$12 = 0, r2 = 0, i2 = 0; if (void 0 !== e2 && (o$12 = t3.x - e2.x, r2 = t3.y - e2.y, 0 !== o$12 || 0 !== r2)) { const t4 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(o$12, 2) + Math.pow(r2, 2)); i2 = Math.round(o(Math.acos(Math.abs(o$12) / t4))); } return { deltaX: o$12, deltaY: r2, deltaXYAngle: i2 }; }; } function h$1() { let t3, n2 = 0, u2 = 0, s2 = 0, p2 = 0, d2 = 0; return function(h2) { const { phase: l3, startInput: f2 } = h2; return c$3 === l3 ? (n2 = 0, u2 = 0, s2 = 0, p2 = 0, d2 = 0) : o$1 === l3 && (n2 = Math.round(h2.points[0][n$1] - f2.points[0][n$1]), u2 = Math.round(h2.points[0][e$2] - f2.points[0][e$2]), s2 = Math.abs(n2), p2 = Math.abs(u2), d2 = Math.round(x({ x: s2, y: p2 })), t3 = u$1(n2, u2)), { displacementX: n2, displacementY: u2, distanceX: s2, distanceY: p2, distance: d2, overallDirection: t3 }; }; } function l() { let t3 = 1; return function(n2, o2) { let r2 = 1; const { prevVecotr: i2, startVecotr: a2, activeVecotr: c2 } = o2; return c2 && (r2 = p$3(x(c2) / x(i2)), t3 = p$3(x(c2) / x(a2))), { scale: t3, deltaScale: r2 }; }; } function f() { let t$12, n2, e2 = 0, r2 = 0, i2 = 0, a2 = 0; return function(c2) { if (void 0 !== c2) { n2 = n2 || c2.startInput; const u2 = c2.timestamp - n2.timestamp; if (t < u2) { const s2 = c2.x - n2.x, p2 = c2.y - n2.y; i2 = Math.round(s2 / u2 * 100) / 100, a2 = Math.round(p2 / u2 * 100) / 100, e2 = Math.abs(i2), r2 = Math.abs(a2), t$12 = u$1(s2, p2), n2 = c2; } } return { velocityX: e2, velocityY: r2, speedX: i2, speedY: a2, direction: t$12 }; }; } function M() { let t3 = 0; return function(n2) { const { phase: e2 } = n2; return c$3 === e2 && (t3 = n2.pointLength), { maxPointLength: t3 }; }; } function v(t3) { return { x: t3.points[1][n$1] - t3.points[0][n$1], y: t3.points[1][e$2] - t3.points[0][e$2] }; } function m$1() { let t3, n2, e2; return function(o2) { const { prevInput: r2, startMultiInput: i2 } = o2; return void 0 !== i2 && void 0 !== r2 && o2.id !== i2.id && 1 < r2.pointLength && 1 < o2.pointLength ? (t3 = v(i2), n2 = v(r2), e2 = v(o2)) : e2 = void 0, { startVecotr: t3, prevVecotr: n2, activeVecotr: e2 }; }; } const m = { name: "tap", pointLength: 1, tapTimes: 1, waitNextTapTime: 300, maxDistance: 2, maxDistanceFromPrevTap: 9, maxPressTime: 250 }; function r$2(r2, s2) { const c2 = O(m, s2); let p2, u2, x$1, T = 0; function f2() { T = 0, p2 = void 0, u2 = void 0; } return r2.compute([h$1, M], (t3) => { if (j(c2)) return; const { phase: i2, x: o2, y: m2 } = t3; u$3 === i2 && (c2.state = 0, !function() { const { startInput: e2, pointLength: n2, timestamp: a2 } = t3, i3 = a2 - e2.timestamp, { distance: o3, maxPointLength: m3 } = t3; return m3 === c2.pointLength && 0 === n2 && c2.maxDistance >= o3 && c2.maxPressTime > i3; }() ? (f2(), c2.state = 2) : (clearTimeout(x$1), function(t4, e2) { if (void 0 !== p2) { const n2 = x({ x: t4.x - p2.x, y: t4.y - p2.y }); return p2 = t4, e2.maxDistanceFromPrevTap >= n2; } return p2 = t4, true; }({ x: o2, y: m2 }, c2) && function(t4) { const e2 = performance.now(); if (void 0 === u2) return u2 = e2, true; { const n2 = e2 - u2; return u2 = e2, n2 < t4; } }(c2.waitNextTapTime) ? T++ : T = 1, 0 == T % c2.tapTimes ? (c2.state = 1, r2.emit2(c2.name, t3, c2), f2()) : x$1 = setTimeout(() => { c2.state = 2, f2(); }, c2.waitNextTapTime))); }), c2; } const p = { name: "pan", threshold: 10, pointLength: 1 }; function u(u2, d$12) { const f$1 = O(p, d$12); return u2.compute([f, h$1, d], (t3) => { if (g$1(f$1), j(f$1)) return; const c2 = function() { const { pointLength: e2, distance: n2 } = t3; return f$1.pointLength === e2 && f$1.threshold <= n2; }(); if (f$1.state = b(c2, f$1.state, t3.phase), c2 || h$3(f$1.state)) { const { name: e2 } = f$1; u2.emit2(e2, t3, f$1), u2.emit2(e2 + v$1(f$1.state), t3, f$1), ![u$3, s$1].includes(t3.phase) && t3.direction && u2.emit2(e2 + t3.direction, t3, f$1); } }), f$1; } const c$1 = { name: "swipe", threshold: 10, velocity: 0.3, pointLength: 1 }; function a(a2, r2) { const s2 = O(c$1, r2); return a2.compute([h$1, f, M], (t3) => { if (s2.state = 0, !s2.disabled && function() { if (u$3 !== t3.phase) return false; const { velocityX: o2, velocityY: n2, distance: i2, maxPointLength: c2 } = t3; return c2 === s2.pointLength && 0 === t3.points.length && s2.threshold < i2 && s2.velocity < Math.max(o2, n2); }()) { const { name: e2 } = s2; s2.state = 1, a2.emit2(e2, t3, s2), a2.emit2(e2 + t3.direction, t3, s2); } }), s2; } const r$1 = { name: "press", pointLength: 1, maxDistance: 9, minPressTime: 251 }; function c(c2, u2) { const p2 = O(r$1, u2); let f2 = 0; return c2.compute([h$1], (t3) => { if (j(p2)) return; const { phase: o2, startInput: r2, pointLength: u3 } = t3; if (c$3 === o2 && p2.pointLength === u3) g$1(p2), clearTimeout(f2), f2 = setTimeout(() => { p2.state = 1, c2.emit2(p2.name, t3, p2); }, p2.minPressTime); else if (u$3 === o2 && 1 === p2.state) c2.emit2(`${p2.name}${r$4}`, t3, p2); else if (1 !== p2.state) { const e2 = t3.timestamp - r2.timestamp; (!function() { const { distance: e3 } = t3; return e3 && p2.maxDistance > e3; }() || p2.minPressTime > e2 && [u$3, s$1].includes(o2)) && (clearTimeout(f2), p2.state = 2); } }), p2; } const i$2 = { name: "pinch", threshold: 0, pointLength: 2 }; function r(r2, m2) { const p2 = O(i$2, m2); return r2.compute([m$1, l], (t3) => { if (g$1(p2), j(p2)) return; const c2 = function() { const { pointLength: e2, scale: n2, deltaScale: o2, phase: a2 } = t3; return p2.pointLength === e2 && p2.threshold < Math.abs(n2 - 1); }(); p2.state = b(c2, p2.state, t3.phase); const { name: h2 } = p2; if (c2 || h$3(p2.state)) { r2.emit2(h2, t3, p2); const { deltaScale: e2 } = t3; 1 !== e2 && r2.emit2(h2 + (1 < e2 ? "in" : "out"), t3, p2); } const i2 = v$1(p2.state); i2 && r2.emit2(h2 + i2, t3, p2); }), p2; } const h = { name: "rotate", threshold: 0, pointLength: 2 }; function i$1(i2, m2) { const u2 = O(h, m2); return i2.compute([m$1, p$1], (t3) => { if (j(u2)) return; g$1(u2); const r2 = function() { const { pointLength: e2, angle: n2 } = t3; return u2.pointLength === e2 && u2.threshold < Math.abs(n2); }(); u2.state = b(r2, u2.state, t3.phase); const { name: c2 } = u2; (r2 || h$3(u2.state)) && i2.emit2(c2, t3, u2); const h2 = v$1(u2.state); h2 && i2.emit2(c2 + h2, t3, u2); }), u2; } function e(e2) { e2.use(r$2, { name: "doubletap", tapTimes: 2 }); const a2 = e2.get("doubletap"); let o2; return e2.beforeEach((t3, e3) => { "tap" === t3 ? (clearTimeout(o2), o2 = setTimeout(() => { [0, 2].includes(a2.state) && e3(); }, 300)) : e3(); }), a2; } class i extends l$1 { constructor(t3, u$12) { super(t3, u$12), this.use(r$2), this.use(u), this.use(a), this.use(c), this.use(r), this.use(i$1); } } i.STATE_POSSIBLE = 0, i.STATE_START = 4, i.STATE_MOVE = 5, i.STATE_END = 1, i.STATE_CANCELLED = 3, i.STATE_FAILED = 2, i.STATE_RECOGNIZED = 1, i.tap = r$2, i.pan = u, i.swipe = a, i.press = c, i.rotate = i$1, i.pinch = r, i.doubletap = e; class PopsUtils { constructor() { __publicField(this, "AnyTouch", () => { return i; }); } /** * 判断是否是window,例如window、self、globalThis * @param target */ isWin(target) { var _a2; if (typeof target !== "object") { return false; } if (target instanceof Node) { return false; } if (target === globalThis) { return true; } if (target === window) { return true; } if (target === self) { return true; } if (target === PopsCore.globalThis) { return true; } if (target === PopsCore.window) { return true; } if (target === PopsCore.self) { return true; } if (typeof unsafeWindow !== "undefined" && target === unsafeWindow) { return true; } if (((_a2 = target == null ? void 0 : target.Math) == null ? void 0 : _a2.toString()) !== "[object Math]") { return false; } return true; } isDOM(target) { return target instanceof Node; } /** * 删除对象上的属性 * @param target * @param propName */ delete(target, propName) { if (typeof Reflect === "object" && Reflect.deleteProperty) { Reflect.deleteProperty(target, propName); } else { delete target[propName]; } } assign(target = {}, source = {}, isAdd = false) { let UtilsContext = this; if (source == null) { return target; } if (target == null) { target = {}; } if (Array.isArray(source)) { let canTraverse = source.filter((item) => { return typeof item === "object"; }); if (!canTraverse.length) { return source; } } if (isAdd) { for (const sourceKeyName in source) { const targetKeyName = sourceKeyName; let targetValue = target[targetKeyName]; let sourceValue = source[sourceKeyName]; if (typeof sourceValue === "object" && sourceValue != null && sourceKeyName in target && !UtilsContext.isDOM(sourceValue)) { target[sourceKeyName] = UtilsContext.assign(targetValue, sourceValue, isAdd); continue; } target[sourceKeyName] = sourceValue; } } else { for (const targetKeyName in target) { if (targetKeyName in source) { let targetValue = target[targetKeyName]; let sourceValue = source[targetKeyName]; if (typeof sourceValue === "object" && sourceValue != null && !UtilsContext.isDOM(sourceValue) && Object.keys(sourceValue).length) { target[targetKeyName] = UtilsContext.assign(targetValue, sourceValue, isAdd); continue; } target[targetKeyName] = sourceValue; } } } return target; } /** * 生成uuid */ getRandomGUID() { var _a2, _b; if (typeof ((_b = (_a2 = PopsCore.globalThis) == null ? void 0 : _a2.crypto) == null ? void 0 : _b.randomUUID) === "function") { return PopsCore.globalThis.crypto.randomUUID(); } else { return "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx".replace(/[xy]/g, function(charStr) { var randomValue = Math.random() * 16 | 0, randomCharValue = charStr === "x" ? randomValue : randomValue & 3 | 8; return randomCharValue.toString(16); }); } } /** * 字符串转HTMLElement * @param elementString * @returns */ parseTextToDOM(elementString) { elementString = elementString.replace(/^[\n|\s]*/g, "").replace(/[\n|\s]*$/g, ""); let targetElement = popsDOMUtils.createElement("div", { innerHTML: elementString }); return targetElement.firstChild; } contains(context2, target) { if (arguments.length === 1) { return this.contains(PopsCore.document.body || PopsCore.document.documentElement, arguments[0]); } else { if (target == null) { return false; } if (typeof target[Symbol.iterator] === "function") { let flag = true; for (const targetNode of target) { if (!context2.contains(targetNode)) { flag = false; break; } } return flag; } else { return context2.contains(target); } } } formatTime(text = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date(), formatType = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") { let time = text == null ? /* @__PURE__ */ new Date() : new Date(text); function checkTime(timeNum) { if (timeNum < 10) return "0" + timeNum; return timeNum; } function timeSystemChange(hourNum) { return hourNum > 12 ? hourNum - 12 : hourNum; } let timeRegexp = { yyyy: time.getFullYear(), /* 年 */ MM: checkTime(time.getMonth() + 1), /* 月 */ dd: checkTime(time.getDate()), /* 日 */ HH: checkTime(time.getHours()), /* 时 (24小时制) */ hh: checkTime(timeSystemChange(time.getHours())), /* 时 (12小时制) */ mm: checkTime(time.getMinutes()), /* 分 */ ss: checkTime(time.getSeconds()) /* 秒 */ }; Object.keys(timeRegexp).forEach(function(key) { let replaecRegexp = new RegExp(key, "g"); formatType = formatType.replace(replaecRegexp, timeRegexp[key]); }); return formatType; } formatByteToSize(byteSize, addType = true) { byteSize = parseInt(byteSize.toString()); if (isNaN(byteSize)) { throw new Error("Utils.formatByteToSize 参数 byteSize 格式不正确"); } let result2 = 0; let resultType = "KB"; let sizeData = {}; sizeData.B = 1; sizeData.KB = 1024; sizeData.MB = sizeData.KB * sizeData.KB; sizeData.GB = sizeData.MB * sizeData.KB; sizeData.TB = sizeData.GB * sizeData.KB; sizeData.PB = sizeData.TB * sizeData.KB; sizeData.EB = sizeData.PB * sizeData.KB; sizeData.ZB = sizeData.EB * sizeData.KB; sizeData.YB = sizeData.ZB * sizeData.KB; sizeData.BB = sizeData.YB * sizeData.KB; sizeData.NB = sizeData.BB * sizeData.KB; sizeData.DB = sizeData.NB * sizeData.KB; for (let key in sizeData) { result2 = byteSize / sizeData[key]; resultType = key; if (sizeData.KB >= result2) { break; } } result2 = result2.toFixed(2); result2 = addType ? result2 + resultType.toString() : parseFloat(result2.toString()); return result2; } } const popsUtils = new PopsUtils(); class PopsDOMUtilsEvent { on(element, eventType, selector, callback2, option) { function getOption(args3, startIndex, option2) { if (typeof args3[startIndex] === "boolean") { option2.capture = args3[startIndex]; if (typeof args3[startIndex + 1] === "boolean") { option2.once = args3[startIndex + 1]; } if (typeof args3[startIndex + 2] === "boolean") { option2.passive = args3[startIndex + 2]; } } else if (typeof args3[startIndex] === "object" && ("capture" in args3[startIndex] || "once" in args3[startIndex] || "passive" in args3[startIndex])) { option2.capture = args3[startIndex].capture; option2.once = args3[startIndex].once; option2.passive = args3[startIndex].passive; } return option2; } let DOMUtilsContext = this; let args2 = arguments; if (typeof element === "string") { element = PopsCore.document.querySelectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } let elementList = []; if (element instanceof NodeList || Array.isArray(element)) { element = element; elementList = [...element]; } else { elementList.push(element); } let eventTypeList = []; if (Array.isArray(eventType)) { eventTypeList = eventTypeList.concat(eventType); } else if (typeof eventType === "string") { eventTypeList = eventTypeList.concat(eventType.split(" ")); } let _selector_ = selector; let _callback_ = callback2; let _option_ = { capture: false, once: false, passive: false }; if (typeof selector === "function") { _selector_ = void 0; _callback_ = selector; _option_ = getOption(args2, 3, _option_); } else { _option_ = getOption(args2, 4, _option_); } function checkOptionOnceToRemoveEventListener() { if (_option_.once) { DOMUtilsContext.off(element, eventType, selector, callback2, option); } } elementList.forEach((elementItem) => { function ownCallBack(event) { let target = event.target; if (_selector_) { let totalParent = popsUtils.isWin(elementItem) ? PopsCore.document.documentElement : elementItem; if (target.matches(_selector_)) { _callback_.call(target, event); checkOptionOnceToRemoveEventListener(); } else if (target.closest(_selector_) && totalParent.contains(target.closest(_selector_))) { let closestElement = target.closest(_selector_); OriginPrototype.Object.defineProperty(event, "target", { get() { return closestElement; } }); _callback_.call(closestElement, event); checkOptionOnceToRemoveEventListener(); } } else { _callback_.call(elementItem, event); checkOptionOnceToRemoveEventListener(); } } eventTypeList.forEach((eventName) => { elementItem.addEventListener(eventName, ownCallBack, _option_); if (_callback_ && _callback_.delegate) { elementItem.setAttribute("data-delegate", _selector_); } let elementEvents = elementItem[SymbolEvents] || {}; elementEvents[eventName] = elementEvents[eventName] || []; elementEvents[eventName].push({ selector: _selector_, option: _option_, callback: ownCallBack, originCallBack: _callback_ }); elementItem[SymbolEvents] = elementEvents; }); }); } off(element, eventType, selector, callback2, option, filter) { function getOption(args1, startIndex, option2) { if (typeof args1[startIndex] === "boolean") { option2.capture = args1[startIndex]; } else if (typeof args1[startIndex] === "object" && "capture" in args1[startIndex]) { option2.capture = args1[startIndex].capture; } return option2; } let args2 = arguments; if (typeof element === "string") { element = PopsCore.document.querySelectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } let elementList = []; if (element instanceof NodeList || Array.isArray(element)) { element = element; elementList = [...element]; } else { elementList.push(element); } let eventTypeList = []; if (Array.isArray(eventType)) { eventTypeList = eventTypeList.concat(eventType); } else if (typeof eventType === "string") { eventTypeList = eventTypeList.concat(eventType.split(" ")); } let _selector_ = selector; let _callback_ = callback2; let _option_ = { capture: false }; if (typeof selector === "function") { _selector_ = void 0; _callback_ = selector; _option_ = getOption(args2, 3, _option_); } else { _option_ = getOption(args2, 4, _option_); } elementList.forEach((elementItem) => { let elementEvents = elementItem[SymbolEvents] || {}; eventTypeList.forEach((eventName) => { let handlers = elementEvents[eventName] || []; if (typeof filter === "function") { handlers = handlers.filter(filter); } for (let index = 0; index < handlers.length; index++) { let handler = handlers[index]; let flag = false; if (!_selector_ || handler.selector === _selector_) { flag = true; } if (!_callback_ || handler.callback === _callback_ || handler.originCallBack === _callback_) { flag = true; } if (flag) { elementItem.removeEventListener(eventName, handler.callback, _option_); handlers.splice(index--, 1); } } if (handlers.length === 0) { popsUtils.delete(elementEvents, eventType); } }); elementItem[SymbolEvents] = elementEvents; }); } /** * 取消绑定所有的事件 * @param element 需要取消绑定的元素|元素数组 * @param eventType (可选)需要取消监听的事件 */ offAll(element, eventType) { if (typeof element === "string") { element = PopsCore.document.querySelectorAll(element); } if (element == null) { return; } let elementList = []; if (element instanceof NodeList || Array.isArray(element)) { elementList = [...element]; } else { elementList.push(element); } let eventTypeList = []; if (Array.isArray(eventType)) { eventTypeList = eventTypeList.concat(eventType); } else if (typeof eventType === "string") { eventTypeList = eventTypeList.concat(eventType.split(" ")); } elementList.forEach((elementItem) => { Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(elementItem).forEach((__symbolEvents) => { if (!__symbolEvents.toString().startsWith("Symbol(events_")) { return; } let elementEvents = elementItem[__symbolEvents] || {}; let iterEventNameList = eventTypeList.length ? eventTypeList : Object.keys(elementEvents); iterEventNameList.forEach((eventName) => { let handlers = elementEvents[eventName]; if (!handlers) { return; } for (const handler of handlers) { elementItem.removeEventListener(eventName, handler.callback, { capture: handler["option"]["capture"] }); } popsUtils.delete(elementItem[__symbolEvents], eventName); }); }); }); } /** * 等待文档加载完成后执行指定的函数 * @param callback 需要执行的函数 * @example * DOMUtils.ready(function(){ * console.log("文档加载完毕") * }) */ ready(callback2) { if (typeof callback2 !== "function") { return; } function checkDOMReadyState() { try { if (document.readyState === "complete" || document.readyState !== "loading" && !document.documentElement.doScroll) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (error2) { return false; } } function completed() { removeDomReadyListener(); callback2(); } let targetList = [ { target: PopsCore.document, eventType: "DOMContentLoaded", callback: completed }, { target: PopsCore.window, eventType: "load", callback: completed } ]; function addDomReadyListener() { for (let index = 0; index < targetList.length; index++) { let item = targetList[index]; item.target.addEventListener(item.eventType, item.callback); } } function removeDomReadyListener() { for (let index = 0; index < targetList.length; index++) { let item = targetList[index]; item.target.removeEventListener(item.eventType, item.callback); } } if (checkDOMReadyState()) { setTimeout(callback2); } else { addDomReadyListener(); } } /** * 主动触发事件 * @param element 需要触发的元素|元素数组|window * @param eventType 需要触发的事件 * @param details 赋予触发的Event的额外属性,如果是Event类型,那么将自动代替默认new的Event对象 * @param useDispatchToTriggerEvent 是否使用dispatchEvent来触发事件,默认true * @example * // 触发元素a.xx的click事件 * DOMUtils.trigger(document.querySelector("a.xx"),"click") * DOMUtils.trigger("a.xx","click") * // 触发元素a.xx的click、tap、hover事件 * DOMUtils.trigger(document.querySelector("a.xx"),"click tap hover") * DOMUtils.trigger("a.xx",["click","tap","hover"]) */ trigger(element, eventType, details, useDispatchToTriggerEvent = true) { if (typeof element === "string") { element = PopsCore.document.querySelector(element); } if (element == null) { return; } let elementList = []; if (element instanceof NodeList || Array.isArray(element)) { element = element; elementList = [...element]; } else { elementList = [element]; } let eventTypeList = []; if (Array.isArray(eventType)) { eventTypeList = eventType; } else if (typeof eventType === "string") { eventTypeList = eventType.split(" "); } elementList.forEach((elementItem) => { let events = elementItem[SymbolEvents] || {}; eventTypeList.forEach((_eventType_) => { let event = null; if (details && details instanceof Event) { event = details; } else { event = new Event(_eventType_); if (details) { Object.keys(details).forEach((keyName) => { event[keyName] = details[keyName]; }); } } if (useDispatchToTriggerEvent == false && _eventType_ in events) { events[_eventType_].forEach((eventsItem) => { eventsItem.callback(event); }); } else { elementItem.dispatchEvent(event); } }); }); } /** * 绑定或触发元素的click事件 * @param element 目标元素 * @param handler (可选)事件处理函数 * @param details (可选)赋予触发的Event的额外属性 * @param useDispatchToTriggerEvent (可选)是否使用dispatchEvent来触发事件,默认true * @example * // 触发元素a.xx的click事件 * DOMUtils.click(document.querySelector("a.xx")) * DOMUtils.click("a.xx") * DOMUtils.click("a.xx",function(){ * console.log("触发click事件成功") * }) * */ click(element, handler, details, useDispatchToTriggerEvent) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = PopsCore.document.querySelector(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (handler == null) { DOMUtilsContext.trigger(element, "click", details, useDispatchToTriggerEvent); } else { DOMUtilsContext.on(element, "click", null, handler); } } /** * 绑定或触发元素的blur事件 * @param element 目标元素 * @param handler (可选)事件处理函数 * @param details (可选)赋予触发的Event的额外属性 * @param useDispatchToTriggerEvent (可选)是否使用dispatchEvent来触发事件,默认true * @example * // 触发元素a.xx的blur事件 * DOMUtils.blur(document.querySelector("a.xx")) * DOMUtils.blur("a.xx") * DOMUtils.blur("a.xx",function(){ * console.log("触发blur事件成功") * }) * */ blur(element, handler, details, useDispatchToTriggerEvent) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = PopsCore.document.querySelector(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (handler === null) { DOMUtilsContext.trigger(element, "blur", details, useDispatchToTriggerEvent); } else { DOMUtilsContext.on(element, "blur", null, handler); } } /** * 绑定或触发元素的focus事件 * @param element 目标元素 * @param handler (可选)事件处理函数 * @param details (可选)赋予触发的Event的额外属性 * @param useDispatchToTriggerEvent (可选)是否使用dispatchEvent来触发事件,默认true * @example * // 触发元素a.xx的focus事件 * DOMUtils.focus(document.querySelector("a.xx")) * DOMUtils.focus("a.xx") * DOMUtils.focus("a.xx",function(){ * console.log("触发focus事件成功") * }) * */ focus(element, handler, details, useDispatchToTriggerEvent) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = PopsCore.document.querySelector(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (handler == null) { DOMUtilsContext.trigger(element, "focus", details, useDispatchToTriggerEvent); } else { DOMUtilsContext.on(element, "focus", null, handler); } } /** * 当鼠标移入或移出元素时触发事件 * @param element 当前元素 * @param handler 事件处理函数 * @param option 配置 * @example * // 监听a.xx元素的移入或移出 * DOMUtils.hover(document.querySelector("a.xx"),()=>{ * console.log("移入/移除"); * }) * DOMUtils.hover("a.xx",()=>{ * console.log("移入/移除"); * }) */ hover(element, handler, option) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = PopsCore.document.querySelector(element); } if (element == null) { return; } DOMUtilsContext.on(element, "mouseenter", null, handler, option); DOMUtilsContext.on(element, "mouseleave", null, handler, option); } /** * 当按键松开时触发事件 * keydown - > keypress - > keyup * @param target 当前元素 * @param handler 事件处理函数 * @param option 配置 * @example * // 监听a.xx元素的按键松开 * DOMUtils.keyup(document.querySelector("a.xx"),()=>{ * console.log("按键松开"); * }) * DOMUtils.keyup("a.xx",()=>{ * console.log("按键松开"); * }) */ keyup(target, handler, option) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (target == null) { return; } if (typeof target === "string") { target = PopsCore.document.querySelector(target); } DOMUtilsContext.on(target, "keyup", null, handler, option); } /** * 当按键按下时触发事件 * keydown - > keypress - > keyup * @param target 目标 * @param handler 事件处理函数 * @param option 配置 * @example * // 监听a.xx元素的按键按下 * DOMUtils.keydown(document.querySelector("a.xx"),()=>{ * console.log("按键按下"); * }) * DOMUtils.keydown("a.xx",()=>{ * console.log("按键按下"); * }) */ keydown(target, handler, option) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (target == null) { return; } if (typeof target === "string") { target = PopsCore.document.querySelector(target); } DOMUtilsContext.on(target, "keydown", null, handler, option); } /** * 当按键按下时触发事件 * keydown - > keypress - > keyup * @param target 目标 * @param handler 事件处理函数 * @param option 配置 * @example * // 监听a.xx元素的按键按下 * DOMUtils.keypress(document.querySelector("a.xx"),()=>{ * console.log("按键按下"); * }) * DOMUtils.keypress("a.xx",()=>{ * console.log("按键按下"); * }) */ keypress(target, handler, option) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (target == null) { return; } if (typeof target === "string") { target = PopsCore.document.querySelector(target); } DOMUtilsContext.on(target, "keypress", null, handler, option); } preventEvent(element, eventNameList = [], capture) { function stopEvent(event) { event == null ? void 0 : event.preventDefault(); event == null ? void 0 : event.stopPropagation(); event == null ? void 0 : event.stopImmediatePropagation(); return false; } if (arguments.length === 1) { return stopEvent(arguments[0]); } else { if (typeof eventNameList === "string") { eventNameList = [eventNameList]; } eventNameList.forEach((eventName) => { element.addEventListener(eventName, stopEvent, { capture: Boolean(capture) }); }); } } } class PopsDOMUtils extends PopsDOMUtilsEvent { /** 获取 animationend 在各个浏览器的兼容名 */ getAnimationEndNameList() { return [ "webkitAnimationEnd", "mozAnimationEnd", "MSAnimationEnd", "oanimationend", "animationend" ]; } /** 获取 transitionend 在各个浏览器的兼容名 */ getTransitionEndNameList() { return [ "webkitTransitionEnd", "mozTransitionEnd", "MSTransitionEnd", "otransitionend", "transitionend" ]; } /** * 实现jQuery中的$().offset(); * @param element * @param calcScroll 计算滚动距离 */ offset(element, calcScroll = true) { let rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); let win = element.ownerDocument.defaultView; let resultRect = new DOMRect(calcScroll ? parseFloat((rect.left + ((win == null ? void 0 : win.pageXOffset) || 0)).toString()) : rect.left, calcScroll ? parseFloat((rect.top + ((win == null ? void 0 : win.pageYOffset) || 0)).toString()) : rect.top, rect.width, rect.height); return resultRect; } width(element, isShow = false, parent) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (typeof element === "string") { element = PopsCore.document.querySelector(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (popsUtils.isWin(element)) { return PopsCore.window.document.documentElement.clientWidth; } if (element.nodeType === 9) { element = element; return Math.max(element.body.scrollWidth, element.documentElement.scrollWidth, element.body.offsetWidth, element.documentElement.offsetWidth, element.documentElement.clientWidth); } if (isShow || !isShow && popsDOMUtils.isShow(element)) { element = element; if (parseFloat(popsDOMUtils.getStyleValue(element, "width").toString()) > 0) { return parseFloat(popsDOMUtils.getStyleValue(element, "width").toString()); } if (element.offsetWidth > 0) { let borderLeftWidth = popsDOMUtils.getStyleValue(element, "borderLeftWidth"); let borderRightWidth = popsDOMUtils.getStyleValue(element, "borderRightWidth"); let paddingLeft = popsDOMUtils.getStyleValue(element, "paddingLeft"); let paddingRight = popsDOMUtils.getStyleValue(element, "paddingRight"); let backHeight = parseFloat(element.offsetWidth.toString()) - parseFloat(borderLeftWidth.toString()) - parseFloat(borderRightWidth.toString()) - parseFloat(paddingLeft.toString()) - parseFloat(paddingRight.toString()); return parseFloat(backHeight.toString()); } return 0; } else { element = element; let { cloneNode, recovery } = popsDOMUtils.showElement(element, parent); let width = DOMUtilsContext.width(cloneNode, true, parent); recovery(); return width; } } height(element, isShow = false, parent) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (popsUtils.isWin(element)) { return PopsCore.window.document.documentElement.clientHeight; } if (typeof element === "string") { element = PopsCore.document.querySelector(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (element.nodeType === 9) { element = element; return Math.max(element.body.scrollHeight, element.documentElement.scrollHeight, element.body.offsetHeight, element.documentElement.offsetHeight, element.documentElement.clientHeight); } if (isShow || !isShow && popsDOMUtils.isShow(element)) { element = element; if (parseFloat(popsDOMUtils.getStyleValue(element, "height").toString()) > 0) { return parseFloat(popsDOMUtils.getStyleValue(element, "height").toString()); } if (element.offsetHeight > 0) { let borderTopWidth = popsDOMUtils.getStyleValue(element, "borderTopWidth"); let borderBottomWidth = popsDOMUtils.getStyleValue(element, "borderBottomWidth"); let paddingTop = popsDOMUtils.getStyleValue(element, "paddingTop"); let paddingBottom = popsDOMUtils.getStyleValue(element, "paddingBottom"); let backHeight = parseFloat(element.offsetHeight.toString()) - parseFloat(borderTopWidth.toString()) - parseFloat(borderBottomWidth.toString()) - parseFloat(paddingTop.toString()) - parseFloat(paddingBottom.toString()); return parseFloat(backHeight.toString()); } return 0; } else { element = element; let { cloneNode, recovery } = popsDOMUtils.showElement(element, parent); let height = DOMUtilsContext.height(cloneNode, true, parent); recovery(); return height; } } outerWidth(element, isShow = false, parent) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (popsUtils.isWin(element)) { return PopsCore.window.innerWidth; } if (typeof element === "string") { element = PopsCore.document.querySelector(element); } if (element == null) { return; } element = element; if (isShow || !isShow && popsDOMUtils.isShow(element)) { let style = getComputedStyle(element, null); let marginLeft = popsDOMUtils.getStyleValue(style, "marginLeft"); let marginRight = popsDOMUtils.getStyleValue(style, "marginRight"); return element.offsetWidth + marginLeft + marginRight; } else { let { cloneNode, recovery } = popsDOMUtils.showElement(element, parent); let outerWidth = DOMUtilsContext.outerWidth(cloneNode, true, parent); recovery(); return outerWidth; } } outerHeight(element, isShow = false, parent) { let DOMUtilsContext = this; if (popsUtils.isWin(element)) { return PopsCore.window.innerHeight; } if (typeof element === "string") { element = PopsCore.document.querySelector(element); } if (element == null) { return; } element = element; if (isShow || !isShow && popsDOMUtils.isShow(element)) { let style = getComputedStyle(element, null); let marginTop = popsDOMUtils.getStyleValue(style, "marginTop"); let marginBottom = popsDOMUtils.getStyleValue(style, "marginBottom"); return element.offsetHeight + marginTop + marginBottom; } else { let { cloneNode, recovery } = popsDOMUtils.showElement(element, parent); let outerHeight = DOMUtilsContext.outerHeight(cloneNode, true, parent); recovery(); return outerHeight; } } /** * 添加className * @param element 目标元素 * @param className className属性 */ addClassName(element, className) { if (typeof className !== "string") { return; } if (className.trim() === "") { return; } element.classList.add(className); } /** * 删除className * @param element 目标元素 * @param className className属性 */ removeClassName(element, className) { if (typeof className !== "string") { return; } if (className.trim() === "") { return; } element.classList.remove(className); } /** * 判断元素是否包含某个className * @param element 目标元素 * @param className className属性 */ containsClassName(element, className) { if (typeof className !== "string") { return false; } if (className.trim() === "") { return false; } return element.classList.contains(className); } css(element, property, value) { function handlePixe(propertyName, propertyValue) { let allowAddPixe = [ "width", "height", "top", "left", "right", "bottom", "font-size" ]; if (typeof propertyValue === "number") { propertyValue = propertyValue.toString(); } if (typeof propertyValue === "string" && allowAddPixe.includes(propertyName) && propertyValue.match(/[0-9]$/gi)) { propertyValue = propertyValue + "px"; } return propertyValue; } if (typeof element === "string") { element = PopsCore.document.querySelector(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (typeof property === "string") { if (value == null) { return getComputedStyle(element).getPropertyValue(property); } else { if (value === "string" && value.includes("!important")) { element.style.setProperty(property, value, "important"); } else { value = handlePixe(property, value); element.style.setProperty(property, value); } } } else if (typeof property === "object") { for (let prop in property) { if (typeof property[prop] === "string" && property[prop].includes("!important")) { element.style.setProperty(prop, property[prop], "important"); } else { property[prop] = handlePixe(prop, property[prop]); element.style.setProperty(prop, property[prop]); } } } } /** * 创建元素 * @param tagName 标签名 * @param property 属性 * @param attributes 元素上的自定义属性 * @example * // 创建一个DIV元素,且属性class为xxx * DOMUtils.createElement("div",undefined,{ class:"xxx" }); * >
* @example * // 创建一个DIV元素 * DOMUtils.createElement("div"); * >
* @example * // 创建一个DIV元素 * DOMUtils.createElement("div","测试"); * >
*/ createElement(tagName, property, attributes) { let tempElement = PopsCore.document.createElement(tagName); if (typeof property === "string") { tempElement.innerHTML = property; return tempElement; } if (property == null) { property = {}; } if (attributes == null) { attributes = {}; } Object.keys(property).forEach((key) => { let value = property[key]; tempElement[key] = value; }); Object.keys(attributes).forEach((key) => { let value = attributes[key]; if (typeof value === "object") { value = JSON.stringify(value); } else if (typeof value === "function") { value = value.toString(); } tempElement.setAttribute(key, value); }); return tempElement; } /** * 获取文字的位置信息 * @param input 输入框 * @param selectionStart 起始位置 * @param selectionEnd 结束位置 * @param debug 是否是调试模式 * + true 不删除临时节点元素 * + false 删除临时节点元素 */ getTextBoundingRect(input, selectionStart, selectionEnd, debug) { if (!input || !("value" in input)) return input; if (typeof selectionStart == "string") selectionStart = parseFloat(selectionStart); if (typeof selectionStart != "number" || isNaN(selectionStart)) { selectionStart = 0; } if (selectionStart < 0) selectionStart = 0; else selectionStart = Math.min(input.value.length, selectionStart); if (typeof selectionEnd == "string") selectionEnd = parseFloat(selectionEnd); if (typeof selectionEnd != "number" || isNaN(selectionEnd) || selectionEnd < selectionStart) { selectionEnd = selectionStart; } if (selectionEnd < 0) selectionEnd = 0; else selectionEnd = Math.min(input.value.length, selectionEnd); if (typeof input.createTextRange == "function") { var range = input.createTextRange(); range.collapse(true); range.moveStart("character", selectionStart); range.moveEnd("character", selectionEnd - selectionStart); return range.getBoundingClientRect(); } var offset = getInputOffset(), topPos = offset.top, leftPos = offset.left, width = getInputCSS("width", true), height = getInputCSS("height", true); var cssDefaultStyles = "white-space:pre;padding:0;margin:0;", listOfModifiers = [ "direction", "font-family", "font-size", "font-size-adjust", "font-variant", "font-weight", "font-style", "letter-spacing", "line-height", "text-align", "text-indent", "text-transform", "word-wrap", "word-spacing" ]; topPos += getInputCSS("padding-top", true); topPos += getInputCSS("border-top-width", true); leftPos += getInputCSS("padding-left", true); leftPos += getInputCSS("border-left-width", true); leftPos += 1; for (var i2 = 0; i2 < listOfModifiers.length; i2++) { var property = listOfModifiers[i2]; cssDefaultStyles += property + ":" + getInputCSS(property) + ";"; } var text = input.value || "G", textLen = text.length, fakeClone = document.createElement("div"); if (selectionStart > 0) appendPart(0, selectionStart); var fakeRange = appendPart(selectionStart, selectionEnd); if (textLen > selectionEnd) appendPart(selectionEnd, textLen); fakeClone.style.cssText = cssDefaultStyles; fakeClone.style.position = "absolute"; fakeClone.style.top = topPos + "px"; fakeClone.style.left = leftPos + "px"; fakeClone.style.width = width + "px"; fakeClone.style.height = height + "px"; PopsCore.document.body.appendChild(fakeClone); var returnValue = fakeRange.getBoundingClientRect(); if (!debug) fakeClone.parentNode.removeChild(fakeClone); return returnValue; function appendPart(start, end) { var span = document.createElement("span"); span.style.cssText = cssDefaultStyles; span.textContent = text.substring(start, end); fakeClone.appendChild(span); return span; } function getInputOffset() { var body = document.body, win = document.defaultView, docElem = document.documentElement, box = document.createElement("div"); box.style.paddingLeft = box.style.width = "1px"; body.appendChild(box); var isBoxModel = box.offsetWidth == 2; body.removeChild(box); box = input.getBoundingClientRect(); var clientTop = docElem.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0, clientLeft = docElem.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0, scrollTop = ( // @ts-ignore win.pageYOffset || isBoxModel && docElem.scrollTop || body.scrollTop ), scrollLeft = ( // @ts-ignore win.pageXOffset || isBoxModel && docElem.scrollLeft || body.scrollLeft ); return { // @ts-ignore top: box.top + scrollTop - clientTop, // @ts-ignore left: box.left + scrollLeft - clientLeft }; } function getInputCSS(prop, isnumber) { var val = PopsCore.document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(input, null).getPropertyValue(prop); return isnumber ? parseFloat(val) : val; } } /** * 使用className来隐藏元素 * @param ele * @param isImportant 是否使用!important */ cssHide(ele, isImportant = false) { if (ele == null) { return; } if (isImportant) { ele.classList.add("pops-hide-important"); } else { ele.classList.add("pops-hide"); } } /** * cssHide的反向使用 * @param ele */ cssShow(ele) { if (ele == null) { return; } ele.classList.remove("pops-hide-important"); ele.classList.remove("pops-hide"); } parseHTML(html, useParser = false, isComplete = false) { function parseHTMLByDOMParser() { let parser = new DOMParser(); if (isComplete) { return parser.parseFromString(html, "text/html"); } else { return parser.parseFromString(html, "text/html").body.firstChild; } } function parseHTMLByCreateDom() { let tempDIV = PopsCore.document.createElement("div"); tempDIV.innerHTML = html; if (isComplete) { return tempDIV; } else { return tempDIV.firstChild; } } if (useParser) { return parseHTMLByDOMParser(); } else { return parseHTMLByCreateDom(); } } /** * 函数在元素内部末尾添加子元素或HTML字符串 * @param element 目标元素 * @param content 子元素或HTML字符串 * @example * // 元素a.xx的内部末尾添加一个元素 * DOMUtils.append(document.querySelector("a.xx"),document.querySelector("b.xx")) * DOMUtils.append("a.xx","'") * */ append(element, content) { if (typeof element === "string") { element = PopsCore.document.querySelector(element); } if (element == null) { return; } function elementAppendChild(ele, text) { if (typeof content === "string") { ele.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", text); } else { ele.appendChild(text); } } if (Array.isArray(content) || content instanceof NodeList) { let fragment = PopsCore.document.createDocumentFragment(); content.forEach((ele) => { if (typeof ele === "string") { ele = this.parseHTML(ele, true, false); } fragment.appendChild(ele); }); element.appendChild(fragment); } else { elementAppendChild(element, content); } } /** * 把元素标签添加到head内 */ appendHead($ele) { if (PopsCore.document.head) { PopsCore.document.head.appendChild($ele); } else { PopsCore.document.documentElement.appendChild($ele); } } /** * 把元素添加进body内 * @param $ele */ appendBody($ele) { if (PopsCore.document.body) { PopsCore.document.body.appendChild($ele); } else { PopsCore.document.documentElement.appendChild($ele); } } /** * 判断元素是否已显示或已连接 * @param element */ isShow(element) { return Boolean(element.getClientRects().length); } /** * 用于显示元素并获取它的高度宽度等其它属性 * @param $ele * @param parent 父元素 */ showElement($ele, ownParent) { let $cloneNode = $ele.cloneNode(true); $cloneNode.setAttribute("style", "visibility: hidden !important;display:block !important;"); let $parent = PopsCore.document.documentElement; let $root = $ele.getRootNode(); if (ownParent == null) { if ($root == $ele) { $parent = PopsCore.document.documentElement; } else { $parent = $root; } } else { $parent = ownParent; } $parent.appendChild($cloneNode); return { /** * 强制显示的克隆的元素 */ cloneNode: $cloneNode, /** * 恢复修改的style */ recovery() { $cloneNode.remove(); } }; } /** * 获取元素上的Float格式的属性px * @param element * @param styleName style名 */ getStyleValue(element, styleName) { let view = null; let styles = null; if (element instanceof CSSStyleDeclaration) { styles = element; } else { view = element.ownerDocument.defaultView; if (!view || !view.opener) { view = window; } styles = view.getComputedStyle(element); } let value = parseFloat(styles[styleName]); if (isNaN(value)) { return 0; } else { return value; } } /** * 在元素前面添加兄弟元素或HTML字符串 * @param element 目标元素 * @param content 兄弟元素或HTML字符串 * @example * // 元素a.xx前面添加一个元素 * DOMUtils.before(document.querySelector("a.xx"),document.querySelector("b.xx")) * DOMUtils.before("a.xx","'") * */ before(element, content) { if (typeof element === "string") { element = PopsCore.document.querySelector(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (typeof content === "string") { element.insertAdjacentHTML("beforebegin", content); } else { element.parentElement.insertBefore(content, element); } } /** * 在元素后面添加兄弟元素或HTML字符串 * @param element 目标元素 * @param content 兄弟元素或HTML字符串 * @example * // 元素a.xx后面添加一个元素 * DOMUtils.after(document.querySelector("a.xx"),document.querySelector("b.xx")) * DOMUtils.after("a.xx","'") * */ after(element, content) { if (typeof element === "string") { element = PopsCore.document.querySelector(element); } if (element == null) { return; } if (typeof content === "string") { element.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", content); } else { element.parentElement.insertBefore(content, element.nextSibling); } } } const popsDOMUtils = new PopsDOMUtils(); const PopsInstanceUtils = { /** * 获取页面中最大的z-index的元素信息 * @param deviation 获取最大的z-index值的偏移,默认是+1 * @param node 进行判断的元素,默认是document * @param ignoreCallBack 执行元素处理时调用的函数,返回false可忽略不想要处理的元素 * @example * Utils.getMaxZIndexNodeInfo(); * > { * node: ..., * zIndex: 1001 * } **/ getMaxZIndexNodeInfo(deviation = 1, target = PopsCore.document, ignoreCallBack) { deviation = Number.isNaN(deviation) ? 1 : deviation; const maxZIndexCompare = 2 * Math.pow(10, 9); let zIndex = 0; let maxZIndexNode = null; function isVisibleNode($css) { return $css.position !== "static" && $css.display !== "none"; } function queryMaxZIndex($ele) { if (typeof ignoreCallBack === "function") { let ignoreResult = ignoreCallBack($ele); if (typeof ignoreResult === "boolean" && !ignoreResult) { return; } } const nodeStyle = PopsCore.window.getComputedStyle($ele); if (isVisibleNode(nodeStyle)) { let nodeZIndex = parseInt(nodeStyle.zIndex); if (!isNaN(nodeZIndex)) { if (nodeZIndex > zIndex) { zIndex = nodeZIndex; maxZIndexNode = $ele; } } if ($ele.shadowRoot != null && $ele instanceof ShadowRoot) { $ele.shadowRoot.querySelectorAll("*").forEach(($shadowEle) => { queryMaxZIndex($shadowEle); }); } } } target.querySelectorAll("*").forEach(($ele, index) => { queryMaxZIndex($ele); }); zIndex += deviation; if (zIndex >= maxZIndexCompare) { zIndex = maxZIndexCompare; } return { node: maxZIndexNode, zIndex }; }, /** * 获取pops所有弹窗中的最大的z-index * @param deviation */ getPopsMaxZIndex(deviation = 1) { deviation = Number.isNaN(deviation) ? 1 : deviation; const maxZIndex = 2 * Math.pow(10, 9); let zIndex = 0; let maxZIndexNode = null; function isVisibleNode($css) { return $css.position !== "static" && $css.display !== "none"; } Object.keys(pops.config.layer).forEach((layerName) => { let layerList = pops.config.layer[layerName]; for (let index = 0; index < layerList.length; index++) { const layer = layerList[index]; let nodeStyle = window.getComputedStyle(layer.animElement); if (isVisibleNode(nodeStyle)) { let nodeZIndex = parseInt(nodeStyle.zIndex); if (!isNaN(nodeZIndex)) { if (nodeZIndex > zIndex) { zIndex = nodeZIndex; maxZIndexNode = layer.animElement; } } } } }); zIndex += deviation; let isOverMaxZIndex = zIndex >= maxZIndex; if (isOverMaxZIndex) { zIndex = maxZIndex; } return { zIndex, animElement: maxZIndexNode, isOverMaxZIndex }; }, /** * 获取页面中最大的z-index * @param deviation 获取最大的z-index值的偏移,默认是+1 * @example * getMaxZIndex(); * > 1001 **/ getMaxZIndex(deviation = 1) { return this.getMaxZIndexNodeInfo(deviation).zIndex; }, /** * 获取CSS Rule * @param sheet * @returns */ getKeyFrames(sheet) { let result2 = {}; Object.keys(sheet.cssRules).forEach((key) => { if (sheet.cssRules[key].type === 7 && sheet.cssRules[key].name.startsWith("pops-anim-")) { result2[sheet.cssRules[key].name] = sheet.cssRules[key]; } }); return result2; }, /** * 删除配置中对应的对象 * @param moreLayerConfigList 配置实例列表 * @param guid 唯一标识 * @param isAll 是否全部删除 */ removeInstance(moreLayerConfigList, guid, isAll = false) { function removeItem(layerCommonConfig) { var _a2, _b, _c, _d; if (typeof layerCommonConfig.beforeRemoveCallBack === "function") { layerCommonConfig.beforeRemoveCallBack(layerCommonConfig); } (_a2 = layerCommonConfig == null ? void 0 : layerCommonConfig.animElement) == null ? void 0 : _a2.remove(); (_b = layerCommonConfig == null ? void 0 : layerCommonConfig.popsElement) == null ? void 0 : _b.remove(); (_c = layerCommonConfig == null ? void 0 : layerCommonConfig.maskElement) == null ? void 0 : _c.remove(); (_d = layerCommonConfig == null ? void 0 : layerCommonConfig.$shadowContainer) == null ? void 0 : _d.remove(); } moreLayerConfigList.forEach((layerConfigList) => { layerConfigList.forEach((layerConfigItem, index) => { if (isAll || layerConfigItem["guid"] === guid) { if (pops.config.animation.hasOwnProperty(layerConfigItem.animElement.getAttribute("anim"))) { layerConfigItem.animElement.style.width = "100%"; layerConfigItem.animElement.style.height = "100%"; layerConfigItem.animElement.style["animation-name"] = layerConfigItem.animElement.getAttribute("anim") + "-reverse"; if (pops.config.animation.hasOwnProperty(layerConfigItem.animElement.style["animation-name"])) { popsDOMUtils.on(layerConfigItem.animElement, popsDOMUtils.getAnimationEndNameList(), function() { removeItem(layerConfigItem); }, { capture: true }); } else { removeItem(layerConfigItem); } } else { removeItem(layerConfigItem); } layerConfigList.splice(index, 1); } }); }); return moreLayerConfigList; }, /** * 隐藏 * @param popsType * @param layerConfigList * @param guid * @param config * @param animElement * @param maskElement */ hide(popsType, layerConfigList, guid, config, animElement, maskElement) { let popsElement = animElement.querySelector(".pops[type-value]"); if (popsType === "drawer") { let drawerConfig = config; setTimeout(() => { maskElement.style.setProperty("display", "none"); if (["top", "bottom"].includes(drawerConfig.direction)) { popsElement.style.setProperty("height", "0"); } else if (["left", "right"].includes(drawerConfig.direction)) { popsElement.style.setProperty("width", "0"); } else { console.error("未知direction:", drawerConfig.direction); } }, drawerConfig.closeDelay); } else { layerConfigList.forEach((layerConfigItem) => { if (layerConfigItem.guid === guid) { layerConfigItem.animElement.style.width = "100%"; layerConfigItem.animElement.style.height = "100%"; layerConfigItem.animElement.style["animation-name"] = layerConfigItem.animElement.getAttribute("anim") + "-reverse"; if (pops.config.animation.hasOwnProperty(layerConfigItem.animElement.style["animation-name"])) { let animationendCallBack2 = function() { layerConfigItem.animElement.style.display = "none"; if (layerConfigItem.maskElement) { layerConfigItem.maskElement.style.display = "none"; } popsDOMUtils.off(layerConfigItem.animElement, popsDOMUtils.getAnimationEndNameList(), animationendCallBack2, { capture: true }); }; popsDOMUtils.on(layerConfigItem.animElement, popsDOMUtils.getAnimationEndNameList(), animationendCallBack2, { capture: true }); } else { layerConfigItem.animElement.style.display = "none"; if (layerConfigItem.maskElement) { layerConfigItem.maskElement.style.display = "none"; } } return; } }); } }, /** * 显示 * @param popsType * @param layerConfigList * @param guid * @param config * @param animElement * @param maskElement */ show(popsType, layerConfigList, guid, config, animElement, maskElement) { let popsElement = animElement.querySelector(".pops[type-value]"); if (popsType === "drawer") { let drawerConfig = config; setTimeout(() => { maskElement.style.setProperty("display", ""); let direction = drawerConfig.direction; let size = drawerConfig.size.toString(); if (["top", "bottom"].includes(direction)) { popsElement.style.setProperty("height", size); } else if (["left", "right"].includes(direction)) { popsElement.style.setProperty("width", size); } else { console.error("未知direction:", direction); } }, drawerConfig.openDelay); } else { layerConfigList.forEach((layerConfigItem) => { if (layerConfigItem.guid === guid) { layerConfigItem.animElement.style.width = ""; layerConfigItem.animElement.style.height = ""; layerConfigItem.animElement.style["animation-name"] = layerConfigItem.animElement.getAttribute("anim").replace("-reverse", ""); if (pops.config.animation.hasOwnProperty(layerConfigItem.animElement.style["animation-name"])) { let animationendCallBack2 = function() { popsDOMUtils.off(layerConfigItem.animElement, popsDOMUtils.getAnimationEndNameList(), animationendCallBack2, { capture: true }); }; layerConfigItem.animElement.style.display = ""; if (layerConfigItem.maskElement) { layerConfigItem.maskElement.style.display = ""; } popsDOMUtils.on(layerConfigItem.animElement, popsDOMUtils.getAnimationEndNameList(), animationendCallBack2, { capture: true }); } else { layerConfigItem.animElement.style.display = ""; if (layerConfigItem.maskElement) { layerConfigItem.maskElement.style.display = ""; } } } return; }); } }, /** * 关闭 * @param popsType * @param layerConfigList * @param guid * @param config * @param animElement */ close(popsType, layerConfigList, guid, config, animElement) { let popsElement = animElement.querySelector(".pops[type-value]"); let drawerConfig = config; function transitionendEvent() { function closeCallBack(event) { if (event.propertyName !== "transform") { return; } popsDOMUtils.off(popsElement, popsDOMUtils.getTransitionEndNameList(), void 0, closeCallBack); PopsInstanceUtils.removeInstance([layerConfigList], guid); } popsDOMUtils.on(popsElement, popsDOMUtils.getTransitionEndNameList(), closeCallBack); let popsTransForm = getComputedStyle(popsElement).transform; if (popsTransForm !== "none") { popsDOMUtils.trigger(popsElement, popsDOMUtils.getTransitionEndNameList(), void 0, true); return; } if (["top"].includes(drawerConfig.direction)) { popsElement.style.setProperty("transform", "translateY(-100%)"); } else if (["bottom"].includes(drawerConfig.direction)) { popsElement.style.setProperty("transform", "translateY(100%)"); } else if (["left"].includes(drawerConfig.direction)) { popsElement.style.setProperty("transform", "translateX(-100%)"); } else if (["right"].includes(drawerConfig.direction)) { popsElement.style.setProperty("transform", "translateX(100%)"); } else { console.error("未知direction:", drawerConfig.direction); } } if (popsType === "drawer") { setTimeout(() => { transitionendEvent(); }, drawerConfig.closeDelay); } else { PopsInstanceUtils.removeInstance([layerConfigList], guid); } }, /** * 拖拽元素 * 说明: * + 元素的position为absolute或者fixed * + 会为元素的 * @param moveElement 需要拖拽的元素 * @param options 配置 */ drag(moveElement, options) { options = Object.assign({ limit: true, extraDistance: 3, container: PopsCore.globalThis, triggerClick: true }, options); let isMove = false; let clickElementLeftOffset = 0; let clickElementTopOffset = 0; let AnyTouch = popsUtils.AnyTouch(); let anyTouchElement = new AnyTouch(options.dragElement, { preventDefault(event) { if (typeof options.preventEvent === "function") { return options.preventEvent(event); } else { return true; } } }); popsDOMUtils.css(options.dragElement, { cursor: "move" }); function getTransform(element) { var _a2; let transform_left = 0; let transform_top = 0; let elementTransform = PopsCore.globalThis.getComputedStyle(element).transform; if (elementTransform !== "none" && elementTransform != null && elementTransform !== "") { let elementTransformSplit = (_a2 = elementTransform.match(/\((.+)\)/)) == null ? void 0 : _a2[1].split(","); transform_left = Math.abs(parseInt(elementTransformSplit[4])); transform_top = Math.abs(parseInt(elementTransformSplit[5])); } return { transformLeft: transform_left, transformTop: transform_top }; } function changeMoveElementStyle(element) { let old_transitionDuration = element.style.transitionDuration; if (globalThis.getComputedStyle(element).transitionDuration !== "0s") { element.style.transitionDuration = "0s"; } return () => { element.style.transitionDuration = old_transitionDuration; }; } function getContainerWidthOrHeight(container) { container = container ?? globalThis; return { width: popsDOMUtils.width(container), height: popsDOMUtils.height(container) }; } function getContainerTopOrLeft(container) { container = container ?? globalThis; if (popsUtils.isWin(container)) { return { left: 0, top: 0 }; } else { let rect = container.getBoundingClientRect(); return { left: rect.left, top: rect.top }; } } let transformInfo = getTransform(moveElement); let transformLeft = transformInfo.transformLeft; let transformTop = transformInfo.transformTop; let resumeMoveElementStyle = null; anyTouchElement.on("pan", function(event) { if (!isMove) { isMove = true; let rect = options.dragElement.getBoundingClientRect(); clickElementLeftOffset = event.x - rect.left; clickElementTopOffset = event.y - rect.top; transformInfo = getTransform(moveElement); transformLeft = transformInfo.transformLeft; transformTop = transformInfo.transformTop; resumeMoveElementStyle = changeMoveElementStyle(moveElement); } let currentMoveLeftOffset = event.x - clickElementLeftOffset + transformLeft; let currentMoveTopOffset = event.y - clickElementTopOffset + transformTop; if (event.phase === "move") { if (options.limit) { let maxLeftOffset = getContainerWidthOrHeight(options.container).width - popsDOMUtils.width(moveElement) + transformLeft; let { left: minLeftOffset, top: minTopOffset } = getContainerTopOrLeft(options.container); let maxTopOffset = getContainerWidthOrHeight(options.container).height - popsDOMUtils.height(moveElement) + transformTop; if (currentMoveLeftOffset > maxLeftOffset) { currentMoveLeftOffset = maxLeftOffset; } if (currentMoveTopOffset > maxTopOffset) { currentMoveTopOffset = maxTopOffset; } if (currentMoveLeftOffset - options.extraDistance * 2 < minLeftOffset + transformLeft) { currentMoveLeftOffset = minLeftOffset + transformLeft; currentMoveLeftOffset += options.extraDistance; } else { currentMoveLeftOffset -= options.extraDistance; } if (currentMoveTopOffset - options.extraDistance * 2 < minTopOffset + transformTop) { currentMoveTopOffset = minTopOffset + transformTop; currentMoveTopOffset += options.extraDistance; } else { currentMoveTopOffset -= options.extraDistance; } } if (typeof options.moveCallBack === "function") { options.moveCallBack(moveElement, currentMoveLeftOffset, currentMoveTopOffset); } popsDOMUtils.css(moveElement, { left: currentMoveLeftOffset + "px", top: currentMoveTopOffset + "px" }); } if (event.phase === "end") { isMove = false; if (typeof resumeMoveElementStyle === "function") { resumeMoveElementStyle(); resumeMoveElementStyle = null; } if (typeof options.endCallBack === "function") { options.endCallBack(moveElement, currentMoveLeftOffset, currentMoveTopOffset); } } }); if (options.triggerClick) { anyTouchElement.on(["tap"], function(event) { event.changedPoints.forEach((item) => { popsDOMUtils.trigger(item.target, "click", void 0, true); }); }); } }, /** * 排序数组 * @param getBeforeValueFun * @param getAfterValueFun * @param sortByDesc 排序是否降序,默认降序 */ sortElementListByProperty(getBeforeValueFun, getAfterValueFun, sortByDesc = true) { if (typeof sortByDesc !== "boolean") { throw "参数 sortByDesc 必须为boolean类型"; } if (getBeforeValueFun == null || getAfterValueFun == null) { throw "获取前面的值或后面的值的方法不能为空"; } return function(after_obj, before_obj) { var beforeValue = getBeforeValueFun(before_obj); var afterValue = getAfterValueFun(after_obj); if (sortByDesc) { if (afterValue > beforeValue) { return -1; } else if (afterValue < beforeValue) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } else { if (afterValue < beforeValue) { return -1; } else if (afterValue > beforeValue) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } }; } }; var indexCSS = '@charset "utf-8";\r\n.pops * {\r\n -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;\r\n box-sizing: border-box;\r\n margin: 0;\r\n padding: 0;\r\n -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;\r\n /* 代替::-webkit-scrollbar */\r\n scrollbar-width: thin;\r\n}\r\n.pops {\r\n --pops-bg-opacity: 1;\r\n --pops-bd-opacity: 1;\r\n --pops-font-size: 16px;\r\n interpolate-size: allow-keywords;\r\n}\r\n.pops-mask {\r\n --pops-mask-bg-opacity: 0.4;\r\n}\r\n.pops {\r\n background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255, var(--pops-bg-opacity));\r\n border-radius: 4px;\r\n border: 1px solid rgb(235, 238, 245, var(--pops-bd-opacity));\r\n font-size: var(--pops-font-size);\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n box-shadow: 0 0 12px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12);\r\n box-sizing: border-box;\r\n overflow: hidden;\r\n transition: all 0.35s;\r\n display: flex;\r\n flex-direction: column;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim {\r\n position: fixed;\r\n top: 0;\r\n right: 0;\r\n bottom: 0;\r\n left: 0;\r\n width: 100%;\r\n height: 100%;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim[anim=""] {\r\n top: unset;\r\n right: unset;\r\n bottom: unset;\r\n left: unset;\r\n width: unset;\r\n height: unset;\r\n transition: none;\r\n}\r\n/* 底部图标动画和样式 */\r\n.pops i.pops-bottom-icon[is-loading="true"] {\r\n animation: rotating 2s linear infinite;\r\n}\r\n.pops i.pops-bottom-icon {\r\n height: 1em;\r\n width: 1em;\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n display: inline-flex;\r\n justify-content: center;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n position: relative;\r\n fill: currentColor;\r\n color: inherit;\r\n font-size: inherit;\r\n}\r\n\r\n/* 遮罩层样式 */\r\n.pops-mask {\r\n position: fixed;\r\n top: 0;\r\n right: 0;\r\n bottom: 0;\r\n left: 0;\r\n width: 100%;\r\n height: 100%;\r\n border: 0;\r\n border-radius: 0;\r\n background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, var(--pops-mask-bg-opacity));\r\n box-shadow: none;\r\n transition: none;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-header-controls button.pops-header-control[type][data-header] {\r\n float: right;\r\n margin: 0 0;\r\n outline: 0;\r\n border: 0;\r\n border-color: rgb(136, 136, 136, var(--pops-bd-opacity));\r\n background-color: transparent;\r\n color: #888;\r\n cursor: pointer;\r\n}\r\n.pops-header-controls button.pops-header-control[type="max"],\r\n.pops-header-controls button.pops-header-control[type="mise"],\r\n.pops-header-controls button.pops-header-control[type="min"] {\r\n outline: 0 !important;\r\n border: 0;\r\n border-color: rgb(136, 136, 136, var(--pops-bd-opacity));\r\n background-color: transparent;\r\n color: rgb(136, 136, 136);\r\n cursor: pointer;\r\n transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out;\r\n}\r\nbutton.pops-header-control i {\r\n color: rgb(144, 147, 153);\r\n font-size: inherit;\r\n display: inline-flex;\r\n justify-content: center;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n position: relative;\r\n fill: currentColor;\r\n}\r\nbutton.pops-header-control svg {\r\n height: 1.25em;\r\n width: 1.25em;\r\n}\r\nbutton.pops-header-control {\r\n right: 15px;\r\n padding: 0;\r\n border: none;\r\n outline: 0;\r\n background: 0 0;\r\n cursor: pointer;\r\n position: unset;\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n}\r\nbutton.pops-header-control i:hover {\r\n color: rgb(64, 158, 255);\r\n}\r\n.pops-header-controls[data-margin] button.pops-header-control {\r\n margin: 0 6px;\r\n display: flex;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value] .pops-header-controls {\r\n display: flex;\r\n gap: 6px;\r\n}\r\n\r\n/* 标题禁止选中文字 */\r\n.pops [class^="pops"][class*="-title"] p[pops] {\r\n -webkit-user-select: none;\r\n -moz-user-select: none;\r\n -ms-user-select: none;\r\n user-select: none;\r\n}\r\n'; var ninePalaceGridPositionCSS = '.pops[position="top_left"] {\r\n position: fixed;\r\n top: 0;\r\n left: 0;\r\n}\r\n.pops[position="top"] {\r\n position: fixed;\r\n top: 0;\r\n left: 50%;\r\n transform: translateX(-50%);\r\n}\r\n.pops[position="top_right"] {\r\n position: fixed;\r\n top: 0;\r\n right: 0;\r\n}\r\n.pops[position="center_left"] {\r\n position: fixed;\r\n top: 50%;\r\n left: 0;\r\n transform: translateY(-50%);\r\n}\r\n.pops[position="center"] {\r\n position: fixed;\r\n top: 50%;\r\n left: 50%;\r\n transform: translate(-50%, -50%);\r\n}\r\n.pops[position="center_right"] {\r\n position: fixed;\r\n top: 50%;\r\n right: 0;\r\n transform: translateY(-50%);\r\n}\r\n.pops[position="bottom_left"] {\r\n position: fixed;\r\n bottom: 0;\r\n left: 0;\r\n}\r\n.pops[position="bottom"] {\r\n position: fixed;\r\n bottom: 0;\r\n left: 50%;\r\n transform: translate(-50%, 0);\r\n}\r\n.pops[position="bottom_right"] {\r\n position: fixed;\r\n right: 0;\r\n bottom: 0;\r\n}\r\n'; var scrollbarCSS = "/* firefox上暂不支持::-webkit-scrollbar */\r\n.pops ::-webkit-scrollbar {\r\n width: 6px;\r\n height: 0;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops ::-webkit-scrollbar-track {\r\n width: 0;\r\n}\r\n.pops ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover {\r\n background: rgb(178, 178, 178, var(--pops-bg-opacity));\r\n}\r\n.pops ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {\r\n min-height: 28px;\r\n border-radius: 2em;\r\n background: rgb(204, 204, 204, var(--pops-bg-opacity));\r\n background-clip: padding-box;\r\n}\r\n"; var buttonCSS = '.pops {\r\n --button-font-size: 14px;\r\n --button-height: 32px;\r\n --button-color: rgb(51, 51, 51);\r\n --button-bd-color: rgb(220, 223, 230, var(--pops-bd-opacity));\r\n --button-bg-color: rgb(220, 223, 230, var(--pops-bg-opacity));\r\n --button-margin-top: 0px;\r\n --button-margin-bottom: 0px;\r\n --button-margin-left: 5px;\r\n --button-margin-right: 5px;\r\n --button-padding-top: 6px;\r\n --button-padding-bottom: 6px;\r\n --button-padding-left: 12px;\r\n --button-padding-right: 12px;\r\n --button-radius: 4px;\r\n\r\n --container-title-height: 55px;\r\n --container-bottom-btn-height: 55px;\r\n}\r\n.pops[data-bottom-btn="false"] {\r\n --container-bottom-btn-height: 0px;\r\n}\r\n.pops button {\r\n white-space: nowrap;\r\n float: right;\r\n display: inline-block;\r\n margin: var(--button-margin-top) var(--button-margin-right)\r\n var(--button-margin-bottom) var(--button-margin-left);\r\n padding: var(--button-padding-top) var(--button-padding-right)\r\n var(--button-padding-bottom) var(--button-padding-left);\r\n outline: 0;\r\n}\r\n.pops button[data-has-icon="false"] .pops-bottom-icon {\r\n display: none;\r\n}\r\n.pops button {\r\n border-radius: var(--button-radius);\r\n box-shadow: none;\r\n font-weight: 400;\r\n font-size: var(--button-font-size);\r\n cursor: pointer;\r\n transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out;\r\n}\r\n.pops button {\r\n display: flex;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n height: var(--button-height);\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n box-sizing: border-box;\r\n user-select: none;\r\n -webkit-user-select: none;\r\n -moz-user-select: none;\r\n -ms-user-select: none;\r\n border: 1px solid var(--button-bd-color);\r\n}\r\n.pops button {\r\n color: var(--button-color);\r\n border-color: var(--button-bd-color);\r\n background-color: var(--button-bg-color);\r\n}\r\n.pops button:active {\r\n color: var(--button-color);\r\n border-color: var(--button-bd-color);\r\n background-color: var(--button-bg-color);\r\n outline: 0;\r\n}\r\n.pops button:hover {\r\n color: var(--button-color);\r\n border-color: var(--button-bd-color);\r\n background-color: var(--button-bg-color);\r\n}\r\n.pops button:focus-visible {\r\n color: var(--button-color);\r\n border-color: var(--button-bd-color);\r\n background-color: var(--button-bg-color);\r\n}\r\n.pops button:disabled {\r\n cursor: not-allowed;\r\n color: var(--button-color);\r\n border-color: var(--button-bd-color);\r\n background-color: var(--button-bg-color);\r\n}\r\n.pops button.pops-button-large {\r\n --button-height: 32px;\r\n --button-padding-top: 12px;\r\n --button-padding-bottom: 12px;\r\n --button-padding-left: 19px;\r\n --button-padding-right: 19px;\r\n --button-font-size: 14px;\r\n --button-border-radius: 4px;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops button.pops-button-small {\r\n --button-height: 24px;\r\n --button-padding-top: 5px;\r\n --button-padding-bottom: 5px;\r\n --button-padding-left: 11px;\r\n --button-padding-right: 11px;\r\n --button-font-size: 12px;\r\n --button-border-radius: 4px;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-button-no-icon .pops-panel-button_inner i {\r\n display: none;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-button-right-icon {\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-button-right-icon .pops-panel-button_inner {\r\n flex-direction: row-reverse;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-button-right-icon .pops-panel-button_inner i {\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-button .pops-panel-button_inner i:has(svg),\r\n.pops-panel-button-right-icon .pops-panel-button-text {\r\n margin-right: 6px;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops button[type="default"] {\r\n --button-color: #333333;\r\n --button-bd-color: #dcdfe6;\r\n --button-bg-color: #ffffff;\r\n}\r\n.pops button[type="default"]:active {\r\n --button-color: #409eff;\r\n --button-bd-color: #409eff;\r\n --button-bg-color: #ecf5ff;\r\n}\r\n.pops button[type="default"]:hover {\r\n --button-color: #409eff;\r\n --button-bd-color: #c6e2ff;\r\n --button-bg-color: #ecf5ff;\r\n}\r\n.pops button[type="default"]:focus-visible {\r\n outline: 2px solid #a0cfff;\r\n outline-offset: 1px;\r\n}\r\n.pops button[type="default"]:disabled {\r\n --button-color: #a8abb2;\r\n --button-bd-color: #fff;\r\n --button-bg-color: #e4e7ed;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops button[type="primary"] {\r\n --button-color: #ffffff;\r\n --button-bd-color: #409eff;\r\n --button-bg-color: #409eff;\r\n}\r\n.pops button[type="primary"]:active {\r\n --button-color: #ffffff;\r\n --button-bd-color: #337ecc;\r\n --button-bg-color: #337ecc;\r\n}\r\n.pops button[type="primary"]:hover {\r\n --button-color: #ffffff;\r\n --button-bd-color: #79bbff;\r\n --button-bg-color: #79bbff;\r\n}\r\n.pops button[type="primary"]:focus-visible {\r\n outline: 2px solid #a0cfff;\r\n outline-offset: 1px;\r\n}\r\n.pops button[type="primary"]:disabled {\r\n --button-color: #ffffff;\r\n --button-bd-color: #a0cfff;\r\n --button-bg-color: #a0cfff;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops button[type="success"] {\r\n --button-color: #ffffff;\r\n --button-bd-color: #4cae4c;\r\n --button-bg-color: #5cb85c;\r\n}\r\n.pops button[type="success"]:active {\r\n --button-color: #ffffff;\r\n --button-bd-color: #529b2e;\r\n --button-bg-color: #529b2e;\r\n}\r\n.pops button[type="success"]:hover {\r\n --button-color: #ffffff;\r\n --button-bd-color: #95d475;\r\n --button-bg-color: #95d475;\r\n}\r\n.pops button[type="success"]:focus-visible {\r\n outline: 2px solid #b3e19d;\r\n outline-offset: 1px;\r\n}\r\n.pops button[type="success"]:disabled {\r\n --button-color: #ffffff;\r\n --button-bd-color: #b3e19d;\r\n --button-bg-color: #b3e19d;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops button[type="info"] {\r\n --button-color: #ffffff;\r\n --button-bd-color: #909399;\r\n --button-bg-color: #909399;\r\n}\r\n.pops button[type="info"]:active {\r\n --button-color: #ffffff;\r\n --button-bd-color: #73767a;\r\n --button-bg-color: #73767a;\r\n}\r\n.pops button[type="info"]:hover {\r\n --button-color: #ffffff;\r\n --button-bd-color: #b1b3b8;\r\n --button-bg-color: #b1b3b8;\r\n}\r\n.pops button[type="info"]:focus-visible {\r\n outline: 2px solid #c8c9cc;\r\n outline-offset: 1px;\r\n}\r\n.pops button[type="info"]:disabled {\r\n --button-color: #ffffff;\r\n --button-bd-color: #c8c9cc;\r\n --button-bg-color: #c8c9cc;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops button[type="warning"] {\r\n --button-color: #ffffff;\r\n --button-bd-color: #e6a23c;\r\n --button-bg-color: #e6a23c;\r\n}\r\n.pops button[type="warning"]:active {\r\n --button-color: #ffffff;\r\n --button-bd-color: #b88230;\r\n --button-bg-color: #b88230;\r\n}\r\n.pops button[type="warning"]:hover {\r\n --button-color: #ffffff;\r\n --button-bd-color: #eebe77;\r\n --button-bg-color: #eebe77;\r\n}\r\n.pops button[type="warning"]:focus-visible {\r\n outline: 2px solid #f3d19e;\r\n outline-offset: 1px;\r\n}\r\n.pops button[type="warning"]:disabled {\r\n --button-color: #ffffff;\r\n --button-bd-color: #f3d19e;\r\n --button-bg-color: #f3d19e;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops button[type="danger"] {\r\n --button-color: #ffffff;\r\n --button-bd-color: #f56c6c;\r\n --button-bg-color: #f56c6c;\r\n}\r\n.pops button[type="danger"]:active {\r\n --button-color: #ffffff;\r\n --button-bd-color: #c45656;\r\n --button-bg-color: #c45656;\r\n}\r\n.pops button[type="danger"]:hover {\r\n --button-color: #ffffff;\r\n --button-bd-color: #f89898;\r\n --button-bg-color: #f89898;\r\n}\r\n.pops button[type="danger"]:focus-visible {\r\n outline: 2px solid #fab6b6;\r\n outline-offset: 1px;\r\n}\r\n.pops button[type="danger"]:disabled {\r\n --button-color: #ffffff;\r\n --button-bd-color: #fab6b6;\r\n --button-bg-color: #fab6b6;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops button[type="xiaomi-primary"] {\r\n --button-color: #ffffff;\r\n --button-bd-color: #ff5c00;\r\n --button-bg-color: #ff5c00;\r\n}\r\n.pops button[type="xiaomi-primary"]:active {\r\n --button-color: #ffffff;\r\n --button-bd-color: #da4f00;\r\n --button-bg-color: #da4f00;\r\n}\r\n.pops button[type="xiaomi-primary"]:hover {\r\n --button-color: #ffffff;\r\n --button-bd-color: #ff7e29;\r\n --button-bg-color: #ff7e29;\r\n}\r\n.pops button[type="xiaomi-primary"]:focus-visible {\r\n outline: 2px solid #fab6b6;\r\n outline-offset: 1px;\r\n}\r\n.pops button[type="xiaomi-primary"]:disabled {\r\n --button-color: #ffffff;\r\n --button-bd-color: #fad5b6;\r\n --button-bg-color: #fad5b6;\r\n}\r\n'; var commonCSS = ".pops-flex-items-center {\r\n display: flex;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n}\r\n.pops-flex-y-center {\r\n display: flex;\r\n justify-content: space-between;\r\n}\r\n.pops-flex-x-center {\r\n display: flex;\r\n align-content: center;\r\n}\r\n.pops-hide {\r\n display: none;\r\n}\r\n.pops-hide-important {\r\n display: none !important;\r\n}\r\n.pops-no-border {\r\n border: 0;\r\n}\r\n.pops-no-border-important {\r\n border: 0 !important;\r\n}\r\n.pops-user-select-none {\r\n user-select: none;\r\n -webkit-user-select: none;\r\n -ms-user-select: none;\r\n -moz-user-select: none;\r\n}\r\n.pops-line-height-center {\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n align-content: center;\r\n}\r\n.pops-width-fill {\r\n width: -webkit-fill-available;\r\n width: -moz-available;\r\n}\r\n"; var animCSS = '@keyframes rotating {\r\n 0% {\r\n transform: rotate(0);\r\n }\r\n to {\r\n transform: rotate(360deg);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes iframeLoadingChange_85 {\r\n 0% {\r\n background: linear-gradient(to right, #4995dd, #fff, rgb(202 224 246));\r\n }\r\n 20% {\r\n background: linear-gradient(to right, #4995dd, #ead0d0, rgb(123 185 246));\r\n }\r\n 40% {\r\n background: linear-gradient(to right, #4995dd, #f4b7b7, rgb(112 178 244));\r\n }\r\n 60% {\r\n background: linear-gradient(to right, #4995dd, #ec9393, rgb(80 163 246));\r\n }\r\n 80% {\r\n background: linear-gradient(to right, #4995dd, #e87f7f, rgb(25 139 253));\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n background: linear-gradient(to right, #4995dd, #ee2c2c, rgb(0 124 247));\r\n }\r\n from {\r\n width: 75%;\r\n }\r\n to {\r\n width: 100%;\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes iframeLoadingChange {\r\n 0% {\r\n background: linear-gradient(to right, #4995dd, #fff, rgb(202 224 246));\r\n }\r\n 20% {\r\n background: linear-gradient(to right, #4995dd, #ead0d0, rgb(123 185 246));\r\n }\r\n 40% {\r\n background: linear-gradient(to right, #4995dd, #f4b7b7, rgb(112 178 244));\r\n }\r\n 60% {\r\n background: linear-gradient(to right, #4995dd, #ec9393, rgb(80 163 246));\r\n }\r\n 80% {\r\n background: linear-gradient(to right, #4995dd, #e87f7f, rgb(25 139 253));\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n background: linear-gradient(to right, #4995dd, #ee2c2c, rgb(0 124 247));\r\n }\r\n from {\r\n width: 0;\r\n }\r\n to {\r\n width: 75%;\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n@keyframes searchSelectFalIn {\r\n from {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n display:none;\r\n }\r\n to {\r\n display:block;\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes searchSelectFalOut {\r\n from {\r\n display:block;\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n }\r\n to {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n display:none;\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-wait-rotate {\r\n form {\r\n transform: rotate(0);\r\n }\r\n to {\r\n transform: rotate(360deg);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-spread {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n transform: scaleX(0);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n transform: scaleX(1);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-shake {\r\n 0%,\r\n 100% {\r\n transform: translateX(0);\r\n }\r\n 10%,\r\n 30%,\r\n 50%,\r\n 70%,\r\n 90% {\r\n transform: translateX(-10px);\r\n }\r\n 20%,\r\n 40%,\r\n 60%,\r\n 80% {\r\n transform: translateX(10px);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-rolling-left {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n transform: translateX(-100%) rotate(-120deg);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n transform: translateX(0) rotate(0);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-rolling-right {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n transform: translateX(100%) rotate(120deg);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n transform: translateX(0) rotate(0);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-slide-top {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n transform: translateY(-200%);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n transform: translateY(0);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-slide-bottom {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n transform: translateY(200%);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n transform: translateY(0);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-slide-left {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n transform: translateX(-200%);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n transform: translateX(0);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-slide-right {\r\n 0% {\r\n transform: translateX(200%);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n transform: translateX(0);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-fadein {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-fadein-zoom {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n transform: scale(0.5);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n transform: scale(1);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-fadein-alert {\r\n 0% {\r\n transform: scale(0.5);\r\n }\r\n 45% {\r\n transform: scale(1.05);\r\n }\r\n 80% {\r\n transform: scale(0.95);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n transform: scale(1);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-don {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n transform: matrix3d(0.7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\r\n }\r\n 2.08333% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.75266,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.76342,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 4.16667% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.81071,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.84545,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 6.25% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.86808,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.9286,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 8.33333% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(0.92038, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\r\n }\r\n 10.4167% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.96482,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.05202,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 12.5% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.08204, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\r\n }\r\n 14.5833% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.02563,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.09149,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 16.6667% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.04227,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.08453,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 18.75% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.05102,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.06666,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 20.8333% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.05334,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.04355,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 22.9167% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.05078,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.02012,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 25% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(1.04487, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\r\n }\r\n 27.0833% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.03699,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.98534,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 29.1667% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.02831,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.97688,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 31.25% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.01973,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.97422,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 33.3333% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.01191,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.97618,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 35.4167% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.00526,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.98122,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 37.5% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.98773, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\r\n }\r\n 39.5833% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.99617,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.99433,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 41.6667% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(0.99368, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\r\n }\r\n 43.75% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.99237,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.00413,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 45.8333% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.99202,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.00651,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 47.9167% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.99241,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.00726,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 50% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.99329,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.00671,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 52.0833% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.99447,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.00529,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 54.1667% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.99577,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.00346,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 56.25% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.99705,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.0016,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 58.3333% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(0.99822, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\r\n }\r\n 60.4167% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.99921,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.99884,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 62.5% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.99816, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\r\n }\r\n 64.5833% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.00057,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.99795,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 66.6667% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.00095,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.99811,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 68.75% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.00114,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.99851,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 70.8333% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.00119,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.99903,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 72.9167% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.00114,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.99955,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 75% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(1.001, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\r\n }\r\n 77.0833% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.00083,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.00033,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 79.1667% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.00063,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.00052,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 81.25% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.00044,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.00058,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 83.3333% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.00027,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.00053,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 85.4167% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.00012,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.00042,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 87.5% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.00027, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\r\n }\r\n 89.5833% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.99991,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.00013,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 91.6667% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(0.99986, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\r\n }\r\n 93.75% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.99983,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.99991,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 95.8333% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.99982,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.99985,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 97.9167% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.99983,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.99984,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n transform: matrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-roll {\r\n 0% {\r\n transform: perspective(1000px) rotate3d(1, 0, 0, 90deg);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n transform: perspective(1000px) rotate3d(1, 0, 0, 0deg);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-sandra {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n transform: scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n transform: scale3d(1, 1, 1);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-gather {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n transform: scale(5, 0);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n transform: scale(1, 1);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-spread-reverse {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n transform: scaleX(1);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n transform: scaleX(0);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-shake-reverse {\r\n 0%,\r\n 100% {\r\n transform: translateX(10px);\r\n }\r\n 10%,\r\n 30%,\r\n 50%,\r\n 70%,\r\n 90% {\r\n transform: translateX(-10px);\r\n }\r\n 20%,\r\n 40%,\r\n 60%,\r\n 80% {\r\n transform: translateX(0);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-rolling-left-reverse {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n transform: translateX(0) rotate(0);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n transform: translateX(-100%) rotate(-120deg);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-rolling-right-reverse {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n transform: translateX(0) rotate(0);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n transform: translateX(100%) rotate(120deg);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-slide-top-reverse {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n transform: translateY(0);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n transform: translateY(-200%);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-slide-bottom-reverse {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n transform: translateY(0);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n transform: translateY(200%);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-slide-left-reverse {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n transform: translateX(0);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n transform: translateX(-200%);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-slide-right-reverse {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n transform: translateX(0);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n transform: translateX(200%);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-fadein-reverse {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-fadein-zoom-reverse {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n transform: scale(1);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n transform: scale(0.5);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-fadein-alert-reverse {\r\n 0% {\r\n transform: scale(1);\r\n }\r\n 45% {\r\n transform: scale(0.95);\r\n }\r\n 80% {\r\n transform: scale(1.05);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n transform: scale(0.5);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-don-reverse {\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n transform: matrix3d(0.7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.7, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\r\n }\r\n 97.9167% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.75266,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.76342,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 95.8333% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.81071,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.84545,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 93.75% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.86808,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.9286,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 91.6667% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(0.92038, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\r\n }\r\n 89.5833% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.96482,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.05202,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 87.5% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.08204, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\r\n }\r\n 85.4167% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.02563,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.09149,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 83.3333% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.04227,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.08453,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 81.25% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.05102,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.06666,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 79.1667% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.05334,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.04355,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 77.0833% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.05078,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.02012,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 75% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(1.04487, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\r\n }\r\n 72.9167% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.03699,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.98534,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 70.8333% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.02831,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.97688,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 68.75% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.01973,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.97422,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 66.6667% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.01191,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.97618,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 64.5833% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.00526,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.98122,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 62.5% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.98773, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\r\n }\r\n 60.4167% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.99617,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.99433,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 58.3333% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(0.99368, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\r\n }\r\n 56.25% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.99237,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.00413,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 54.1667% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.99202,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.00651,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 52.0833% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.99241,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.00726,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 50% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.99329,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.00671,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 47.9167% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.99447,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.00529,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 45.8333% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.99577,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.00346,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 43.75% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.99705,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.0016,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 41.6667% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(0.99822, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\r\n }\r\n 39.5833% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.99921,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.99884,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 37.5% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.99816, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\r\n }\r\n 35.4167% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.00057,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.99795,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 33.3333% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.00095,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.99811,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 31.25% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.00114,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.99851,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 29.1667% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.00119,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.99903,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 27.0833% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.00114,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.99955,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 25% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(1.001, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\r\n }\r\n 22.9167% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.00083,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.00033,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 20.8333% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.00063,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.00052,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 18.75% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.00044,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.00058,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 16.6667% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.00027,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.00053,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 14.5833% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1.00012,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.00042,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 12.5% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.00027, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\r\n }\r\n 10.4167% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.99991,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1.00013,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 8.33333% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(0.99986, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);\r\n }\r\n 6.25% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.99983,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.99991,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 4.16667% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.99982,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.99985,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 2.08333% {\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 0.99983,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0.99984,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n transform: matrix3d(\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 1,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0,\r\n 0type=close,\r\n 1\r\n );\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-roll-reverse {\r\n 0% {\r\n transform: perspective(1000px) rotate3d(1, 0, 0, 0deg);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n transform: perspective(1000px) rotate3d(1, 0, 0, 90deg);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-sandra-reverse {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n transform: scale3d(1, 1, 1);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n transform: scale3d(1.1, 1.1, 1);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-anim-gather-reverse {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n transform: scale(5, 0);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n transform: scale(5, 0);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n@-webkit-keyframes pops-motion-fadeInTop {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n -webkit-transform: translateY(-30px);\r\n transform: translateY(-30px);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n -webkit-transform: translateX(0);\r\n transform: translateX(0);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-motion-fadeInTop {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n transform: translateY(-30px);\r\n -ms-transform: translateY(-30px);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n transform: translateX(0);\r\n -ms-transform: translateX(0);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@-webkit-keyframes pops-motion-fadeOutTop {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 10;\r\n -webkit-transform: translateY(0);\r\n transform: translateY(0);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n -webkit-transform: translateY(-30px);\r\n transform: translateY(-30px);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-motion-fadeOutTop {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n transform: translateY(0);\r\n -ms-transform: translateY(0);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n transform: translateY(-30px);\r\n -ms-transform: translateY(-30px);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@-webkit-keyframes pops-motion-fadeInBottom {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n -webkit-transform: translateY(20px);\r\n transform: translateY(20px);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n -webkit-transform: translateY(0);\r\n transform: translateY(0);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-motion-fadeInBottom {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n -webkit-transform: translateY(20px);\r\n transform: translateY(20px);\r\n -ms-transform: translateY(20px);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n -webkit-transform: translateY(0);\r\n transform: translateY(0);\r\n -ms-transform: translateY(0);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@-webkit-keyframes pops-motion-fadeOutBottom {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n -webkit-transform: translateY(0);\r\n transform: translateY(0);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n -webkit-transform: translateY(20px);\r\n transform: translateY(20px);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-motion-fadeOutBottom {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n -webkit-transform: translateY(0);\r\n transform: translateY(0);\r\n -ms-transform: translateY(0);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n -webkit-transform: translateY(20px);\r\n transform: translateY(20px);\r\n -ms-transform: translateY(20px);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@-webkit-keyframes pops-motion-fadeInLeft {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n -webkit-transform: translateX(-20px);\r\n transform: translateX(-20px);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n -webkit-transform: translateX(0);\r\n transform: translateX(0);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-motion-fadeInLeft {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n -webkit-transform: translateX(-30px);\r\n transform: translateX(-30px);\r\n -ms-transform: translateX(-30px);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n -webkit-transform: translateX(0);\r\n transform: translateX(0);\r\n -ms-transform: translateX(0);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@-webkit-keyframes pops-motion-fadeOutLeft {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n -webkit-transform: translateX(0);\r\n transform: translateX(0);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n -webkit-transform: translateX(-30px);\r\n transform: translateX(-30px);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-motion-fadeOutLeft {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n -webkit-transform: translateX(0);\r\n transform: translateX(0);\r\n -ms-transform: translateX(0);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n -webkit-transform: translateX(-20px);\r\n transform: translateX(-20px);\r\n -ms-transform: translateX(-20px);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@-webkit-keyframes pops-motion-fadeInRight {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n -webkit-transform: translateX(20px);\r\n transform: translateX(20px);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n -webkit-transform: translateX(0);\r\n transform: translateX(0);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-motion-fadeInRight {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n -webkit-transform: translateX(20px);\r\n transform: translateX(20px);\r\n -ms-transform: translateX(20px);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n -webkit-transform: translateX(0);\r\n transform: translateX(0);\r\n -ms-transform: translateX(0);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@-webkit-keyframes pops-motion-fadeOutRight {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n -webkit-transform: translateX(0);\r\n transform: translateX(0);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n -webkit-transform: translateX(20px);\r\n transform: translateX(20px);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n@keyframes pops-motion-fadeOutRight {\r\n 0% {\r\n opacity: 1;\r\n -webkit-transform: translateX(0);\r\n transform: translateX(0);\r\n -ms-transform: translateX(0);\r\n }\r\n 100% {\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n -webkit-transform: translateX(20px);\r\n transform: translateX(20px);\r\n -ms-transform: translateX(20px);\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\n/* 动画 */\r\n.pops-anim[anim="pops-anim-spread"] {\r\n animation: pops-anim-spread 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim[anim="pops-anim-shake"] {\r\n animation: pops-anim-shake 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim[anim="pops-anim-rolling-left"] {\r\n animation: pops-anim-rolling-left 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim[anim="pops-anim-rolling-right"] {\r\n animation: pops-anim-rolling-right 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim[anim="pops-anim-slide-top"] {\r\n animation: pops-anim-slide-top 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim[anim="pops-anim-slide-bottom"] {\r\n animation: pops-anim-slide-bottom 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim[anim="pops-anim-slide-left"] {\r\n animation: pops-anim-slide-left 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim[anim="pops-anim-slide-right"] {\r\n animation: pops-anim-slide-right 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim[anim="pops-anim-fadein"] {\r\n animation: pops-anim-fadein 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim[anim="pops-anim-fadein-zoom"] {\r\n animation: pops-anim-fadein-zoom 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim[anim="pops-anim-fadein-alert"] {\r\n animation: pops-anim-fadein-alert 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim[anim="pops-anim-don"] {\r\n animation: pops-anim-don 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim[anim="pops-anim-roll"] {\r\n animation: pops-anim-roll 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim[anim="pops-anim-sandra"] {\r\n animation: pops-anim-sandra 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim[anim="pops-anim-gather"] {\r\n animation: pops-anim-gather 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim[anim="pops-anim-spread-reverse"] {\r\n animation: pops-anim-spread-reverse 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim[anim="pops-anim-shake-reverse"] {\r\n animation: pops-anim-shake-reverse 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim[anim="pops-anim-rolling-left-reverse"] {\r\n animation: pops-anim-rolling-left-reverse 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim[anim="pops-anim-rolling-right-reverse"] {\r\n animation: pops-anim-rolling-right-reverse 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim[anim="pops-anim-slide-top-reverse"] {\r\n animation: pops-anim-slide-top-reverse 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim[anim="pops-anim-slide-bottom-reverse"] {\r\n animation: pops-anim-slide-bottom-reverse 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim[anim="pops-anim-slide-left-reverse"] {\r\n animation: pops-anim-slide-left-reverse 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim[anim="pops-anim-slide-right-reverse"] {\r\n animation: pops-anim-slide-right-reverse 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim[anim="pops-anim-fadein-reverse"] {\r\n animation: pops-anim-fadein-reverse 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim[anim="pops-anim-fadein-zoom-reverse"] {\r\n animation: pops-anim-fadein-zoom-reverse 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim[anim="pops-anim-fadein-alert-reverse"] {\r\n animation: pops-anim-fadein-alert-reverse 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim[anim="pops-anim-don-reverse"] {\r\n animation: pops-anim-don-reverse 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim[anim="pops-anim-roll-reverse"] {\r\n animation: pops-anim-roll-reverse 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim[anim="pops-anim-sandra-reverse"] {\r\n animation: pops-anim-sandra-reverse 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-anim[anim="pops-anim-gather-reverse"] {\r\n animation: pops-anim-gather-reverse 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n'; var alertCSS = '.pops[type-value] .pops-alert-title {\r\n display: flex;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n justify-content: space-between;\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="alert"] .pops-alert-title {\r\n width: 100%;\r\n height: var(--container-title-height);\r\n border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(229, 229, 229, var(--pops-bd-opacity));\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="alert"] .pops-alert-title p[pops] {\r\n width: 100%;\r\n overflow: hidden;\r\n color: rgb(51, 51, 51);\r\n text-indent: 15px;\r\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\r\n white-space: nowrap;\r\n font-weight: 500;\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="alert"] .pops-alert-content {\r\n width: 100%;\r\n /*height: calc(\r\n 100% - var(--container-title-height) - var(--container-bottom-btn-height)\r\n );*/\r\n flex: 1;\r\n overflow: auto;\r\n word-break: break-word;\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="alert"] .pops-alert-content p[pops] {\r\n padding: 5px 10px;\r\n color: rgb(51, 51, 51);\r\n text-indent: 15px;\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="alert"] .pops-alert-btn {\r\n /*position: absolute;\r\n bottom: 0;*/\r\n display: flex;\r\n padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;\r\n width: 100%;\r\n height: var(--container-bottom-btn-height);\r\n max-height: var(--container-bottom-btn-height);\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n border-top: 1px solid rgb(229, 229, 229, var(--pops-bd-opacity));\r\n text-align: right;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n}\r\n'; var confirmCSS = '.pops[type-value] .pops-confirm-title {\r\n display: flex;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n justify-content: space-between;\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="confirm"] .pops-confirm-title {\r\n width: 100%;\r\n height: var(--container-title-height);\r\n border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(229, 229, 229, var(--pops-bd-opacity));\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="confirm"] .pops-confirm-title p[pops] {\r\n width: 100%;\r\n overflow: hidden;\r\n color: rgb(51, 51, 51);\r\n text-indent: 15px;\r\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\r\n white-space: nowrap;\r\n font-weight: 500;\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="confirm"] .pops-confirm-content {\r\n width: 100%;\r\n /*height: calc(\r\n 100% - var(--container-title-height) - var(--container-bottom-btn-height)\r\n );*/\r\n flex: 1;\r\n overflow: auto;\r\n word-break: break-word;\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="confirm"] .pops-confirm-content p[pops] {\r\n padding: 5px 10px;\r\n color: rgb(51, 51, 51);\r\n text-indent: 15px;\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="confirm"] .pops-confirm-btn {\r\n /*position: absolute;\r\n bottom: 0;*/\r\n display: flex;\r\n padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;\r\n width: 100%;\r\n height: var(--container-bottom-btn-height);\r\n max-height: var(--container-bottom-btn-height);\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n border-top: 1px solid rgb(229, 229, 229, var(--pops-bd-opacity));\r\n text-align: right;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n}\r\n'; var promptCSS = '.pops[type-value] .pops-prompt-title {\r\n display: flex;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n justify-content: space-between;\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="prompt"] .pops-prompt-title {\r\n width: 100%;\r\n height: var(--container-title-height);\r\n border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(229, 229, 229, var(--pops-bd-opacity));\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="prompt"] .pops-prompt-title p[pops] {\r\n width: 100%;\r\n overflow: hidden;\r\n color: rgb(51, 51, 51);\r\n text-indent: 15px;\r\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\r\n white-space: nowrap;\r\n font-weight: 500;\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n align-content: center;\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="prompt"] .pops-prompt-content {\r\n width: 100%;\r\n /*height: calc(\r\n 100% - var(--container-title-height) - var(--container-bottom-btn-height)\r\n );*/\r\n flex: 1;\r\n overflow: auto;\r\n word-break: break-word;\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="prompt"] .pops-prompt-content p[pops] {\r\n padding: 5px 10px;\r\n color: rgb(51, 51, 51);\r\n text-indent: 15px;\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="prompt"] .pops-prompt-btn {\r\n display: flex;\r\n padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;\r\n width: 100%;\r\n height: var(--container-bottom-btn-height);\r\n max-height: var(--container-bottom-btn-height);\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n align-content: center;\r\n border-top: 1px solid rgb(229, 229, 229, var(--pops-bd-opacity));\r\n text-align: right;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="prompt"] input[pops] {\r\n padding: 5px 10px;\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="prompt"] textarea[pops] {\r\n padding: 5px 10px;\r\n resize: none;\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="prompt"] input[pops],\r\n.pops[type-value="prompt"] textarea[pops] {\r\n width: 100%;\r\n height: 100%;\r\n outline: 0;\r\n border: 0;\r\n color: rgb(51, 51, 51);\r\n}\r\n'; var loadingCSS = '.pops[type-value="loading"] {\r\n position: absolute;\r\n top: 272.5px;\r\n top: 50%;\r\n left: 26px;\r\n left: 50%;\r\n display: flex;\r\n overflow: hidden;\r\n padding: 10px 15px;\r\n max-width: 100%;\r\n max-height: 100%;\r\n min-width: 0;\r\n min-height: 0;\r\n border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);\r\n border-radius: 5px;\r\n background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255, var(--pops-bg-opacity));\r\n box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgb(0 0 0 / 50%);\r\n vertical-align: middle;\r\n transition: all 0.35s;\r\n transform: 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pops-motion-fadeOutBottom;\r\n}\r\n.pops-tip[data-motion="fadeInLeft"] {\r\n -webkit-animation-name: pops-motion-fadeInLeft;\r\n animation-name: pops-motion-fadeInLeft;\r\n}\r\n.pops-tip[data-motion="fadeOutLeft"] {\r\n -webkit-animation-name: pops-motion-fadeOutLeft;\r\n animation-name: pops-motion-fadeOutLeft;\r\n}\r\n.pops-tip[data-motion="fadeInRight"] {\r\n -webkit-animation-name: pops-motion-fadeInRight;\r\n animation-name: pops-motion-fadeInRight;\r\n}\r\n'; var drawerCSS = '.pops[type-value="drawer"] {\r\n position: fixed;\r\n box-sizing: border-box;\r\n display: flex;\r\n flex-direction: column;\r\n box-shadow: 0px 16px 48px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08),\r\n 0px 12px 32px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0px 8px 16px -8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16);\r\n overflow: hidden;\r\n transition: all 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value] .pops-drawer-title {\r\n display: flex;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n justify-content: space-between;\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value] .pops-drawer-title p[pops] {\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n align-content: center;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-drawer-content {\r\n flex: 1;\r\n overflow: auto;\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="drawer"] .pops-drawer-btn {\r\n padding-top: 10px;\r\n padding-bottom: 10px;\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="drawer"][direction="top"] {\r\n width: 100%;\r\n left: 0;\r\n right: 0;\r\n top: 0;\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="drawer"][direction="bottom"] {\r\n width: 100%;\r\n left: 0;\r\n right: 0;\r\n bottom: 0;\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="drawer"][direction="left"] {\r\n height: 100%;\r\n top: 0;\r\n bottom: 0;\r\n left: 0;\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="drawer"][direction="right"] {\r\n height: 100%;\r\n top: 0;\r\n bottom: 0;\r\n right: 0;\r\n}\r\n'; var folderCSS = '.pops[type-value] .pops-folder-title {\r\n display: flex;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n justify-content: space-between;\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="folder"] .pops-folder-title {\r\n width: 100%;\r\n height: var(--container-title-height);\r\n border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(229, 229, 229, var(--pops-bd-opacity));\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="folder"] .pops-folder-title p[pops] {\r\n width: 100%;\r\n overflow: hidden;\r\n color: rgb(51, 51, 51);\r\n text-indent: 15px;\r\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\r\n white-space: nowrap;\r\n font-weight: 500;\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="folder"] .pops-folder-content p[pops] {\r\n padding: 5px 10px;\r\n color: rgb(51, 51, 51);\r\n text-indent: 15px;\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="folder"] .pops-folder-content {\r\n width: 100%;\r\n /*height: calc(\r\n 100% - var(--container-title-height) - var(--container-bottom-btn-height)\r\n );*/\r\n flex: 1;\r\n overflow: auto;\r\n word-break: break-word;\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="folder"] .pops-folder-btn {\r\n /*position: absolute;\r\n bottom: 0;*/\r\n display: flex;\r\n padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;\r\n width: 100%;\r\n height: var(--container-bottom-btn-height);\r\n max-height: var(--container-bottom-btn-height);\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n border-top: 1px solid rgb(229, 229, 229, var(--pops-bd-opacity));\r\n text-align: right;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n}\r\n.pops-folder-list .cursor-p {\r\n cursor: pointer;\r\n}\r\n.pops-folder-list a {\r\n background: 0 0;\r\n text-decoration: none;\r\n -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;\r\n color: #05082c;\r\n}\r\ntable.pops-folder-list-table__body,\r\ntable.pops-folder-list-table__header {\r\n width: 100%;\r\n table-layout: fixed;\r\n border-collapse: collapse;\r\n border-spacing: 0;\r\n padding: 0 20px;\r\n}\r\ntable.pops-folder-list-table__body,\r\ntable.pops-folder-list-table__header {\r\n height: 100%;\r\n background: 0 0;\r\n overflow: hidden;\r\n display: -webkit-box;\r\n display: -ms-flexbox;\r\n -ms-flex-direction: column;\r\n -webkit-box-orient: vertical;\r\n -webkit-box-direction: normal;\r\n}\r\ntable.pops-folder-list-table__body {\r\n height: 100%;\r\n -webkit-user-select: none;\r\n -moz-user-select: none;\r\n -ms-user-select: none;\r\n user-select: none;\r\n}\r\n.pops-folder-list table tr {\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n align-content: center;\r\n}\r\n.pops-folder-list-table__header-row {\r\n height: 50px;\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n align-content: center;\r\n color: rgb(129, 137, 153);\r\n text-align: left;\r\n font-size: 12px;\r\n}\r\n.pops-folder-list-table__header-row {\r\n -webkit-user-select: none;\r\n -moz-user-select: none;\r\n -ms-user-select: none;\r\n user-select: none;\r\n}\r\n.pops-folder-list-table__body-row {\r\n height: 50px;\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n align-content: center;\r\n color: #03081a;\r\n font-size: 12px;\r\n}\r\n.pops-folder-list-table__body-row:hover {\r\n background: rgb(245, 246, 247, var(--pops-bg-opacity));\r\n}\r\n.pops-folder-list table th {\r\n border: 0;\r\n border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(247, 248, 250, var(--pops-bg-opacity));\r\n}\r\n.pops-folder-list table td {\r\n border: 0;\r\n border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(247, 248, 250, var(--pops-bg-opacity));\r\n position: relative;\r\n}\r\n.pops-folder-list .list-name-text {\r\n display: inline-block;\r\n padding-left: 12px;\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n align-content: center;\r\n max-width: 176px;\r\n}\r\n.pops-folder-list-file-name > div {\r\n display: flex;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-mobile-folder-list-file-name {\r\n display: flex;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n}\r\n.pops-mobile-folder-list-file-name > div {\r\n display: flex;\r\n flex-wrap: wrap;\r\n justify-content: flex-start;\r\n align-items: flex-start;\r\n padding: 6px 0px;\r\n flex-direction: column;\r\n}\r\n.pops-mobile-folder-list-file-name img.pops-folder-list-file-icon {\r\n width: 45px;\r\n height: 45px;\r\n}\r\n.pops-mobile-folder-list-file-name a.pops-folder-list-file-name-title-text {\r\n padding-left: unset;\r\n max-width: 250px;\r\n overflow-x: hidden;\r\n font-weight: 400;\r\n line-height: unset;\r\n margin-bottom: 4px;\r\n white-space: normal;\r\n text-overflow: unset;\r\n}\r\n\r\n/* 修改滚动 */\r\n.pops-folder-content {\r\n overflow: hidden !important;\r\n}\r\n.pops-folder-content .pops-folder-list {\r\n height: 100%;\r\n}\r\n.pops-folder-content .pops-folder-list-table__body-div {\r\n height: 100%;\r\n padding-bottom: 85px;\r\n}\r\n.pops-mobile-folder-content .pops-folder-list-table__body-div {\r\n height: 100%;\r\n padding-bottom: 40px;\r\n}\r\n.pops-folder-content table.pops-folder-list-table__body {\r\n overflow: auto;\r\n}\r\n.pops-mobile-folder-content .pops-folder-list-table__header-div {\r\n display: none;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-folder-list-file-name-title-text:hover {\r\n text-decoration: none;\r\n color: rgb(6, 167, 255);\r\n}\r\n.pops-folder-list .text-ellip {\r\n overflow: hidden;\r\n white-space: nowrap;\r\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\r\n}\r\n.pops-folder-list .content {\r\n color: rgb(129, 137, 153);\r\n position: relative;\r\n width: 100%;\r\n text-align: left;\r\n}\r\n.pops-folder-list .inline-block-v-middle {\r\n display: inline-block;\r\n vertical-align: middle;\r\n}\r\n.pops-folder-list .flex-a-i-center {\r\n display: flex;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n}\r\n.pops-folder-list .u-file-icon {\r\n display: inline-block;\r\n vertical-align: middle;\r\n}\r\n.pops-folder-list .u-file-icon--list {\r\n width: 32px;\r\n height: 32px;\r\n}\r\n.pops-folder-list .pops-folder-list-file-icon {\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n align-content: center;\r\n position: relative;\r\n vertical-align: middle;\r\n}\r\n.pops-folder-list .pops-folder-file-list-breadcrumb-primary {\r\n display: -webkit-box;\r\n display: -webkit-flex;\r\n display: -ms-flexbox;\r\n display: flex;\r\n -webkit-box-align: center;\r\n -webkit-align-items: center;\r\n -ms-flex-align: center;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;\r\n -webkit-box-direction: normal;\r\n -webkit-flex-direction: row;\r\n -ms-flex-direction: row;\r\n flex-direction: row;\r\n min-height: 17px;\r\n flex-wrap: wrap;\r\n}\r\n.pops-folder-list .pops-folder-list-table__sort {\r\n display: inline-flex;\r\n margin-left: 4px;\r\n flex-direction: column;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-folder-list .pops-folder-icon-arrow {\r\n width: 10px;\r\n height: 10px;\r\n fill: rgb(212, 215, 222);\r\n}\r\n.pops-folder-list .pops-folder-icon-active {\r\n fill: rgb(6, 167, 255);\r\n}\r\n.pops-folder-list .pops-folder-file-list-breadcrumb {\r\n padding: 4px 20px;\r\n -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;\r\n box-sizing: border-box;\r\n display: -webkit-box;\r\n display: -webkit-flex;\r\n display: -ms-flexbox;\r\n display: flex;\r\n -webkit-box-align: center;\r\n -webkit-align-items: center;\r\n -ms-flex-align: center;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n -webkit-box-orient: horizontal;\r\n -webkit-box-direction: normal;\r\n -webkit-flex-direction: row;\r\n -ms-flex-direction: row;\r\n flex-direction: row;\r\n -webkit-box-pack: start;\r\n -webkit-justify-content: start;\r\n -ms-flex-pack: start;\r\n justify-content: flex-start;\r\n min-height: 35px;\r\n}\r\n.pops-folder-list .pops-folder-file-list-breadcrumb-allFiles {\r\n font-size: 12px;\r\n color: #333;\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n align-content: center;\r\n font-weight: 700;\r\n display: inline-block;\r\n max-width: 140px;\r\n overflow: hidden;\r\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\r\n white-space: nowrap;\r\n word-wrap: normal;\r\n}\r\n.pops-folder-list .pops-folder-file-list-breadcrumb-allFiles:last-child a {\r\n color: rgb(153, 153, 153);\r\n}\r\n.pops-folder-list .pops-folder-file-list-breadcrumb-allFiles:first-child a {\r\n font-size: 14px;\r\n color: rgb(18, 22, 26);\r\n}\r\n.pops-folder-list .pops-folder-file-list-breadcrumb .iconArrow {\r\n width: 16px;\r\n height: 16px;\r\n}\r\n.pops-folder-list .iconArrow {\r\n background: url()\r\n 55% 50%/6px 9px no-repeat;\r\n}\r\n'; var panelCSS = '.pops[type-value="panel"] {\r\n --el-disabled-text-color: #a8abb2;\r\n --el-disabled-bg-color: #f5f7fa;\r\n --el-disabled-border-color: #e4e7ed;\r\n --pops-bg-color: #f2f2f2;\r\n --pops-color: #333;\r\n --title-bg-color: #ffffff;\r\n --aside-bg-color: #ffffff;\r\n --aside-hover-color: rgb(64, 158, 255);\r\n --aside-hover-bg-color: rgba(64, 158, 255, 0.1);\r\n\r\n --pops-panel-forms-margin-top-bottom: 10px;\r\n --pops-panel-forms-margin-left-right: 20px;\r\n --pops-panel-forms-header-icon-size: 20px;\r\n --pops-panel-forms-header-padding-top-bottom: 15px;\r\n --pops-panel-forms-header-padding-left-right: 10px;\r\n --pops-panel-forms-container-item-bg-color: #ffffff;\r\n --pops-panel-forms-container-item-title-color: #333;\r\n --pops-panel-forms-container-item-border-radius: 6px;\r\n --pops-panel-forms-container-item-margin-top-bottom: 10px;\r\n --pops-panel-forms-container-item-margin-left-right: var(\r\n --pops-panel-forms-margin-left-right\r\n );\r\n --pops-panel-forms-container-li-padding-top-bottom: 12px;\r\n --pops-panel-forms-container-li-padding-left-right: 16px;\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="panel"] {\r\n color: var(--pops-color);\r\n background: var(--pops-bg-color);\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value] .pops-panel-title {\r\n display: flex;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n justify-content: space-between;\r\n background: var(--title-bg-color);\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops[type-value="panel"] .pops-panel-title {\r\n width: 100%;\r\n height: var(--container-title-height);\r\n border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(229, 229, 229, var(--pops-bd-opacity));\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="panel"] .pops-panel-title p[pops] {\r\n width: 100%;\r\n overflow: hidden;\r\n text-indent: 15px;\r\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\r\n white-space: nowrap;\r\n font-weight: 500;\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n align-content: center;\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="panel"] .pops-panel-content {\r\n width: 100%;\r\n /*height: calc(\r\n 100% - var(--container-title-height) - var(--container-bottom-btn-height)\r\n );*/\r\n flex: 1;\r\n overflow: auto;\r\n word-break: break-word;\r\n}\r\n.pops[type-value="panel"] .pops-panel-btn {\r\n display: flex;\r\n padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;\r\n width: 100%;\r\n height: var(--container-bottom-btn-height);\r\n max-height: var(--container-bottom-btn-height);\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n border-top: 1px solid rgb(229, 229, 229, var(--pops-bd-opacity));\r\n text-align: right;\r\n align-content: center;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n}\r\n\r\n/* ↓panel的CSS↓ */\r\naside.pops-panel-aside {\r\n overflow: auto;\r\n box-sizing: border-box;\r\n flex-shrink: 0;\r\n max-width: 200px;\r\n min-width: 100px;\r\n height: 100%;\r\n background: var(--aside-bg-color);\r\n border-right: 1px solid var(--aside-bg-color);\r\n font-size: 0.9em;\r\n}\r\naside.pops-panel-aside {\r\n user-select: none;\r\n -webkit-user-select: none;\r\n -moz-user-select: none;\r\n -ms-user-select: none;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-content {\r\n display: flex;\r\n flex-direction: row;\r\n flex: 1;\r\n overflow: auto;\r\n flex-basis: auto;\r\n box-sizing: border-box;\r\n min-width: 0;\r\n bottom: 0 !important;\r\n}\r\nsection.pops-panel-container {\r\n width: 100%;\r\n overflow: hidden;\r\n display: flex;\r\n flex-direction: column;\r\n}\r\nsection.pops-panel-container .pops-panel-container-header-ul,\r\nsection.pops-panel-container .pops-panel-deepMenu-container-header-ul {\r\n border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(229, 229, 229, var(--pops-bd-opacity));\r\n flex: 0 auto;\r\n}\r\nsection.pops-panel-container .pops-panel-container-header-ul li {\r\n text-align: left;\r\n display: flex;\r\n justify-content: flex-start !important;\r\n margin: 0px !important;\r\n padding: var(--pops-panel-forms-header-padding-top-bottom)\r\n calc(\r\n var(--pops-panel-forms-margin-left-right) +\r\n var(--pops-panel-forms-container-li-padding-left-right)\r\n );\r\n}\r\nsection.pops-panel-container > ul:last-child {\r\n overflow: auto;\r\n flex: 1;\r\n}\r\naside.pops-panel-aside ul li {\r\n margin: 6px 8px;\r\n border-radius: 4px;\r\n padding: 6px 10px;\r\n cursor: default;\r\n display: flex;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n justify-content: flex-start;\r\n}\r\naside.pops-panel-aside .pops-is-visited,\r\naside.pops-panel-aside ul li:hover {\r\n color: var(--aside-hover-color);\r\n background: var(--aside-hover-bg-color);\r\n}\r\nsection.pops-panel-container > ul li:not(.pops-panel-forms-container-item) {\r\n display: flex;\r\n justify-content: space-between;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n margin: var(--pops-panel-forms-margin-top-bottom)\r\n calc(\r\n var(--pops-panel-forms-margin-left-right) +\r\n var(--pops-panel-forms-margin-left-right)\r\n );\r\n gap: 10px;\r\n}\r\nsection.pops-panel-container .pops-panel-forms-container-item-header-text {\r\n margin: 10px;\r\n margin-left: calc(\r\n var(--pops-panel-forms-margin-left-right) +\r\n var(--pops-panel-forms-container-li-padding-left-right)\r\n );\r\n font-size: 0.9em;\r\n text-align: left;\r\n color: var(--pops-panel-forms-container-item-title-color);\r\n}\r\nsection.pops-panel-container li.pops-panel-forms-container-item {\r\n display: block;\r\n}\r\nsection.pops-panel-container .pops-panel-forms-container-item ul {\r\n border-radius: var(--pops-panel-forms-container-item-border-radius);\r\n background: var(--pops-panel-forms-container-item-bg-color);\r\n margin: var(--pops-panel-forms-container-item-margin-top-bottom)\r\n var(--pops-panel-forms-margin-left-right);\r\n}\r\nsection.pops-panel-container .pops-panel-forms-container-item ul li {\r\n display: flex;\r\n justify-content: space-between;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n padding: var(--pops-panel-forms-container-li-padding-top-bottom) 0px;\r\n margin: 0px var(--pops-panel-forms-container-li-padding-left-right);\r\n border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(229, 229, 229, var(--pops-bd-opacity));\r\n text-align: left;\r\n}\r\nsection.pops-panel-container\r\n .pops-panel-forms-container-item\r\n ul\r\n li.pops-panel-deepMenu-nav-item {\r\n padding: var(--pops-panel-forms-container-li-padding-top-bottom)\r\n var(--pops-panel-forms-container-li-padding-left-right);\r\n margin: 0px;\r\n border-bottom: 0;\r\n}\r\nsection.pops-panel-container .pops-panel-forms-container-item ul li:last-child {\r\n border: 0;\r\n}\r\n/* 主文字 */\r\n/*section.pops-panel-container\r\n .pops-panel-forms-container-item\r\n .pops-panel-item-left-text\r\n .pops-panel-item-left-main-text {\r\n line-height: 2;\r\n}*/\r\n/* 描述文字 */\r\nsection.pops-panel-container\r\n .pops-panel-forms-container-item\r\n .pops-panel-item-left-text\r\n .pops-panel-item-left-desc-text {\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n margin-top: 6px;\r\n font-size: 0.8em;\r\n color: rgb(108, 108, 108);\r\n}\r\n\r\n/* 折叠面板 */\r\n\r\nsection.pops-panel-container .pops-panel-forms-fold {\r\n border-radius: var(--pops-panel-forms-container-item-border-radius);\r\n background: var(--pops-panel-forms-container-item-bg-color);\r\n margin: var(--pops-panel-forms-margin-top-bottom)\r\n var(--pops-panel-forms-margin-left-right);\r\n}\r\nsection.pops-panel-container\r\n .pops-panel-forms-fold\r\n .pops-panel-forms-fold-container {\r\n display: flex;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n fill: #6c6c6c;\r\n justify-content: space-between;\r\n margin: 0px var(--pops-panel-forms-container-li-padding-left-right) !important;\r\n padding: var(--pops-panel-forms-container-li-padding-top-bottom) 0px !important;\r\n}\r\nsection.pops-panel-container\r\n .pops-panel-forms-fold[data-fold-enable]\r\n .pops-panel-forms-fold-container-icon {\r\n transform: rotate(90deg);\r\n}\r\nsection.pops-panel-container\r\n .pops-panel-forms-fold\r\n .pops-panel-forms-fold-container-icon {\r\n width: 15px;\r\n height: 15px;\r\n display: flex;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n transform: rotate(-90deg);\r\n transition: transform 0.3s;\r\n}\r\nsection.pops-panel-container\r\n .pops-panel-forms-fold[data-fold-enable]\r\n .pops-panel-forms-container-item-formlist {\r\n height: 0;\r\n}\r\nsection.pops-panel-container\r\n .pops-panel-forms-fold\r\n .pops-panel-forms-container-item-formlist {\r\n transition: height 0.3s;\r\n overflow: hidden;\r\n border-radius: unset;\r\n background: unset;\r\n margin: 0;\r\n height: auto;\r\n height: calc-size(auto, size);\r\n}\r\n/* 折叠面板 */\r\n\r\n/* 姑且认为小于600px的屏幕为移动端 */\r\n@media (max-width: 600px) {\r\n /* 兼容移动端CSS */\r\n .pops[type-value="panel"] {\r\n --pops-panel-forms-margin-left-right: 10px;\r\n }\r\n .pops[type-value="panel"] {\r\n width: 92%;\r\n width: 92vw;\r\n width: 92dvw;\r\n }\r\n .pops[type-value="panel"] .pops-panel-content aside.pops-panel-aside {\r\n max-width: 20%;\r\n min-width: auto;\r\n }\r\n .pops[type-value="panel"]\r\n section.pops-panel-container\r\n .pops-panel-forms-container-item\r\n > div {\r\n text-align: left;\r\n --pops-panel-forms-margin-left-right: 0px;\r\n }\r\n .pops[type-value="panel"]\r\n section.pops-panel-container\r\n .pops-panel-forms-container-item\r\n ul {\r\n margin: 0px !important;\r\n }\r\n .pops[type-value="panel"] section.pops-panel-container > ul > li {\r\n margin: 10px 10px;\r\n }\r\n .pops[type-value="panel"]\r\n section.pops-panel-container\r\n > ul\r\n > li\r\n div:nth-child(2) {\r\n max-width: 55%;\r\n }\r\n .pops[type-value="panel"]\r\n section.pops-panel-container\r\n .pops-panel-select\r\n select {\r\n min-width: 88px !important;\r\n width: -webkit-fill-available;\r\n width: -moz-available;\r\n }\r\n .pops[type-value="panel"]\r\n section.pops-panel-container\r\n .pops-panel-container-header-ul\r\n li {\r\n font-size: 16px;\r\n }\r\n .pops[type-value="panel"] .pops-panel-title p[pops],\r\n .pops[type-value="panel"] section.pops-panel-container > ul li,\r\n .pops[type-value="panel"] aside.pops-panel-aside ul li {\r\n font-size: 14px;\r\n }\r\n}\r\n/* switch的CSS */\r\n.pops-panel-switch {\r\n display: inline-flex;\r\n flex-direction: row-reverse;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n position: relative;\r\n font-size: 14px;\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n align-content: center;\r\n height: 32px;\r\n vertical-align: middle;\r\n user-select: none;\r\n -webkit-user-select: none;\r\n -ms-user-select: none;\r\n -moz-user-select: none;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-switch input.pops-panel-switch__input {\r\n position: absolute;\r\n width: 0;\r\n height: 0;\r\n opacity: 0;\r\n margin: 0;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-switch:has(input.pops-panel-switch__input:disabled),\r\n.pops-panel-switch[data-disabled],\r\n.pops-panel-switch[data-disabled] .pops-panel-switch__core,\r\n.pops-panel-switch\r\n input.pops-panel-switch__input:disabled\r\n + .pops-panel-switch__core {\r\n cursor: not-allowed;\r\n opacity: 0.6;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-switch span.pops-panel-switch__core {\r\n display: inline-flex;\r\n position: relative;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n min-width: 40px;\r\n height: 20px;\r\n border: 1px solid rgb(220, 223, 230, var(--pops-bd-opacity));\r\n outline: 0;\r\n border-radius: 10px;\r\n box-sizing: border-box;\r\n background: rgb(220, 223, 230, var(--pops-bg-opacity));\r\n cursor: pointer;\r\n transition: border-color 0.3s, background-color 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-switch .pops-panel-switch__action {\r\n position: absolute;\r\n left: 1px;\r\n border-radius: 100%;\r\n transition: all 0.3s;\r\n width: 16px;\r\n height: 16px;\r\n background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255, var(--pops-bg-opacity));\r\n display: flex;\r\n justify-content: center;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n color: rgb(220, 223, 230);\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-switch.pops-panel-switch-is-checked span.pops-panel-switch__core {\r\n border-color: rgb(64, 158, 255, var(--pops-bd-opacity));\r\n background-color: rgb(64, 158, 255, var(--pops-bg-opacity));\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-switch.pops-panel-switch-is-checked .pops-panel-switch__action {\r\n left: calc(100% - 17px);\r\n color: rgb(64, 158, 255);\r\n}\r\n/* switch的CSS */\r\n\r\n/* slider旧的CSS */\r\nsection.pops-panel-container .pops-panel-slider:has(> input[type="range"]) {\r\n overflow: hidden;\r\n height: 25px;\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n align-content: center;\r\n display: flex;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n}\r\nsection.pops-panel-container .pops-panel-slider input[type="range"] {\r\n height: 6px;\r\n background: rgb(228, 231, 237, var(--pops-bg-opacity));\r\n outline: 0;\r\n -webkit-appearance: none;\r\n appearance: none;\r\n width: 100%;\r\n}\r\nsection.pops-panel-container\r\n .pops-panel-slider\r\n input[type="range"]::-webkit-slider-thumb {\r\n width: 20px;\r\n height: 20px;\r\n border-radius: 50%;\r\n border: 1px solid rgb(64, 158, 255, var(--pops-bd-opacity));\r\n background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255, var(--pops-bg-opacity));\r\n box-shadow: 0 0 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);\r\n cursor: pointer;\r\n -webkit-appearance: none;\r\n appearance: none;\r\n border-image: linear-gradient(#409eff, #409eff) 0 fill/9 25 9 0/0 0 0 100vw;\r\n}\r\nsection.pops-panel-container\r\n .pops-panel-slider\r\n input[type="range"]::-moz-range-thumb {\r\n width: 20px;\r\n height: 20px;\r\n border-radius: 50%;\r\n border: 1px solid rgb(64, 159, 255, var(--pops-bd-opacity));\r\n background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255, var(--pops-bg-opacity));\r\n box-shadow: 0 0 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0 3px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);\r\n cursor: pointer;\r\n -webkit-appearance: none;\r\n appearance: none;\r\n}\r\nsection.pops-panel-container\r\n .pops-panel-slider\r\n input[type="range"]::-moz-range-progress {\r\n height: 6px;\r\n border-image: linear-gradient(#409eff, #409eff) 0 fill/9 25 9 0/0 0 0 100vw;\r\n}\r\n/* slider旧的CSS */\r\n\r\n/* slider的CSS */\r\n.pops-slider {\r\n --pops-slider-color-white: #ffffff;\r\n --pops-slider-color-primary: #409eff;\r\n --pops-slider-color-info: #909399;\r\n --pops-slider-text-color-placeholder: #a8abb2;\r\n --pops-slider-border-color-light: #e4e7ed;\r\n --pops-slider-border-radius-circle: 100%;\r\n --pops-slider-transition-duration-fast: 0.2s;\r\n\r\n --pops-slider-main-bg-color: var(--pops-slider-color-primary);\r\n --pops-slider-runway-bg-color: var(--pops-slider-border-color-light);\r\n --pops-slider-stop-bg-color: var(--pops-slider-color-white);\r\n --pops-slider-disabled-color: var(--pops-slider-text-color-placeholder);\r\n --pops-slider-border-radius: 3px;\r\n --pops-slider-height: 6px;\r\n --pops-slider-button-size: 20px;\r\n --pops-slider-button-wrapper-size: 36px;\r\n --pops-slider-button-wrapper-offset: -15px;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-slider {\r\n width: 100%;\r\n height: 32px;\r\n display: flex;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n user-select: none;\r\n -webkit-user-select: none;\r\n -ms-user-select: none;\r\n -moz-user-select: none;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-slider-width {\r\n flex: 0 0 52%;\r\n margin-left: 10px;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-slider__runway {\r\n flex: 1;\r\n height: var(--pops-slider-height);\r\n background-color: var(--pops-slider-runway-bg-color);\r\n border-radius: var(--pops-slider-border-radius);\r\n position: relative;\r\n cursor: pointer;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-slider__runway.show-input {\r\n margin-right: 30px;\r\n width: auto;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-slider__runway.pops-slider-is-disabled {\r\n cursor: default;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-slider__runway.pops-slider-is-disabled .pops-slider__bar {\r\n background-color: var(--pops-slider-disabled-color);\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-slider__runway.pops-slider-is-disabled .pops-slider__button {\r\n border-color: var(--pops-slider-disabled-color);\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-slider__runway.pops-slider-is-disabled .pops-slider__button:hover,\r\n.pops-slider__runway.pops-slider-is-disabled .pops-slider__button.hover,\r\n.pops-slider__runway.pops-slider-is-disabled .pops-slider__button.dragging {\r\n cursor: not-allowed;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-slider__runway.pops-slider-is-disabled .pops-slider__button:hover,\r\n.pops-slider__runway.pops-slider-is-disabled .pops-slider__button.hover,\r\n.pops-slider__runway.pops-slider-is-disabled .pops-slider__button.dragging {\r\n transform: scale(1);\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-slider__runway.pops-slider-is-disabled .pops-slider__button:hover,\r\n.pops-slider__runway.pops-slider-is-disabled .pops-slider__button.hover,\r\n.pops-slider__runway.pops-slider-is-disabled .pops-slider__button.dragging {\r\n cursor: not-allowed;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-slider__input {\r\n flex-shrink: 0;\r\n width: 130px;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-slider__bar {\r\n height: var(--pops-slider-height);\r\n background-color: var(--pops-slider-main-bg-color);\r\n border-top-left-radius: var(--pops-slider-border-radius);\r\n border-bottom-left-radius: var(--pops-slider-border-radius);\r\n position: absolute;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-slider__button-wrapper {\r\n height: var(--pops-slider-button-wrapper-size);\r\n width: var(--pops-slider-button-wrapper-size);\r\n position: absolute;\r\n z-index: 1;\r\n top: var(--pops-slider-button-wrapper-offset);\r\n transform: translate(-50%);\r\n background-color: transparent;\r\n text-align: center;\r\n user-select: none;\r\n -webkit-user-select: none;\r\n -moz-user-select: none;\r\n -ms-user-select: none;\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n outline: none;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-slider__button-wrapper:after {\r\n display: inline-block;\r\n content: "";\r\n height: 100%;\r\n vertical-align: middle;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-slider__button:hover,\r\n.pops-slider__button.hover {\r\n cursor: grab;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-slider__button {\r\n display: inline-block;\r\n width: var(--pops-slider-button-size);\r\n height: var(--pops-slider-button-size);\r\n vertical-align: middle;\r\n border: solid 2px var(--pops-slider-main-bg-color);\r\n background-color: var(--pops-slider-color-white);\r\n border-radius: 50%;\r\n box-sizing: border-box;\r\n transition: var(--pops-slider-transition-duration-fast);\r\n user-select: none;\r\n -webkit-user-select: none;\r\n -moz-user-select: none;\r\n -ms-user-select: none;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-slider__button:hover,\r\n.pops-slider__button.hover,\r\n.pops-slider__button.dragging {\r\n transform: scale(1.2);\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-slider__button:hover,\r\n.pops-slider__button.hover {\r\n cursor: grab;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-slider__button.dragging {\r\n cursor: grabbing;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-slider__stop {\r\n position: absolute;\r\n height: var(--pops-slider-height);\r\n width: var(--pops-slider-height);\r\n border-radius: var(--pops-slider-border-radius-circle);\r\n background-color: var(--pops-slider-stop-bg-color);\r\n transform: translate(-50%);\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-slider__marks {\r\n top: 0;\r\n left: 12px;\r\n width: 18px;\r\n height: 100%;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-slider__marks-text {\r\n position: absolute;\r\n transform: translate(-50%);\r\n font-size: 14px;\r\n color: var(--pops-slider-color-info);\r\n margin-top: 15px;\r\n white-space: pre;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-slider.is-vertical {\r\n position: relative;\r\n display: inline-flex;\r\n width: auto;\r\n height: 100%;\r\n flex: 0;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-slider.is-vertical .pops-slider__runway {\r\n width: var(--pops-slider-height);\r\n height: 100%;\r\n margin: 0 16px;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-slider.is-vertical .pops-slider__bar {\r\n width: var(--pops-slider-height);\r\n height: auto;\r\n border-radius: 0 0 3px 3px;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-slider.is-vertical .pops-slider__button-wrapper {\r\n top: auto;\r\n left: var(--pops-slider-button-wrapper-offset);\r\n transform: translateY(50%);\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-slider.is-vertical .pops-slider__stop {\r\n transform: translateY(50%);\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-slider.is-vertical .pops-slider__marks-text {\r\n margin-top: 0;\r\n left: 15px;\r\n transform: translateY(50%);\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-slider--large {\r\n height: 40px;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-slider--small {\r\n height: 24px;\r\n}\r\n/* slider的CSS */\r\n\r\n/* input的CSS */\r\n.pops-panel-input {\r\n display: flex;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n border: 1px solid #dcdfe6;\r\n border-radius: 4px;\r\n background-color: #ffffff;\r\n position: relative;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-input:hover {\r\n box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #c0c4cc inset;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-input:has(input:focus) {\r\n outline: 0;\r\n border: 1px solid #409eff;\r\n border-radius: 4px;\r\n box-shadow: none;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-input input {\r\n display: inline-flex;\r\n justify-content: center;\r\n text-align: start;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n align-content: center;\r\n white-space: nowrap;\r\n cursor: text;\r\n box-sizing: border-box;\r\n user-select: none;\r\n -webkit-user-select: none;\r\n -moz-user-select: none;\r\n -ms-user-select: none;\r\n vertical-align: middle;\r\n -webkit-appearance: none;\r\n appearance: none;\r\n background-color: transparent;\r\n outline: 0;\r\n transition: 0.1s;\r\n border: 0;\r\n font-size: 14px;\r\n font-weight: 500;\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n height: 32px;\r\n width: 100%;\r\n flex: 1;\r\n margin-right: calc(1em + 8px);\r\n padding: 8px 8px;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-input span.pops-panel-input__suffix {\r\n display: inline-flex;\r\n white-space: nowrap;\r\n flex-shrink: 0;\r\n flex-wrap: nowrap;\r\n height: 100%;\r\n text-align: center;\r\n color: #a8abb2;\r\n transition: all 0.3s;\r\n pointer-events: none;\r\n margin: 0 8px;\r\n position: absolute;\r\n right: 0px;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-input span.pops-panel-input__suffix-inner {\r\n pointer-events: all;\r\n display: inline-flex;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n justify-content: center;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-input .pops-panel-icon {\r\n cursor: pointer;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-input .pops-panel-icon {\r\n height: inherit;\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n align-content: center;\r\n display: flex;\r\n justify-content: center;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n transition: all 0.3s;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-input .pops-panel-icon svg {\r\n height: 1em;\r\n width: 1em;\r\n}\r\n\r\n.pops-input-disabled {\r\n background-color: var(--el-disabled-bg-color);\r\n box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px var(--el-disabled-border-color) inset;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-input.pops-input-disabled {\r\n border: none;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-input.pops-input-disabled:hover {\r\n box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px var(--el-disabled-border-color) inset;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-input input:disabled,\r\n.pops-panel-input input:disabled + .pops-panel-input__suffix {\r\n user-select: none;\r\n -webkit-user-select: none;\r\n -moz-user-select: none;\r\n -ms-user-select: none;\r\n color: var(--el-disabled-text-color);\r\n -webkit-text-fill-color: var(--el-disabled-text-color);\r\n cursor: not-allowed;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-input input:disabled + .pops-panel-input__suffix {\r\n display: none;\r\n}\r\n/* input的CSS */\r\n\r\n/* textarea的CSS */\r\n.pops-panel-textarea textarea {\r\n width: 100%;\r\n /*vertical-align: bottom;*/\r\n position: relative;\r\n display: block;\r\n resize: none;\r\n padding: 5px 11px;\r\n /*line-height: 1;*/\r\n box-sizing: border-box;\r\n font-size: inherit;\r\n font-family: inherit;\r\n background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255, var(--pops-bg-opacity));\r\n background-image: none;\r\n -webkit-appearance: none;\r\n appearance: none;\r\n box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #dcdfe6 inset;\r\n border-radius: 0;\r\n transition: box-shadow 0.2s cubic-bezier(0.645, 0.045, 0.355, 1);\r\n border: none;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-textarea textarea:hover {\r\n box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #c0c4cc inset;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-textarea-disable .pops-panel-textarea textarea:hover {\r\n box-shadow: none;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-textarea textarea:focus {\r\n outline: 0;\r\n box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #409eff inset;\r\n}\r\n/* textarea的CSS */\r\n\r\n/* select的CSS */\r\n.pops-panel-select select {\r\n height: 32px;\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n align-content: center;\r\n min-width: 200px;\r\n border: 1px solid rgb(184, 184, 184, var(--pops-bd-opacity));\r\n border-radius: 5px;\r\n text-align: center;\r\n outline: 0;\r\n background: rgb(255, 255, 255, var(--pops-bg-opacity));\r\n box-shadow: none;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-select select:hover {\r\n box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #c0c4cc inset;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-select-disable .pops-panel-select select:hover {\r\n box-shadow: none;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-select select:focus {\r\n border: 1px solid rgb(64, 158, 255, var(--pops-bd-opacity));\r\n box-shadow: none;\r\n}\r\n/* select的CSS */\r\n\r\n/* select-multiple的CSS*/\r\n.pops-panel-select-multiple {\r\n --el-border-radius-base: 4px;\r\n --el-fill-color-blank: #ffffff;\r\n --el-transition-duration: 0.3s;\r\n --el-border-color: #dcdfe6;\r\n --el-text-color-placeholder: #a8abb2;\r\n --color: inherit;\r\n --el-select-input-color: #a8abb2;\r\n --el-select-input-font-size: 14px;\r\n --el-text-color-regular: #606266;\r\n --el-color-info: #909399;\r\n --el-color-info-light-9: #f4f4f5;\r\n --el-color-info-light-8: #e9e9eb;\r\n --el-color-primary-light-9: #ecf5ff;\r\n --el-color-primary-light-8: #d9ecff;\r\n --el-color-primary: #409eff;\r\n --el-color-white: #ffffff;\r\n width: 200px;\r\n /* 左侧内容*/\r\n /* 左侧内容*/\r\n /* 右侧箭头图标*/\r\n /* 右侧箭头图标*/\r\n /* tag*/\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-select-multiple .el-select__wrapper {\r\n display: flex;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n position: relative;\r\n box-sizing: border-box;\r\n cursor: pointer;\r\n text-align: left;\r\n font-size: 14px;\r\n padding: 4px 12px;\r\n gap: 6px;\r\n min-height: 32px;\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n align-content: center;\r\n border-radius: var(--el-border-radius-base);\r\n background-color: var(--el-fill-color-blank);\r\n transition: var(--el-transition-duration);\r\n transform: translateZ(0);\r\n box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px var(--el-border-color) inset;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-select-multiple .el-select__wrapper.is-focused {\r\n box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px var(--el-color-primary) inset;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-select-multiple .el-select__selection {\r\n position: relative;\r\n display: flex;\r\n flex-wrap: wrap;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n flex: 1;\r\n min-width: 0;\r\n gap: 6px;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-select-multiple .el-select__selected-item {\r\n display: flex;\r\n flex-wrap: wrap;\r\n -webkit-user-select: none;\r\n user-select: none;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-select-multiple\r\n .el-select__selected-item.el-select__choose_tag\r\n .el-tag {\r\n max-width: 200px;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-select-multiple .el-select__input-wrapper {\r\n max-width: 100%;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-select-multiple .el-select__selection.is-near {\r\n margin-left: -8px;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-select-multiple .el-select__placeholder {\r\n position: absolute;\r\n display: block;\r\n top: 50%;\r\n transform: translateY(-50%);\r\n width: 100%;\r\n overflow: hidden;\r\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\r\n white-space: nowrap;\r\n color: var(--el-input-text-color, var(--el-text-color-regular));\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-select-multiple .el-select__placeholder.is-transparent {\r\n -webkit-user-select: none;\r\n user-select: none;\r\n color: var(--el-text-color-placeholder);\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-select-multiple .el-select__prefix,\r\n.pops-panel-select-multiple .el-select__suffix {\r\n display: flex;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n flex-shrink: 0;\r\n gap: 6px;\r\n color: var(--el-input-icon-color, var(--el-text-color-placeholder));\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-select-multiple .el-icon {\r\n --color: inherit;\r\n height: 1em;\r\n width: 1em;\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n align-content: center;\r\n display: inline-flex;\r\n justify-content: center;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n position: relative;\r\n fill: currentColor;\r\n color: var(--color);\r\n font-size: inherit;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-select-multiple .el-icon svg {\r\n height: 1em;\r\n width: 1em;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-select-multiple .el-select__caret {\r\n color: var(--el-select-input-color);\r\n font-size: var(--el-select-input-font-size);\r\n transition: var(--el-transition-duration);\r\n transform: rotate(0);\r\n cursor: pointer;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-select-multiple .el-tag {\r\n --el-tag-font-size: 12px;\r\n --el-tag-border-radius: 4px;\r\n --el-tag-border-radius-rounded: 9999px;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-select-multiple .el-tag {\r\n background-color: var(--el-tag-bg-color);\r\n border-color: var(--el-tag-border-color);\r\n color: var(--el-tag-text-color);\r\n display: inline-flex;\r\n justify-content: center;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n vertical-align: middle;\r\n height: 24px;\r\n padding: 0 9px;\r\n font-size: var(--el-tag-font-size);\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n align-content: center;\r\n border-width: 1px;\r\n border-style: solid;\r\n border-radius: var(--el-tag-border-radius);\r\n box-sizing: border-box;\r\n white-space: nowrap;\r\n --el-icon-size: 14px;\r\n --el-tag-bg-color: var(--el-color-primary-light-9);\r\n --el-tag-border-color: var(--el-color-primary-light-8);\r\n --el-tag-hover-color: var(--el-color-primary);\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-select-multiple .el-select__selection .el-tag {\r\n cursor: pointer;\r\n border-color: transparent;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-select-multiple .el-tag.el-tag--info {\r\n --el-tag-bg-color: var(--el-color-info-light-9);\r\n --el-tag-border-color: var(--el-color-info-light-8);\r\n --el-tag-hover-color: var(--el-color-info);\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-select-multiple .el-tag.el-tag--info {\r\n --el-tag-text-color: var(--el-color-info);\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-select-multiple .el-tag.is-closable {\r\n padding-right: 5px;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-select-multiple .el-select__selection .el-tag .el-tag__content {\r\n min-width: 0;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-select-multiple .el-tag .el-tag__close {\r\n flex-shrink: 0;\r\n color: var(--el-tag-text-color);\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-select-multiple .el-tag .el-tag__close:hover {\r\n color: var(--el-color-white);\r\n background-color: var(--el-tag-hover-color);\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-select-multiple .el-tag .el-icon {\r\n border-radius: 50%;\r\n cursor: pointer;\r\n font-size: calc(var(--el-icon-size) - 2px);\r\n height: var(--el-icon-size);\r\n width: var(--el-icon-size);\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-select-multiple .el-tag .el-tag__close {\r\n margin-left: 6px;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-select-multiple .el-select__tags-text {\r\n display: block;\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n align-content: center;\r\n overflow: hidden;\r\n text-overflow: ellipsis;\r\n white-space: nowrap;\r\n}\r\n/* select-multiple的CSS*/\r\n\r\n/* deepMenu的css */\r\n.pops-panel-deepMenu-nav-item {\r\n cursor: pointer;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-deepMenu-nav-item:active {\r\n background: #e9e9e9;\r\n user-select: none;\r\n -webkit-user-select: none;\r\n -moz-user-select: none;\r\n -ms-user-select: none;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-deepMenu-nav-item .pops-panel-deepMenu {\r\n display: flex;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n color: #6c6c6c;\r\n fill: #6c6c6c;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-deepMenu-nav-item .pops-panel-deepMenu-arrowRight-icon {\r\n width: 15px;\r\n height: 15px;\r\n display: flex;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-deepMenu-container .pops-panel-deepMenu-container-header {\r\n display: flex;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n width: -webkit-fill-available;\r\n width: -moz-available;\r\n padding: var(--pops-panel-forms-header-padding-top-bottom)\r\n calc(\r\n var(--pops-panel-forms-margin-left-right) +\r\n var(--pops-panel-forms-container-li-padding-left-right) -\r\n var(--pops-panel-forms-header-icon-size)\r\n );\r\n}\r\n.pops-panel-deepMenu-container .pops-panel-deepMenu-container-left-arrow-icon {\r\n width: var(--pops-panel-forms-header-icon-size);\r\n height: var(--pops-panel-forms-header-icon-size);\r\n display: flex;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n cursor: pointer;\r\n}\r\n/* 修复safari上图标大小未正常显示 */\r\n.pops-panel-deepMenu-container\r\n .pops-panel-deepMenu-container-left-arrow-icon\r\n > svg {\r\n width: inherit;\r\n height: inherit;\r\n}\r\n/* deepMenu的css */\r\n'; var rightClickMenuCSS = '.pops-rightClickMenu * {\r\n -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;\r\n box-sizing: border-box;\r\n margin: 0;\r\n padding: 0;\r\n -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent;\r\n scrollbar-width: thin;\r\n}\r\n.pops-rightClickMenu {\r\n position: fixed;\r\n z-index: 10000;\r\n text-align: center;\r\n border-radius: 3px;\r\n font-size: 16px;\r\n font-weight: 500;\r\n background: #fff;\r\n box-shadow: 0px 1px 6px 1px #cacaca;\r\n}\r\n.pops-rightClickMenu-anim-grid {\r\n display: grid;\r\n transition: 0.3s;\r\n grid-template-rows: 0fr;\r\n}\r\n.pops-rightClickMenu-anim-show {\r\n grid-template-rows: 1fr;\r\n}\r\n.pops-rightClickMenu-is-visited {\r\n background: #dfdfdf;\r\n}\r\ni.pops-rightClickMenu-icon {\r\n height: 1em;\r\n width: 1em;\r\n line-height: normal;\r\n align-content: center;\r\n display: inline-flex;\r\n justify-content: center;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n position: relative;\r\n fill: currentColor;\r\n color: inherit;\r\n font-size: inherit;\r\n margin-right: 6px;\r\n}\r\ni.pops-rightClickMenu-icon[is-loading="true"] {\r\n animation: rotating 2s linear infinite;\r\n}\r\n.pops-rightClickMenu li:hover {\r\n background: #dfdfdf;\r\n cursor: pointer;\r\n}\r\n.pops-rightClickMenu ul {\r\n margin: 0;\r\n padding: 0;\r\n display: flex;\r\n flex-direction: column;\r\n align-items: flex-start;\r\n justify-content: center;\r\n overflow: hidden;\r\n}\r\n.pops-rightClickMenu ul li {\r\n padding: 5px 10px;\r\n margin: 2.5px 5px;\r\n border-radius: 3px;\r\n display: flex;\r\n width: -webkit-fill-available;\r\n width: -moz-available;\r\n text-align: left;\r\n user-select: none;\r\n -webkit-user-select: none;\r\n -moz-user-select: none;\r\n -ms-user-select: none;\r\n align-items: center;\r\n}\r\n.pops-rightClickMenu ul li:first-child {\r\n margin-top: 5px;\r\n}\r\n.pops-rightClickMenu ul li:last-child {\r\n margin-bottom: 5px;\r\n}\r\n'; var SVG_min = '\r\n \r\n\r\n'; var SVG_mise = '\r\n \r\n\r\n'; var SVG_max = '\r\n \r\n\r\n'; var SVG_close = '\r\n \r\n\r\n'; var SVG_edit = '\r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n'; var SVG_share = '\r\n \r\n\r\n'; var SVG_delete = '\r\n \r\n\r\n'; var SVG_search = '\r\n \r\n\r\n'; var SVG_upload = '\r\n \r\n\r\n'; var SVG_loading = '\r\n \r\n\r\n'; var SVG_next = '\r\n \r\n\r\n'; var SVG_prev = '\r\n \r\n\r\n'; var SVG_eleme = '\r\n \r\n\r\n'; var SVG_elemePlus = '\r\n \r\n\r\n'; var SVG_chromeFilled = '\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n'; var SVG_cpu = '\r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n'; var SVG_videoPlay = '\r\n \r\n\r\n'; var SVG_videoPause = '\r\n \r\n\r\n'; var SVG_headset = '\r\n \r\n\r\n'; var SVG_monitor = '\r\n \r\n\r\n'; var SVG_documentCopy = '\r\n \r\n\r\n'; var SVG_picture = '\r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n'; var SVG_circleClose = '\r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n'; var SVG_view = '\r\n \r\n\r\n'; var SVG_hide = '\r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n'; var SVG_keyboard = '\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n'; var SVG_arrowRight = '\r\n \r\n\r\n'; var SVG_arrowLeft = '\r\n \r\n\r\n'; const GlobalConfig = { config: {}, /** * 为所有弹窗设置全局属性 */ setGlobalConfig(config) { Reflect.ownKeys(config).forEach((keyName) => { Reflect.set(GlobalConfig.config, keyName, Reflect.get(config, keyName)); }); }, /** * 获取全局配置 */ getGlobalConfig() { let result2 = {}; Object.keys(GlobalConfig.config).forEach((keyName) => { let configValue = Reflect.get(GlobalConfig.config, keyName); if (keyName === "style") { let style = configValue == null ? "" : typeof configValue === "function" ? ( // @ts-ignore configValue() ) : configValue; if (typeof style === "string") { result2.style = style; } } else if (keyName === "zIndex") { let zIndex = configValue == null ? "" : typeof configValue === "function" ? configValue() : configValue; if (typeof zIndex === "string") { let newIndex = zIndex = parseInt(zIndex); if (!isNaN(newIndex)) { result2.zIndex = newIndex; } } else { if (!isNaN(zIndex)) { result2.zIndex = zIndex; } } } else if (keyName === "mask") { let mask = GlobalConfig.config.mask == null ? {} : GlobalConfig.config.mask; if (typeof mask === "object" && mask != null) { result2.mask = mask; } } else { Reflect.set(result2, keyName, configValue); } }); return result2; } }; const PopsElementHandler = { /** * 获取遮罩层HTML * @param guid * @param zIndex z-index * @param style */ getMaskHTML(guid, zIndex = 101, style = "") { zIndex = zIndex - 100; if (style.startsWith(";")) { style = style.replace(";", ""); } return `
`; }, /** * 获取动画层HTML * @param guid * @param type * @param config * @param html * @param bottomBtnHTML * @param zIndex */ getAnimHTML(guid, type, config, html = "", bottomBtnHTML = "", zIndex) { let __config = config; let popsAnimStyle = ""; let popsStyle = ""; let popsPosition = __config.position || ""; if (config.zIndex != null) { popsAnimStyle += `z-index: ${zIndex};`; popsStyle += `z-index: ${zIndex};`; } if (__config.width != null) { popsStyle += `width: ${__config.width};`; } if (__config.height != null) { popsStyle += `height: ${__config.height};`; } let hasBottomBtn = bottomBtnHTML.trim() === "" ? false : true; return ( /*html*/ `
${config.style != null ? `` : ""}
` ); }, /** * 获取顶部按钮层HTML * @param type * @param config */ getHeaderBtnHTML(type, config) { var _a2, _b, _c, _d, _e; if (!config.btn) { return ""; } let __config_confirm = config; if (type !== "iframe" && !((_b = (_a2 = __config_confirm.btn) == null ? void 0 : _a2.close) == null ? void 0 : _b.enable)) { return ""; } let resultHTML = ""; let closeHTML = ""; let __config_iframe = config; if (type === "iframe" && ((_c = __config_iframe.topRightButton) == null ? void 0 : _c.trim()) !== "") { let topRightButtonHTML = ""; __config_iframe.topRightButton.split("|").forEach((item) => { item = item.toLowerCase(); topRightButtonHTML += ` `; }); resultHTML = `
`; } else { if ((_e = (_d = __config_confirm.btn) == null ? void 0 : _d.close) == null ? void 0 : _e.enable) { closeHTML = `
`; } resultHTML = closeHTML; } return resultHTML; }, /** * 获取底部按钮层HTML * @param type * @param config */ getBottomBtnHTML(type, config) { var _a2, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _i, _j, _k, _l, _m, _n; if (!config.btn) { return ""; } let __config_confirm = config; if (!(((_b = (_a2 = config.btn) == null ? void 0 : _a2.ok) == null ? void 0 : _b.enable) || ((_d = (_c = __config_confirm.btn) == null ? void 0 : _c.cancel) == null ? void 0 : _d.enable) || ((_f = (_e = __config_confirm.btn) == null ? void 0 : _e.other) == null ? void 0 : _f.enable))) { return ""; } let btnStyle = ""; let resultHTML = ""; let okHTML = ""; let cancelHTML = ""; let ohterHTML = ""; if (config.btn.position) { btnStyle += `justify-content: ${config.btn.position};`; } if (__config_confirm.btn.reverse) { btnStyle += "flex-direction: row-reverse;"; } if ((_h = (_g = config.btn) == null ? void 0 : _g.ok) == null ? void 0 : _h.enable) { let okButtonSizeClassName = ""; if (config.btn.ok.size === "large") { okButtonSizeClassName = "pops-button-" + config.btn.ok.size; } else if (config.btn.ok.size === "small") { okButtonSizeClassName = "pops-button-" + config.btn.ok.size; } let okIconHTML = ""; let okIcon = __config_confirm.btn.ok.icon; if (okIcon !== "") { let iconHTML = ""; if (okIcon in pops.config.iconSVG) { iconHTML = pops.config.iconSVG[okIcon]; } else { iconHTML = okIcon; } iconHTML = iconHTML || ""; okIconHTML = ` ${iconHTML} `; } okHTML = ` `; } if ((_l = (_k = __config_confirm.btn) == null ? void 0 : _k.cancel) == null ? void 0 : _l.enable) { let cancelButtonSizeClassName = ""; if (__config_confirm.btn.cancel.size === "large") { cancelButtonSizeClassName = "pops-button-" + __config_confirm.btn.cancel.size; } else if (__config_confirm.btn.cancel.size === "small") { cancelButtonSizeClassName = "pops-button-" + __config_confirm.btn.cancel.size; } let cancelIconHTML = ""; let cancelIcon = __config_confirm.btn.cancel.icon; if (cancelIcon !== "") { let iconHTML = ""; if (cancelIcon in pops.config.iconSVG) { iconHTML = pops.config.iconSVG[cancelIcon]; } else { iconHTML = cancelIcon; } iconHTML = iconHTML || ""; cancelIconHTML = ` ${iconHTML} `; } cancelHTML = ` `; } if ((_n = (_m = __config_confirm.btn) == null ? void 0 : _m.other) == null ? void 0 : _n.enable) { let otherButtonSizeClassName = ""; if (__config_confirm.btn.other.size === "large") { otherButtonSizeClassName = "pops-button-" + __config_confirm.btn.other.size; } else if (__config_confirm.btn.other.size === "small") { otherButtonSizeClassName = "pops-button-" + __config_confirm.btn.other.size; } let otherIconHTML = ""; let otherIcon = __config_confirm.btn.other.icon; if (otherIcon !== "") { let iconHTML = ""; if (otherIcon in pops.config.iconSVG) { iconHTML = pops.config.iconSVG[otherIcon]; } iconHTML = iconHTML || ""; otherIconHTML = ` ${iconHTML} `; } ohterHTML = ` `; } if (__config_confirm.btn.merge) { let flexStyle = "display: flex;"; if (__config_confirm.btn.mergeReverse) { flexStyle += "flex-direction: row-reverse;"; } else { flexStyle += "flex-direction: row;"; } resultHTML = `
${okHTML} ${cancelHTML}
`; } else { resultHTML = `
${okHTML} ${cancelHTML} ${ohterHTML}
`; } return resultHTML; }, /** * 获取标题style * @param type * @param config */ getHeaderStyle(type, config) { var _a2, _b, _c, _d; return { headerStyle: ((_a2 = config == null ? void 0 : config.title) == null ? void 0 : _a2.html) ? ((_b = config == null ? void 0 : config.title) == null ? void 0 : _b.style) || "" : "", headerPStyle: ((_c = config == null ? void 0 : config.title) == null ? void 0 : _c.html) ? "" : ((_d = config == null ? void 0 : config.title) == null ? void 0 : _d.style) || "" }; }, /** * 获取内容style * @param type * @param config */ getContentStyle(type, config) { var _a2, _b, _c, _d; return { contentStyle: ((_a2 = config == null ? void 0 : config.content) == null ? void 0 : _a2.html) ? ((_b = config == null ? void 0 : config.content) == null ? void 0 : _b.style) || "" : "", contentPStyle: ((_c = config == null ? void 0 : config.content) == null ? void 0 : _c.html) ? "" : ((_d = config == null ? void 0 : config.content) == null ? void 0 : _d.style) || "" }; }, /** * 将html转换成元素 * @param html */ parseElement(html) { return popsUtils.parseTextToDOM(html); } }; const PopsHandler = { /** * 创建shadow */ handlerShadow(config) { let $shadowContainer = document.createElement("div"); $shadowContainer.className = "pops-shadow-container"; if (config.useShadowRoot) { let $shadowRoot = $shadowContainer.attachShadow({ mode: "open" }); return { $shadowContainer, $shadowRoot }; } else { return { $shadowContainer, $shadowRoot: $shadowContainer }; } }, /** * 处理初始化 * @param $shadowRoot 所在的shadowRoot * @param cssText 添加进ShadowRoot的CSS */ handleInit($shadowRoot, cssText) { pops.init(); if (!arguments.length) { return; } if (Array.isArray(cssText)) { for (let index = 0; index < cssText.length; index++) { this.handleInit($shadowRoot, cssText[index]); } } else { let $css = popsDOMUtils.createElement("style", { innerHTML: cssText }, { "data-type": "PopsHandler.handleInit" }); $shadowRoot.appendChild($css); } }, /** * 处理遮罩层 * * + 设置遮罩层的点击事件 * @param details 传递的配置 */ handleMask(details = {}) { let result2 = { maskElement: popsUtils.parseTextToDOM(details.maskHTML) }; let isMaskClick = false; function clickEvent(event) { popsDOMUtils.preventEvent(event); let targetLayer = pops.config.layer[details.type]; function originalRun() { if (details.config.mask.clickEvent.toClose) { PopsInstanceUtils.close(details.type, targetLayer, details.guid, details.config, details.animElement); } else if (details.config.mask.clickEvent.toHide) { PopsInstanceUtils.hide(details.type, targetLayer, details.guid, details.config, details.animElement, result2.maskElement); } } if (typeof details.config.mask.clickCallBack === "function") { details.config.mask.clickCallBack(originalRun, details.config); } else { originalRun(); } return false; } if (details.config.mask.clickEvent.toClose || details.config.mask.clickEvent.toHide) { let isAnimElement2 = function(element) { var _a2; return Boolean(((_a2 = element == null ? void 0 : element.localName) == null ? void 0 : _a2.toLowerCase()) === "div" && element.className && element.className === "pops-anim" && element.hasAttribute("anim")); }; popsDOMUtils.on(details.animElement, ["touchstart", "mousedown"], void 0, (event) => { let $click = event.composedPath()[0]; isMaskClick = isAnimElement2($click); }); popsDOMUtils.on(details.animElement, "click", void 0, (event) => { let $click = event.composedPath()[0]; if (isAnimElement2($click) && isMaskClick) { return clickEvent(event); } }); popsDOMUtils.on(result2.maskElement, "click", void 0, (event) => { isMaskClick = true; clickEvent(event); }); } return result2; }, /** * 处理获取元素 * @param animElement * @param type */ handleQueryElement(animElement, type) { return { /** * 主元素 */ popsElement: animElement.querySelector(".pops[type-value"), /** * 确认按钮 */ btnOkElement: animElement.querySelector(`.pops-${type}-btn-ok`), /** * 取消按钮 */ btnCancelElement: animElement.querySelector(`.pops-${type}-btn-cancel`), /** * 其它按钮 */ btnOtherElement: animElement.querySelector(`.pops-${type}-btn-other`), /** * 标题元素 */ titleElement: animElement.querySelector(`.pops-${type}-title`), /** * 输入框元素 */ inputElement: animElement.querySelector(`.pops-${type}-content textarea[pops]`) ? animElement.querySelector(`.pops-${type}-content textarea[pops]`) : animElement.querySelector(`.pops-${type}-content input[pops]`), /** * 顶部按钮控制层元素 */ headerControlsElement: animElement.querySelector(".pops-header-controls"), /** * iframe元素 */ iframeElement: animElement.querySelector("iframe[pops]"), /** * 加载中元素 */ loadingElement: animElement.querySelector(".pops-loading"), /** * 内容元素 */ contentElement: animElement.querySelector(`.pops-${type}-content`), /** * 内容侧边栏容器元素 */ contentAsideElement: animElement.querySelector(`.pops-${type}-content aside.pops-${type}-aside`), /** * 内容主要区域容器元素 */ contentSectionContainerElement: animElement.querySelector(`.pops-${type}-content section.pops-${type}-container`), /** * 内容加载中元素 */ contentLoadingElement: animElement.querySelector(`.pops-${type}-content-global-loading`), /** * 顶部缩小按钮 */ headerMinBtnElement: animElement.querySelector(".pops-header-control[type='min']"), /** * 顶部放大按钮 */ headerMaxBtnElement: animElement.querySelector(".pops-header-control[type='max']"), /** * 顶部恢复原样按钮 */ headerMiseBtnElement: animElement.querySelector(".pops-header-control[type='mise']"), /** * 顶部关闭按钮 */ headerCloseBtnElement: animElement.querySelector(".pops-header-control[type='close']"), /** * 文件夹列表元素 */ folderListElement: animElement.querySelector(".pops-folder-list"), /** * 文件夹列表顶部元素 */ folderListHeaderElement: animElement.querySelector(".pops-folder-list .pops-folder-list-table__header-div"), /** * 文件夹列表行元素 */ folderListHeaderRowElement: animElement.querySelector(".pops-folder-list .pops-folder-list-table__header-div .pops-folder-list-table__header-row"), /** * 文件夹列表tbody元素 */ folderListBodyElement: animElement.querySelector(".pops-folder-list .pops-folder-list-table__body-div tbody"), /** * 文件夹列表primary元素 */ folderFileListBreadcrumbPrimaryElement: animElement.querySelector(".pops-folder-list .pops-folder-file-list-breadcrumb-primary"), /** * 文件夹排序按钮-文件名 */ folderListSortFileNameElement: animElement.querySelector('.pops-folder-list-table__sort[data-sort="fileName"]'), /** * 文件夹排序按钮-修改时间 */ folderListSortLatestTimeElement: animElement.querySelector('.pops-folder-list-table__sort[data-sort="latestTime"]'), /** * 文件夹排序按钮-文件大小 */ folderListSortFileSizeElement: animElement.querySelector('.pops-folder-list-table__sort[data-sort="fileSize"]') }; }, /** * 获取事件配置 * @param guid * @param $shadowContainer * @param $shadowRoot * @param mode 当前弹窗类型 * @param animElement 动画层 * @param popsElement 主元素 * @param maskElement 遮罩层 * @param config 当前配置 */ handleEventDetails(guid, $shadowContainer, $shadowRoot, mode, animElement, popsElement, maskElement, config) { return { $shadowContainer, $shadowRoot, element: animElement, animElement, popsElement, maskElement, mode, guid, close() { PopsInstanceUtils.close(mode, pops.config.layer[mode], guid, config, animElement); }, hide() { PopsInstanceUtils.hide(mode, pops.config.layer[mode], guid, config, animElement, maskElement); }, show() { PopsInstanceUtils.show(mode, pops.config.layer[mode], guid, config, animElement, maskElement); } }; }, /** * 获取loading的事件配置 * @param guid * @param mode 当前弹窗类型 * @param animElement 动画层 * @param popsElement 主元素 * @param maskElement 遮罩层 * @param config 当前配置 */ handleLoadingEventDetails(guid, mode, animElement, popsElement, maskElement, config) { return { element: animElement, animElement, popsElement, maskElement, mode, guid, close() { PopsInstanceUtils.close(mode, pops.config.layer[mode], guid, config, animElement); }, hide() { PopsInstanceUtils.hide(mode, pops.config.layer[mode], guid, config, animElement, maskElement); }, show() { PopsInstanceUtils.show(mode, pops.config.layer[mode], guid, config, animElement, maskElement); } }; }, /** * 处理返回的配置,针对popsHandler.handleEventDetails */ handleResultDetails(details) { let resultDetails = Object.assign({}, details); popsUtils.delete(resultDetails, "type"); popsUtils.delete(resultDetails, "function"); return resultDetails; }, /** * 处理点击事件 * @param type 当前按钮类型 * @param $btn 按钮元素 * @param eventDetails 事件配置,由popsHandler.handleEventDetails创建的 * @param callback 点击回调 */ handleClickEvent(type, $btn, eventDetails, callback2) { popsDOMUtils.on($btn, "click", (event) => { let extraParam = { type }; callback2(Object.assign(eventDetails, extraParam), event); }, { capture: true }); }, /** * 全局监听键盘事件 * @param keyName 键名|键值 * @param otherKeyList 组合按键,数组类型,包含ctrl、shift、alt和meta(win键或mac的cmd键) * @param callback 回调函数 */ handleKeyboardEvent(keyName, otherKeyList = [], callback2) { let keyboardEvent = function(event) { let _keyName = event.code || event.key; let _keyValue = event.charCode || event.keyCode || event.which; if (otherKeyList.includes("ctrl") && !event.ctrlKey) { return; } if (otherKeyList.includes("alt") && !event.altKey) { return; } if (otherKeyList.includes("meta") && !event.metaKey) { return; } if (otherKeyList.includes("shift") && !event.shiftKey) { return; } if (typeof keyName === "string" && keyName === _keyName) { callback2 && callback2(event); } else if (typeof keyName === "number" && keyName === _keyValue) { callback2 && callback2(event); } }; popsDOMUtils.on(PopsCore.globalThis, "keydown", keyboardEvent, { capture: true }); return { removeKeyboardEvent() { popsDOMUtils.off(globalThis, "keydown", keyboardEvent, { capture: true }); } }; }, /** * 处理prompt的点击事件 * @param type 触发事件类型 * @param inputElement 输入框 * @param $btn 按钮元素 * @param eventDetails 事件配置,由popsHandler.handleEventDetails创建的 * @param callback 点击回调 */ handlePromptClickEvent(type, inputElement, $btn, eventDetails, callback2) { popsDOMUtils.on($btn, "click", (event) => { let extraParam = { type, text: inputElement.value }; callback2(Object.assign(eventDetails, extraParam), event); }, { capture: true }); }, /** * 把配置的z-index配置转为数字 * @param zIndex */ handleZIndex(zIndex) { if (typeof zIndex === "function") { return zIndex(); } else { return zIndex; } }, /** * 处理config.only * @param type 当前弹窗类型 * @param config 配置 */ handleOnly(type, config) { if (config.only) { if (type === "loading" || type === "tooltip" || type === "rightClickMenu") { let layer = pops.config.layer[type]; if (layer) { PopsInstanceUtils.removeInstance([layer], "", true); } } else { PopsInstanceUtils.removeInstance([ pops.config.layer.alert, pops.config.layer.confirm, pops.config.layer.prompt, pops.config.layer.iframe, pops.config.layer.drawer, pops.config.layer.folder, pops.config.layer.panel ], "", true); } } else { let originZIndex = config.zIndex; config.zIndex = () => { const { zIndex: maxZIndex } = PopsInstanceUtils.getPopsMaxZIndex(PopsHandler.handleZIndex(originZIndex) + 100); return maxZIndex; }; } return config; }, /** * 处理把已创建的元素保存到内部环境中 * @param type 当前弹窗类型 * @param value */ handlePush(type, value) { pops.config.layer[type].push(value); } }; const PopsAlertConfig = () => { return { title: { text: "默认标题", position: "left", html: false, style: "" }, content: { text: "默认内容", html: false, style: "" }, btn: { position: "flex-end", ok: { size: void 0, enable: true, icon: void 0, rightIcon: false, iconIsLoading: false, text: "确定", type: "primary", callback: function(details) { details.close(); } }, close: { enable: true, callback: function(details) { details.close(); } } }, useShadowRoot: true, class: "", only: false, width: "350px", height: "200px", position: "center", animation: "pops-anim-fadein-zoom", zIndex: 1e4, mask: { enable: false, clickEvent: { toClose: false, toHide: false }, clickCallBack: null }, drag: false, dragLimit: true, dragExtraDistance: 3, dragMoveCallBack() { }, dragEndCallBack() { }, forbiddenScroll: false, style: null, beforeAppendToPageCallBack() { } }; }; class PopsAlert { constructor(details) { const guid = popsUtils.getRandomGUID(); const PopsType = "alert"; let config = PopsAlertConfig(); config = popsUtils.assign(config, GlobalConfig.getGlobalConfig()); config = popsUtils.assign(config, details); config = PopsHandler.handleOnly(PopsType, config); const { $shadowContainer, $shadowRoot } = PopsHandler.handlerShadow(config); PopsHandler.handleInit($shadowRoot, [ pops.config.cssText.index, pops.config.cssText.ninePalaceGridPosition, pops.config.cssText.scrollbar, pops.config.cssText.button, pops.config.cssText.anim, pops.config.cssText.common, pops.config.cssText.alertCSS ]); let zIndex = PopsHandler.handleZIndex(config.zIndex); let maskHTML = PopsElementHandler.getMaskHTML(guid, zIndex); let headerBtnHTML = PopsElementHandler.getHeaderBtnHTML(PopsType, config); let bottomBtnHTML = PopsElementHandler.getBottomBtnHTML(PopsType, config); let { headerStyle, headerPStyle } = PopsElementHandler.getHeaderStyle(PopsType, config); let { contentStyle, contentPStyle } = PopsElementHandler.getContentStyle(PopsType, config); let animHTML = PopsElementHandler.getAnimHTML( guid, PopsType, config, /*html*/ `
${config.title.html ? config.title.text : `


`} ${headerBtnHTML}
${config.content.html ? config.content.text : `


${bottomBtnHTML}`, bottomBtnHTML, zIndex ); let $anim = PopsElementHandler.parseElement(animHTML); let { popsElement: $pops, headerCloseBtnElement: $headerCloseBtn, btnOkElement, titleElement: $title } = PopsHandler.handleQueryElement($anim, PopsType); let $mask = null; let elementList = [$anim]; if (config.mask.enable) { let _handleMask_ = PopsHandler.handleMask({ type: PopsType, guid, config, animElement: $anim, maskHTML }); $mask = _handleMask_.maskElement; elementList.push($mask); } let eventDetails = PopsHandler.handleEventDetails(guid, $shadowContainer, $shadowRoot, PopsType, $anim, $pops, $mask, config); PopsHandler.handleClickEvent("close", $headerCloseBtn, eventDetails, config.btn.close.callback); PopsHandler.handleClickEvent("ok", btnOkElement, eventDetails, config.btn.ok.callback); popsDOMUtils.append($shadowRoot, elementList); if (typeof config.beforeAppendToPageCallBack === "function") { config.beforeAppendToPageCallBack($shadowRoot, $shadowContainer); } popsDOMUtils.appendBody($shadowContainer); if ($mask != null) { $anim.after($mask); } PopsHandler.handlePush(PopsType, { guid, animElement: $anim, popsElement: $pops, maskElement: $mask, $shadowContainer, $shadowRoot }); if (config.drag) { PopsInstanceUtils.drag($pops, { dragElement: $title, limit: config.dragLimit, extraDistance: config.dragExtraDistance, moveCallBack: config.dragMoveCallBack, endCallBack: config.dragEndCallBack }); } return PopsHandler.handleResultDetails(eventDetails); } } const PopsConfirmConfig = () => { return { title: { text: "默认标题", position: "left", html: false, style: "" }, content: { text: "默认内容", html: false, style: "" }, btn: { merge: false, mergeReverse: false, reverse: false, position: "flex-end", ok: { enable: true, size: void 0, icon: void 0, rightIcon: false, iconIsLoading: false, text: "确定", type: "primary", callback(detail) { detail.close(); } }, cancel: { enable: true, size: void 0, icon: void 0, rightIcon: false, iconIsLoading: false, text: "关闭", type: "default", callback(detail) { detail.close(); } }, other: { enable: false, size: void 0, icon: void 0, rightIcon: false, iconIsLoading: false, text: "其它按钮", type: "default", callback(detail) { detail.close(); } }, close: { enable: true, callback(detail) { detail.close(); } } }, useShadowRoot: true, class: "", only: false, width: "350px", height: "200px", position: "center", animation: "pops-anim-fadein-zoom", zIndex: 1e4, mask: { enable: false, clickEvent: { toClose: false, toHide: false }, clickCallBack: null }, drag: false, dragLimit: true, dragExtraDistance: 3, dragMoveCallBack() { }, dragEndCallBack() { }, forbiddenScroll: false, style: null, beforeAppendToPageCallBack() { } }; }; class PopsConfirm { constructor(details) { const guid = popsUtils.getRandomGUID(); const PopsType = "confirm"; let config = PopsConfirmConfig(); config = popsUtils.assign(config, GlobalConfig.getGlobalConfig()); config = popsUtils.assign(config, details); config = PopsHandler.handleOnly(PopsType, config); const { $shadowContainer, $shadowRoot } = PopsHandler.handlerShadow(config); PopsHandler.handleInit($shadowRoot, [ pops.config.cssText.index, pops.config.cssText.ninePalaceGridPosition, pops.config.cssText.scrollbar, pops.config.cssText.button, pops.config.cssText.anim, pops.config.cssText.common, pops.config.cssText.confirmCSS ]); let zIndex = PopsHandler.handleZIndex(config.zIndex); let maskHTML = PopsElementHandler.getMaskHTML(guid, zIndex); let headerBtnHTML = PopsElementHandler.getHeaderBtnHTML(PopsType, config); let bottomBtnHTML = PopsElementHandler.getBottomBtnHTML(PopsType, config); let { headerStyle, headerPStyle } = PopsElementHandler.getHeaderStyle(PopsType, config); let { contentStyle, contentPStyle } = PopsElementHandler.getContentStyle(PopsType, config); let animHTML = PopsElementHandler.getAnimHTML( guid, PopsType, config, /*html*/ `
${config.title.html ? config.title.text : `


`} ${headerBtnHTML}
${config.content.html ? config.content.text : `


${bottomBtnHTML} `, bottomBtnHTML, zIndex ); let $anim = PopsElementHandler.parseElement(animHTML); let { popsElement: $pops, titleElement: $title, headerCloseBtnElement: $btnClose, btnOkElement: $btnOk, btnCancelElement: $btnCancel, btnOtherElement: $btnOther } = PopsHandler.handleQueryElement($anim, PopsType); let $mask = null; let elementList = [$anim]; if (config.mask.enable) { let _handleMask_ = PopsHandler.handleMask({ type: PopsType, guid, config, animElement: $anim, maskHTML }); $mask = _handleMask_.maskElement; elementList.push($mask); } let eventDetails = PopsHandler.handleEventDetails(guid, $shadowContainer, $shadowRoot, PopsType, $anim, $pops, $mask, config); PopsHandler.handleClickEvent("close", $btnClose, eventDetails, config.btn.close.callback); PopsHandler.handleClickEvent("ok", $btnOk, eventDetails, config.btn.ok.callback); PopsHandler.handleClickEvent("cancel", $btnCancel, eventDetails, config.btn.cancel.callback); PopsHandler.handleClickEvent("other", $btnOther, eventDetails, config.btn.other.callback); popsDOMUtils.append($shadowRoot, elementList); if (typeof config.beforeAppendToPageCallBack === "function") { config.beforeAppendToPageCallBack($shadowRoot, $shadowContainer); } popsDOMUtils.appendBody($shadowContainer); if ($mask != null) { $anim.after($mask); } PopsHandler.handlePush(PopsType, { guid, animElement: $anim, popsElement: $pops, maskElement: $mask, $shadowContainer, $shadowRoot }); if (config.drag) { PopsInstanceUtils.drag($pops, { dragElement: $title, limit: config.dragLimit, extraDistance: config.dragExtraDistance, moveCallBack: config.dragMoveCallBack, endCallBack: config.dragEndCallBack }); } return PopsHandler.handleResultDetails(eventDetails); } } const PopsPromptConfig = () => { return { title: { text: "默认标题", position: "left", html: false, style: "" }, content: { text: "", select: false, password: false, row: false, focus: true, placeholder: "默认提示", style: "" }, btn: { merge: false, mergeReverse: false, reverse: false, position: "flex-end", ok: { enable: true, size: void 0, icon: void 0, rightIcon: false, iconIsLoading: false, text: "确定", type: "success", callback(detail) { detail.close(); } }, cancel: { enable: true, size: void 0, icon: void 0, rightIcon: false, iconIsLoading: false, text: "关闭", type: "default", callback(detail) { detail.close(); } }, other: { enable: false, size: void 0, icon: void 0, rightIcon: false, iconIsLoading: false, text: "其它按钮", type: "default", callback(detail) { detail.close(); } }, close: { enable: true, callback(detail) { detail.close(); } } }, useShadowRoot: true, class: "", only: false, width: "350px", height: "200px", position: "center", animation: "pops-anim-fadein-zoom", zIndex: 1e4, mask: { enable: false, clickEvent: { toClose: false, toHide: false }, clickCallBack: null }, drag: false, dragLimit: true, dragExtraDistance: 3, dragMoveCallBack() { }, dragEndCallBack() { }, forbiddenScroll: false, style: null, beforeAppendToPageCallBack() { } }; }; class PopsPrompt { constructor(details) { const guid = popsUtils.getRandomGUID(); const PopsType = "prompt"; let config = PopsPromptConfig(); config = popsUtils.assign(config, GlobalConfig.getGlobalConfig()); config = popsUtils.assign(config, details); config = PopsHandler.handleOnly(PopsType, config); const { $shadowContainer, $shadowRoot } = PopsHandler.handlerShadow(config); PopsHandler.handleInit($shadowRoot, [ pops.config.cssText.index, pops.config.cssText.ninePalaceGridPosition, pops.config.cssText.scrollbar, pops.config.cssText.button, pops.config.cssText.anim, pops.config.cssText.common, pops.config.cssText.promptCSS ]); let zIndex = PopsHandler.handleZIndex(config.zIndex); let maskHTML = PopsElementHandler.getMaskHTML(guid, zIndex); let headerBtnHTML = PopsElementHandler.getHeaderBtnHTML(PopsType, config); let bottomBtnHTML = PopsElementHandler.getBottomBtnHTML(PopsType, config); let { headerStyle, headerPStyle } = PopsElementHandler.getHeaderStyle(PopsType, config); let { contentPStyle } = PopsElementHandler.getContentStyle(PopsType, config); let animHTML = PopsElementHandler.getAnimHTML( guid, PopsType, config, /*html*/ `
${config.title.html ? config.title.text : `


`} ${headerBtnHTML}
${config.content.row ? '' : ''}
${bottomBtnHTML} `, bottomBtnHTML, zIndex ); let $anim = PopsElementHandler.parseElement(animHTML); let { popsElement: $pops, inputElement: $input, headerCloseBtnElement: $btnClose, btnOkElement: $btnOk, btnCancelElement: $btnCancel, btnOtherElement: $btnOther, titleElement: $title } = PopsHandler.handleQueryElement($anim, PopsType); let $mask = null; let elementList = [$anim]; if (config.mask.enable) { let _handleMask_ = PopsHandler.handleMask({ type: PopsType, guid, config, animElement: $anim, maskHTML }); $mask = _handleMask_.maskElement; elementList.push($mask); } let eventDetails = PopsHandler.handleEventDetails(guid, $shadowContainer, $shadowRoot, PopsType, $anim, $pops, $mask, config); $input.value = config.content.text; PopsHandler.handlePromptClickEvent("close", $input, $btnClose, eventDetails, config.btn.close.callback); PopsHandler.handlePromptClickEvent("ok", $input, $btnOk, eventDetails, config.btn.ok.callback); PopsHandler.handlePromptClickEvent("cancel", $input, $btnCancel, eventDetails, config.btn.cancel.callback); PopsHandler.handlePromptClickEvent("other", $input, $btnOther, eventDetails, config.btn.other.callback); popsDOMUtils.append($shadowRoot, elementList); if (typeof config.beforeAppendToPageCallBack === "function") { config.beforeAppendToPageCallBack($shadowRoot, $shadowContainer); } popsDOMUtils.appendBody($shadowContainer); if ($mask != null) { $anim.after($mask); } PopsHandler.handlePush(PopsType, { guid, animElement: $anim, popsElement: $pops, maskElement: $mask, $shadowContainer, $shadowRoot }); if (config.drag) { PopsInstanceUtils.drag($pops, { dragElement: $title, limit: config.dragLimit, extraDistance: config.dragExtraDistance, moveCallBack: config.dragMoveCallBack, endCallBack: config.dragEndCallBack }); } if (config.content.focus) { $input.focus(); } if (config.content.select) { $input.select(); } return PopsHandler.handleResultDetails(eventDetails); } } const PopsLoadingConfig = () => { return { parent: document.body, content: { text: "加载中...", icon: "loading", style: "" }, useShadowRoot: true, class: "", only: false, zIndex: 1e4, mask: { enable: false, clickEvent: { toClose: false, toHide: false }, clickCallBack: null }, animation: "pops-anim-fadein-zoom", forbiddenScroll: false, style: null, addIndexCSS: true }; }; class PopsLoading { constructor(details) { let config = PopsLoadingConfig(); config = popsUtils.assign(config, GlobalConfig.getGlobalConfig()); config = popsUtils.assign(config, details); let guid = popsUtils.getRandomGUID(); const PopsType = "loading"; config = PopsHandler.handleOnly(PopsType, config); let zIndex = PopsHandler.handleZIndex(config.zIndex); let maskHTML = PopsElementHandler.getMaskHTML(guid, zIndex); let { contentPStyle } = PopsElementHandler.getContentStyle("loading", config); let animHTML = PopsElementHandler.getAnimHTML( guid, PopsType, config, /*html*/ `
${config.addIndexCSS ? ` ` : ""} ${config.style != null ? `` : ""}


`, "", zIndex ); let $anim = PopsElementHandler.parseElement(animHTML); let { popsElement: $pops } = PopsHandler.handleQueryElement($anim, PopsType); let $mask = null; let elementList = [$anim]; if (config.mask.enable) { let _handleMask_ = PopsHandler.handleMask({ type: PopsType, guid, config, animElement: $anim, maskHTML }); $mask = _handleMask_.maskElement; elementList.push($mask); } let eventDetails = PopsHandler.handleLoadingEventDetails(guid, PopsType, $anim, $pops, $mask, config); popsDOMUtils.append(config.parent, elementList); if ($mask != null) { $anim.after($mask); } PopsHandler.handlePush(PopsType, { guid, animElement: $anim, popsElement: $pops, maskElement: $mask }); return PopsHandler.handleResultDetails(eventDetails); } } const PopsIframeConfig = () => { return { title: { position: "center", text: "", html: false, style: "" }, loading: { enable: true, icon: true, text: "" }, useShadowRoot: true, class: "", url: window.location.href, only: false, zIndex: 1e4, mask: { enable: false, clickEvent: { toClose: false, toHide: false }, clickCallBack: null }, animation: "pops-anim-fadein-zoom", position: "center", drag: true, dragLimit: true, dragExtraDistance: 3, dragMoveCallBack() { }, dragEndCallBack() { }, width: "300px", height: "250px", topRightButton: "min|max|mise|close", sandbox: false, forbiddenScroll: false, loadEndCallBack() { }, btn: { min: { callback() { } }, max: { callback() { } }, mise: { callback() { } }, close: { callback() { } } }, style: null, beforeAppendToPageCallBack() { } }; }; class PopsIframe { constructor(details) { var _a2; const guid = popsUtils.getRandomGUID(); const PopsType = "iframe"; let config = PopsIframeConfig(); config = popsUtils.assign(config, GlobalConfig.getGlobalConfig()); config = popsUtils.assign(config, details); if (config.url == null) { throw "config.url不能为空"; } config = PopsHandler.handleOnly(PopsType, config); const { $shadowContainer, $shadowRoot } = PopsHandler.handlerShadow(config); PopsHandler.handleInit($shadowRoot, [ pops.config.cssText.index, pops.config.cssText.ninePalaceGridPosition, pops.config.cssText.scrollbar, pops.config.cssText.anim, pops.config.cssText.common, pops.config.cssText.iframeCSS ]); let maskExtraStyle = ( // @ts-ignore config.animation != null && config.animation != "" ? "position:absolute;" : "" ); let zIndex = PopsHandler.handleZIndex(config.zIndex); let maskHTML = PopsElementHandler.getMaskHTML(guid, zIndex, maskExtraStyle); let headerBtnHTML = PopsElementHandler.getHeaderBtnHTML(PopsType, config); let iframeLoadingHTML = '
'; let titleText = config.title.text.trim() !== "" ? config.title.text : config.url; let { headerStyle, headerPStyle } = PopsElementHandler.getHeaderStyle(PopsType, config); let animHTML = PopsElementHandler.getAnimHTML( guid, PopsType, config, /*html*/ `
${config.title.html ? titleText : `


`} ${headerBtnHTML}
${config.loading.enable ? iframeLoadingHTML : ""} `, "", zIndex ); let $anim = PopsElementHandler.parseElement(animHTML); let { popsElement: $pops, headerCloseBtnElement, headerControlsElement, titleElement: $title, iframeElement: $iframe, loadingElement, contentLoadingElement: $contentLoading, headerMinBtnElement, headerMaxBtnElement, headerMiseBtnElement } = PopsHandler.handleQueryElement($anim, PopsType); let $iframeContainer = PopsCore.document.querySelector(".pops-iframe-container"); if (!$iframeContainer) { $iframeContainer = PopsCore.document.createElement("div"); $iframeContainer.className = "pops-iframe-container"; $iframeContainer.style.cssText = "display: flex;position: fixed;bottom: 0px;flex-flow: wrap-reverse;user-select: none;-webkit-user-select: none;-ms-user-select: none;-moz-user-select: none;"; popsDOMUtils.appendBody($iframeContainer); } let $mask = null; let elementList = [$anim]; if (config.mask.enable) { let _handleMask_ = PopsHandler.handleMask({ type: PopsType, guid, config, animElement: $anim, maskHTML }); $mask = _handleMask_.maskElement; elementList.push($mask); } let eventDetails = PopsHandler.handleEventDetails(guid, $shadowContainer, $shadowRoot, PopsType, $anim, $pops, $mask, config); eventDetails["iframeElement"] = $iframe; popsDOMUtils.on($anim, popsDOMUtils.getAnimationEndNameList(), function() { $anim.style.width = "0%"; $anim.style.height = "0%"; }); popsDOMUtils.on($iframe, "load", () => { loadingElement == null ? void 0 : loadingElement.remove(); $contentLoading.style.animation = "iframeLoadingChange_85 0.3s forwards"; popsDOMUtils.on($contentLoading, popsDOMUtils.getAnimationEndNameList(), () => { $contentLoading.remove(); }); if (config.title.text.trim() === "" && $iframe.contentDocument) { $title.querySelector("p").innerText = $iframe.contentDocument.title; } config.loadEndCallBack(eventDetails); }); popsDOMUtils.append($shadowRoot, elementList); if (typeof config.beforeAppendToPageCallBack === "function") { config.beforeAppendToPageCallBack($shadowRoot, $shadowContainer); } $iframeContainer.appendChild($shadowContainer); if ($mask != null) { $anim.after($mask); } if (config.drag) { PopsInstanceUtils.drag($pops, { dragElement: $title, limit: config.dragLimit, extraDistance: config.dragExtraDistance, moveCallBack: config.dragMoveCallBack, endCallBack: config.dragEndCallBack }); } const TYPE_MODULE = "type-module"; let origin_left = ""; let origin_top = ""; let origin_is_max = false; popsDOMUtils.on(headerMinBtnElement, "click", (event) => { var _a3, _b; event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); origin_left = $pops.style.left; origin_top = $pops.style.top; $pops.classList.add("pops-iframe-unset-top"); $pops.classList.add("pops-iframe-unset-left"); $pops.classList.add("pops-iframe-unset-transform"); $pops.style.transitionDuration = ""; $pops.setAttribute(TYPE_MODULE, "min"); headerControlsElement.setAttribute("type", "min"); headerMaxBtnElement.style.setProperty("display", "none"); headerMiseBtnElement.style.setProperty("display", ""); if (typeof ((_b = (_a3 = config == null ? void 0 : config.btn) == null ? void 0 : _a3.min) == null ? void 0 : _b.callback) === "function") { config.btn.min.callback(eventDetails, event); } }, { capture: true }); popsDOMUtils.on(headerMaxBtnElement, "click", (event) => { var _a3, _b; event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); if ($pops.getAttribute(TYPE_MODULE) !== "min") { origin_left = $pops.style.left; origin_top = $pops.style.top; } origin_is_max = true; $pops.style.transitionDuration = ""; $pops.style.transform = ""; $pops.removeAttribute(TYPE_MODULE); $pops.classList.add("pops-iframe-unset-transition"); $pops.classList.add("pops-iframe-unset-left"); $pops.classList.add("pops-iframe-unset-top"); $pops.classList.add("pops-iframe-unset-transform"); $pops.classList.remove("pops-iframe-unset-transition"); $pops.setAttribute(TYPE_MODULE, "max"); headerControlsElement.setAttribute("type", "max"); headerMaxBtnElement.style.setProperty("display", "none"); headerMiseBtnElement.style.setProperty("display", ""); if (typeof ((_b = (_a3 = config == null ? void 0 : config.btn) == null ? void 0 : _a3.max) == null ? void 0 : _b.callback) === "function") { config.btn.max.callback(eventDetails, event); } }, { capture: true }); (_a2 = headerMiseBtnElement == null ? void 0 : headerMiseBtnElement.style) == null ? void 0 : _a2.setProperty("display", "none"); popsDOMUtils.on(headerMiseBtnElement, "click", (event) => { var _a3, _b; event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); if (origin_is_max && $pops.getAttribute(TYPE_MODULE) === "min") { $pops.classList.add("pops-iframe-unset-transition"); $pops.classList.add("pops-iframe-unset-left"); $pops.classList.add("pops-iframe-unset-top"); $pops.classList.add("pops-iframe-unset-transform"); $pops.classList.remove("pops-iframe-unset-transition"); $pops.setAttribute(TYPE_MODULE, "max"); headerControlsElement.setAttribute("type", "max"); } else { origin_is_max = false; $pops.style.left = origin_left; $pops.style.top = origin_top; $pops.style.transitionDuration = ""; $pops.style.transform = ""; headerControlsElement.removeAttribute("type"); $pops.removeAttribute(TYPE_MODULE); $pops.classList.remove("pops-iframe-unset-top"); $pops.classList.remove("pops-iframe-unset-left"); $pops.classList.remove("pops-iframe-unset-transform"); headerMaxBtnElement.style.setProperty("display", ""); headerMiseBtnElement.style.setProperty("display", "none"); } if (typeof ((_b = (_a3 = config == null ? void 0 : config.btn) == null ? void 0 : _a3.mise) == null ? void 0 : _b.callback) === "function") { config.btn.mise.callback(eventDetails, event); } }, { capture: true }); popsDOMUtils.on(headerCloseBtnElement, "click", (event) => { var _a3, _b; event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); PopsInstanceUtils.removeInstance([pops.config.layer.iframe], guid, false); if (typeof ((_b = (_a3 = config == null ? void 0 : config.btn) == null ? void 0 : _a3.close) == null ? void 0 : _b.callback) === "function") { config.btn.close.callback(eventDetails, event); } }, { capture: true }); PopsHandler.handlePush(PopsType, { guid, animElement: $anim, popsElement: $pops, maskElement: $mask, $shadowContainer, $shadowRoot }); let result2 = PopsHandler.handleResultDetails(eventDetails); return result2; } } const PopsDrawerConfig = () => { return { title: { enable: true, position: "center", text: "默认标题", html: false, style: "" }, content: { text: "默认内容", html: false, style: "" }, btn: { merge: false, mergeReverse: false, reverse: false, position: "flex-end", ok: { enable: true, size: void 0, icon: void 0, rightIcon: false, iconIsLoading: false, text: "确定", type: "primary", callback(detail) { detail.close(); } }, cancel: { enable: true, size: void 0, icon: void 0, rightIcon: false, iconIsLoading: false, text: "关闭", type: "default", callback(detail) { detail.close(); } }, other: { enable: false, size: void 0, icon: void 0, rightIcon: false, iconIsLoading: false, text: "其它按钮", type: "default", callback(detail) { detail.close(); } }, close: { enable: true, callback(detail) { detail.close(); } } }, mask: { enable: true, clickEvent: { toClose: true, toHide: false }, clickCallBack: null }, useShadowRoot: true, class: "", zIndex: 1e4, only: false, direction: "right", size: "30%", lockScroll: false, closeOnPressEscape: true, openDelay: 0, closeDelay: 0, borderRadius: 0, style: null, beforeAppendToPageCallBack() { }, forbiddenScroll: false }; }; class PopsDrawer { constructor(details) { const guid = popsUtils.getRandomGUID(); const PopsType = "drawer"; let config = PopsDrawerConfig(); config = popsUtils.assign(config, GlobalConfig.getGlobalConfig()); config = popsUtils.assign(config, details); config = PopsHandler.handleOnly(PopsType, config); const { $shadowContainer, $shadowRoot } = PopsHandler.handlerShadow(config); PopsHandler.handleInit($shadowRoot, [ pops.config.cssText.index, pops.config.cssText.ninePalaceGridPosition, pops.config.cssText.scrollbar, pops.config.cssText.button, pops.config.cssText.anim, pops.config.cssText.common, pops.config.cssText.drawerCSS ]); let zIndex = PopsHandler.handleZIndex(config.zIndex); let maskHTML = PopsElementHandler.getMaskHTML(guid, zIndex); let headerBtnHTML = PopsElementHandler.getHeaderBtnHTML(PopsType, config); let bottomBtnHTML = PopsElementHandler.getBottomBtnHTML(PopsType, config); let { headerStyle, headerPStyle } = PopsElementHandler.getHeaderStyle(PopsType, config); let { contentStyle, contentPStyle } = PopsElementHandler.getContentStyle(PopsType, config); let animHTML = PopsElementHandler.getAnimHTML( guid, PopsType, config, /*html*/ ` ${config.title.enable ? `
${config.title.html ? config.title.text : `


`} ${headerBtnHTML}
` : ""}
${config.content.html ? config.content.text : `


${bottomBtnHTML} `, bottomBtnHTML, zIndex ); let $anim = PopsElementHandler.parseElement(animHTML); let { popsElement, headerCloseBtnElement, btnCancelElement, btnOkElement, btnOtherElement } = PopsHandler.handleQueryElement($anim, PopsType); let $pops = popsElement; let $headerCloseBtn = headerCloseBtnElement; let $btnCancel = btnCancelElement; let $btnOk = btnOkElement; let $btnOther = btnOtherElement; let $mask = null; let elementList = [$anim]; if (config.mask.enable) { let _handleMask_ = PopsHandler.handleMask({ type: PopsType, guid, config, animElement: $anim, maskHTML }); $mask = _handleMask_.maskElement; elementList.push($mask); } let eventDetails = PopsHandler.handleEventDetails(guid, $shadowContainer, $shadowRoot, PopsType, $anim, $pops, $mask, config); $pops.setAttribute("direction", config.direction); if (config.direction === "top") { $pops.style.setProperty("height", "0"); $pops.style.setProperty("border-radius", `0px 0px ${config.borderRadius}px ${config.borderRadius}px`); } else if (config.direction === "bottom") { $pops.style.setProperty("height", "0"); $pops.style.setProperty("border-radius", `${config.borderRadius}px ${config.borderRadius}px 0px 0px`); } else if (config.direction === "left") { $pops.style.setProperty("width", "0"); $pops.style.setProperty("border-radius", `0px ${config.borderRadius}px 0px ${config.borderRadius}px`); } else if (config.direction === "right") { $pops.style.setProperty("width", "0"); $pops.style.setProperty("border-radius", `${config.borderRadius}px 0px ${config.borderRadius}px 0px`); } if (config.closeOnPressEscape) { PopsHandler.handleKeyboardEvent("Escape", [], function() { eventDetails.close(); }); } let needHandleClickEventList = [ { type: "close", ele: $headerCloseBtn }, { type: "cancel", ele: $btnCancel }, { type: "ok", ele: $btnOk }, { type: "other", ele: $btnOther } ]; needHandleClickEventList.forEach((item) => { PopsHandler.handleClickEvent(item.type, item.ele, eventDetails, (_eventDetails_) => { if (typeof config.btn[item.type].callback === "function") { config.btn[item.type].callback(_eventDetails_); } }); }); elementList.forEach((element) => { element.style.setProperty("display", "none"); if (["top"].includes(config.direction)) { $pops.style.setProperty("height", config.size.toString()); $pops.style.setProperty("transform", "translateY(-100%)"); } else if (["bottom"].includes(config.direction)) { $pops.style.setProperty("height", config.size.toString()); $pops.style.setProperty("transform", "translateY(100%)"); } else if (["left"].includes(config.direction)) { $pops.style.setProperty("width", config.size.toString()); $pops.style.setProperty("transform", "translateX(-100%)"); } else if (["right"].includes(config.direction)) { $pops.style.setProperty("width", config.size.toString()); $pops.style.setProperty("transform", "translateX(100%)"); } element.style.setProperty("display", ""); }); popsDOMUtils.append($shadowRoot, elementList); if (typeof config.beforeAppendToPageCallBack === "function") { config.beforeAppendToPageCallBack($shadowRoot, $shadowContainer); } popsDOMUtils.appendBody($shadowContainer); setTimeout(() => { setTimeout(() => { $pops.style.setProperty("transform", ""); }, config.openDelay); }, 50); if ($mask != null) { $anim.after($mask); } PopsHandler.handlePush(PopsType, { guid, animElement: $anim, popsElement: $pops, maskElement: $mask, $shadowContainer, $shadowRoot }); return PopsHandler.handleResultDetails(eventDetails); } } const PopsFolderConfig = () => { return { title: { text: "pops.Folder", position: "center", html: false, style: "" }, sort: { name: "latestTime", isDesc: false, // @ts-ignore callback() { } }, folder: [ { fileName: "测试文件夹", fileSize: 0, fileType: "", createTime: 0, latestTime: 0, isFolder: true, index: 0, // @ts-ignore clickEvent() { return [ { fileName: "内部-测试文件.zip", fileSize: 1025e3, fileType: "zip", createTime: 1702038410440, latestTime: 1702039602126, isFolder: false, index: 1, clickEvent() { console.log("下载文件:", this.fileName); return "https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/456485/pops.js"; } } ]; } }, { fileName: "测试文件.apk", fileSize: 30125682, fileType: "apk", createTime: 1702036410440, latestTime: 1702039410440, isFolder: false, index: 1, // @ts-ignore clickEvent() { console.log("下载文件:", this.fileName); return "https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/456485/pops.js"; } } ], btn: { merge: false, mergeReverse: false, reverse: false, position: "flex-end", ok: { enable: true, size: void 0, icon: void 0, rightIcon: false, iconIsLoading: false, text: "确定", type: "primary", callback(detail) { detail.close(); } }, cancel: { enable: true, size: void 0, icon: void 0, rightIcon: false, iconIsLoading: false, text: "关闭", type: "default", callback(detail) { detail.close(); } }, other: { enable: false, size: void 0, icon: void 0, rightIcon: false, iconIsLoading: false, text: "其它按钮", type: "default", callback(detail) { detail.close(); } }, close: { enable: true, callback(detail) { detail.close(); } } }, useShadowRoot: true, class: "", only: false, width: "500px", height: "400px", position: "center", animation: "pops-anim-fadein-zoom", zIndex: 1e4, mask: { enable: false, clickEvent: { toClose: false, toHide: false }, clickCallBack: null }, drag: false, dragLimit: true, dragExtraDistance: 3, dragMoveCallBack() { }, dragEndCallBack() { }, forbiddenScroll: false, style: null, beforeAppendToPageCallBack() { } }; }; const Folder_ICON = { folder: "", zip: "", mp4: "", apk: "", gif: "", txt: "", exe: "", qm: "", php: "", pdf: "", Null: "", ipa: "", doc: "", xls: "", ppt: "", png: "", html: "", js: "", css: "", epub: "", psd: "", dwg: "" }; class PopsFolder { constructor(details) { const guid = popsUtils.getRandomGUID(); const PopsType = "folder"; let config = PopsFolderConfig(); config = popsUtils.assign(config, GlobalConfig.getGlobalConfig()); config = popsUtils.assign(config, details); config = PopsHandler.handleOnly(PopsType, config); const { $shadowContainer, $shadowRoot } = PopsHandler.handlerShadow(config); PopsHandler.handleInit($shadowRoot, [ pops.config.cssText.index, pops.config.cssText.ninePalaceGridPosition, pops.config.cssText.scrollbar, pops.config.cssText.button, pops.config.cssText.anim, pops.config.cssText.common, pops.config.cssText.folderCSS ]); Folder_ICON.docx = Folder_ICON.doc; Folder_ICON.rtf = Folder_ICON.doc; Folder_ICON.xlsx = Folder_ICON.xls; Folder_ICON.pptx = Folder_ICON.ppt; Folder_ICON.dmg = Folder_ICON.ipa; Folder_ICON.json = Folder_ICON.js; let zipIconList = [ "rar", "7z", "arj", "bz2", "cab", "iso", "jar", "lz", "lzh", "tar", "uue", "xz", "z", "zipx", "zst", "001" ]; let imageIconList = ["jpg", "jpeg", "ico", "webp"]; let codeLanguageIconList = [ "htm", "py", "vue", "bat", "sh", "vbs", "java", "kt" ]; let androidIconList = ["apk", "apkm", "xapk"]; zipIconList.forEach((keyName) => { Folder_ICON[keyName] = Folder_ICON.zip; }); imageIconList.forEach((keyName) => { Folder_ICON[keyName] = Folder_ICON.png; }); codeLanguageIconList.forEach((keyName) => { Folder_ICON[keyName] = Folder_ICON.html; }); androidIconList.forEach((keyName) => { Folder_ICON[keyName] = Folder_ICON.apk; }); if (details == null ? void 0 : details.folder) { config.folder = details.folder; } let zIndex = PopsHandler.handleZIndex(config.zIndex); let maskHTML = PopsElementHandler.getMaskHTML(guid, zIndex); let headerBtnHTML = PopsElementHandler.getHeaderBtnHTML(PopsType, config); let bottomBtnHTML = PopsElementHandler.getBottomBtnHTML(PopsType, config); let { headerStyle, headerPStyle } = PopsElementHandler.getHeaderStyle(PopsType, config); let animHTML = PopsElementHandler.getAnimHTML(guid, PopsType, config, `
${config.title.html ? config.title.text : `


`} ${headerBtnHTML}
${pops.isPhone() ? `` : ` `}
${bottomBtnHTML} `, bottomBtnHTML, zIndex); let $anim = PopsElementHandler.parseElement(animHTML); let { popsElement: $pops, titleElement: $title, contentElement: $content, // folderListElement, // folderListHeaderElement, // folderListHeaderRowElement, folderListBodyElement, folderFileListBreadcrumbPrimaryElement, headerCloseBtnElement: $btnCloseBtn, btnOkElement, btnCancelElement, btnOtherElement, folderListSortFileNameElement, folderListSortLatestTimeElement, folderListSortFileSizeElement } = PopsHandler.handleQueryElement($anim, PopsType); let $mask = null; let elementList = [$anim]; if (config.mask.enable) { let _handleMask_ = PopsHandler.handleMask({ type: PopsType, guid, config, animElement: $anim, maskHTML }); $mask = _handleMask_.maskElement; elementList.push($mask); } let eventDetails = PopsHandler.handleEventDetails(guid, $shadowContainer, $shadowRoot, PopsType, $anim, $pops, $mask, config); PopsHandler.handleClickEvent("close", $btnCloseBtn, eventDetails, config.btn.close.callback); PopsHandler.handleClickEvent("ok", btnOkElement, eventDetails, config.btn.ok.callback); PopsHandler.handleClickEvent("cancel", btnCancelElement, eventDetails, config.btn.cancel.callback); PopsHandler.handleClickEvent("other", btnOtherElement, eventDetails, config.btn.other.callback); popsDOMUtils.append($shadowRoot, elementList); if (typeof config.beforeAppendToPageCallBack === "function") { config.beforeAppendToPageCallBack($shadowRoot, $shadowContainer); } popsDOMUtils.appendBody($shadowContainer); if ($mask != null) { $anim.after($mask); } config.folder.sort(); function createFolderRowElement(fileName, latestTime = "-", fileSize = "-", isFolder = false) { let origin_fileName = fileName; let origin_latestTime = latestTime; let origin_fileSize = fileSize; let folderELement = popsDOMUtils.createElement("tr"); let fileNameElement = popsDOMUtils.createElement("td"); let fileTimeElement = popsDOMUtils.createElement("td"); let fileFormatSize = popsDOMUtils.createElement("td"); let fileType = ""; let fileIcon = Folder_ICON.folder; if (isFolder) { latestTime = ""; fileSize = ""; } else { fileIcon = ""; if (typeof latestTime === "number") { latestTime = popsUtils.formatTime(latestTime); } if (typeof fileSize === "number") { fileSize = popsUtils.formatByteToSize(fileSize); } for (let keyName in Folder_ICON) { if (fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith("." + keyName)) { fileType = keyName; fileIcon = Folder_ICON[keyName]; break; } } if (!Boolean(fileIcon)) { fileType = "Null"; fileIcon = Folder_ICON.Null; } } folderELement.className = "pops-folder-list-table__body-row"; fileNameElement.className = "pops-folder-list-table__body-td"; fileTimeElement.className = "pops-folder-list-table__body-td"; fileFormatSize.className = "pops-folder-list-table__body-td"; fileNameElement.innerHTML = ` `; fileTimeElement.innerHTML = `
`; fileFormatSize.innerHTML = `
`; let __value__ = { fileName: origin_fileName, latestTime: origin_latestTime, fileSize: origin_fileSize, isFolder }; fileNameElement["__value__"] = __value__; fileTimeElement["__value__"] = __value__; fileFormatSize["__value__"] = __value__; folderELement["__value__"] = __value__; folderELement.appendChild(fileNameElement); folderELement.appendChild(fileTimeElement); folderELement.appendChild(fileFormatSize); return { folderELement, fileNameElement, fileTimeElement, fileFormatSize }; } function createMobileFolderRowElement(fileName, latestTime = "-", fileSize = "-", isFolder = false) { let origin_fileName = fileName; let origin_latestTime = latestTime; let origin_fileSize = fileSize; let folderELement = popsDOMUtils.createElement("tr"); let fileNameElement = popsDOMUtils.createElement("td"); let fileType = ""; let fileIcon = Folder_ICON.folder; if (isFolder) { latestTime = ""; fileSize = ""; } else { fileIcon = ""; if (typeof latestTime === "number") { latestTime = popsUtils.formatTime(latestTime); } if (typeof fileSize === "number") { fileSize = popsUtils.formatByteToSize(fileSize); } for (let keyName in Folder_ICON) { if (fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith("." + keyName)) { fileType = keyName; fileIcon = Folder_ICON[keyName]; break; } } if (!Boolean(fileIcon)) { fileType = "Null"; fileIcon = Folder_ICON.Null; } } folderELement.className = "pops-folder-list-table__body-row"; fileNameElement.className = "pops-folder-list-table__body-td"; fileNameElement.innerHTML = `
${fileName} ${latestTime} ${fileSize}
`; let __value__ = { fileName: origin_fileName, latestTime: origin_latestTime, fileSize: origin_fileSize, isFolder }; fileNameElement["__value__"] = __value__; folderELement["__value__"] = __value__; folderELement.appendChild(fileNameElement); return { folderELement, fileNameElement }; } function clearFolerRow() { folderListBodyElement.innerHTML = ""; } function getArrowIconElement() { let iconArrowElement = popsDOMUtils.createElement("div", { className: "iconArrow" }); return iconArrowElement; } function getBreadcrumbAllFilesElement(name, _config_) { let spanElement = popsDOMUtils.createElement("span", { className: "pops-folder-file-list-breadcrumb-allFiles cursor-p", innerHTML: `${name}`, _config_ }, { title: "name" }); return spanElement; } function breadcrumbAllFilesElementClickEvent(event, isTop, _config_) { clearFolerRow(); let $click = event.target; let currentBreadcrumb = $click.closest("span.pops-folder-file-list-breadcrumb-allFiles"); if (currentBreadcrumb) { while (currentBreadcrumb.nextElementSibling) { currentBreadcrumb.nextElementSibling.remove(); } } else { console.error("获取导航按钮失败"); } let loadingMask = pops.loading({ parent: $content, content: { text: "获取文件列表中..." }, mask: { enable: true, clickEvent: { toClose: false, toHide: false } }, addIndexCSS: false }); addFolderElement(_config_); loadingMask.close(); } async function refreshFolderInfoClickEvent(event, _config_) { clearFolerRow(); let loadingMask = pops.loading({ parent: $content, content: { text: "获取文件列表中..." }, mask: { enable: true }, addIndexCSS: false }); if (typeof _config_.clickEvent === "function") { let childConfig = await _config_.clickEvent(event, _config_); folderFileListBreadcrumbPrimaryElement.appendChild(getArrowIconElement()); let breadcrumbAllFilesElement = getBreadcrumbAllFilesElement(_config_["fileName"], childConfig); folderFileListBreadcrumbPrimaryElement.appendChild(breadcrumbAllFilesElement); popsDOMUtils.on(breadcrumbAllFilesElement, "click", function(event2) { breadcrumbAllFilesElementClickEvent(event2, false, childConfig); }); addFolderElement(childConfig); } loadingMask.close(); } function setFileClickEvent(targetElement, _config_) { popsDOMUtils.on(targetElement, "click", async function(event) { event == null ? void 0 : event.preventDefault(); event == null ? void 0 : event.stopPropagation(); event == null ? void 0 : event.stopImmediatePropagation(); let linkElement = targetElement.querySelector("a"); if (typeof _config_.clickEvent === "function") { let downloadInfo = await _config_.clickEvent(event, _config_); if (downloadInfo != null && typeof downloadInfo === "object" && !Array.isArray(downloadInfo) && typeof downloadInfo.url === "string" && downloadInfo.url.trim() !== "") { linkElement.setAttribute("href", downloadInfo.url); linkElement.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); if (downloadInfo.autoDownload) { if (downloadInfo.mode == null || downloadInfo.mode === "") { downloadInfo.mode = "aBlank"; } if (downloadInfo.mode === "a" || downloadInfo.mode === "aBlank") { let downloadLinkElement = document.createElement("a"); if (downloadInfo.mode === "aBlank") { downloadLinkElement.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); } downloadLinkElement.href = downloadInfo.url; downloadLinkElement.click(); } else if (downloadInfo.mode === "open" || downloadInfo.mode === "openBlank") { if (downloadInfo.mode === "openBlank") { globalThis.open(downloadInfo.url, "_blank"); } else { globalThis.open(downloadInfo.url); } } else if (downloadInfo.mode === "iframe") { let downloadIframeLinkElement = document.createElement("iframe"); downloadIframeLinkElement.src = downloadInfo.url; downloadIframeLinkElement.onload = function() { setTimeout(() => { downloadIframeLinkElement.remove(); }, 1e3); }; $shadowRoot.appendChild(downloadIframeLinkElement); setTimeout(() => { downloadIframeLinkElement.remove(); }, 3 * 60 * 1e3); } else { console.error("未知的下载模式", downloadInfo); } } } } }); } function sortFolderConfig(folderDataConfigList, sortName = "fileName", isDesc = false) { if (sortName === "fileName") { let onlyFolderDataConfigList = folderDataConfigList.filter((value) => { return value.isFolder; }); let onlyFileDataConfigList = folderDataConfigList.filter((value) => { return !value.isFolder; }); onlyFolderDataConfigList.sort((leftConfig, rightConfig) => { let beforeVal = leftConfig[sortName].toString(); let afterVal = rightConfig[sortName].toString(); let compareVal = beforeVal.localeCompare(afterVal); if (isDesc) { if (compareVal > 0) { compareVal = -1; } else if (compareVal < 0) { compareVal = 1; } } return compareVal; }); onlyFileDataConfigList.sort((leftConfig, rightConfig) => { let beforeVal = leftConfig[sortName].toString(); let afterVal = rightConfig[sortName].toString(); let compareVal = beforeVal.localeCompare(afterVal); if (isDesc) { if (compareVal > 0) { compareVal = -1; } else if (compareVal < 0) { compareVal = 1; } } return compareVal; }); if (isDesc) { return [...onlyFileDataConfigList, ...onlyFolderDataConfigList]; } else { return [...onlyFolderDataConfigList, ...onlyFileDataConfigList]; } } else { folderDataConfigList.sort((beforeConfig, afterConfig) => { let beforeVal = beforeConfig[sortName]; let afterVal = afterConfig[sortName]; if (sortName === "fileSize") { beforeVal = parseFloat(beforeVal.toString()); afterVal = parseFloat(afterVal.toString()); } else if (sortName === "latestTime") { beforeVal = new Date(beforeVal).getTime(); afterVal = new Date(afterVal).getTime(); } if (beforeVal > afterVal) { if (isDesc) { return -1; } else { return 1; } } else if (beforeVal < afterVal) { if (isDesc) { return 1; } else { return -1; } } else { return 0; } }); return folderDataConfigList; } } function addFolderElement(_config_) { sortFolderConfig(_config_, config.sort.name, config.sort.isDesc); _config_.forEach((item) => { if (item["isFolder"]) { let { folderELement, fileNameElement } = pops.isPhone() ? createMobileFolderRowElement(item["fileName"], "", "", true) : createFolderRowElement(item["fileName"], "", "", true); popsDOMUtils.on(fileNameElement, "click", (event) => { refreshFolderInfoClickEvent(event, item); }); folderListBodyElement.appendChild(folderELement); } else { let { folderELement, fileNameElement } = pops.isPhone() ? createMobileFolderRowElement(item["fileName"], item.latestTime, item.fileSize, false) : createFolderRowElement(item["fileName"], item.latestTime, item.fileSize, false); setFileClickEvent(fileNameElement, item); folderListBodyElement.appendChild(folderELement); } }); } addFolderElement(config.folder); let allFilesElement = folderFileListBreadcrumbPrimaryElement.querySelector(".pops-folder-list .pops-folder-file-list-breadcrumb-allFiles:first-child"); allFilesElement._config_ = config.folder; popsDOMUtils.on(allFilesElement, "click", (event) => { breadcrumbAllFilesElementClickEvent(event, true, config.folder); }); function removeAllArrowActive() { [ ...Array.from(folderListSortFileNameElement.querySelectorAll(".pops-folder-icon-active")), ...Array.from(folderListSortLatestTimeElement.querySelectorAll(".pops-folder-icon-active")), ...Array.from(folderListSortFileSizeElement.querySelectorAll(".pops-folder-icon-active")) ].forEach((ele) => ele.classList.remove("pops-folder-icon-active")); } function changeArrowActive(arrowUp, arrowDown, isDesc) { removeAllArrowActive(); if (isDesc) { arrowDown.classList.add("pops-folder-icon-active"); } else { arrowUp.classList.add("pops-folder-icon-active"); } } function arrowSortClickEvent(target, event, sortName) { if (!event["notChangeSortRule"]) { config.sort.name = sortName; config.sort.isDesc = !config.sort.isDesc; } let arrowUp = target.querySelector(".pops-folder-icon-arrow-up"); let arrowDown = target.querySelector(".pops-folder-icon-arrow-down"); changeArrowActive(arrowUp, arrowDown, config.sort.isDesc); if (typeof config.sort.callback === "function" && config.sort.callback(target, event, config.sort.name, config.sort.isDesc)) { return; } let childrenList = []; Array.from(folderListBodyElement.children).forEach((trElement) => { let __value__ = trElement["__value__"]; __value__["target"] = trElement; childrenList.push(__value__); }); let sortedConfigList = sortFolderConfig(childrenList, config.sort.name, config.sort.isDesc); sortedConfigList.forEach((item) => { folderListBodyElement.appendChild(item.target); }); } popsDOMUtils.on(folderListSortFileNameElement.closest("th"), "click", function(event) { arrowSortClickEvent(folderListSortFileNameElement, event, "fileName"); }, { capture: true }); popsDOMUtils.on(folderListSortLatestTimeElement.closest("th"), "click", void 0, function(event) { arrowSortClickEvent(folderListSortLatestTimeElement, event, "latestTime"); }, { capture: true }); popsDOMUtils.on(folderListSortFileSizeElement.closest("th"), "click", void 0, function(event) { arrowSortClickEvent(folderListSortFileSizeElement, event, "fileSize"); }, { capture: true }); if (config.sort.name === "fileName") { popsDOMUtils.trigger(folderListSortFileNameElement, "click", { notChangeSortRule: true }); } else if (config.sort.name === "latestTime") { popsDOMUtils.trigger(folderListSortLatestTimeElement, "click", { notChangeSortRule: true }); } else if (config.sort.name === "fileSize") { popsDOMUtils.trigger(folderListSortFileSizeElement, "click", { notChangeSortRule: true }); } if (config.drag) { PopsInstanceUtils.drag($pops, { dragElement: $title, limit: config.dragLimit, extraDistance: config.dragExtraDistance, moveCallBack: config.dragMoveCallBack, endCallBack: config.dragEndCallBack }); } PopsHandler.handlePush(PopsType, { guid, animElement: $anim, popsElement: $pops, maskElement: $mask, $shadowContainer, $shadowRoot }); return PopsHandler.handleResultDetails(eventDetails); } } const PopsPanelConfig = () => { return { title: { text: "默认标题", position: "center", html: false, style: "" }, content: [ { id: "whitesev-panel-config-1", title: "菜单配置1", headerTitle: "菜单配置1", isDefault: false, attributes: [ { "data-test": "test", "data-test-2": "test2" } ], forms: [ { className: "forms-1", text: "区域设置", type: "forms", attributes: [], forms: [ { className: "panel-switch", text: "switch", type: "switch", // @ts-ignore props: {}, disabled: false, attributes: [], getValue() { return true; }, callback(event, value) { console.log("按钮开启状态:", value); } }, { className: "panel-slider", text: "slider", type: "slider", // @ts-ignore props: {}, attributes: [], getValue() { return 50; }, callback(event, value) { console.log("滑块当前数值:", value); }, min: 1, max: 100 }, { className: "panel-button", text: "button", type: "button", // @ts-ignore props: {}, attributes: [], buttonIcon: "eleme", buttonIconIsLoading: true, buttonType: "warning", buttonText: "warning按钮", callback(event) { console.log("点击按钮", event); } }, { className: "panel-button", text: "button", // @ts-ignore props: {}, type: "button", attributes: [], buttonIcon: "chromeFilled", buttonIconIsLoading: true, buttonType: "danger", buttonText: "danger按钮", callback(event) { console.log("点击按钮", event); } }, { className: "panel-button", text: "button", type: "button", attributes: [], // @ts-ignore props: {}, buttonIcon: "upload", buttonIconIsLoading: false, buttonType: "info", buttonText: "info按钮", callback(event) { console.log("点击按钮", event); } } ] } ] }, { id: "whitesev-panel-config-2", title: "菜单配置2", headerTitle: "菜单配置2", isDefault: true, attributes: [ { "data-value": "value", "data-value-2": "value2" } ], forms: [ { className: "panel-input", text: "input", type: "input", // @ts-ignore props: {}, attributes: [], getValue() { return "50"; }, callback(event, value) { console.log("输入框内容改变:", value); }, placeholder: "请输入内容" }, { className: "panel-input-password", text: "input-password", type: "input", // @ts-ignore props: {}, attributes: [], getValue() { return "123456"; }, callback(event, value) { console.log("密码输入框内容改变:", value); }, isPassword: true, placeholder: "请输入密码" }, { className: "panel-textarea", text: "textarea", type: "textarea", // @ts-ignore props: {}, attributes: [], getValue() { return "50"; }, callback(event, value) { console.log("textarea输入框内容改变:", value); }, placeholder: "请输入内容" }, { className: "panel-select", text: "select", type: "select", // @ts-ignore props: {}, attributes: [], getValue() { return 50; }, callback(event, isSelectedValue, isSelectedText) { console.log(`select当前选项:${isSelectedValue},当前选项文本:${isSelectedText}`); }, data: [ { value: "all", text: "所有", disable() { return false; }, forms: [] }, { value: "text", text: "文本", disable() { return false; }, forms: [] }, { value: "html", text: "超文本", disable() { return false; }, forms: [] } ] }, { className: "panel-select-multiple", type: "select-multiple", text: "select-multiple", // @ts-ignore props: {}, attributes: [], placeholder: "请至少选择一个选项", getValue() { return ["select-1", "select-2"]; }, callback(selectInfo) { console.log(`select值改变,多选信息`, selectInfo); }, clickCallBack(event, isSelectedInfo) { console.log("点击", event, isSelectedInfo); }, closeIconClickCallBack(event, data) { console.log("点击关闭图标的事件", data); }, data: [ { value: "select-1", text: "单选1", isHTML: false, disable() { return false; } }, { value: "select-2", text: "单选2", isHTML: false, disable() { return false; } }, { value: "select-3", text: "单选3", isHTML: false, disable() { return false; } }, { value: "select-4", text: "单选4", isHTML: false, disable() { return false; } }, { value: "select-5", text: "单选5", isHTML: false, disable() { return false; } } ] }, { type: "forms", text: "deep菜单", forms: [ { type: "deepMenu", className: "panel-deepMenu", text: "deepMenu", description: "二级菜单", rightText: "自定义配置", arrowRightIcon: true, afterAddToUListCallBack(formConfig, container) { console.log(formConfig, container); }, clickCallBack(event, formConfig) { console.log("进入子配置", event, formConfig); }, forms: [ { className: "forms-1", text: "区域设置", type: "forms", attributes: [], forms: [ { className: "panel-switch", text: "switch", type: "switch", // @ts-ignore props: {}, attributes: [], getValue() { return true; }, callback(event, value) { console.log("按钮开启状态:", value); } }, { className: "panel-slider", text: "slider", // @ts-ignore props: {}, type: "slider", attributes: [], getValue() { return 50; }, callback(event, value) { console.log("滑块当前数值:", value); }, min: 1, max: 100 }, { className: "panel-button", text: "button", // @ts-ignore props: {}, type: "button", attributes: [], buttonIcon: "eleme", buttonIconIsLoading: true, buttonType: "warning", buttonText: "warning按钮", callback(event) { console.log("点击按钮", event); } }, { className: "panel-button", text: "button", type: "button", // @ts-ignore props: {}, attributes: [], buttonIcon: "chromeFilled", buttonIconIsLoading: true, buttonType: "danger", buttonText: "danger按钮", callback(event) { console.log("点击按钮", event); } }, { className: "panel-button", text: "button", // @ts-ignore props: {}, type: "button", attributes: [], buttonIcon: "upload", buttonIconIsLoading: false, buttonType: "info", buttonText: "info按钮", callback(event) { console.log("点击按钮", event); } } ] } ] } ] }, { type: "forms", isFold: true, text: "折叠菜单", afterAddToUListCallBack(formConfig, container) { console.log(formConfig, container); }, forms: [ { className: "panel-switch", text: "switch", // @ts-ignore props: {}, type: "switch", attributes: [], getValue() { return true; }, callback(event, value) { console.log("按钮开启状态:", value); } } ] } ] } ], btn: { close: { enable: true, callback(event) { event.close(); } } }, mask: { enable: false, clickEvent: { toClose: false, toHide: false }, clickCallBack: null }, useShadowRoot: true, class: "", mobileClassName: "pops-panel-is-mobile", isMobile: false, only: false, width: "700px", height: "500px", position: "center", animation: "pops-anim-fadein-zoom", zIndex: 1e4, drag: false, dragLimit: true, dragExtraDistance: 3, dragMoveCallBack() { }, dragEndCallBack() { }, forbiddenScroll: false, style: null, beforeAppendToPageCallBack() { } }; }; const PopsMathFloatUtils = { /** * 判断数字是否是浮点数 * @param num */ isFloat(num) { return Number(num) === num && num % 1 !== 0; }, /** * 浮点数加法 * @param number1 * @param number2 */ add(number1, number2) { let number1length, number2length, powValue; try { number1length = number1.toString().split(".")[1].length; } catch (error2) { number1length = 0; } try { number2length = number2.toString().split(".")[1].length; } catch (error2) { number2length = 0; } powValue = Math.pow(10, Math.max(number1length, number2length)); return Math.round(number1 * powValue + number2 * powValue) / powValue; }, /** * 减法 * @param number1 * @param number2 */ sub(number1, number2) { let number1length, number2length, powValue; try { number1length = number1.toString().split(".")[1].length; } catch (error2) { number1length = 0; } try { number2length = number2.toString().split(".")[1].length; } catch (error2) { number2length = 0; } powValue = Math.pow(10, Math.max(number1length, number2length)); let fixedValue = number1length >= number2length ? number1length : number2length; return (Math.round(number1 * powValue - number2 * powValue) / powValue).toFixed(fixedValue); }, /** * 除法 * @param number1 * @param number2 */ division(number1, number2) { let number1length, number2length, number1ReplaceValue, number2ReplaceValue; try { number1length = number1.toString().split(".")[1].length; } catch (error2) { number1length = 0; } try { number2length = number2.toString().split(".")[1].length; } catch (error2) { number2length = 0; } number1ReplaceValue = Number(number1.toString().replace(".", "")); number2ReplaceValue = Number(number2.toString().replace(".", "")); return number1ReplaceValue / number2ReplaceValue * Math.pow(10, number2length - number1length); } }; const PanelHandleContentDetails = () => { return { /** * 左侧的ul容器 */ asideULElement: null, /** * 右侧主内容的顶部文字ul容器 */ sectionContainerHeaderULElement: null, /** * 右侧主内容的ul容器 */ sectionContainerULElement: null, /** * 元素 */ $el: { /** 内容 */ $content: null, /** 左侧容器 */ $contentAside: null, /** 右侧容器 */ $contentSectionContainer: null }, /** * 初始化 * @param details */ init(details) { this.$el = null; this.$el = { ...details.$el }; this.asideULElement = this.$el.$contentAside.querySelector("ul"); this.sectionContainerHeaderULElement = this.$el.$contentSectionContainer.querySelectorAll("ul")[0]; this.sectionContainerULElement = this.$el.$contentSectionContainer.querySelectorAll("ul")[1]; let $asideDefaultItemElement = null; let isScrollToDefaultView = false; details.config.content.forEach((asideItemConfig) => { let $asideLiElement = this.createAsideItem(asideItemConfig); this.setAsideItemClickEvent($asideLiElement, asideItemConfig); this.asideULElement.appendChild($asideLiElement); if ($asideDefaultItemElement == null) { let flag = false; if (typeof asideItemConfig.isDefault === "function") { flag = Boolean(asideItemConfig.isDefault()); } else { flag = Boolean(asideItemConfig.isDefault); } if (flag) { $asideDefaultItemElement = $asideLiElement; isScrollToDefaultView = Boolean(asideItemConfig.scrollToDefaultView); } } if (typeof asideItemConfig.afterRender === "function") { asideItemConfig.afterRender({ asideConfig: asideItemConfig, $asideLiElement }); } }); if ($asideDefaultItemElement == null && this.asideULElement.children.length) { $asideDefaultItemElement = this.asideULElement.children[0]; } if ($asideDefaultItemElement) { $asideDefaultItemElement.click(); if (isScrollToDefaultView) { $asideDefaultItemElement == null ? void 0 : $asideDefaultItemElement.scrollIntoView(); } } else { console.error("pops.panel:左侧容器没有项"); } }, /** * 清空container容器的元素 */ clearContainer() { var _a2; this.sectionContainerHeaderULElement.innerHTML = ""; this.sectionContainerULElement.innerHTML = ""; (_a2 = this.$el.$content) == null ? void 0 : _a2.querySelectorAll("section.pops-panel-deepMenu-container").forEach((ele) => ele.remove()); }, /** * 清空左侧容器已访问记录 */ clearAsideItemIsVisited() { this.$el.$contentAside.querySelectorAll(".pops-is-visited").forEach((element) => { popsDOMUtils.removeClassName(element, "pops-is-visited"); }); }, /** * 设置左侧容器已访问记录 * @param element */ setAsideItemIsVisited(element) { popsDOMUtils.addClassName(element, "pops-is-visited"); }, /** * 为元素添加自定义属性 * @param element * @param attributes */ setElementAttributes(element, attributes) { if (attributes == null) { return; } if (Array.isArray(attributes)) { attributes.forEach((attrObject) => { this.setElementAttributes(element, attrObject); }); } else { Object.keys(attributes).forEach((attributeName) => { element.setAttribute(attributeName, attributes[attributeName]); }); } }, /** * 为元素设置(自定义)属性 * @param element * @param props */ setElementProps(element, props) { if (props == null) { return; } Object.keys(props).forEach((propName) => { Reflect.set(element, propName, props[propName]); }); }, /** * 为元素设置classname * @param element * @param className */ setElementClassName(element, className) { if (className == null) { return; } if (typeof className === "function") { className = className(); } if (typeof className === "string") { let splitClassName = className.split(" "); splitClassName.forEach((classNameStr) => { element.classList.add(classNameStr); }); } else if (Array.isArray(className)) { className.forEach((classNameStr) => { this.setElementClassName(element, classNameStr); }); } }, /** * 创建左侧容器元素
  • * @param asideConfig */ createAsideItem(asideConfig) { let liElement = document.createElement("li"); liElement.id = asideConfig.id; liElement["__forms__"] = asideConfig.forms; liElement.innerHTML = asideConfig.title; this.setElementClassName(liElement, asideConfig.className); this.setElementAttributes(liElement, asideConfig.attributes); this.setElementProps(liElement, asideConfig.props); return liElement; }, /** * 创建中间容器的元素
  • * type ==> switch * @param formConfig */ createSectionContainerItem_switch(formConfig) { let liElement = document.createElement("li"); liElement["__formConfig__"] = formConfig; this.setElementClassName(liElement, formConfig.className); this.setElementAttributes(liElement, formConfig.attributes); this.setElementProps(liElement, formConfig.props); let leftDescriptionText = ""; if (Boolean(formConfig.description)) { leftDescriptionText = /*html*/ `


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  • * type ==> slider * @param formConfig */ createSectionContainerItem_slider(formConfig) { let liElement = document.createElement("li"); liElement["__formConfig__"] = formConfig; this.setElementClassName(liElement, formConfig.className); this.setElementAttributes(liElement, formConfig.attributes); this.setElementProps(liElement, formConfig.props); let leftDescriptionText = ""; if (Boolean(formConfig.description)) { leftDescriptionText = `


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  • * type ==> slider * @param formConfig */ createSectionContainerItem_slider_new(formConfig) { let liElement = document.createElement("li"); liElement["__formConfig__"] = formConfig; this.setElementClassName(liElement, formConfig.className); this.setElementAttributes(liElement, formConfig.attributes); this.setElementProps(liElement, formConfig.props); let leftDescriptionText = ""; if (Boolean(formConfig.description)) { leftDescriptionText = /*html*/ `


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    `; const PopsPanelSlider = { [Symbol.toStringTag]: "PopsPanelSlider", /** * 值 */ value: formConfig.getValue(), /** * 最小值 */ min: formConfig.min, /** * 最大值 */ max: formConfig.max, /** * 间隔 */ step: formConfig.step || 1, $data: { /** * 是否正在移动 */ isMove: false, /** * 是否已初始化已拖拽的距离 */ isInitDragPosition: false, /** * 是否正在检测是否停止拖拽 */ isCheckingStopDragMove: false, /** * 总宽度(px) */ totalWidth: 0, /** * 每一块的间隔(px) */ stepPx: 0, /** * 已拖拽的距离(px) */ dragWidth: 0, /** * 已拖拽的百分比 */ dragPercent: 0, /** * 每一次块的信息 * 例如:当最小值是2,最大值是10,step为2 * 那么生成[2,4,6,8,10] 共计5个 * 又获取到当前滑块总长度是200px * 那么生成映射 * 2 => 0px~40px * 4 => 40px~80px * 6 => 80px~120px * 8 => 120px~160px * 10 => 160px~200px */ stepBlockMap: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), tooltip: null }, $ele: { slider: liElement.querySelector(".pops-slider"), runAway: liElement.querySelector(".pops-slider__runway"), bar: liElement.querySelector(".pops-slider__bar"), buttonWrapper: liElement.querySelector(".pops-slider__button-wrapper"), button: liElement.querySelector(".pops-slider__button") }, $interval: { isCheck: false }, $tooltip: null, init() { this.initEleData(); this.setToolTipEvent(); this.setPanEvent(); this.setRunAwayClickEvent(); this.intervalInit(); if (formConfig.disabled) { this.disableDrag(); } }, /** * 10s内循环获取slider的宽度等信息 * 获取到了就可以初始化left的值 * @param {number} [checkStepTime=200] 每次检测的间隔时间 * @param {number} [maxTime=10000] 最大的检测时间 */ intervalInit(checkStepTime = 200, maxTime = 1e4) { if (this.$interval.isCheck) { return; } this.$interval.isCheck = true; let isSuccess = false; let oldTotalWidth = this.$data.totalWidth; let timer = void 0; let interval = setInterval(() => { if (isSuccess) { this.$interval.isCheck = false; clearTimeout(timer); clearInterval(interval); } else { this.initTotalWidth(); if (this.$data.totalWidth !== 0) { isSuccess = true; if (this.$data.totalWidth !== oldTotalWidth) { if (PopsMathFloatUtils.isFloat(this.step)) { this.initFloatStepMap(); } else { this.initStepMap(); } this.initSliderPosition(); } } } }, checkStepTime); timer = setTimeout(() => { clearInterval(interval); }, maxTime); }, /** * 把数据添加到元素上 */ initEleData() { this.$ele.slider.setAttribute("data-min", this.min.toString()); this.$ele.slider.setAttribute("data-max", this.max.toString()); this.$ele.slider.setAttribute("data-value", this.value.toString()); this.$ele.slider.setAttribute("data-step", this.step.toString()); this.$ele.slider["data-min"] = this.min; this.$ele.slider["data-max"] = this.max; this.$ele.slider["data-value"] = this.value; this.$ele.slider["data-step"] = this.step; }, /** * 初始化滑块的总长度的数据(px) */ initTotalWidth() { this.$data.totalWidth = popsDOMUtils.width(this.$ele.runAway); }, /** * 初始化每一个块的具体数据信息 */ initStepMap() { let index = 0; let blockNums = (this.max - this.min) / this.step; this.$data.stepPx = this.$data.totalWidth / blockNums; let widthPx = 0; for (let stepValue = this.min; stepValue <= this.max; stepValue += this.step) { let value = this.formatValue(stepValue); let info = {}; if (value === this.min) { info = { value, px: 0, pxLeft: 0, pxRight: this.$data.stepPx / 2, percent: 0 }; } else { info = { value, px: widthPx, pxLeft: widthPx - this.$data.stepPx / 2, pxRight: widthPx + this.$data.stepPx / 2, percent: widthPx / this.$data.totalWidth }; } this.$data.stepBlockMap.set(index, info); index++; widthPx += this.$data.stepPx; } }, /** * 初始化每一个块的具体数据信息(浮点) */ initFloatStepMap() { let index = 0; let blockNums = (this.max - this.min) / this.step; this.$data.stepPx = this.$data.totalWidth / blockNums; let widthPx = 0; for (let stepValue = this.min; stepValue <= this.max; stepValue = PopsMathFloatUtils.add(stepValue, this.step)) { let value = this.formatValue(stepValue); let info = {}; if (value === this.min) { info = { value, px: 0, pxLeft: 0, pxRight: this.$data.stepPx / 2, percent: 0 }; } else { info = { value, px: widthPx, pxLeft: widthPx - this.$data.stepPx / 2, pxRight: widthPx + this.$data.stepPx / 2, percent: widthPx / this.$data.totalWidth }; } this.$data.stepBlockMap.set(index, info); index++; widthPx += this.$data.stepPx; } }, /** * 初始化slider的默认起始left的百分比值 */ initSliderPosition() { let percent = 0; for (const [, stepBlockInfo] of this.$data.stepBlockMap.entries()) { if (stepBlockInfo.value == this.value) { percent = stepBlockInfo.percent; this.$data.dragWidth = stepBlockInfo.px; break; } } percent = this.formatValue(percent * 100); this.setSliderPosition(percent); }, /** * 判断数字是否是浮点数 * @param num * @returns */ isFloat(num) { return Number(num) === num && num % 1 !== 0; }, /** * 值改变的回调 * @param event * @param value */ valueChangeCallBack(event, value) { if (typeof formConfig.callback === "function") { formConfig.callback(event, value); } }, /** * 根据拖拽距离获取滑块应该在的区间和值 */ getDragInfo(dragX) { let result2 = this.$data.stepBlockMap.get(0); for (const [, stepBlockInfo] of this.$data.stepBlockMap.entries()) { if (stepBlockInfo.pxLeft <= dragX && dragX < stepBlockInfo.pxRight) { result2 = stepBlockInfo; break; } } return result2; }, /** * 获取滑块的当前脱拖拽占据的百分比 * @param {number} dragWidth */ getSliderPositonPercent(dragWidth) { return dragWidth / this.$data.totalWidth; }, /** * 根据step格式化value * @param num */ formatValue(num) { if (PopsMathFloatUtils.isFloat(this.step)) { num = parseFloat(num.toFixed(2)); } else { num = parseInt(num.toString()); } return num; }, /** * 设置滑块的位置偏移(left) * @param percent 百分比 */ setSliderPosition(percent) { if (parseInt(percent.toString()) === 1) { percent = 1; } if (percent > 1) { percent = percent / 100; } this.$ele.buttonWrapper.style.left = `${percent * 100}%`; this.$ele.bar.style.width = `${percent * 100}%`; }, /** * 禁止拖拽 */ disableDrag() { this.$ele.runAway.classList.add("pops-slider-is-disabled"); }, /** * 允许拖拽 */ allowDrag() { this.$ele.runAway.classList.remove("pops-slider-is-disabled"); }, /** * 判断当前滑块是否被禁用 */ isDisabledDrag() { return this.$ele.runAway.classList.contains("pops-slider-is-disabled"); }, /** * 设置进度条点击定位的事件 */ setRunAwayClickEvent() { popsDOMUtils.on(this.$ele.runAway, "click", void 0, (event) => { if (event.target !== this.$ele.runAway && event.target !== this.$ele.bar) { return; } let clickX = parseFloat(event.offsetX); this.dragStartCallBack(); this.dragMoveCallBack(event, clickX, this.value); this.dragEndCallBack(clickX); }, { capture: false }); }, /** * 拖拽开始的回调,如果返回false,禁止拖拽 */ dragStartCallBack() { if (!this.$data.isMove) { if (this.isDisabledDrag()) { return false; } this.$data.isMove = true; } return true; }, /** * 拖拽中的回调 * @param event 事件 * @param dragX 当前拖拽的距离 * @param oldValue 旧的值 */ dragMoveCallBack(event, dragX, oldValue) { let dragPercent = 0; if (dragX <= 0) { dragPercent = 0; this.value = this.min; } else if (dragX >= this.$data.totalWidth) { dragPercent = 1; this.value = this.max; } else { const dragInfo = this.getDragInfo(dragX); dragPercent = dragInfo.percent; this.value = this.formatValue(dragInfo.value); } this.$data.dragPercent = dragPercent; this.setSliderPosition(this.$data.dragPercent); this.showToolTip(); if (oldValue !== this.value) { this.valueChangeCallBack(event, this.value); } }, /** * 拖拽结束的回调 */ dragEndCallBack(dragX) { this.$data.isMove = false; if (dragX <= 0) { this.$data.dragWidth = 0; } else if (dragX >= this.$data.totalWidth) { this.$data.dragWidth = this.$data.totalWidth; } else { this.$data.dragWidth = dragX; } this.closeToolTip(); }, /** * 设置点击拖拽事件 */ setPanEvent() { const AnyTouch = popsUtils.AnyTouch(); this.$tooltip = new AnyTouch(this.$ele.button, { preventDefault() { return false; } }); let currentDragX = 0; this.$tooltip.on("at:move", (event) => { if (!this.dragStartCallBack()) { return; } let oldValue = this.value; const runAwayRect = this.$ele.runAway.getBoundingClientRect(); let displacementX = event.x - (runAwayRect.left + globalThis.screenX); if (displacementX <= 0) { displacementX = 0; } else if (displacementX >= runAwayRect.width) { displacementX = runAwayRect.width; } currentDragX = displacementX; this.dragMoveCallBack(event, currentDragX, oldValue); }); this.$tooltip.on("at:end", (event) => { this.dragEndCallBack(currentDragX); }); }, /** * 显示悬浮的 */ showToolTip() { this.$data.tooltip.toolTip.show(); }, /** * 关闭悬浮的 */ closeToolTip() { this.$data.tooltip.toolTip.close(); }, /** * 检测在1000ms内,是否停止了拖拽 */ checkStopDragMove() { if (this.$data.isCheckingStopDragMove) { return; } this.$data.isCheckingStopDragMove = true; let interval = setInterval(() => { if (!this.$data.isMove) { this.$data.isCheckingStopDragMove = false; this.closeToolTip(); clearInterval(interval); } }, 200); setTimeout(() => { this.$data.isCheckingStopDragMove = false; clearInterval(interval); }, 2e3); }, /** * 设置拖拽按钮的悬浮事件 */ setToolTipEvent() { function getToolTipContent() { if (typeof formConfig.getToolTipContent === "function") { return formConfig.getToolTipContent(PopsPanelSlider.value); } else { return PopsPanelSlider.value; } } let tooltip = pops.tooltip({ target: this.$ele.button, content: getToolTipContent, zIndex: () => { return PopsInstanceUtils.getPopsMaxZIndex().zIndex; }, isFixed: true, className: "github-tooltip", only: false, eventOption: { capture: true, passive: true }, showBeforeCallBack: () => { this.intervalInit(); }, showAfterCallBack: (toolTipNode) => { tooltip.toolTip.changeContent(getToolTipContent()); }, closeBeforeCallBack: () => { if (this.$data.isMove) { this.checkStopDragMove(); return false; } }, alwaysShow: false, position: "top", arrowDistance: 10 }); this.$data.tooltip = tooltip; } }; PopsPanelSlider.init(); liElement["data-slider"] = PopsPanelSlider; return liElement; }, /** * 获取中间容器的元素
  • * type ==> input * @param formConfig */ createSectionContainerItem_input(formConfig) { let liElement = document.createElement("li"); liElement["__formConfig__"] = formConfig; this.setElementClassName(liElement, formConfig.className); this.setElementAttributes(liElement, formConfig.attributes); this.setElementProps(liElement, formConfig.props); let inputType = "text"; if (formConfig.isPassword) { inputType = "password"; } else if (formConfig.isNumber) { inputType = "number"; } let leftDescriptionText = ""; if (Boolean(formConfig.description)) { leftDescriptionText = `


    `; } liElement.innerHTML = `


    `; const PopsPanelInput = { [Symbol.toStringTag]: "PopsPanelInput", $ele: { panelInput: liElement.querySelector(".pops-panel-input"), input: liElement.querySelector("input"), inputSpanIcon: document.createElement("span"), inputSpanIconInner: null, icon: null }, $data: { value: formConfig.getValue(), isView: false }, init() { this.initEle(); this.setInputValue(this.$data.value); if (formConfig.isPassword) { this.setCircleIcon(pops.config.iconSVG.view); this.setCircleIconClickEvent(); } else { if (this.$ele.input.value != "") { this.setCircleIcon(pops.config.iconSVG.circleClose); this.setCircleIconClickEvent(); } } this.setInputChangeEvent(); if (formConfig.disabled) { this.disable(); } if (typeof formConfig.handlerCallBack === "function") { formConfig.handlerCallBack(liElement, this.$ele.input); } }, /** * 初始化$ele的配置 */ initEle() { this.$ele.input.parentElement.insertBefore(this.$ele.inputSpanIcon, this.$ele.input.nextSibling); this.$ele.inputSpanIcon.className = "pops-panel-input__suffix"; this.$ele.inputSpanIcon.innerHTML = ` `; this.$ele.inputSpanIconInner = this.$ele.inputSpanIcon.querySelector(".pops-panel-input__suffix-inner"); this.$ele.icon = this.$ele.inputSpanIcon.querySelector(".pops-panel-icon"); }, /** * 禁用 */ disable() { this.$ele.input.disabled = true; this.$ele.panelInput.classList.add("pops-input-disabled"); }, /** * 取消禁用 */ notDisable() { this.$ele.input.disabled = false; this.$ele.panelInput.classList.remove("pops-input-disabled"); }, /** * 判断是否已被禁用 */ isDisabled() { return this.$ele.input.disabled; }, /** * 设置输入框内容 * @param {string} [value=""] 值 */ setInputValue(value = "") { this.$ele.input.value = value; }, /** * 设置input元素的type * @param {string} [typeValue="text"] type值 */ setInputType(typeValue = "text") { this.$ele.input.setAttribute("type", typeValue); }, /** * 删除图标按钮 */ removeCircleIcon() { this.$ele.icon.innerHTML = ""; }, /** * 添加清空图标按钮 * @param {string} [svgHTML=pops.config.iconSVG.circleClose] svg图标,默认为清空的图标 */ setCircleIcon(svgHTML = pops.config.iconSVG.circleClose) { this.$ele.icon.innerHTML = svgHTML; }, /** * 添加图标按钮的点击事件 */ setCircleIconClickEvent() { popsDOMUtils.on(this.$ele.icon, "click", void 0, () => { if (this.isDisabled()) { return; } this.removeCircleIcon(); if (formConfig.isPassword) { if (this.$data.isView) { this.$data.isView = false; this.setInputType("text"); this.setCircleIcon(pops.config.iconSVG.hide); } else { this.$data.isView = true; this.setInputType("password"); this.setCircleIcon(pops.config.iconSVG.view); } } else { this.setInputValue(""); this.$ele.input.focus(); this.$ele.input.dispatchEvent(new Event("input")); } }); }, /** * 监听输入框内容改变 */ setInputChangeEvent() { popsDOMUtils.on(this.$ele.input, ["input", "propertychange"], void 0, (event) => { this.$data.value = this.$ele.input.value; if (!formConfig.isPassword) { if (this.$ele.input.value !== "" && this.$ele.icon.innerHTML === "") { this.setCircleIcon(pops.config.iconSVG.circleClose); this.setCircleIconClickEvent(); } else if (this.$ele.input.value === "") { this.removeCircleIcon(); } } if (typeof formConfig.callback === "function") { if (formConfig.isNumber) { formConfig.callback(event, this.$ele.input.value, this.$ele.input.valueAsNumber); } else { formConfig.callback(event, this.$ele.input.value); } } }); } }; PopsPanelInput.init(); liElement["data-input"] = PopsPanelInput; return liElement; }, /** * 获取中间容器的元素
  • * type ==> textarea * @param formConfig */ createSectionContainerItem_textarea(formConfig) { let liElement = document.createElement("li"); liElement["__formConfig__"] = formConfig; this.setElementClassName(liElement, formConfig.className); this.setElementAttributes(liElement, formConfig.attributes); this.setElementProps(liElement, formConfig.props); let leftDescriptionText = ""; if (Boolean(formConfig.description)) { leftDescriptionText = `


    `; } liElement.innerHTML = `


    `; const PopsPanelTextArea = { [Symbol.toStringTag]: "PopsPanelTextArea", $ele: { panelTextarea: liElement.querySelector(".pops-panel-textarea"), textarea: liElement.querySelector(".pops-panel-textarea textarea") }, $data: { value: formConfig.getValue() }, init() { this.setValue(this.$data.value); this.setChangeEvent(); if (formConfig.disabled) { this.disable(); } }, disable() { this.$ele.textarea.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); this.$ele.panelTextarea.classList.add("pops-panel-textarea-disable"); }, notDisable() { this.$ele.textarea.removeAttribute("disabled"); this.$ele.panelTextarea.classList.remove("pops-panel-textarea-disable"); }, isDisabled() { return this.$ele.textarea.hasAttribute("disabled") || this.$ele.panelTextarea.classList.contains("pops-panel-textarea-disable"); }, setValue(value) { this.$ele.textarea.value = value; }, /** * 监听选择内容改变 */ setChangeEvent() { popsDOMUtils.on(this.$ele.textarea, ["input", "propertychange"], void 0, (event) => { this.$data.value = event.target.value; if (typeof formConfig.callback === "function") { formConfig.callback(event, event.target.value); } }); } }; PopsPanelTextArea.init(); liElement["data-textarea"] = PopsPanelTextArea; return liElement; }, /** * 获取中间容器的元素
  • * type ==> select * @param formConfig */ createSectionContainerItem_select(formConfig) { const that = this; let liElement = document.createElement("li"); liElement["__formConfig__"] = formConfig; this.setElementClassName(liElement, formConfig.className); this.setElementAttributes(liElement, formConfig.attributes); this.setElementProps(liElement, formConfig.props); let leftDescriptionText = ""; if (Boolean(formConfig.description)) { leftDescriptionText = /*html*/ `


    `; } liElement.innerHTML = /*html*/ `


    `; const PopsPanelSelect = { [Symbol.toStringTag]: "PopsPanelSelect", $ele: { panelSelect: liElement.querySelector(".pops-panel-select"), select: liElement.querySelector(".pops-panel-select select") }, $eleKey: { disable: "__disable__", value: "__value__", forms: "__forms__" }, $data: { defaultValue: formConfig.getValue() }, init() { this.initOption(); this.setChangeEvent(); this.setClickEvent(); if (formConfig.disabled) { this.disable(); } }, /** * 给option元素设置属性 * @param $ele * @param key * @param value */ setNodeValue($ele, key, value) { Reflect.set($ele, key, value); }, /** * 获取option元素上设置的属性 * @param $ele * @param value * @param key */ getNodeValue($ele, key) { return Reflect.get($ele, key); }, /** * 禁用选项 */ disable() { this.$ele.select.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); this.$ele.panelSelect.classList.add("pops-panel-select-disable"); }, /** * 取消禁用 */ notDisable() { this.$ele.select.removeAttribute("disabled"); this.$ele.panelSelect.classList.remove("pops-panel-select-disable"); }, /** * 判断是否禁用 */ isDisabled() { return this.$ele.select.hasAttribute("disabled") || this.$ele.panelSelect.classList.contains("pops-panel-select-disable"); }, /** * 初始化选项 */ initOption() { formConfig.data.forEach((dataItem) => { let optionElement = document.createElement("option"); this.setNodeValue(optionElement, this.$eleKey.value, dataItem.value); this.setNodeValue(optionElement, this.$eleKey.disable, dataItem.disable); this.setNodeValue(optionElement, this.$eleKey.forms, dataItem.forms); if (dataItem.value === this.$data.defaultValue) { this.setOptionSelected(optionElement); } optionElement.innerText = dataItem.text; this.$ele.select.appendChild(optionElement); }); }, /** * 设置选项选中 */ setOptionSelected($option) { $option.setAttribute("selected", "true"); }, /** 检测所有option并设置禁用状态 */ setSelectOptionsDisableStatus() { if (this.$ele.select.options && this.$ele.select.options.length) { Array.from(this.$ele.select.options).forEach((optionItem) => { this.setOptionDisableStatus(optionItem); }); } }, /** 设置禁用状态 */ setOptionDisableStatus(optionElement) { let disable = false; let optionDisableAttr = this.getNodeValue(optionElement, this.$eleKey.disable); if (optionDisableAttr === "function") { let value = this.getNodeValue(optionElement, this.$eleKey.value); disable = Boolean(optionDisableAttr(value)); } if (disable) { optionElement.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); } else { optionElement.removeAttribute("disabled"); } }, /** 获取option上的信息 */ getSelectOptionInfo($option) { let optionValue = this.getNodeValue($option, this.$eleKey.value); let optionText = $option.innerText || $option.textContent; let optionForms = this.getNodeValue($option, this.$eleKey.forms); return { value: optionValue, text: optionText, forms: optionForms, $option }; }, /** * 监听选择内容改变 */ setChangeEvent() { popsDOMUtils.on(this.$ele.select, "change", void 0, (event) => { let $isSelectedElement = event.target[event.target.selectedIndex]; let selectInfo = this.getSelectOptionInfo($isSelectedElement); this.setSelectOptionsDisableStatus(); if (typeof formConfig.callback === "function") { formConfig.callback(event, selectInfo.value, selectInfo.text); } let forms = typeof selectInfo.forms === "function" ? selectInfo.forms() : selectInfo.forms; if (Array.isArray(forms)) { let childUListClassName = "pops-panel-select-child-forms"; while (liElement.nextElementSibling) { if (liElement.nextElementSibling.classList.contains(childUListClassName)) { liElement.nextElementSibling.remove(); } else { break; } } let $childUList = document.createElement("ul"); $childUList.className = childUListClassName; popsDOMUtils.after(liElement, $childUList); that.uListContainerAddItem(formConfig, { ulElement: $childUList }); } }); }, /** * 监听点击事件 */ setClickEvent() { popsDOMUtils.on(this.$ele.select, "click", void 0, (event) => { this.setSelectOptionsDisableStatus(); if (typeof formConfig.clickCallBack === "function") { formConfig.clickCallBack(event, this.$ele.select); } }); } }; PopsPanelSelect.init(); Reflect.set(liElement, "data-select", PopsPanelSelect); return liElement; }, /** * 获取中间容器的元素
  • * type ==> select-multiple * @param formConfig */ createSectionContainerItem_select_multiple_new(formConfig) { let liElement = document.createElement("li"); Reflect.set(liElement, "__formConfig__", formConfig); this.setElementClassName(liElement, formConfig.className); this.setElementAttributes(liElement, formConfig.attributes); this.setElementProps(liElement, formConfig.props); let leftDescriptionText = ""; if (Boolean(formConfig.description)) { leftDescriptionText = /*html*/ `


    `; } liElement.innerHTML = /*html*/ `


    `; const PopsPanelSelectMultiple = { [Symbol.toStringTag]: "PopsPanelSelectMultiple", $el: { /** 容器 */ $container: void 0, /** 包括的容器 */ $wrapper: void 0, /** 内容区域 */ $section: void 0, /** 手动输入 */ $selectedInputWrapper: void 0, /** 灰色提示语 */ $selectedPlaceHolderWrapper: void 0, /** 下拉箭头区域 */ $suffix: void 0, /** 下拉箭头图标 */ $suffixIcon: void 0 }, $data: { /** 默认值 */ defaultValue: formConfig.getValue(), selectInfo: [] }, /** 初始化 */ init() { this.initDefault(); this.inintEl(); this.initPlaceHolder(); this.updateTagElement(); this.setSelectContainerClickEvent(); }, /** 初始化默认值 */ initDefault() { formConfig.data.forEach((dataItem) => { if (this.$data.defaultValue.includes(dataItem.value)) { this.$data.selectInfo.push({ text: dataItem.text, value: dataItem.value, isHTML: Boolean(dataItem.isHTML), disable: dataItem.disable }); } }); }, /** 初始化$el变量 */ inintEl() { this.$el.$container = liElement.querySelector(".pops-panel-select-multiple"); this.$el.$wrapper = liElement.querySelector(".el-select__wrapper"); this.$el.$section = liElement.querySelector(".el-select__selection"); this.$el.$selectedInputWrapper = liElement.querySelector(".el-select__selected-item.el-select__input-wrapper"); this.$el.$selectedPlaceHolderWrapper = liElement.querySelector(".el-select__selected-item.el-select__placeholder"); this.$el.$suffix = liElement.querySelector(".el-select__suffix"); this.$el.$suffixIcon = liElement.querySelector(".el-select__suffix .el-icon"); this.hideInputWrapper(); }, /** 初始化提示文字 */ initPlaceHolder() { let placeholder = ""; if (typeof formConfig.placeholder === "string") { placeholder = formConfig.placeholder; } else if (typeof formConfig.placeholder === "function") { let placeholderResult = formConfig.placeholder(); if (typeof placeholderResult === "string") { placeholder = placeholderResult; } } let $placeholder = popsDOMUtils.createElement("span", { innerText: placeholder }); this.$el.$selectedPlaceHolderWrapper.appendChild($placeholder); }, /** 初始化tag */ updateTagElement() { formConfig.data.forEach((dataItem) => { let findValue = this.$data.selectInfo.find((item) => item.value === dataItem.value); if (findValue) { let selectedInfo = this.createSelectedItem({ text: dataItem.text, isHTML: dataItem.isHTML }); this.addSelectedItem(selectedInfo.$tag); this.setSelectedItemCloseIconClickEvent({ $tag: selectedInfo.$tag, $closeIcon: selectedInfo.$closeIcon, value: dataItem.value, text: dataItem.text }); } }); this.checkTagEmpty(); }, /** * 生成一个tag项 * @param data 配置 */ createSelectedItem(data) { const $selectedItem = popsDOMUtils.createElement("div", { className: "el-select__selected-item el-select__choose_tag", innerHTML: ( /*html*/ ` ` ) }); const $tagText = $selectedItem.querySelector(".el-select__tags-text"); const $closeIcon = $selectedItem.querySelector(".el-icon.el-tag__close"); if (data.isHTML) { $tagText.innerHTML = data.text; } else { $tagText.innerText = data.text; } return { $tag: $selectedItem, $tagText, $closeIcon }; }, /** * 添加选中项元素 */ addSelectedItem($ele) { this.setSectionIsNear(); if (this.$el.$section.contains(this.$el.$selectedInputWrapper)) { let $prev = this.$el.$selectedInputWrapper.previousElementSibling; if ($prev) { popsDOMUtils.after($prev, $ele); } else { popsDOMUtils.before(this.$el.$selectedInputWrapper, $ele); } } else if (this.$el.$section.contains(this.$el.$selectedPlaceHolderWrapper)) { let $prev = this.$el.$selectedPlaceHolderWrapper.previousElementSibling; if ($prev) { popsDOMUtils.after($prev, $ele); } else { popsDOMUtils.before(this.$el.$selectedPlaceHolderWrapper, $ele); } } else { this.$el.$section.appendChild($ele); } this.hideInputWrapper(); this.hidePlaceHolderWrapper(); }, /** 更新tag信息 */ updateSelectTagItem() { this.$el.$section.querySelectorAll(".el-select__choose_tag").forEach(($ele) => { $ele.remove(); }); this.updateTagElement(); }, /** * 选中的值改变的回调 * @param currentSelectInfo 当前的选中信息 */ selectValueChangeCallBack(currentSelectInfo) { if (typeof formConfig.callback === "function") { formConfig.callback(currentSelectInfo || this.$data.selectInfo); } }, /** 设置下拉列表的点击事件 */ setSelectContainerClickEvent() { const that = this; popsDOMUtils.on(this.$el.$container, "click", (event) => { let selectedInfo = []; selectedInfo = selectedInfo.concat(that.$data.selectInfo); function setItemSelected($ele) { $ele.classList.add("select-item-is-selected"); } function removeItemSelected($ele) { $ele.classList.remove("select-item-is-selected"); } function addSelectedInfo($ele) { let info = getSelectedInfo($ele); let findValue = selectedInfo.find((item) => item.value === info.value); if (!findValue) { selectedInfo.push({ value: info.value, text: info.text, isHTML: Boolean(info.isHTML), disable: info.disable }); } that.selectValueChangeCallBack(selectedInfo); } function removeSelectedInfo($ele) { let info = getSelectedInfo($ele); let findIndex = selectedInfo.findIndex((item) => item.value === info.value); if (findIndex !== -1) { selectedInfo.splice(findIndex, 1); } that.selectValueChangeCallBack(selectedInfo); } function isSelected($ele) { return $ele.classList.contains("select-item-is-selected"); } function getSelectedInfo($ele) { return Reflect.get($ele, "data-info"); } function getAllSelectedInfo() { return Array.from($selectContainer.querySelectorAll(".select-item")).map(($ele) => { if (isSelected($ele)) { return getSelectedInfo($ele); } }).filter((item) => { return item != null; }); } function createSelectItemElement(dataInfo) { let $item = popsDOMUtils.createElement("li", { className: "select-item", innerHTML: ( /*html*/ ` ${dataInfo.text} ` ) }); Reflect.set($item, "data-info", dataInfo); return $item; } function setSelectItemDisabled($el) { $el.setAttribute("aria-disabled", "true"); } function removeSelectItemDisabled($el) { $el.removeAttribute("aria-disabled"); $el.removeAttribute("disabled"); } function setSelectElementClickEvent($ele) { popsDOMUtils.on($ele, "click", (event2) => { popsDOMUtils.preventEvent(event2); if ($ele.hasAttribute("disabled") || $ele.ariaDisabled) { return; } if (typeof formConfig.clickCallBack === "function") { let clickResult = formConfig.clickCallBack(event2, getAllSelectedInfo()); if (typeof clickResult === "boolean" && !clickResult) { return; } } if (isSelected($ele)) { removeItemSelected($ele); removeSelectedInfo($ele); } else { setItemSelected($ele); addSelectedInfo($ele); } }); } let { style, ...userConfirmDetails } = formConfig.selectConfirmDialogDetails || {}; let confirmDetails = popsUtils.assign({ title: { text: "请勾选需要选择的选项", position: "center" }, content: { text: ( /*html*/ `
      ` ), html: true }, btn: { ok: { enable: false }, close: { enable: true, callback(details, event2) { that.$data.selectInfo = [...selectedInfo]; that.updateSelectTagItem(); details.close(); } } }, mask: { enable: true, clickCallBack(originalRun, config) { originalRun(); that.$data.selectInfo = [...selectedInfo]; that.updateSelectTagItem(); }, clickEvent: { toClose: true } }, drag: true, dragLimit: true, width: "300px", height: "300px", style: ( /*css*/ ` .select-container{ --el-font-size-base: 14px; --el-text-color-regular: #606266; --el-color-primary: #409eff; --el-fill-color-light: #f5f7fa; } .select-item{ cursor: pointer; font-size: var(--el-font-size-base); padding: 0 32px 0 20px; position: relative; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; color: var(--el-text-color-regular); height: 34px; line-height: 34px; box-sizing: border-box; } .select-item[aria-disabled], .select-item[disabled]{ cursor: not-allowed; color: #a8abb2; background: unset; } .select-item:hover{ background-color: var(--el-fill-color-light); } .select-item.select-item-is-selected{ color: var(--el-color-primary); font-weight: 700; } .select-item.select-item-is-selected::after{ content: ""; position: absolute; top: 50%; right: 20px; border-top: none; border-right: none; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; background-color: var(--el-color-primary); mask: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,%3Csvg class='icon' width='200' height='200' viewBox='0 0 1024 1024' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%3E%3Cpath fill='currentColor' d='M406.656 706.944L195.84 496.256a32 32 0 10-45.248 45.248l256 256 512-512a32 32 0 00-45.248-45.248L406.592 706.944z'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E") no-repeat; mask-size: 100% 100%; -webkit-mask: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,%3Csvg class='icon' width='200' height='200' viewBox='0 0 1024 1024' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%3E%3Cpath fill='currentColor' d='M406.656 706.944L195.84 496.256a32 32 0 10-45.248 45.248l256 256 512-512a32 32 0 00-45.248-45.248L406.592 706.944z'%3E%3C/path%3E%3C/svg%3E") no-repeat; -webkit-mask-size: 100% 100%; transform: translateY(-50%); width: 12px; height: 12px; } ${style || ""} ` ) }, userConfirmDetails); let $dialog = pops.alert(confirmDetails); let $selectContainer = $dialog.$shadowRoot.querySelector(".select-container"); formConfig.data.forEach((item) => { let $select = createSelectItemElement(item); $selectContainer.appendChild($select); setSelectElementClickEvent($select); if (typeof item.disable === "function" && item.disable(item.value)) { setSelectItemDisabled($select); return; } removeSelectItemDisabled($select); let findValue = selectedInfo.find((value) => value.value === item.value); if (findValue) { setItemSelected($select); } }); }); }, /** 设置关闭图标的点击事件 */ setSelectedItemCloseIconClickEvent(data) { popsDOMUtils.on(data.$closeIcon, "click", (event) => { popsDOMUtils.preventEvent(event); if (typeof formConfig.closeIconClickCallBack === "function") { let result2 = formConfig.closeIconClickCallBack(event, { $tag: data.$tag, $closeIcon: data.$closeIcon, value: data.value, text: data.text }); if (typeof result2 === "boolean" && !result2) { return; } } this.removeSelectedItem(data.$tag); this.removeSelectedInfo({ value: data.value, text: data.text }); }, { capture: true }); }, /** * 检测tag是否为空,为空显示placeholder */ checkTagEmpty() { if (!this.$el.$section.querySelectorAll(".el-select__choose_tag").length) { this.showPlaceHolderWrapper(); this.removeSectionIsNear(); } }, /** 移除选中项元素 */ removeSelectedItem($ele) { $ele.remove(); this.checkTagEmpty(); }, /** 移除选中的信息 */ removeSelectedInfo(data) { for (let index = 0; index < this.$data.selectInfo.length; index++) { const selectInfo = this.$data.selectInfo[index]; if (selectInfo.value === data.value) { this.$data.selectInfo.splice(index, 1); break; } } this.selectValueChangeCallBack(); }, /** 显示输入框 */ showInputWrapper() { popsDOMUtils.cssShow(this.$el.$selectedInputWrapper); }, /** 隐藏输入框 */ hideInputWrapper() { popsDOMUtils.cssHide(this.$el.$selectedInputWrapper, true); }, /** 显示palceholder */ showPlaceHolderWrapper() { popsDOMUtils.cssShow(this.$el.$selectedPlaceHolderWrapper); }, /** 隐藏palceholder */ hidePlaceHolderWrapper() { popsDOMUtils.cssHide(this.$el.$selectedPlaceHolderWrapper, true); }, /** 设置隐藏section的前面的空白 */ setSectionIsNear() { this.$el.$section.classList.add("is-near"); }, /** 取消设置隐藏section的前面的空白 */ removeSectionIsNear() { this.$el.$section.classList.remove("is-near"); } }; PopsPanelSelectMultiple.init(); Reflect.set(liElement, "data-select-multiple", PopsPanelSelectMultiple); return liElement; }, /** * 获取中间容器的元素
    • * type ==> button * @param formConfig */ createSectionContainerItem_button(formConfig) { let liElement = document.createElement("li"); liElement["__formConfig__"] = formConfig; this.setElementClassName(liElement, formConfig.className); this.setElementAttributes(liElement, formConfig.attributes); this.setElementProps(liElement, formConfig.props); let leftDescriptionText = ""; if (Boolean(formConfig.description)) { leftDescriptionText = /*html*/ `


      `; } liElement.innerHTML = /*html*/ `


      `; const PopsPanelButton = { [Symbol.toStringTag]: "PopsPanelButton", $ele: { panelButton: liElement.querySelector(".pops-panel-button"), button: liElement.querySelector(".pops-panel-button .pops-panel-button_inner"), icon: liElement.querySelector(".pops-panel-button .pops-bottom-icon"), spanText: liElement.querySelector(".pops-panel-button .pops-panel-button-text") }, $data: {}, init() { this.$ele.panelButton.appendChild(this.$ele.button); this.initButton(); this.setClickEvent(); }, initButton() { if (typeof formConfig.buttonIcon === "string" && formConfig.buttonIcon.trim() !== "") { if (formConfig.buttonIcon in pops.config.iconSVG) { this.setIconSVG(pops.config.iconSVG[formConfig.buttonIcon]); } else { this.setIconSVG(formConfig.buttonIcon); } this.showIcon(); } else { this.hideIcon(); } let buttonText = formConfig.buttonText; if (typeof formConfig.buttonText === "function") { buttonText = formConfig.buttonText(); } this.setButtonType(formConfig.buttonType); if (formConfig.buttonIsRightIcon) { this.setIconRight(); } else { this.setIconLeft(); } if (formConfig.disable) { this.disable(); } this.setButtonText(buttonText); this.setIconLoadingStatus(formConfig.buttonIconIsLoading); }, disable() { this.$ele.button.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); }, notDisable() { this.$ele.button.removeAttribute("disabled"); }, /** * 隐藏icon图标 */ hideIcon() { this.$ele.panelButton.classList.add("pops-panel-button-no-icon"); }, /** * 显示icon图标 */ showIcon() { this.$ele.panelButton.classList.remove("pops-panel-button-no-icon"); }, /** * 设置icon图标的svg */ setIconSVG(svgHTML) { this.$ele.icon.innerHTML = svgHTML; }, /** * 设置icon图标是否旋转 * @param status */ setIconLoadingStatus(status) { this.$ele.icon.setAttribute("is-loading", Boolean(status).toString()); }, /** * 设置属性上是否存在icon图标 */ setHasIcon(value) { this.$ele.button.setAttribute("data-icon", Boolean(value).toString()); }, /** * 设置按钮类型 * @param typeValue */ setButtonType(typeValue) { this.$ele.button.setAttribute("type", typeValue); }, /** * 添加按钮的图标在右边 */ setIconRight() { this.$ele.button.classList.add("pops-panel-button-right-icon"); }, /** * (默认)添加按钮的图标在左边 */ setIconLeft() { this.$ele.button.classList.remove("pops-panel-button-right-icon"); }, /** * 设置按钮文本 * @param text */ setButtonText(text) { this.$ele.spanText.innerHTML = text; }, setClickEvent() { popsDOMUtils.on(this.$ele.button, "click", void 0, (event) => { if (typeof formConfig.callback === "function") { formConfig.callback(event); } }); } }; PopsPanelButton.init(); liElement["data-button"] = PopsPanelButton; return liElement; }, /** * 获取深层容器的元素
    • * @param formConfig */ createSectionContainerItem_deepMenu(formConfig) { let that = this; let $li = document.createElement("li"); $li.classList.add("pops-panel-deepMenu-nav-item"); $li["__formConfig__"] = formConfig; this.setElementClassName($li, formConfig.className); this.setElementAttributes($li, formConfig.attributes); this.setElementProps($li, formConfig.props); let leftDescriptionText = ""; if (Boolean(formConfig.description)) { leftDescriptionText = `


      `; } let arrowRightIcon = typeof formConfig.arrowRightIcon === "boolean" ? formConfig.arrowRightIcon : true; let arrowRightIconHTML = ""; if (arrowRightIcon) { arrowRightIconHTML = `${pops.config.iconSVG.arrowRight}`; } let rightText = ""; if (formConfig.rightText) { rightText = /*html*/ `


      `; } $li.innerHTML = /*html*/ `


      ${rightText} ${arrowRightIconHTML}
      `; const PopsPanelDeepMenu = { [Symbol.toStringTag]: "PopsPanelDeepMenu", $ele: { get parentSection() { return that.$el.$contentSectionContainer; } }, init() { this.setLiClickEvent(); }, /** * 生成配置每一项的元素 * @param $container * @param formItemConfig */ initFormItem($container, formItemConfig) { let formConfig_forms = formItemConfig; if (formConfig_forms["type"] === "forms") { let childForms = formConfig_forms["forms"]; let formContainerListElement = document.createElement("li"); let formContainerULElement = document.createElement("ul"); formContainerULElement.classList.add("pops-panel-forms-container-item-formlist"); formContainerListElement.classList.add("pops-panel-forms-container-item"); let formHeaderDivElement = popsDOMUtils.createElement("div", { className: "pops-panel-forms-container-item-header-text" }); formHeaderDivElement.innerHTML = formConfig_forms["text"]; if (formConfig_forms.isFold) { formHeaderDivElement.innerHTML = /*html*/ `


      `; popsDOMUtils.on(formHeaderDivElement, "click", (event) => { if (formContainerListElement.hasAttribute("data-fold-enable")) { formContainerListElement.removeAttribute("data-fold-enable"); } else { formContainerListElement.setAttribute("data-fold-enable", ""); } }); formHeaderDivElement.classList.add("pops-panel-forms-fold-container"); formHeaderDivElement.classList.add("pops-user-select-none"); formContainerListElement.setAttribute("data-fold-enable", ""); formContainerListElement.classList.add("pops-panel-forms-fold"); formContainerListElement.appendChild(formHeaderDivElement); } else { formContainerListElement.appendChild(formHeaderDivElement); } that.setElementClassName(formContainerListElement, formItemConfig.className); that.setElementAttributes(formContainerListElement, formItemConfig.attributes); that.setElementProps(formContainerListElement, formItemConfig.props); childForms.forEach((childFormConfig) => { that.uListContainerAddItem(childFormConfig, { ulElement: formContainerULElement, sectionContainerULElement: that.sectionContainerULElement, formContainerListElement, formHeaderDivElement }); }); formContainerListElement.appendChild(formContainerULElement); $container.appendChild(formContainerListElement); if (typeof formConfig_forms.afterAddToUListCallBack === "function") { formConfig_forms.afterAddToUListCallBack(formConfig, { target: formContainerListElement, ulElement: formContainerULElement, sectionContainerULElement: that.sectionContainerULElement, formContainerListElement, formHeaderDivElement }); } } else { that.uListContainerAddItem(formConfig, { ulElement: that.sectionContainerULElement }); } }, /** * 前往子菜单 * @param event 点击事件 * @param liElement 当前的
    • 元素 */ gotoDeepMenu(event, liElement) { var _a2, _b; let currentSection = liElement.closest("section.pops-panel-container"); if (currentSection) { popsDOMUtils.cssHide(currentSection, true); } let $deepMenuContainer = popsDOMUtils.createElement("section", { className: "pops-panel-container pops-panel-deepMenu-container" }); let $deepMenuHeaderUL = popsDOMUtils.createElement("ul", { className: "pops-panel-deepMenu-container-header-ul" }); let $deepMenuBodyUL = popsDOMUtils.createElement("ul"); let headerTitleText = formConfig.headerTitle ?? formConfig.text; let $header = popsDOMUtils.createElement("div", { className: "pops-panel-deepMenu-container-header", innerHTML: `


      ` }); let $headerLeftArrow = popsDOMUtils.createElement("i", { className: "pops-panel-deepMenu-container-left-arrow-icon", innerHTML: pops.config.iconSVG.arrowLeft }); popsDOMUtils.on($headerLeftArrow, "click", void 0, (event2) => { event2 == null ? void 0 : event2.preventDefault(); event2 == null ? void 0 : event2.stopPropagation(); let $prev = $deepMenuContainer.previousElementSibling; popsDOMUtils.cssShow($prev); $deepMenuContainer.remove(); }, { once: true }); (_a2 = $header.firstElementChild) == null ? void 0 : _a2.insertAdjacentElement("beforebegin", $headerLeftArrow); $deepMenuHeaderUL.appendChild($header); $deepMenuContainer.appendChild($deepMenuHeaderUL); $deepMenuContainer.appendChild($deepMenuBodyUL); if (formConfig.forms && Array.isArray(formConfig.forms)) { for (let index = 0; index < formConfig.forms.length; index++) { let formItemConfig = formConfig.forms[index]; this.initFormItem($deepMenuBodyUL, formItemConfig); } } (_b = that.$el.$content) == null ? void 0 : _b.appendChild($deepMenuContainer); if (typeof formConfig.afterEnterDeepMenuCallBack === "function") { formConfig.afterEnterDeepMenuCallBack(formConfig, { sectionContainer: $deepMenuContainer, sectionContainerHeaderContainer: $deepMenuHeaderUL, sectionContainerHeader: $header, sectionBodyContainer: $deepMenuBodyUL }); } }, /** 设置项的点击事件 */ setLiClickEvent() { popsDOMUtils.on($li, "click", void 0, async (event) => { if (typeof formConfig.clickCallBack === "function") { let result2 = await formConfig.clickCallBack(event, formConfig); if (result2) { return; } } this.gotoDeepMenu(event, $li); }); } }; PopsPanelDeepMenu.init(); $li["data-deepMenu"] = PopsPanelDeepMenu; return $li; }, /** * 获取中间容器的元素
    • * type ===> own * @param formConfig */ createSectionContainerItem_own(formConfig) { let liElement = document.createElement("li"); liElement["__formConfig__"] = formConfig; if (formConfig.className) { liElement.className = formConfig.className; } liElement = formConfig.getLiElementCallBack(liElement); return liElement; }, /** * 获取中间容器的元素
    • * @param formConfig */ createSectionContainerItem(formConfig) { let formType = formConfig["type"]; if (formType === "switch") { return this.createSectionContainerItem_switch(formConfig); } else if (formType === "slider") { return this.createSectionContainerItem_slider_new(formConfig); } else if (formType === "input") { return this.createSectionContainerItem_input(formConfig); } else if (formType === "textarea") { return this.createSectionContainerItem_textarea(formConfig); } else if (formType === "select") { return this.createSectionContainerItem_select(formConfig); } else if (formType === "select-multiple") { return this.createSectionContainerItem_select_multiple_new(formConfig); } else if (formType === "button") { return this.createSectionContainerItem_button(formConfig); } else if (formType === "deepMenu") { return this.createSectionContainerItem_deepMenu(formConfig); } else if (formType === "own") { return this.createSectionContainerItem_own(formConfig); } else { console.error("尚未实现的type类型", formConfig); } }, /** * 生成配置项forms * 生成配置每一项的元素 * @param formConfig */ createSectionContainerItem_forms(formConfig) { let that = this; let formConfig_forms = formConfig; if (formConfig_forms["type"] === "forms") { let childForms = formConfig["forms"]; let formContainerListElement = document.createElement("li"); let formContainerULElement = document.createElement("ul"); formContainerULElement.classList.add("pops-panel-forms-container-item-formlist"); formContainerListElement.classList.add("pops-panel-forms-container-item"); let formHeaderDivElement = popsDOMUtils.createElement("div", { className: "pops-panel-forms-container-item-header-text" }); formHeaderDivElement.innerHTML = formConfig_forms["text"]; if (formConfig_forms.isFold) { formHeaderDivElement.innerHTML = /*html*/ `


      `; popsDOMUtils.on(formHeaderDivElement, "click", (event) => { if (formContainerListElement.hasAttribute("data-fold-enable")) { formContainerListElement.removeAttribute("data-fold-enable"); } else { formContainerListElement.setAttribute("data-fold-enable", ""); } }); formHeaderDivElement.classList.add("pops-panel-forms-fold-container"); formHeaderDivElement.classList.add("pops-user-select-none"); formContainerListElement.setAttribute("data-fold-enable", ""); formContainerListElement.classList.add("pops-panel-forms-fold"); formContainerListElement.appendChild(formHeaderDivElement); } else { formContainerListElement.appendChild(formHeaderDivElement); } that.setElementClassName(formContainerListElement, formConfig.className); that.setElementAttributes(formContainerListElement, formConfig.attributes); that.setElementProps(formContainerListElement, formConfig.props); childForms.forEach((childFormConfig) => { that.uListContainerAddItem(childFormConfig, { ulElement: formContainerULElement, sectionContainerULElement: that.sectionContainerULElement, formContainerListElement, formHeaderDivElement }); }); formContainerListElement.appendChild(formContainerULElement); that.sectionContainerULElement.appendChild(formContainerListElement); if (typeof formConfig_forms.afterAddToUListCallBack === "function") { formConfig_forms.afterAddToUListCallBack(formConfig_forms, { target: formContainerListElement, ulElement: formContainerULElement, sectionContainerULElement: that.sectionContainerULElement, formContainerListElement, formHeaderDivElement }); } } else { that.uListContainerAddItem(formConfig, { ulElement: that.sectionContainerULElement }); } }, /** * * @param formConfig * @param containerOptions */ uListContainerAddItem(formConfig, containerOptions) { let itemLiElement = this.createSectionContainerItem(formConfig); if (itemLiElement) { containerOptions["ulElement"].appendChild(itemLiElement); } if (typeof formConfig.afterAddToUListCallBack === "function") { formConfig.afterAddToUListCallBack(formConfig, { ...containerOptions, target: itemLiElement }); } }, /** * 为左侧容器元素添加点击事件 * @param asideLiElement 左侧的容器
    • 元素 * @param asideConfig 配置 */ setAsideItemClickEvent(asideLiElement, asideConfig) { const that = this; popsDOMUtils.on(asideLiElement, "click", void 0, (event) => { this.clearContainer(); popsDOMUtils.cssShow(that.$el.$contentSectionContainer); this.clearAsideItemIsVisited(); this.setAsideItemIsVisited(asideLiElement); let headerTitleText = asideConfig.headerTitle ?? asideConfig.title; if (typeof headerTitleText === "string" && headerTitleText.trim() !== "") { let containerHeaderTitleLIElement = document.createElement("li"); containerHeaderTitleLIElement["__asideConfig__"] = asideConfig; containerHeaderTitleLIElement.innerHTML = headerTitleText; this.sectionContainerHeaderULElement.appendChild(containerHeaderTitleLIElement); } let __forms__ = asideLiElement["__forms__"]; __forms__.forEach((formConfig) => { this.createSectionContainerItem_forms(formConfig); }); if (typeof asideConfig.callback === "function") { asideConfig.callback(event, this.sectionContainerHeaderULElement, this.sectionContainerULElement); } }); } }; }; let PopsPanel$1 = class PopsPanel2 { constructor(details) { const guid = popsUtils.getRandomGUID(); const PopsType = "panel"; let config = PopsPanelConfig(); config = popsUtils.assign(config, GlobalConfig.getGlobalConfig()); config = popsUtils.assign(config, details); if (details && Array.isArray(details.content)) { config.content = details.content; } config = PopsHandler.handleOnly(PopsType, config); const { $shadowContainer, $shadowRoot } = PopsHandler.handlerShadow(config); PopsHandler.handleInit($shadowRoot, [ pops.config.cssText.index, pops.config.cssText.ninePalaceGridPosition, pops.config.cssText.scrollbar, pops.config.cssText.button, pops.config.cssText.anim, pops.config.cssText.common, pops.config.cssText.panelCSS ]); let zIndex = PopsHandler.handleZIndex(config.zIndex); let maskHTML = PopsElementHandler.getMaskHTML(guid, zIndex); let headerBtnHTML = PopsElementHandler.getHeaderBtnHTML(PopsType, config); let { headerStyle, headerPStyle } = PopsElementHandler.getHeaderStyle(PopsType, config); let animHTML = PopsElementHandler.getAnimHTML( guid, PopsType, config, /*html*/ `
      ${config.title.html ? config.title.text : `


      `} ${headerBtnHTML}
          `, "", zIndex ); let $anim = PopsElementHandler.parseElement(animHTML); let { popsElement: $pops, headerCloseBtnElement: $headerCloseBtn, titleElement: $title, contentElement: $content, contentAsideElement: $contentAside, contentSectionContainerElement: $contentSectionContainer } = PopsHandler.handleQueryElement($anim, PopsType); if (config.isMobile || pops.isPhone()) { popsDOMUtils.addClassName($pops, config.mobileClassName); } let $mask = null; let isCreatedElementList = [$anim]; if (config.mask.enable) { let { maskElement } = PopsHandler.handleMask({ type: PopsType, guid, config, animElement: $anim, maskHTML }); $mask = maskElement; isCreatedElementList.push($mask); } let eventDetails = PopsHandler.handleEventDetails(guid, $shadowContainer, $shadowRoot, PopsType, $anim, $pops, $mask, config); PopsHandler.handleClickEvent("close", $headerCloseBtn, eventDetails, config.btn.close.callback); popsDOMUtils.append($shadowRoot, isCreatedElementList); if (typeof config.beforeAppendToPageCallBack === "function") { config.beforeAppendToPageCallBack($shadowRoot, $shadowContainer); } popsDOMUtils.appendBody($shadowContainer); if ($mask != null) { $anim.after($mask); } let panelHandleContentDetails = PanelHandleContentDetails(); panelHandleContentDetails.init({ config, $el: { $content, $contentAside, $contentSectionContainer } }); PopsHandler.handlePush(PopsType, { guid, animElement: $anim, popsElement: $pops, maskElement: $mask, $shadowContainer, $shadowRoot }); if (config.drag) { PopsInstanceUtils.drag($pops, { dragElement: $title, limit: config.dragLimit, extraDistance: config.dragExtraDistance, moveCallBack: config.dragMoveCallBack, endCallBack: config.dragEndCallBack }); } return PopsHandler.handleResultDetails(eventDetails); } }; const rightClickMenuConfig = () => { return { target: document.documentElement, targetSelector: null, data: [ { icon: pops.config.iconSVG.search, iconIsLoading: false, text: "搜索", item: [], callback(clickEvent, contextMenuEvent, liElement) { console.log("点击:" + this.text, [ clickEvent, contextMenuEvent, liElement ]); } }, { icon: pops.config.iconSVG.documentCopy, iconIsLoading: false, text: "复制", item: [], callback(clickEvent, contextMenuEvent, liElement) { console.log("点击:" + this.text, [ clickEvent, contextMenuEvent, liElement ]); } }, { icon: pops.config.iconSVG.delete, text: "删除", iconIsLoading: false, item: [], callback(clickEvent, contextMenuEvent, liElement) { console.log("点击:" + this.text, [ clickEvent, contextMenuEvent, liElement ]); } }, { icon: pops.config.iconSVG.loading, iconIsLoading: true, text: "加载", item: [], callback(clickEvent, contextMenuEvent, liElement) { console.log("点击:" + this.text, [ clickEvent, contextMenuEvent, liElement ]); return false; } }, { icon: pops.config.iconSVG.elemePlus, iconIsLoading: true, text: "饿了么", callback(clickEvent, contextMenuEvent, liElement) { console.log("点击:" + this.text, [ clickEvent, contextMenuEvent, liElement ]); return false; }, item: [ { icon: "", iconIsLoading: false, text: "处理文件", item: [], callback(clickEvent, contextMenuEvent, liElement) { console.log("点击:" + this.text, [ clickEvent, contextMenuEvent, liElement ]); } }, { icon: "", iconIsLoading: false, text: "其它处理", callback(clickEvent, contextMenuEvent, liElement) { console.log("点击:" + this.text, [ clickEvent, contextMenuEvent, liElement ]); }, item: [ { icon: pops.config.iconSVG.view, iconIsLoading: false, text: "查看", item: [], callback(clickEvent, contextMenuEvent, liElement) { console.log("点击:" + this.text, [ clickEvent, contextMenuEvent, liElement ]); } } ] } ] } ], useShadowRoot: true, className: "", isAnimation: true, only: false, zIndex: 1e4, preventDefault: true, style: null, beforeAppendToPageCallBack() { } }; }; class PopsRightClickMenu { constructor(details) { const guid = popsUtils.getRandomGUID(); const PopsType = "rightClickMenu"; let config = rightClickMenuConfig(); config = popsUtils.assign(config, GlobalConfig.getGlobalConfig()); config = popsUtils.assign(config, details); config = PopsHandler.handleOnly(PopsType, config); if (config.target == null) { throw "config.target 不能为空"; } if (details.data) { config.data = details.data; } const { $shadowContainer, $shadowRoot } = PopsHandler.handlerShadow(config); PopsHandler.handleInit($shadowRoot, [ pops.config.cssText.index, pops.config.cssText.anim, pops.config.cssText.common, pops.config.cssText.rightClickMenu ]); if (config.style != null) { let cssNode = document.createElement("style"); cssNode.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); cssNode.innerHTML = config.style; $shadowRoot.appendChild(cssNode); } const PopsContextMenu = { /** * 根元素 */ rootElement: null, /** * 全局点击检测 * @param event */ windowCheckClickEvent(event) { if (!PopsContextMenu.rootElement) { return; } let $click = event.target; if ($click.closest(`.pops-${PopsType}`)) { return; } if ($click.className && $click.className === "pops-shadow-container" && $click.shadowRoot != null) { return; } PopsContextMenu.closeAllMenu(PopsContextMenu.rootElement); }, /** * target为shadowRoot或shadowRoot内的全局点击检测 * @param event */ shadowRootCheckClickEvent(event) { if (!PopsContextMenu.rootElement) { return; } let $click = event.target; if ($click.closest(`.pops-${PopsType}`)) { return; } PopsContextMenu.closeAllMenu(PopsContextMenu.rootElement); }, /** * 添加全局点击检测事件 */ addWindowCheckClickListener() { popsDOMUtils.on(globalThis, "click touchstart", void 0, PopsContextMenu.windowCheckClickEvent, { capture: true }); if (config.target instanceof Node) { const $shadowRoot2 = config.target.getRootNode(); if ($shadowRoot2 instanceof ShadowRoot) { popsDOMUtils.on($shadowRoot2, "click touchstart", void 0, PopsContextMenu.shadowRootCheckClickEvent, { capture: true }); } } }, /** * 移除全局点击检测事件 */ removeWindowCheckClickListener() { popsDOMUtils.off(globalThis, "click touchstart", void 0, PopsContextMenu.windowCheckClickEvent, { capture: true }); if (config.target instanceof Node) { const $shadowRoot2 = config.target.getRootNode(); if ($shadowRoot2 instanceof ShadowRoot) { popsDOMUtils.off($shadowRoot2, "click touchstart", void 0, PopsContextMenu.windowCheckClickEvent, { capture: true }); } } }, /** * contextmenu事件 * @param event */ contextMenuEvent(event) { if (config.preventDefault) { popsDOMUtils.preventEvent(event); } PopsHandler.handleOnly(PopsType, config); if (PopsContextMenu.rootElement) { PopsContextMenu.closeAllMenu(PopsContextMenu.rootElement); } let rootElement = PopsContextMenu.showMenu(event, config.data); PopsContextMenu.rootElement = rootElement; if (config.only) { PopsHandler.handlePush(PopsType, { $shadowRoot, $shadowContainer, guid, animElement: rootElement, popsElement: rootElement, beforeRemoveCallBack(layerCommonConfig) { PopsContextMenu.closeAllMenu(layerCommonConfig.popsElement); } }); } }, /** * 添加contextmenu事件 * @param target 目标 * @param selector 子元素选择器 */ addContextMenuEvent(target, selector) { popsDOMUtils.on(target, "contextmenu", selector, PopsContextMenu.contextMenuEvent); }, /** * 移除contextmenu事件 * @param target 目标 * @param selector 子元素选择器 */ removeContextMenuEvent(target, selector) { popsDOMUtils.off(target, "contextmenu", selector, PopsContextMenu.contextMenuEvent); }, /** * 自动判断是否存在动画,存在动画就执行关闭动画并删除 * @param element */ animationCloseMenu(element) { function transitionEndEvent(event) { popsDOMUtils.off(element, popsDOMUtils.getTransitionEndNameList(), void 0, transitionEndEvent, { capture: true }); element.remove(); } if (element.classList.contains(`pops-${PopsType}-anim-show`)) { popsDOMUtils.on(element, popsDOMUtils.getTransitionEndNameList(), void 0, transitionEndEvent, { capture: true }); element.classList.remove(`pops-${PopsType}-anim-show`); } else { element.remove(); } }, /** * 关闭所有菜单 * @param rootElement */ closeAllMenu(rootElement) { var _a2, _b; if (rootElement == null) { return; } if ((_a2 = rootElement == null ? void 0 : rootElement["__menuData__"]) == null ? void 0 : _a2.root) { rootElement = (_b = rootElement == null ? void 0 : rootElement["__menuData__"]) == null ? void 0 : _b.root; } let childMenuList = rootElement["__menuData__"].child; childMenuList.forEach((childMenuElement) => { this.animationCloseMenu(childMenuElement); }); this.animationCloseMenu(rootElement); PopsContextMenu.rootElement = null; }, /** * 获取菜单容器 * @param isChildren 是否是rightClickMenu的某一项的子菜单 */ getMenuContainerElement(isChildren) { let $menu = popsDOMUtils.createElement("div", { className: `pops-${PopsType}`, innerHTML: ( /*html*/ `
            ` ) }); let zIndex = this.getMenuZIndex(); if (zIndex > 1e4) { $menu.style.zIndex = zIndex.toString(); } if (isChildren) { $menu.setAttribute("is-children", "true"); } if (config.isAnimation) { popsDOMUtils.addClassName($menu, `pops-${PopsType}-anim-grid`); } return $menu; }, /** * 动态获取配的z-index */ getMenuZIndex() { return PopsHandler.handleZIndex(config.zIndex); }, /** * 获取left、top偏移 * @param menuElement 菜单元素 * @param x * @param y */ getOffset(menuElement, x2, y2) { let menuElementWidth = popsDOMUtils.width(menuElement); let menuElementHeight = popsDOMUtils.height(menuElement); let maxLeftOffset = popsDOMUtils.width(globalThis) - menuElementWidth - 1; let maxTopOffset = popsDOMUtils.height(globalThis) - menuElementHeight - 8; let currentLeftOffset = x2; let currentTopOffset = y2; currentLeftOffset = currentLeftOffset < 0 ? 0 : currentLeftOffset; currentLeftOffset = currentLeftOffset < maxLeftOffset ? currentLeftOffset : maxLeftOffset; currentTopOffset = currentTopOffset < 0 ? 0 : currentTopOffset; currentTopOffset = currentTopOffset < maxTopOffset ? currentTopOffset : maxTopOffset; return { left: currentLeftOffset, top: currentTopOffset }; }, /** * 显示菜单 * @param menuEvent 触发的事件 * @param _config_ */ showMenu(menuEvent, _config_) { let menuElement = this.getMenuContainerElement(false); Reflect.set(menuElement, "__menuData__", { child: [] }); PopsContextMenu.addMenuLiELement(menuEvent, menuElement, menuElement, _config_); popsDOMUtils.css(menuElement, { display: "none" }); popsDOMUtils.append($shadowRoot, menuElement); if (!document.contains($shadowContainer)) { if (typeof config.beforeAppendToPageCallBack === "function") { config.beforeAppendToPageCallBack($shadowRoot, $shadowContainer); } popsDOMUtils.appendBody($shadowContainer); } let { left: menuLeftOffset, top: menuTopOffset } = this.getOffset(menuElement, menuEvent.clientX, menuEvent.clientY); popsDOMUtils.css(menuElement, { left: menuLeftOffset, top: menuTopOffset, display: "" }); if (config.isAnimation) { popsDOMUtils.addClassName(menuElement, `pops-${PopsType}-anim-show`); } return menuElement; }, /** * 显示子菜单 * @param menuEvent 事件 * @param posInfo 位置信息 * @param _config_ * @param rootElement 根菜单元素 * @param targetLiElement 父li项元素 */ showClildMenu(menuEvent, posInfo, _config_, rootElement, targetLiElement) { let menuElement = this.getMenuContainerElement(true); Reflect.set(menuElement, "__menuData__", { parent: targetLiElement, root: rootElement }); let rootElementMenuData = Reflect.get(rootElement, "__menuData__"); rootElementMenuData.child.push(menuElement); PopsContextMenu.addMenuLiELement(menuEvent, rootElement, menuElement, _config_); popsDOMUtils.css(menuElement, { display: "none" }); popsDOMUtils.append($shadowRoot, menuElement); let { left: menuLeftOffset, top: menuTopOffset } = this.getOffset(menuElement, posInfo.clientX, posInfo.clientY); popsDOMUtils.css(menuElement, { left: menuLeftOffset, top: menuTopOffset, display: "" }); if (config.isAnimation) { popsDOMUtils.addClassName(menuElement, `pops-${PopsType}-anim-show`); } return menuElement; }, /** * 获取菜单项的元素 * @param menuEvent 事件 * @param rootElement 根元素 * @param menuElement 菜单元素 * @param _config_ 配置 */ addMenuLiELement(menuEvent, rootElement, menuElement, _config_) { let menuEventTarget = menuEvent.target; let menuULElement = menuElement.querySelector("ul"); _config_.forEach((item) => { let menuLiElement = popsUtils.parseTextToDOM(`
          • `); if (typeof item.icon === "string" && item.icon.trim() !== "") { let iconSVGHTML = pops.config.iconSVG[item.icon] ?? item.icon; let iconElement = popsUtils.parseTextToDOM(`${iconSVGHTML}`); menuLiElement.appendChild(iconElement); } menuLiElement.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `${item.text}`); if (item.item && Array.isArray(item.item)) { popsDOMUtils.addClassName(menuLiElement, `pops-${PopsType}-item`); } function liElementHoverEvent() { Array.from(menuULElement.children).forEach((liElement) => { popsDOMUtils.removeClassName(liElement, `pops-${PopsType}-is-visited`); if (!liElement.__menuData__) { return; } function removeElement(element) { element.querySelectorAll("ul li").forEach((ele) => { var _a2; if ((_a2 = ele == null ? void 0 : ele.__menuData__) == null ? void 0 : _a2.child) { removeElement(ele.__menuData__.child); } }); element.remove(); } removeElement(liElement.__menuData__.child); }); for (let index = 0; index < rootElement.__menuData__.child.length; index++) { let element = rootElement.__menuData__.child[index]; if (!$shadowRoot.contains(element)) { rootElement.__menuData__.child.splice(index, 1); index--; } } popsDOMUtils.addClassName(menuLiElement, `pops-${PopsType}-is-visited`); if (!item.item) { return; } let rect = menuLiElement.getBoundingClientRect(); let childMenu = PopsContextMenu.showClildMenu(menuEvent, { clientX: rect.left + popsDOMUtils.outerWidth(menuLiElement), clientY: rect.top }, item.item, rootElement, menuLiElement); menuLiElement.__menuData__ = { child: childMenu }; } async function liElementClickEvent(clickEvent) { if (typeof item.callback === "function") { OriginPrototype.Object.defineProperty(menuEvent, "target", { get() { return menuEventTarget; } }); let callbackResult = await item.callback(clickEvent, menuEvent, menuLiElement); if (typeof callbackResult === "boolean" && callbackResult == false) { return; } } Array.from(menuULElement.children).forEach((liEle) => { popsDOMUtils.off(liEle, "mouseenter touchstart"); }); PopsContextMenu.closeAllMenu(rootElement); } popsDOMUtils.on(menuLiElement, "mouseenter touchstart", void 0, liElementHoverEvent); popsDOMUtils.on(menuLiElement, "click", void 0, liElementClickEvent); menuULElement.appendChild(menuLiElement); }); } }; PopsContextMenu.addContextMenuEvent(config.target, config.targetSelector); PopsContextMenu.addWindowCheckClickListener(); return { guid, config, removeWindowCheckClickListener: PopsContextMenu.removeWindowCheckClickListener, addWindowCheckClickListener: PopsContextMenu.addWindowCheckClickListener, removeContextMenuEvent: PopsContextMenu.removeContextMenuEvent, addContextMenuEvent: PopsContextMenu.addContextMenuEvent }; } } const searchSuggestionConfig = () => { return { // @ts-ignore target: null, // @ts-ignore inputTarget: null, selfDocument: document, data: [ { value: "数据1", text: "数据1-html" }, { value: "数据2", text: "数据2-html" } ], deleteIcon: { enable: true, callback(event, liElement, data) { console.log("删除当前项", [event, liElement, data]); liElement.remove(); } }, useShadowRoot: true, className: "", isAbsolute: true, isAnimation: true, width: "250px", maxHeight: "300px", followTargetWidth: true, topDistance: 0, position: "auto", positionTopToReverse: true, zIndex: 1e4, searchingTip: "正在搜索中...", toSearhNotResultHTML: '
          • 暂无其它数据
          • ', toHideWithNotResult: false, followPosition: "target", getItemHTML(item) { return item.text ?? item; }, async getData(value) { console.log("当前输入框的值是:", value); return []; }, itemClickCallBack(event, liElement, data) { console.log("item项的点击回调", [event, liElement, data]); this.inputTarget.value = data.value; }, selectCallBack(event, liElement, data) { console.log("item项的选中回调", [event, liElement, data]); }, style: "" }; }; class PopsSearchSuggestion { constructor(details) { const guid = popsUtils.getRandomGUID(); const PopsType = "searchSuggestion"; let config = searchSuggestionConfig(); config = popsUtils.assign(config, GlobalConfig.getGlobalConfig()); config = popsUtils.assign(config, details); if (config.target == null) { throw new TypeError("config.target 不能为空"); } if (config.inputTarget == null) { config.inputTarget = config.target; } if (details.data) { config.data = details.data; } const { $shadowContainer, $shadowRoot } = PopsHandler.handlerShadow(config); PopsHandler.handleInit($shadowRoot, [ pops.config.cssText.index, pops.config.cssText.anim, pops.config.cssText.common ]); if (config.style != null) { let cssNode = document.createElement("style"); cssNode.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); cssNode.innerHTML = config.style; $shadowRoot.appendChild(cssNode); } const SearchSuggestion = { /** * 当前的环境,可以是document,可以是shadowroot,默认是document */ selfDocument: config.selfDocument, $el: { /** 根元素 */ root: null, /** ul元素 */ $hintULContainer: null, /** 动态更新CSS */ $dynamicCSS: null }, $data: { /** 是否结果为空 */ isEmpty: true }, /** * 初始化 */ init(parentElement = document.body || document.documentElement) { this.initEl(); SearchSuggestion.update(typeof config.data === "function" ? config.data() : config.data); SearchSuggestion.updateDynamicCSS(); SearchSuggestion.changeHintULElementWidth(); SearchSuggestion.changeHintULElementPosition(); SearchSuggestion.hide(); if (config.isAnimation) { SearchSuggestion.$el.root.classList.add(`pops-${PopsType}-animation`); } $shadowRoot.appendChild(SearchSuggestion.$el.root); parentElement.appendChild($shadowContainer); }, /** 初始化元素变量 */ initEl() { this.$el.root = SearchSuggestion.getSearchSelectElement(); this.$el.$dynamicCSS = this.$el.root.querySelector("style[data-dynamic]"); this.$el.$hintULContainer = SearchSuggestion.$el.root.querySelector("ul"); }, /** * 获取显示出搜索建议框的html */ getSearchSelectElement() { let element = popsDOMUtils.createElement("div", { className: `pops pops-${PopsType}-search-suggestion`, innerHTML: ( /*html*/ `
            ` ) }, { "data-guid": guid, "type-value": PopsType }); if (config.className !== "" && config.className != null) { popsDOMUtils.addClassName(element, config.className); } return element; }, /** 动态获取CSS */ getDynamicCSS() { return ( /*css*/ ` .pops-${PopsType}-animation{ -moz-animation: searchSelectFalIn 0.5s 1 linear; -webkit-animation: searchSelectFalIn 0.5s 1 linear; -o-animation: searchSelectFalIn 0.5s 1 linear; -ms-animation: searchSelectFalIn 0.5s 1 linear; } .pops-${PopsType}-search-suggestion{ border: initial; overflow: initial; } ul.pops-${PopsType}-search-suggestion-hint{ position: ${config.isAbsolute ? "absolute" : "fixed"}; z-index: ${PopsHandler.handleZIndex(config.zIndex)}; width: 0; left: 0; max-height: ${config.maxHeight}; overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto; padding: 5px 0; background-color: #fff; box-sizing: border-box; border-radius: 4px; box-shadow: 0 1px 6px rgb(0 0 0 / 20%); } /* 建议框在上面时 */ ul.pops-${PopsType}-search-suggestion-hint[data-top-reverse]{ display: flex; flex-direction: column-reverse; } ul.pops-${PopsType}-search-suggestion-hint[data-top-reverse] li{ flex-shrink: 0; } ul.pops-${PopsType}-search-suggestion-hint li{ padding: 7px; margin: 0; clear: both; color: #515a6e; font-size: 14px; list-style: none; cursor: pointer; transition: background .2s ease-in-out; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; width: 100%; } ul.pops-${PopsType}-search-suggestion-hint li[data-none]{ text-align: center; font-size: 12px; color: #8e8e8e; } ul.pops-${PopsType}-search-suggestion-hint li:hover{ background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .1); } ` ); }, /** * 获取显示出搜索建议框的每一项的html * @param data 当前项的值 * @param index 当前项的下标 */ getSearchItemLiElement(data, index) { return popsDOMUtils.createElement("li", { className: `pops-${PopsType}-search-suggestion-hint-item pops-flex-items-center pops-flex-y-center`, "data-index": index, "data-value": SearchSuggestion.getItemDataValue(data), innerHTML: ` ${config.getItemHTML(data)} ${config.deleteIcon.enable ? SearchSuggestion.getDeleteIconHTML() : ""} ` }); }, /** * 获取data-value值 * @param data */ getItemDataValue(data) { return data; }, /** * 设置搜索建议框每一项的点击事件 * @param liElement */ setSearchItemClickEvent(liElement) { popsDOMUtils.on(liElement, "click", void 0, (event) => { popsDOMUtils.preventEvent(event); let $click = event.target; if ($click.closest(`.pops-${PopsType}-delete-icon`)) { if (typeof config.deleteIcon.callback === "function") { config.deleteIcon.callback(event, liElement, liElement["data-value"]); } if (!this.$el.$hintULContainer.children.length) { this.clear(); } } else { config.itemClickCallBack(event, liElement, liElement["data-value"]); } }, { capture: true }); }, /** * 设置搜索建议框每一项的选中事件 * @param liElement */ setSearchItemSelectEvent(liElement) { }, /** * 监听输入框内容改变 */ setInputChangeEvent(option = { capture: true }) { if (!(config.inputTarget instanceof HTMLInputElement || config.inputTarget instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement)) { return; } config.inputTarget.setAttribute("autocomplete", "off"); popsDOMUtils.on(config.inputTarget, "input", void 0, async (event) => { let getListResult = await config.getData(event.target.value); SearchSuggestion.update(getListResult); }, option); }, /** * 移除输入框内容改变的监听 */ removeInputChangeEvent(option = { capture: true }) { popsDOMUtils.off(config.inputTarget, "input", void 0, void 0, option); }, /** * 显示搜索建议框的事件 */ showEvent() { SearchSuggestion.updateDynamicCSS(); SearchSuggestion.changeHintULElementWidth(); SearchSuggestion.changeHintULElementPosition(); if (config.toHideWithNotResult) { if (SearchSuggestion.$data.isEmpty) { SearchSuggestion.hide(); } else { SearchSuggestion.show(); } } else { SearchSuggestion.show(); } }, /** * 设置显示搜索建议框的事件 */ setShowEvent(option = { capture: true }) { if (config.followPosition === "target") { popsDOMUtils.on([config.target], ["focus", "click"], void 0, SearchSuggestion.showEvent, option); } else if (config.followPosition === "input") { popsDOMUtils.on([config.inputTarget], ["focus", "click"], void 0, SearchSuggestion.showEvent, option); } else if (config.followPosition === "inputCursor") { popsDOMUtils.on([config.inputTarget], ["focus", "click", "input"], void 0, SearchSuggestion.showEvent, option); } else { throw new TypeError("未知followPosition:" + config.followPosition); } }, /** * 移除显示搜索建议框的事件 */ removeShowEvent(option = { capture: true }) { popsDOMUtils.off([config.target, config.inputTarget], ["focus", "click"], void 0, SearchSuggestion.showEvent, option); popsDOMUtils.off([config.inputTarget], ["input"], void 0, SearchSuggestion.showEvent, option); }, /** * 隐藏搜索建议框的事件 * @param event */ hideEvent(event) { if (event.target instanceof Node) { if ($shadowContainer.contains(event.target)) { return; } if (config.target.contains(event.target)) { return; } if (config.inputTarget.contains(event.target)) { return; } SearchSuggestion.hide(); } }, /** * 设置隐藏搜索建议框的事件 */ setHideEvent(option = { capture: true }) { if (Array.isArray(SearchSuggestion.selfDocument)) { SearchSuggestion.selfDocument.forEach(($checkParent) => { popsDOMUtils.on($checkParent, ["click", "touchstart"], void 0, SearchSuggestion.hideEvent, option); }); } else { popsDOMUtils.on(SearchSuggestion.selfDocument, ["click", "touchstart"], void 0, SearchSuggestion.hideEvent, option); } }, /** * 移除隐藏搜索建议框的事件 */ removeHideEvent(option = { capture: true }) { if (Array.isArray(SearchSuggestion.selfDocument)) { SearchSuggestion.selfDocument.forEach(($checkParent) => { popsDOMUtils.off($checkParent, ["click", "touchstart"], void 0, SearchSuggestion.hideEvent, option); }); } else { popsDOMUtils.off(SearchSuggestion.selfDocument, ["click", "touchstart"], void 0, SearchSuggestion.hideEvent, option); } }, /** * 设置所有监听 */ setAllEvent(option = { capture: true }) { SearchSuggestion.setInputChangeEvent(option); SearchSuggestion.setHideEvent(option); SearchSuggestion.setShowEvent(option); }, /** * 移除所有监听 */ removeAllEvent(option = { capture: true }) { SearchSuggestion.removeInputChangeEvent(option); SearchSuggestion.removeHideEvent(option); SearchSuggestion.removeShowEvent(option); }, /** * 获取删除按钮的html */ getDeleteIconHTML(size = 16, fill = "#bababa") { return ( /*html*/ ` ` ); }, /** * 设置当前正在搜索中的提示 */ setPromptsInSearch() { let isSearchingElement = popsDOMUtils.createElement("li", { className: `pops-${PopsType}-search-suggestion-hint-searching-item`, innerHTML: config.searchingTip }); SearchSuggestion.$el.$hintULContainer.appendChild(isSearchingElement); }, /** * 移除正在搜索中的提示 */ removePromptsInSearch() { var _a2; (_a2 = SearchSuggestion.$el.$hintULContainer.querySelector(`li.pops-${PopsType}-search-suggestion-hint-searching-item`)) == null ? void 0 : _a2.remove(); }, /** * 清空所有的搜索结果 */ clearAllSearchItemLi() { SearchSuggestion.$el.$hintULContainer.innerHTML = ""; }, /** * 更新搜索建议框的位置(top、left) * 因为目标元素可能是动态隐藏的 */ changeHintULElementPosition(target = config.target ?? config.inputTarget) { let targetRect = null; if (config.followPosition === "inputCursor") { targetRect = popsDOMUtils.getTextBoundingRect(config.inputTarget, config.inputTarget.selectionStart || 0, config.inputTarget.selectionEnd || 0, false); } else { targetRect = config.isAbsolute ? popsDOMUtils.offset(target) : target.getBoundingClientRect(); } if (targetRect == null) { return; } let documentHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; if (config.isAbsolute) { documentHeight = popsDOMUtils.height(document); } let documentWidth = popsDOMUtils.width(document); let position = config.position; if (config.position === "auto") { let targetBottom = targetRect.bottom; let searchSuggestionContainerHeight = popsDOMUtils.height(SearchSuggestion.$el.$hintULContainer); if (targetBottom + searchSuggestionContainerHeight > documentHeight) { position = "top"; } else { position = "bottom"; SearchSuggestion.$el.$hintULContainer.removeAttribute("data-top"); } } if (position === "top") { if (config.positionTopToReverse) { SearchSuggestion.$el.$hintULContainer.setAttribute("data-top-reverse", "true"); } SearchSuggestion.$el.$hintULContainer.style.top = ""; SearchSuggestion.$el.$hintULContainer.style.bottom = documentHeight - targetRect.top + config.topDistance + "px"; } else if (position === "bottom") { SearchSuggestion.$el.$hintULContainer.removeAttribute("data-top-reverse"); SearchSuggestion.$el.$hintULContainer.style.bottom = ""; SearchSuggestion.$el.$hintULContainer.style.top = targetRect.height + targetRect.top + config.topDistance + "px"; } let hintUIWidth = popsDOMUtils.width(SearchSuggestion.$el.$hintULContainer); SearchSuggestion.$el.$hintULContainer.style.left = (targetRect.left + hintUIWidth > documentWidth ? documentWidth - hintUIWidth : targetRect.left) + "px"; }, /** * 更新搜索建议框的width * 因为目标元素可能是动态隐藏的 */ changeHintULElementWidth(target = config.target ?? config.inputTarget) { let targetRect = target.getBoundingClientRect(); if (config.followTargetWidth) { SearchSuggestion.$el.$hintULContainer.style.width = targetRect.width + "px"; } else { SearchSuggestion.$el.$hintULContainer.style.width = config.width; } }, /** * 动态更新CSS */ updateDynamicCSS() { this.$el.$dynamicCSS.innerHTML = this.getDynamicCSS(); }, /** * 更新页面显示的搜索结果 * @param data */ update(data = []) { if (!Array.isArray(data)) { throw new TypeError("传入的数据不是数组"); } config.data = data; if (config.data.length) { SearchSuggestion.$data.isEmpty = false; if (config.toHideWithNotResult) { SearchSuggestion.show(); } SearchSuggestion.clearAllSearchItemLi(); config.data.forEach((item, index) => { let itemElement = SearchSuggestion.getSearchItemLiElement(item, index); SearchSuggestion.setSearchItemClickEvent(itemElement); SearchSuggestion.setSearchItemSelectEvent(itemElement); SearchSuggestion.$el.$hintULContainer.appendChild(itemElement); }); } else { SearchSuggestion.clear(); } }, /** * 清空当前的搜索结果并显示无结果 */ clear() { this.$data.isEmpty = true; this.clearAllSearchItemLi(); this.$el.$hintULContainer.appendChild(popsUtils.parseTextToDOM(config.toSearhNotResultHTML)); if (config.toHideWithNotResult) { this.hide(); } }, /** * 隐藏搜索建议框 */ hide() { this.$el.root.style.display = "none"; }, /** * 显示搜索建议框 */ show() { this.$el.root.style.display = ""; } }; return SearchSuggestion; } } const PopsTooltipConfig = () => { return { useShadowRoot: true, target: null, content: "默认文字", position: "top", className: "", isFixed: false, alwaysShow: false, triggerShowEventName: "mouseenter touchstart", triggerCloseEventName: "mouseleave touchend", zIndex: 1e4, only: false, eventOption: { passive: false, capture: true, once: false }, showBeforeCallBack() { }, showAfterCallBack() { }, closeBeforeCallBack() { }, closeAfterCallBack() { }, delayCloseTime: 100, showArrow: true, arrowDistance: 12.5, otherDistance: 0, style: "", beforeAppendToPageCallBack() { } }; }; class ToolTip { constructor(config, guid, ShadowInfo) { __publicField(this, "$el", { $shadowContainer: null, $shadowRoot: null, $toolTip: null, $content: null, $arrow: null }); __publicField(this, "$data", { config: null, guid: null, timeId_close_TouchEvent: [], timeId_close_MouseEvent: [] }); this.$data.config = config; this.$data.guid = guid; this.$el.$shadowContainer = ShadowInfo.$shadowContainer; this.$el.$shadowRoot = ShadowInfo.$shadowRoot; this.show = this.show.bind(this); this.close = this.close.bind(this); this.toolTipAnimationFinishEvent = this.toolTipAnimationFinishEvent.bind(this); this.toolTipMouseEnterEvent = this.toolTipMouseEnterEvent.bind(this); this.toolTipMouseLeaveEvent = this.toolTipMouseLeaveEvent.bind(this); this.init(); } init() { let toolTipInfo = this.createToolTip(); this.$el.$toolTip = toolTipInfo.$toolTipContainer; this.$el.$content = toolTipInfo.$toolTipContent; this.$el.$arrow = toolTipInfo.$toolTipArrow; this.changeContent(); this.changeZIndex(); this.changePosition(); if (!this.$data.config.alwaysShow) { this.offEvent(); this.onEvent(); } } /** * 创建提示元素 */ createToolTip() { let $toolTipContainer = popsDOMUtils.createElement("div", { className: "pops-tip", innerHTML: ( /*html*/ `
            ` ) }, { "data-position": this.$data.config.isFixed ? "fixed" : "absolute", "data-guid": this.$data.guid }); let $toolTipContent = $toolTipContainer.querySelector(".pops-tip-content"); let $toolTipArrow = $toolTipContainer.querySelector(".pops-tip-arrow"); if (typeof this.$data.config.className === "string" && this.$data.config.className.trim() !== "") { popsDOMUtils.addClassName($toolTipContainer, this.$data.config.className); } $toolTipContainer.style.zIndex = PopsHandler.handleZIndex(this.$data.config.zIndex).toString(); if (this.$data.config.style != null) { let cssNode = popsDOMUtils.createElement("style", { type: "text/css", innerHTML: this.$data.config.style }); $toolTipContainer.appendChild(cssNode); } if (!this.$data.config.showArrow) { $toolTipArrow.remove(); } return { $toolTipContainer, $toolTipArrow, $toolTipContent }; } /** * 获取提示的内容 */ getContent() { return typeof this.$data.config.content === "function" ? this.$data.config.content() : this.$data.config.content; } /** * 修改提示的内容 * @param text */ changeContent(text) { if (text == null) { text = this.getContent(); } this.$el.$content.innerHTML = text; } /** * 获取z-index */ getZIndex() { const zIndex = PopsHandler.handleZIndex(this.$data.config.zIndex); return zIndex; } /** * 动态修改z-index */ changeZIndex() { const zIndex = this.getZIndex(); this.$el.$toolTip.style.setProperty("z-index", zIndex.toString()); } /** * 计算 提示框的位置 * @param targetElement 目标元素 * @param arrowDistance 箭头和目标元素的距离 * @param otherDistance 其它位置的偏移 */ calcToolTipPosition(targetElement, arrowDistance, otherDistance) { let offsetInfo = popsDOMUtils.offset(targetElement, !this.$data.config.isFixed); let targetElement_width = offsetInfo.width; let targetElement_height = offsetInfo.height; let targetElement_top = offsetInfo.top; let targetElement_left = offsetInfo.left; let toolTipElement_width = popsDOMUtils.outerWidth(this.$el.$toolTip); let toolTipElement_height = popsDOMUtils.outerHeight(this.$el.$toolTip); let targetElement_X_center_pos = targetElement_left + targetElement_width / 2 - toolTipElement_width / 2; let targetElement_Y_center_pos = targetElement_top + targetElement_height / 2 - toolTipElement_height / 2; return { TOP: { left: targetElement_X_center_pos - otherDistance, top: targetElement_top - toolTipElement_height - arrowDistance, arrow: "bottom", motion: "fadeInTop" }, RIGHT: { left: targetElement_left + targetElement_width + arrowDistance, top: targetElement_Y_center_pos + otherDistance, arrow: "left", motion: "fadeInRight" }, BOTTOM: { left: targetElement_X_center_pos - otherDistance, top: targetElement_top + targetElement_height + arrowDistance, arrow: "top", motion: "fadeInBottom" }, LEFT: { left: targetElement_left - toolTipElement_width - arrowDistance, top: targetElement_Y_center_pos + otherDistance, arrow: "right", motion: "fadeInLeft" } }; } /** * 动态修改tooltip的位置 */ changePosition() { let positionInfo = this.calcToolTipPosition(this.$data.config.target, this.$data.config.arrowDistance, this.$data.config.otherDistance); let positionKey = this.$data.config.position.toUpperCase(); let positionDetail = positionInfo[positionKey]; if (positionDetail) { this.$el.$toolTip.style.left = positionDetail.left + "px"; this.$el.$toolTip.style.top = positionDetail.top + "px"; this.$el.$toolTip.setAttribute("data-motion", positionDetail.motion); this.$el.$arrow.setAttribute("data-position", positionDetail.arrow); } else { console.error("不存在该位置", this.$data.config.position); } } /** * 事件绑定 */ onEvent() { this.onToolTipAnimationFinishEvent(); this.onShowEvent(); this.onCloseEvent(); this.onToolTipMouseEnterEvent(); this.onToolTipMouseLeaveEvent(); } /** * 取消事件绑定 */ offEvent() { this.offToolTipAnimationFinishEvent(); this.offShowEvent(); this.offCloseEvent(); this.offToolTipMouseEnterEvent(); this.offToolTipMouseLeaveEvent(); } /** * 添加关闭的timeId * @param type * @param timeId */ addCloseTimeoutId(type, timeId) { if (type === "MouseEvent") { this.$data.timeId_close_MouseEvent.push(timeId); } else { this.$data.timeId_close_TouchEvent.push(timeId); } } /** * 清除延迟的timeId * @param type 事件类型 */ clearCloseTimeoutId(type, timeId) { let timeIdList = type === "MouseEvent" ? this.$data.timeId_close_MouseEvent : this.$data.timeId_close_TouchEvent; for (let index = 0; index < timeIdList.length; index++) { const currentTimeId = timeIdList[index]; if (typeof timeId === "number") { if (timeId == currentTimeId) { clearTimeout(timeId); timeIdList.splice(index, 1); break; } } else { clearTimeout(currentTimeId); timeIdList.splice(index, 1); index--; } } } /** * 显示提示框 */ show(...args2) { let event = args2[0]; let eventType = event instanceof MouseEvent ? "MouseEvent" : "TouchEvent"; this.clearCloseTimeoutId(eventType); if (typeof this.$data.config.showBeforeCallBack === "function") { let result2 = this.$data.config.showBeforeCallBack(this.$el.$toolTip); if (typeof result2 === "boolean" && !result2) { return; } } if (!popsUtils.contains(this.$el.$shadowRoot, this.$el.$toolTip)) { this.init(); popsDOMUtils.append(this.$el.$shadowRoot, this.$el.$toolTip); } if (!popsUtils.contains(this.$el.$shadowContainer)) { if (typeof this.$data.config.beforeAppendToPageCallBack === "function") { this.$data.config.beforeAppendToPageCallBack(this.$el.$shadowRoot, this.$el.$shadowContainer); } popsDOMUtils.append(document.body, this.$el.$shadowContainer); } this.changeContent(); this.changePosition(); if (typeof this.$data.config.showAfterCallBack === "function") { this.$data.config.showAfterCallBack(this.$el.$toolTip); } } /** * 绑定 显示事件 */ onShowEvent() { popsDOMUtils.on(this.$data.config.target, this.$data.config.triggerShowEventName, this.show, this.$data.config.eventOption); } /** * 取消绑定 显示事件 */ offShowEvent() { popsDOMUtils.off(this.$data.config.target, this.$data.config.triggerShowEventName, this.show, { capture: true }); } /** * 关闭提示框 */ close(...args2) { let event = args2[0]; let eventType = event instanceof MouseEvent ? "MouseEvent" : "TouchEvent"; if (event && event instanceof MouseEvent) { let $target = event.composedPath()[0]; if ($target != this.$data.config.target && $target != this.$el.$toolTip) { return; } } if (typeof this.$data.config.closeBeforeCallBack === "function") { let result2 = this.$data.config.closeBeforeCallBack(this.$el.$toolTip); if (typeof result2 === "boolean" && !result2) { return; } } if (this.$data.config.delayCloseTime == null || typeof this.$data.config.delayCloseTime === "number" && this.$data.config.delayCloseTime <= 0) { this.$data.config.delayCloseTime = 100; } let timeId = setTimeout(() => { this.clearCloseTimeoutId(eventType, timeId); if (this.$el.$toolTip == null) { return; } this.$el.$toolTip.setAttribute("data-motion", this.$el.$toolTip.getAttribute("data-motion").replace("fadeIn", "fadeOut")); }, this.$data.config.delayCloseTime); this.addCloseTimeoutId(eventType, timeId); if (typeof this.$data.config.closeAfterCallBack === "function") { this.$data.config.closeAfterCallBack(this.$el.$toolTip); } } /** * 绑定 关闭事件 */ onCloseEvent() { popsDOMUtils.on(this.$data.config.target, this.$data.config.triggerCloseEventName, this.close, this.$data.config.eventOption); } /** * 取消绑定 关闭事件 */ offCloseEvent() { popsDOMUtils.off(this.$data.config.target, this.$data.config.triggerCloseEventName, this.close, { capture: true }); } /** * 销毁元素 */ destory() { if (this.$el.$toolTip) { this.$el.$shadowRoot.removeChild(this.$el.$toolTip); } this.$el.$toolTip = null; this.$el.$arrow = null; this.$el.$content = null; } /** * 动画结束事件 */ toolTipAnimationFinishEvent() { if (!this.$el.$toolTip) { return; } if (this.$el.$toolTip.getAttribute("data-motion").includes("In")) { return; } this.destory(); } /** * 监听tooltip的动画结束 */ onToolTipAnimationFinishEvent() { popsDOMUtils.on(this.$el.$toolTip, popsDOMUtils.getAnimationEndNameList(), this.toolTipAnimationFinishEvent); } /** * 取消tooltip监听动画结束 */ offToolTipAnimationFinishEvent() { popsDOMUtils.off(this.$el.$toolTip, popsDOMUtils.getAnimationEndNameList(), this.toolTipAnimationFinishEvent); } /** * 鼠标|触摸进入事件 */ toolTipMouseEnterEvent() { this.clearCloseTimeoutId("MouseEvent"); this.clearCloseTimeoutId("TouchEvent"); } /** * 监听鼠标|触摸事件 */ onToolTipMouseEnterEvent() { this.clearCloseTimeoutId("MouseEvent"); this.clearCloseTimeoutId("TouchEvent"); popsDOMUtils.on(this.$el.$toolTip, "mouseenter touchstart", this.toolTipMouseEnterEvent, this.$data.config.eventOption); } /** * 取消监听鼠标|触摸事件 */ offToolTipMouseEnterEvent() { popsDOMUtils.off(this.$el.$toolTip, "mouseenter touchstart", this.toolTipMouseEnterEvent, this.$data.config.eventOption); } /** * 鼠标|触摸离开事件 */ toolTipMouseLeaveEvent(event) { this.close(event); } /** * 监听鼠标|触摸离开事件 */ onToolTipMouseLeaveEvent() { popsDOMUtils.on(this.$el.$toolTip, "mouseleave touchend", this.toolTipMouseLeaveEvent, this.$data.config.eventOption); } /** * 取消监听鼠标|触摸离开事件 */ offToolTipMouseLeaveEvent() { popsDOMUtils.off(this.$el.$toolTip, "mouseleave touchend", this.toolTipMouseLeaveEvent, this.$data.config.eventOption); } } class PopsTooltip { constructor(details) { const guid = popsUtils.getRandomGUID(); const PopsType = "tooltip"; let config = PopsTooltipConfig(); config = popsUtils.assign(config, GlobalConfig.getGlobalConfig()); config = popsUtils.assign(config, details); if (!(config.target instanceof HTMLElement)) { throw "config.target 必须是HTMLElement类型"; } config = PopsHandler.handleOnly(PopsType, config); const { $shadowContainer, $shadowRoot } = PopsHandler.handlerShadow(config); PopsHandler.handleInit($shadowRoot, [ pops.config.cssText.index, pops.config.cssText.anim, pops.config.cssText.common, pops.config.cssText.tooltipCSS ]); let toolTip = new ToolTip(config, guid, { $shadowContainer, $shadowRoot }); if (config.alwaysShow) { toolTip.show(); } return { guid, config, $shadowContainer, $shadowRoot, toolTip }; } } class Pops { constructor() { /** 配置 */ __publicField(this, "config", { /** 版本号 */ version: "2025.1.1", cssText: { /** 主CSS */ index: indexCSS, /** 九宫格位置CSS */ ninePalaceGridPosition: ninePalaceGridPositionCSS, /** 滚动条CSS */ scrollbar: scrollbarCSS, /** 按钮CSS */ button: buttonCSS, /** 通用的CSS */ common: commonCSS, /** 动画 */ anim: animCSS, /** pops.alert */ alertCSS, /** pops.cponfirm */ confirmCSS, /** pops.prompt */ promptCSS, /** pops.loading */ loadingCSS, /** pops.iframe */ iframeCSS, /** pops.tooltip */ tooltipCSS, /** pops.drawer */ drawerCSS, /** pops.folder */ folderCSS, /** pops.folder */ panelCSS, /** pops.rightClickMenu */ rightClickMenu: rightClickMenuCSS }, /** icon图标的svg代码 */ iconSVG: { min: SVG_min, mise: SVG_mise, max: SVG_max, close: SVG_close, edit: SVG_edit, share: SVG_share, delete: SVG_delete, search: SVG_search, upload: SVG_upload, loading: SVG_loading, next: SVG_next, prev: SVG_prev, eleme: SVG_eleme, elemePlus: SVG_elemePlus, chromeFilled: SVG_chromeFilled, cpu: SVG_cpu, videoPlay: SVG_videoPlay, videoPause: SVG_videoPause, headset: SVG_headset, monitor: SVG_monitor, documentCopy: SVG_documentCopy, picture: SVG_picture, circleClose: SVG_circleClose, view: SVG_view, hide: SVG_hide, keyboard: SVG_keyboard, arrowRight: SVG_arrowRight, arrowLeft: SVG_arrowLeft }, /** 当前已配置的动画@keyframes名字映射(初始化时生成) */ animation: {}, /** 是否初始化 */ isInit: false, /** 存储已创建的元素 */ layer: { alert: [], confirm: [], prompt: [], loading: [], iframe: [], tooltip: [], drawer: [], folder: [], panel: [], rightClickMenu: [] }, /** 禁止滚动 */ forbiddenScroll: { event(event) { return popsDOMUtils.preventEvent(event); } }, /** pops使用的工具类 */ Utils: popsUtils, /** pops使用的DOM工具类 */ DOMUtils: popsDOMUtils, /** pops创建的实例使用的工具类 */ InstanceUtils: PopsInstanceUtils, /** pops处理float类型使用的工具类 */ MathFloatUtils: PopsMathFloatUtils, /** pops.panel中用于处理各个类型的工具 */ panelHandleContentUtils: PanelHandleContentDetails }); /** * 为所有弹窗设置全局属性 */ __publicField(this, "GlobalConfig", GlobalConfig); /** * 普通信息框 * @param details 配置 */ __publicField(this, "alert", (details) => { return new PopsAlert(details); }); /** * 询问框 * @param details 配置 */ __publicField(this, "confirm", (details) => { return new PopsConfirm(details); }); /** * 输入框 * @param details 配置 */ __publicField(this, "prompt", (details) => { return new PopsPrompt(details); }); /** * 加载层 * @param details 配置 */ __publicField(this, "loading", (details) => { return new PopsLoading(details); }); /** * iframe层 * @param details 配置 */ __publicField(this, "iframe", (details) => { return new PopsIframe(details); }); /** * 提示框 * @param details 配置 */ __publicField(this, "tooltip", (details) => { let popsTooltip = new PopsTooltip(details); return popsTooltip; }); /** * 抽屉 * @param details 配置 */ __publicField(this, "drawer", (details) => { return new PopsDrawer(details); }); /** * 文件夹 * @param details 配置 */ __publicField(this, "folder", (details) => { return new PopsFolder(details); }); /** * 配置面板 * @param details 配置 */ __publicField(this, "panel", (details) => { return new PopsPanel$1(details); }); /** * 右键菜单 * @param details 配置 */ __publicField(this, "rightClickMenu", (details) => { return new PopsRightClickMenu(details); }); /** * 搜索建议 * @param details 配置 */ __publicField(this, "searchSuggestion", (details) => { return new PopsSearchSuggestion(details); }); } init() { if (!this.config.isInit) { this.config.isInit = true; let animationStyle = document.createElement("style"); animationStyle.innerHTML = this.config.cssText.anim; popsDOMUtils.appendHead(animationStyle); this.config.animation = null; this.config.animation = PopsInstanceUtils.getKeyFrames(animationStyle.sheet); setTimeout(() => { animationStyle.remove(); }, 50); } } /** * 释放原有的pops控制权 * @example * let pops = window.pops.noConflict() */ noConflict() { if (typeof PopsCore.globalThis.pops === "object") { popsUtils.delete(PopsCore.globalThis, "pops"); } if (typeof unsafeWindow === "object" && unsafeWindow != null && typeof unsafeWindow.pops === "object") { popsUtils.delete(unsafeWindow, "pops"); } return new Pops(); } /** * 通过navigator.userAgent判断是否是手机访问 * @param userAgent */ isPhone(userAgent = PopsCore.globalThis.navigator.userAgent) { return Boolean(/(iPhone|iPad|iPod|iOS|Android)/i.test(userAgent)); } } const pops = new Pops(); const PanelKeyConfig = { asideLastVisit: "aside-last-visit" }; const Tag = { success: "√ ", error: "× ", warn: "!!! ", info: "" }; const TagUtil = { /** * 设置tag(自动清除旧tag) */ setTag($el, tag, text) { TagUtil.clearTag($el); domUtils.addClass($el, tag); if (typeof text === "string") { domUtils.html($el, text); } }, /** * 除旧tag */ clearTag($el) { Object.keys(Tag).forEach((tagName) => { domUtils.removeClass($el, tagName); }); } }; const UIInfo = (config) => { let result2 = { type: "own", getLiElementCallBack(liElement) { let detail = config(); let $item = domUtils.createElement("div", { className: "pops-panel-item-left-text", innerHTML: ( /*html*/ `

            ${detail.tag == null ? detail.text : Tag[detail.tag] + detail.text}

            ${detail.description || ""}

            ` ) }); let $leftText = $item.querySelector( ".pops-panel-item-left-main-text" ); let classNameList = ["support-info"]; if (detail.tag != null) { classNameList.push(detail.tag); } domUtils.addClass($leftText, classNameList); liElement.appendChild($item); return liElement; }, afterAddToUListCallBack(formConfig, container) { let detail = config(); if (typeof detail.afterRender === "function") { let $target = container.target; let $leftContainer = $target.querySelector( ".pops-panel-item-left-text" ); let $text = $target.querySelector( ".pops-panel-item-left-main-text" ); let $desc = $target.querySelector( ".pops-panel-item-left-desc-text" ); try { detail.afterRender({ ...container, $leftContainer, $leftText: $text, $leftDesc: $desc }); } catch (error2) { console.log(error2); TagUtil.setTag($text, "error", "afterRender 函数执行错误" + error2); } } } }; return result2; }; const CommonUtil = { /** * 添加屏蔽CSS * @param args * @example * addBlockCSS("") * addBlockCSS("","") * addBlockCSS(["",""]) */ addBlockCSS(...args2) { let selectorList = []; if (args2.length === 0) { return; } if (args2.length === 1 && typeof args2[0] === "string" && args2[0].trim() === "") { return; } args2.forEach((selector) => { if (Array.isArray(selector)) { selectorList = selectorList.concat(selector); } else { selectorList.push(selector); } }); return addStyle(`${selectorList.join(",\n")}{display: none !important;}`); }, /** * 设置GM_getResourceText的style内容 * @param resourceMapData 资源数据 */ setGMResourceCSS(resourceMapData) { let cssText = typeof _GM_getResourceText === "function" ? _GM_getResourceText(resourceMapData.keyName) : ""; if (typeof cssText === "string" && cssText) { addStyle(cssText); } else { CommonUtil.addLinkNode(resourceMapData.url); } }, /** * 添加标签 * @param url */ async addLinkNode(url) { let $link = document.createElement("link"); $link.rel = "stylesheet"; $link.type = "text/css"; $link.href = url; domUtils.ready(() => { document.head.appendChild($link); }); return $link; }, /** * 将url修复,例如只有search的链接/sss/xxx?sss=xxxx * @param url 需要修复的链接 */ fixUrl(url) { url = url.trim(); if (url.match(/^http(s|):\/\//i)) { return url; } else { if (!url.startsWith("/")) { url += "/"; } url = window.location.origin + url; return url; } }, /** * html转义 * @param unsafe */ escapeHtml(unsafe) { return unsafe.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">").replace(/"/g, """).replace(/'/g, "'").replace(/©/g, "©").replace(/®/g, "®").replace(/™/g, "™").replace(/→/g, "→").replace(/←/g, "←").replace(/↑/g, "↑").replace(/↓/g, "↓").replace(/—/g, "—").replace(/–/g, "–").replace(/…/g, "…").replace(/ /g, " ").replace(/\r\n/g, "
            ").replace(/\r/g, "
            ").replace(/\n/g, "
            ").replace(/\t/g, "    "); } }; const GlobalUtil = { getWindow() { return GMTotal.unsafeWindow.isSupport() ? _unsafeWindow : window; } }; class TestUIBase { } class ApiTestBase extends TestUIBase { /** * 是否支持GM函数 */ isSupportGM() { return typeof _GM === "object" && _GM != null; } } class ApiAsyncTestBase extends ApiTestBase { } class ApiTest_addElement extends ApiAsyncTestBase { getApiName() { return "GM_addElement"; } getAsyncApiOption() { return { name: "GM.addElement", isSupport: this.isSupportGM() && typeof _GM.addElement === "function" }; } isSupport() { return typeof _GM_addElement === "function"; } getUIOption() { let apiName = this.getApiName(); let apiAsyncInfo = this.getAsyncApiOption(); let result2 = { id: "aside-" + apiName, title: apiName, headerTitle: `${apiName} & ${apiAsyncInfo.name}`, scrollToDefaultView: true, isDefault() { return StorageApi.get(PanelKeyConfig.asideLastVisit) === apiName; }, callback(data) { StorageApi.set(PanelKeyConfig.asideLastVisit, apiName); }, forms: [ { type: "forms", text: "函数测试", forms: [ UIInfo( () => this.isSupport() ? { text: "支持 " + apiName, tag: "success" } : { text: "不支持 " + apiName, tag: "error" } ), UIInfo( () => apiAsyncInfo.isSupport ? { text: "支持 " + apiAsyncInfo.name, tag: "success" } : { text: "不支持 " + apiAsyncInfo.name, tag: "error" } ) ] }, { type: "forms", text: "功能测试", forms: [] } ] }; if (this.isSupport()) { result2["forms"][1].forms.push( UIInfo(() => { let $test = null; let $page_test = null; try { let win = GlobalUtil.getWindow(); let element_id = "GM_addElement_test_script_exec"; $test = _GM_addElement("script", { id: element_id, textContent: 'window.GM_addElement_test_str = "bar";' }); $page_test = document.querySelector("#" + element_id); if ($test == null) { return { text: "GM_addElement is not retrun element", tag: "error" }; } if (typeof win["GM_addElement_test_str"] !== "string") { return { text: "GM_addElement script element is not work", tag: "error" }; } Reflect.deleteProperty(win, "GM_addElement_test_str"); return { text: CommonUtil.escapeHtml("支持添加